and the claims of "false advertising" and "Telltale misled me" are borderline hysterical.
Unless I remember incorrectly, when I purchased the game it said episodes would be released monthly, not every other month. How is that not the definition of false advertising?
The rage seems to be centered on people with little patience for anything and nothing to do but sit on the forums or wait for the game. I know it will come out and they seem to be fairly consistent with every other month. I also learned that they are a small company that is not rich and doesn't have the power that a AAA title company does. If the game was canceled it would be different but at the moment I think the rage is unfounded and people should occupy themselves with something.
I always hate this "the upset people are just whiny babies with no life" strawman.
Considering my first experience with you was you telling me that I had an attitude problem because I said something that you didn't completely agree with, I really won't miss you too much, either. Let's not pretend that you wandered onto the forums, posted something totally innocent and were attacked, and let's also not pretend that any of those death threats -- though not cool -- were serious.
They weren't serious and I should've worded things better but I was offended by the attitude that those people complaining over release dates had no right to be upset and shouldn't voice complaints.
I definitely don't see some "magical" community that is full or superior mature gamers. Seems like pretty much every divided and bickering gaming forum where I've participated.
Unless I remember incorrectly, when I purchased the game it said episodes would be released monthly, not every other month. How is that not the definition of false advertising?
Based on my admittedly loose interpretation of advertising laws, I believe there needs to be an INTENT at deceiving the consumer to qualify a false advertising claim. Though I'm certainly not a Telltale employee and am not privy to the inner machinations of what goes on behind a software company's doors, I highly doubt that some nefarious marketing team members started twirling their mustaches in unison and hatched a plot to sell more games by falsely advertising that it was a monthly episodic format. If someone tried to sell me a pack of Camel Lights and claimed it would cure cancer, then I would probably consider that to be false advertising.
As I said above, things likely happened that delayed the release. If people feel like labeling TT as a company of liars who just make things up, those people can certainly feel free. I've been following this company for years and know that the employees aren't like that.
Can't use logic to counter fanboy logic. Just give up and spend your time on better games, like Dishonored which comes out tomorrow.
This annoys me, as "fanboy logic" is in itself a straw man. Can someone be a fan of a particular company without being derided as a "fanboy"? We're not infants here. If I have a different perspective because I like a company and am willing to give said company the benefit of the doubt, then that's my right.
Edit: Sorry that I didn't use the multiquote thing, any mods who are reading this. I forgot it existed.
Oh good lord. No wonder people think that newer members to the TTG fandom are dragging things down.
I'm a little embarrassed to see such behaviors.
As someone brought in by TWD, I can definitely see why people might think that the entirety of the newcomers are a bunch of angry, rude individuals, but please note that spout off their angry drivel are not the only ones amongst you. There are those who are rather pleased with the series and TTG, but we don't yell about it in multiple repeat threads. Perhaps we ought to. xD
But you're bitching about the 'new' fanbase. So you're making it even worse. Don't be one of those annoying hipsters please.
If you're referring to me, which I can only guess as you didn't quote, I'm not quite sure where the "hipster" part comes in?
Is it now hipster to feel a bit of sadness that part of a group I belong to (simply because we are all new to TTG) is causing a bad image for the rest of the group?
Get it back on track - yes, that means the original question asked - or don't post in it.
I dunno, Vain. I feel that regardless of what's being brought up about the game's release date, the arc of the discussion still involves TT's fanbases, which appears to have been the OP's intent. Unless I'm missing something.
If you're referring to me, which I can only guess as you didn't quote, I'm not quite sure where the "hipster" part comes in?
Is it now hipster to feel a bit of sadness that part of a group I belong to (simply because we are all new to TTG) is causing a bad image for the rest of the group?
No that was to the original poster of this thread.
I feel a bit like I'm joining the conversation late - I very, very rarely come into this forum (I didn't like the pre-release attitudes that were brewing, and I'm now pretty glad I stayed away), and when I do, it's usually only to try to see if I can find some information on whether or not an episode has been released for the Telltale launcher (I choose to not play the game on Steam, and it makes me a little sad that availability via the official launcher is never mentioned in news posts, etc., but that's another story).
I was pretty shocked and disheartened to see the kind of conduct in the Sam & Max 25th anniversary blog post (which I believe is what the OP created this thread in response to), where what should have been a celebration of one of Telltale's longest running franchises is now dominated by spam and really horrible stuff from people who are disappointed by TWD's release schedule.
It seems to me that whilst this is the work of a vocal minority, the root of the problem is a lack of communication and community management, which has been more and more evident over the past year - new people who aren't familiar with how Telltale works are lashing out because things they care about are not clear, and nobody is stepping up to say that that kind of behaviour is not welcome or tolerated (at least so far as blog posts go for the latter part - like I say, I don't spend a lot of time in this forum, and I don't mean to be belittling the volunteer moderators' work in any way). I've asked several times via comment, Twitter and most recently a direct message to Telltale's PR manager whether or not we could get things cleaned up in that blog post's comments, and have finally managed to get a response that Telltale are in the process of bringing onboard a new community manager, which I hope will signal a change of direction.
Whlst I'm enjoying The Walking Dead in some respects, it's really not a game or a franchise I care that much about, and I only bought it to show support for a company that previously made things I was proud to own. I'm hoping that the angry vocal minority (which seem to outnumber what's left of the pre-Universal community) don't prevent Telltale from making the kind of games that I do like.
However, it seems like the game is bringing in a lot of people who, what's the nicest way to say this...aren't interested in being part of the community.
It happens when a large group of people come, I used to play a game called Dead frontier, they had a huge wave of newground kids come... not a fun sight.
Only heard of Tell Tale from TWD, and I'm pretty happy with what I got.
Unless I remember incorrectly, when I purchased the game it said episodes would be released monthly, not every other month. How is that not the definition of false advertising?
I apologize. What I should have said was thank you for the illustrating the original poster's point.
There's no swear filter in this forum, so shit fuck crap can be expressed, no problem... but one of these days I'll make Telltale filter the word "fanboy". After all, immediate aggression always comes from it. It would be BETTER if you could only write "f****y".
Well, I am far from a new kid on the block, and was seriously excited for The Walking Dead and what it would mean for Telltale finally getting out there. I then realized all of the things the OP pointed out, and if it is limited to the blogs, that's great but I figured it was seeping into here as well. I am, however, curious why the development schedule they've been able to keep with other games they've done (1 episode a month) has gotten so far skewed. Is it because they're trying to appease all gaming platforms at once and meet the impossible requirements they impose and try to balance all of the release schedules based on what they dictate? If so, why don't they just focus on getting the PC (their primary and initial fanbase) version out monthly and get the other platforms out when they can? It almost seems like the console versions are holding back the PC version. Also, is the ability to get physical media from Telltale at the end of the season without spending more money on some collectors set a thing of the past? If so, I'll be hurting their revenue and just be waiting on the retail releases from now on.
I didn't pay attention to TellTale until TWD series...but now I'm becoming a fan of them in general and have already started to look at other titles. And I've complained here with the best of 'em (the game, not release schedules),
I then realized all of the things the OP pointed out, and if it is limited to the blogs, that's great but I figured it was seeping into here as well.
The thing is that here is the right place for the kind of discussion, not in the public facing blog posts (what kind of impression does this give people who aren't already members of Telltale's community?), not in the other game specific subforums, but here, in a special place for people to talk about TWD and issues related to it.
Nobody's denying that there are issues (we're all in favour of greater communication, transparency and meeting committments), this thread is about highlighting that there's a really vocal and really visible portion of the new community who're pushing their gripes in inappropriate places and inappropriate ways.
Frankly, if it introduces just one new person to Monkey Island or Sam & Max, it's worth it.
Go read the comments in this blog post and then tell us if you still agree that it's worth it to allow that sort of stuff to go on (people can still get introduced to Sam & Max even if that sort of behaviour is discouraged, you know)
Go read the comments in this blog post and then tell us if you still agree that it's worth it to allow that sort of stuff to go on (people can still get introduced to Sam & Max even if that sort of behaviour is discouraged, you know)
To be fair, that was really only 3 or 4 people. Like anywhere else on the internet, the idiots tend to be the loudest. Just ignore 'em.
To be fair, that was really only 3 or 4 people. Like anywhere else on the internet, the idiots tend to be the loudest. Just ignore 'em.
That blog post is just one example. This stuff is all over the place. What we're seeing is an outcome of poor community management.
The point is that a) this never happened before the mass influx of fans that accompanied TWD, and b) it shouldn't be permitted, not just because it's offensive and unhealthy, but also because it makes Telltale look bad.
There are more positive outcomes to be had from highlighting this so that it can be addressed and dealt with by Telltale than there are from ignoring it.
all i have been seeing as of late is people posting why i have to wait 2 months for a new epoisde to come out (sorry for any misspelling) how i see it i would wait an extra 2 moths to a good well thought good and not some poor thought up story line and a overall bad game play i mean u are paying for these after all.If u got a bad thought up overall bad game u would back on here complaning again so i see it you should wait it out go play some other game til u know for sure when it will be out than go play it . I love the walking dead and than when i played the game i loved it too telltale is doing a great job i really hope lee will pull though but in that world who knows guess we will have to wait and see keep up the good work guys
all i have been seeing as of late is people posting why i have to wait 2 months for a new epoisde to come out (sorry for any misspelling) how i see it i would wait an extra 2 moths to a good well thought good and not some poor thought up story line and a overall bad game play i mean u are paying for these after all.If u got a bad thought up overall bad game u would back on here complaning again so i see it you should wait it out go play some other game til u know for sure when it will be out than go play it . I love the walking dead and than when i played the game i loved it too telltale is doing a great job i really hope lee will pull though but in that world who knows guess we will have to wait and see keep up the good work guys
You don't get all of the complaining because you only just showed up. They used to be able to do all that in a month, but then they were only focusing on getting the PC version out in that timeframe, not all the console versions as well. It's been proven by them in the past that they can do an episode a month of the PC version, and they should at the very least be able to do that still, and if they can't hold that timeframe with the consoles, it's probably due to the respective marketplaces restrictions etc. All I'm saying is that this is the first game they've really pushed to have (almost, sorry iOS) all versions come out at the same time. I'm wondering if this is holding back the PC version as a result, and TellTale has neither confirmed or denied that it is.
I agree.Complaining about the release date isn't going to make the episodes come any sooner.You'd think people would know that.I mean,sure I would like the episodes to be released sooner but whining isn't going to make that happen.
The point of the thread though is not that it's not OK to express dissatisfaction with release dates (in fact, it's probably important that people are able to give feedback on that stuff), but instead that there are places where it (much like lovely women holding plaques, jedi dogs and well spread chickens) isn't appropriate, and that that's not being respected.
The tone is also going into an ungood direction. Let's lighten up a bit here.
yes lets celebrate the fact that this waiting gave me the opportunity to freak myself out making my avatar
Unless I remember incorrectly, when I purchased the game it said episodes would be released monthly, not every other month. How is that not the definition of false advertising?
I always hate this "the upset people are just whiny babies with no life" strawman.
Can't use logic to counter fanboy logic. Just give up and spend your time on better games, like Dishonored which comes out tomorrow.
They weren't serious and I should've worded things better but I was offended by the attitude that those people complaining over release dates had no right to be upset and shouldn't voice complaints.
I definitely don't see some "magical" community that is full or superior mature gamers. Seems like pretty much every divided and bickering gaming forum where I've participated.
Based on my admittedly loose interpretation of advertising laws, I believe there needs to be an INTENT at deceiving the consumer to qualify a false advertising claim. Though I'm certainly not a Telltale employee and am not privy to the inner machinations of what goes on behind a software company's doors, I highly doubt that some nefarious marketing team members started twirling their mustaches in unison and hatched a plot to sell more games by falsely advertising that it was a monthly episodic format. If someone tried to sell me a pack of Camel Lights and claimed it would cure cancer, then I would probably consider that to be false advertising.
As I said above, things likely happened that delayed the release. If people feel like labeling TT as a company of liars who just make things up, those people can certainly feel free. I've been following this company for years and know that the employees aren't like that.
This annoys me, as "fanboy logic" is in itself a straw man. Can someone be a fan of a particular company without being derided as a "fanboy"? We're not infants here. If I have a different perspective because I like a company and am willing to give said company the benefit of the doubt, then that's my right.
Edit: Sorry that I didn't use the multiquote thing, any mods who are reading this. I forgot it existed.
I'm a little embarrassed to see such behaviors.
As someone brought in by TWD, I can definitely see why people might think that the entirety of the newcomers are a bunch of angry, rude individuals, but please note that spout off their angry drivel are not the only ones amongst you. There are those who are rather pleased with the series and TTG, but we don't yell about it in multiple repeat threads. Perhaps we ought to. xD
Get it back on track - yes, that means the original question asked - or don't post in it.
In any other case, I would have to close it.
If you're referring to me, which I can only guess as you didn't quote, I'm not quite sure where the "hipster" part comes in?
Is it now hipster to feel a bit of sadness that part of a group I belong to (simply because we are all new to TTG) is causing a bad image for the rest of the group?
I dunno, Vain. I feel that regardless of what's being brought up about the game's release date, the arc of the discussion still involves TT's fanbases, which appears to have been the OP's intent. Unless I'm missing something.
talking bout dishonored jsut bought it today from a friend, and its awesome best game i've played during the 2012 lol
No that was to the original poster of this thread.
I was pretty shocked and disheartened to see the kind of conduct in the Sam & Max 25th anniversary blog post (which I believe is what the OP created this thread in response to), where what should have been a celebration of one of Telltale's longest running franchises is now dominated by spam and really horrible stuff from people who are disappointed by TWD's release schedule.
It seems to me that whilst this is the work of a vocal minority, the root of the problem is a lack of communication and community management, which has been more and more evident over the past year - new people who aren't familiar with how Telltale works are lashing out because things they care about are not clear, and nobody is stepping up to say that that kind of behaviour is not welcome or tolerated (at least so far as blog posts go for the latter part - like I say, I don't spend a lot of time in this forum, and I don't mean to be belittling the volunteer moderators' work in any way). I've asked several times via comment, Twitter and most recently a direct message to Telltale's PR manager whether or not we could get things cleaned up in that blog post's comments, and have finally managed to get a response that Telltale are in the process of bringing onboard a new community manager, which I hope will signal a change of direction.
Whlst I'm enjoying The Walking Dead in some respects, it's really not a game or a franchise I care that much about, and I only bought it to show support for a company that previously made things I was proud to own. I'm hoping that the angry vocal minority (which seem to outnumber what's left of the pre-Universal community) don't prevent Telltale from making the kind of games that I do like.
What an adorable baby troll you are!
Only heard of Tell Tale from TWD, and I'm pretty happy with what I got.
How do you tell which end is up?
I apologize. What I should have said was thank you for the illustrating the original poster's point.
AAARRRRRR what be a Fanboy?
That's why it would be better :P
The thing is that here is the right place for the kind of discussion, not in the public facing blog posts (what kind of impression does this give people who aren't already members of Telltale's community?), not in the other game specific subforums, but here, in a special place for people to talk about TWD and issues related to it.
Nobody's denying that there are issues (we're all in favour of greater communication, transparency and meeting committments), this thread is about highlighting that there's a really vocal and really visible portion of the new community who're pushing their gripes in inappropriate places and inappropriate ways.
Go read the comments in this blog post and then tell us if you still agree that it's worth it to allow that sort of stuff to go on (people can still get introduced to Sam & Max even if that sort of behaviour is discouraged, you know)
To be fair, that was really only 3 or 4 people. Like anywhere else on the internet, the idiots tend to be the loudest. Just ignore 'em.
That blog post is just one example. This stuff is all over the place. What we're seeing is an outcome of poor community management.
The point is that a) this never happened before the mass influx of fans that accompanied TWD, and b) it shouldn't be permitted, not just because it's offensive and unhealthy, but also because it makes Telltale look bad.
There are more positive outcomes to be had from highlighting this so that it can be addressed and dealt with by Telltale than there are from ignoring it.
You don't get all of the complaining because you only just showed up. They used to be able to do all that in a month, but then they were only focusing on getting the PC version out in that timeframe, not all the console versions as well. It's been proven by them in the past that they can do an episode a month of the PC version, and they should at the very least be able to do that still, and if they can't hold that timeframe with the consoles, it's probably due to the respective marketplaces restrictions etc. All I'm saying is that this is the first game they've really pushed to have (almost, sorry iOS) all versions come out at the same time. I'm wondering if this is holding back the PC version as a result, and TellTale has neither confirmed or denied that it is.
yup...welcome back Milo;)
Milo... he's just Milo! he's superspesh dawg;)
Pfff... ignore him, he missed you.
did you miss me cyreen ?
The point of the thread though is not that it's not OK to express dissatisfaction with release dates (in fact, it's probably important that people are able to give feedback on that stuff), but instead that there are places where it (much like lovely women holding plaques, jedi dogs and well spread chickens) isn't appropriate, and that that's not being respected.