The only way he would know to down you is by jumping at you... being TOO happy getting to know a new person!
The force only seems strong in this one.
i was actually imagining the dog said it (he has a kind face ) to an evil dog, the black robe was just a fashion choice not part of his sith uniform.
to get back on topic, this thread is an insult to me/any new member of the forum or new a fan to telltale, it wasn't new telltale/walking dead fans that started a thread called "old telltale fans are shitting up the place"
to get back on topic, this thread is an insult to me/any new member of the forum or new a fan to telltale, it wasn't new telltale/walking dead fans that started a thread called "old telltale fans are shitting up the place"
Unless you've been visiting other game's forums and banging on about how Telltale have ruined your life, they deserve to be sued and that people should shut up about the other games they make, then this thread is definitely an insult to you.
If you don't engage in that sort of behaviour, this thread is not directed at/about you, and is nothing to be offended by ^_^.
Unless you've been visiting other game's forums and banging on about how Telltale have ruined your life, they deserve to be sued and that people should shut up about the other games they make, then this thread is definitely an insult to you.
If you don't engage in that sort of behaviour, this thread is not directed at/about you, and is nothing to be offended by ^_^.
yeah i can see that it isn't aimed directly at me but the title plus op is just a bad attitude that feels like an insult aimed at everybody that joined the forums because of TWD, maybe if the title was "please stop pestering telltale for the next episode" it may not have given that impression, but "The Walking Dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" just sounds like "i hate all these new people joining the telltale fanbase"
yeah i can see that it isn't aimed directly at me but the title plus op is just a bad attitude that feels like an insult aimed at everybody that joined the forums because of TWD, maybe if the title was "please stop pestering telltale for the next episode" it may not have given that impression, but "The Walking Dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" just sounds like "i hate all these new people joining the telltale fanbase"
The title may be inflammatory, but I thought the OP's attitude was surprisingly nice given the awful nature of the stuff being talked about. It doesn't accuse all newcomers or The Walking Dead fans of this kind of behaviour - it just says that those who have behaved like these have arrived around the same time as The Walking Dead (which I guess is debatable).
The title is not directed at Walking Dead fans, but at the game itself for drawing in trolls who are deliberately disrespectful and are not "fans" of the game.
You don't get all of the complaining because you only just showed up. They used to be able to do all that in a month, but then they were only focusing on getting the PC version out in that timeframe, not all the console versions as well. It's been proven by them in the past that they can do an episode a month of the PC version, and they should at the very least be able to do that still, and if they can't hold that timeframe with the consoles, it's probably due to the respective marketplaces restrictions etc. All I'm saying is that this is the first game they've really pushed to have (almost, sorry iOS) all versions come out at the same time. I'm wondering if this is holding back the PC version as a result, and TellTale has neither confirmed or denied that it is.
Previous games had no "choices" system, and although the choices are very limited, the mechanics themselves impose vast new complexities on the dev team. So, IF the consoles are holding back the PC version, they're not the only factor.
Nonetheless, I am worrying about whether the console releases impede the community's influence on an ongoing release. I think it's rather clear that Telltale will have to get far closer to a monthly schedule again if they want to keep doing episodic releases. Yet with at least two weeks for the console certification process, what formerly took place immediately after an episode releases will now have to take place two weeks earlier. Leaving the community FAR less time to give the developers hints as to what they'd want in the next episode.
next time they could just say it will be released every 2 months then i think peoples expectations would be more in line as to what they can accomplish, or make the first couple of episodes before release (or at least basically finish them) and they they would have a head start, i think the two main factors for the complaints are 1) that people expected to have the games earlier and 2) the game is soo good you just want more, you can't do much about the second one but the first could be handled better
It would be really lovely if people didn't go into forums or blog posts that have nothing to do with TWD to complain about TWD. There's nothing wrong with voicing your concerns, but that's what this very section of the forum is for.
Why is the OP wrong for asking people to not complain about TWD in non-TWD sections of the website (like the blog post that triggered this thread)? The thread title probably could have been worded better, but that's the core of what he's concerned about.
I personally don't think comments like "I dont give a shit about Sam and Max.Give us Episode 3 for the EU PSN NOW!", "Dont care, Where is Walking Dead Episode 4?", and "No one cares about a stupid animated dog and rabbit. Everyone cares about The Walking Dead because of its intense drama and The Walking Dead is what TellTale is making a lot of money from." in a blog post about Sam & Max's 25th anniversary are appropriate.
The OP makes a perfect valid point and definitely wasn't wrong in regard to the inappropriate postings in inappropriate sections of the forum. While maybe overly emotional, I don't even take issue with the title considering the posts are all Walking Dead related.
The walking dead was and will be the only game I'll probably buy from TTG.
Some of us specially IOS users come to this forum to bitch and whine because of TTG lack of communication.
When you pay for TWD and you see episode 4 being release and you are still waiting for 3, you start wondering wtf is going on?
I waited more than a week after episode 4 was release on other systems to complaint about the lack of release information for episode 3
Is natural to get upset if you pay for something and you see others getting their product/items and you aren't even inform why you have to wait longer.
So yeah I came here and bitch about it
If is going to take 2 ok just let me know.
Now I think us not cool to got and bitch about TWD game problems on other TTG forums.
Why is the OP wrong for asking people to not complain about TWD in non-TWD sections of the website (like the blog post that triggered this thread)? The thread title probably could have been worded better, but that's the core of what he's concerned about.
I personally don't think comments like "I dont give a shit about Sam and Max.Give us Episode 3 for the EU PSN NOW!", "Dont care, Where is Walking Dead Episode 4?", and "No one cares about a stupid animated dog and rabbit. Everyone cares about The Walking Dead because of its intense drama and The Walking Dead is what TellTale is making a lot of money from." in a blog post about Sam & Max's 25th anniversary are appropriate.
Nothing is wrong with that but this thread is arguing that TWD game fans are terrible, kind of like certain sports team fans.
I'm saying that there have been obnoxious, trolling fans way before TWD was released. It's the internet. Trolling is everywhere.
The OP, like you, are just giving examples of bad behavior by TWD fans but it's a small sample of TTG fans behavior. Go back far enough you'll see trolling. TT is infamous for not meeting schedules and there are some games that players didn't like, both topics of which players were very vocal about. It's just more noticeable now b/c there's more fans than ever. This is their biggest game to date.
Even TT employees troll. Jurassic Park: The Game was being panned on Metacritic and some employee(s) infamously gave glowing reviews without acknowledging they work for TTG. Super trolling by TTG themselves.
I don't think the OP was trying to imply that all TWD fans are terrible, though the thread did seem to unfortunately go in that direction (I personally quite enjoy TWD, though it's not my favorite Telltale game, since I'm more of a fan of traditional adventure games). It was mostly just a request that people stick to the TWD forums or TWD blog posts when they want to voice their concerns about release date or whatever other issues they may have. This also goes for in the future if the same issues arises with Fables, King's Quest, season 2 of TWD, or whatever else they may end up working on. Refraining from posting your thoughts in irrelevant places is one of the basics of internet etiquette.
Of course, there's not a whole lot that the community can directly do to address this problem, as trolls will be trolls and people who are really frustrated about the game likely won't listen to the rest of the community if they're asked to take it somewhere more appropriate. The best the forum-goers can do is try to bring the issue to Telltale's attention (which this thread is hopefully doing) and hope they respond by bringing in more moderators or community managers to wrangle the bad posters.
I don't think the OP was trying to imply that all TWD fans are terrible.
It was mostly just a request that people stick to the TWD forums or TWD blog posts when they want to voice their concerns about release date or whatever other issues they may have.
Refraining from posting your thoughts in irrelevant places is one of the basics of internet etiquette.
The title of the thread is "The Walking Dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase." What does that mean to you?
Look, giving him the fairest interpretation, he is saying TWD fans are terrible, even if not all of them. The thing is, there is more fans so trolling stands out more. Other fans of other games talk about their beloved games in TWD post and forums. It happens. It's not a big deal. That's all I saying. It's not like epic trolling. It's just comments here and there.
Nothing is wrong with that but this thread is arguing that TWD game fans are terrible, kind of like certain sports team fans.
I'm saying that there have been obnoxious, trolling fans way before TWD was released. It's the internet. Trolling is everywhere.
The OP, like you, are just giving examples of bad behavior but it's a small sample. Go back far enough you'll see see trolling. TT is infamous for not meeting schedules. It's just more noticeable now b/c there's more fans than ever. This is their biggest game to date.
Hell, remember last year when some people would go into every single topic and talk about how much they hated Back to the Future or Jurassic Park, regardless of whether or not it was related to the topic? Trolls were around long before TWD.
I am going to delete a lot of the off topic, decidedly personal insult type messages from the last two pages, and I do not wish to hear about this level of mudslinging any more. If you ever feel insulted, REPORT THE POST TO A MODERATOR. Do not insult back, not ever. Thanks.
to get back on topic, this thread is an insult to me/any new member of the forum or new a fan to telltale, it wasn't new telltale/walking dead fans that started a thread called "old telltale fans are shitting up the place"
The thread specifically says "the walking dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" and although from reading the post it doesn't imply all new players, the thread title absolutely implies that.
Nonetheless, I am worrying about whether the console releases impede the community's influence on an ongoing release. I think it's rather clear that Telltale will have to get far closer to a monthly schedule again if they want to keep doing episodic releases. Yet with at least two weeks for the console certification process, what formerly took place immediately after an episode releases will now have to take place two weeks earlier. Leaving the community FAR less time to give the developers hints as to what they'd want in the next episode.
Or you know, they could just say episodes will be released between 6 and 8 weeks. :cool:
And they could do a better job with that "small number" (yeah right) of people that had problems than an automated message that says "make sure you have internet connection". Customer service can go a long way.
The comments section have always had moments where they were pretty bad. The comments section for the webcomics were removed because they got so full of trolling posts.
The comments section have always had moments where they were pretty bad. The comments section for the webcomics were removed because they got so full of trolling posts.
Were the comments saying the comics were terrible? Because the comics look terrible.
The comments section have always had moments where they were pretty bad. The comments section for the webcomics were removed because they got so full of trolling posts.
I have to say, I never paid attention to the comic comments, but I'd never seen anything of this magnitude on the blog posts in all the years I've been coming here
And yet the title is talking about the game and not the players.
lol Yes, the title is clearly talking about the game and not the fan's of the game. Care to explain how a game shits up a fan base? How does that work in your mind?
lol Yes, the title is clearly talking about the game and not the fan's of the game. Care to explain how a game shits up a fan base? How does that work in your mind?
Actually, there are a number of factors that I personally interpret as being responsible for the issue, and many of them stem from the growth, level of pressure, and resource requirements that the game represents. This is, in my opinion, much more of a community management issue than something that stems from fans of The Walking Dead inherently being smacktards.
That said, I assume that the OP was referring to TWD's bringing in of different/new demographics. I imagine that you interpret that to mean "all new players", but for better or worse, that sentiment would be coming from you, not what's written.
The thread specifically says "the walking dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" and although from reading the post it doesn't imply all new players, the thread title absolutely implies that.
And yet the title is talking about the game and not the players.
lol Yes, the title is clearly talking about the game and not the fan's of the game. Care to explain how a game shits up a fan base? How does that work in your mind?
I assume that the OP was referring to TWD's bringing in of different/new demographics.
Trying to follow the logic. You seemed to have switched stances.
Trying to follow the logic. You seemed to have switched stances.
Seems pretty sound to me. You say that the thread title is obviously talking about "all new players", and I'm refuting that.
If you're thinking that talking about the new and different demographics that TWD has opened up is the same as talking about "all new players" (implying that no new players fit within Telltale's previous demographics), then I could understand why you'd have trouble following.
damn this has sort of turned into a troll thread, but the title does split whoever reads it into long time telltale fan and forum member and new fan and forum member, because i can read it and think "well i'm not a troll (hopefully) but i did enter the telltale fanbase circle because of TWD so i must be part of the shitting up the fanbase group not the fanbase they had before TWD"
so it is a us Vs them kind of thing that only results in conflict.
Exclusivity is nice, but dealing with a few shitbirds is a small price to pay to finally see TellTale rewarded for their quality products and business practises, even if it's left them slightly lacking in customer service because pre-Walking Dead the forum population was about 7.
Seems pretty sound to me. You say that the thread title is obviously talking about "all new players", and I'm refuting that.
If you're thinking that talking about the new and different demographics that TWD has opened up is the same as talking about "all new players" (implying that no new players fit within Telltale's previous demographics), then I could understand why you'd have trouble following.
I think you're confusing me for Alex1939 good sir and... no to everything else. Just no.
i was actually imagining the dog said it (he has a kind face
to get back on topic, this thread is an insult to me/any new member of the forum or new a fan to telltale, it wasn't new telltale/walking dead fans that started a thread called "old telltale fans are shitting up the place"
Unless you've been visiting other game's forums and banging on about how Telltale have ruined your life, they deserve to be sued and that people should shut up about the other games they make, then this thread is definitely an insult to you.
If you don't engage in that sort of behaviour, this thread is not directed at/about you, and is nothing to be offended by ^_^.
yeah i can see that it isn't aimed directly at me but the title plus op is just a bad attitude that feels like an insult aimed at everybody that joined the forums because of TWD, maybe if the title was "please stop pestering telltale for the next episode" it may not have given that impression, but "The Walking Dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" just sounds like "i hate all these new people joining the telltale fanbase"
The title may be inflammatory, but I thought the OP's attitude was surprisingly nice given the awful nature of the stuff being talked about. It doesn't accuse all newcomers or The Walking Dead fans of this kind of behaviour - it just says that those who have behaved like these have arrived around the same time as The Walking Dead (which I guess is debatable).
Nice puppy!
Previous games had no "choices" system, and although the choices are very limited, the mechanics themselves impose vast new complexities on the dev team. So, IF the consoles are holding back the PC version, they're not the only factor.
Nonetheless, I am worrying about whether the console releases impede the community's influence on an ongoing release. I think it's rather clear that Telltale will have to get far closer to a monthly schedule again if they want to keep doing episodic releases. Yet with at least two weeks for the console certification process, what formerly took place immediately after an episode releases will now have to take place two weeks earlier. Leaving the community FAR less time to give the developers hints as to what they'd want in the next episode.
Seriously, just look in the comments for this blog post about Sam & Max's 25th anniversary:
Yep. That's the point of this entire thread.
Why is the OP wrong for asking people to not complain about TWD in non-TWD sections of the website (like the blog post that triggered this thread)? The thread title probably could have been worded better, but that's the core of what he's concerned about.
I personally don't think comments like "I dont give a shit about Sam and Max.Give us Episode 3 for the EU PSN NOW!", "Dont care, Where is Walking Dead Episode 4?", and "No one cares about a stupid animated dog and rabbit. Everyone cares about The Walking Dead because of its intense drama and The Walking Dead is what TellTale is making a lot of money from." in a blog post about Sam & Max's 25th anniversary are appropriate.
Some of us specially IOS users come to this forum to bitch and whine because of TTG lack of communication.
When you pay for TWD and you see episode 4 being release and you are still waiting for 3, you start wondering wtf is going on?
I waited more than a week after episode 4 was release on other systems to complaint about the lack of release information for episode 3
Is natural to get upset if you pay for something and you see others getting their product/items and you aren't even inform why you have to wait longer.
So yeah I came here and bitch about it
If is going to take 2 ok just let me know.
Now I think us not cool to got and bitch about TWD game problems on other TTG forums.
Nothing is wrong with that but this thread is arguing that TWD game fans are terrible, kind of like certain sports team fans.
I'm saying that there have been obnoxious, trolling fans way before TWD was released. It's the internet. Trolling is everywhere.
The OP, like you, are just giving examples of bad behavior by TWD fans but it's a small sample of TTG fans behavior. Go back far enough you'll see trolling. TT is infamous for not meeting schedules and there are some games that players didn't like, both topics of which players were very vocal about. It's just more noticeable now b/c there's more fans than ever. This is their biggest game to date.
Even TT employees troll. Jurassic Park: The Game was being panned on Metacritic and some employee(s) infamously gave glowing reviews without acknowledging they work for TTG. Super trolling by TTG themselves.
Even in TWD post you get post about making a new Sam & Max or Back to the Future or whatever.
Of course, there's not a whole lot that the community can directly do to address this problem, as trolls will be trolls and people who are really frustrated about the game likely won't listen to the rest of the community if they're asked to take it somewhere more appropriate. The best the forum-goers can do is try to bring the issue to Telltale's attention (which this thread is hopefully doing) and hope they respond by bringing in more moderators or community managers to wrangle the bad posters.
The title of the thread is "The Walking Dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase." What does that mean to you?
Look, giving him the fairest interpretation, he is saying TWD fans are terrible, even if not all of them. The thing is, there is more fans so trolling stands out more. Other fans of other games talk about their beloved games in TWD post and forums. It happens. It's not a big deal. That's all I saying. It's not like epic trolling. It's just comments here and there.
Hell, remember last year when some people would go into every single topic and talk about how much they hated Back to the Future or Jurassic Park, regardless of whether or not it was related to the topic? Trolls were around long before TWD.
The thread specifically says "the walking dead is shitting up Telltale's fanbase" and although from reading the post it doesn't imply all new players, the thread title absolutely implies that.
Or you know, they could just say episodes will be released between 6 and 8 weeks. :cool:
And they could do a better job with that "small number" (yeah right) of people that had problems than an automated message that says "make sure you have internet connection". Customer service can go a long way.
Were the comments saying the comics were terrible? Because the comics look terrible.
Well Carley does and she's hot and can shoot a gun so... yeah.
Haha, never noticed that before.
And yet the title is talking about the game and not the players.
I have to say, I never paid attention to the comic comments, but I'd never seen anything of this magnitude on the blog posts in all the years I've been coming here
lol Yes, the title is clearly talking about the game and not the fan's of the game. Care to explain how a game shits up a fan base? How does that work in your mind?
Actually, there are a number of factors that I personally interpret as being responsible for the issue, and many of them stem from the growth, level of pressure, and resource requirements that the game represents. This is, in my opinion, much more of a community management issue than something that stems from fans of The Walking Dead inherently being smacktards.
That said, I assume that the OP was referring to TWD's bringing in of different/new demographics. I imagine that you interpret that to mean "all new players", but for better or worse, that sentiment would be coming from you, not what's written.
Seems pretty sound to me. You say that the thread title is obviously talking about "all new players", and I'm refuting that.
If you're thinking that talking about the new and different demographics that TWD has opened up is the same as talking about "all new players" (implying that no new players fit within Telltale's previous demographics), then I could understand why you'd have trouble following.
so it is a us Vs them kind of thing that only results in conflict.
Upon what do you base that assumption? It's factually incorrect.
It's interesting to see how dismissive many new people seem to be of Telltale's previous endeavours and community.
I think you're confusing me for Alex1939 good sir and... no to everything else. Just no.
Ah, you're right on the getting handles confused point. Can't vouch for your interpretation of the thread's title though.
(a) better reflect the topic raised in the original post and
(b) took out the profanity and therewith the insult to some?
All for the faint hope that this thread would one day get back on track...
New thread title suggestions welcome!
Sounds good to me.
Could just call it something like "Inappropriate fan behaviour," but I don't feel that that's particularly eloquent ^_^