Like I said - it's like a bunch of you are eager for it to fail or to find fault with it.
It isn't that, only that Activision has failed to make this game a must buy on day-one / pre-order and release gameplay videos, more trailers and information (which you liked to recently).
Regardless of the shit that Gearbox did to Aliens Colonial Marines the pre-gameplay videos and trailers looked really awesome, something like this is what should have happened to TWD:SI. I just mean they did right in marketing the game well enough to catch the customers attention to get excited.
In ACM's case, they went from excited to absolutely frustrated with the end result that the game had.
While I'll easily admit they failed at marketing the game - a lack of marketing doesn't mean the game will in and of itself suck.
Look, I'm not trying to sell anyone on the game (everyone should form their own opinions) - I'm just hoping people will stop assuming it'll suck because some pre-release checklist hasn't been filled.
A lot of good games (which of course is subjective since people have their own individual tastes) slip under the radar.
I'm buying it day one - if it's enjoyable (which I of course hope it is) then I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun. If it's not, it'll go on the section of my gaming shelf where I put the "lessons to be learned" games.
If in doubt, rent or wait for someone else to try the game first and give a first hand review.... but it'd be a shame for someone who might enjoy it to miss it entirely because Activision "screwed the pooch" on marketing.
I hope they stay true to what the walking dead franchise stands for, and it doesn not end up being some infinite ammo - killstreak - bloody mess - boring shooter.
I sincerely hope we get to make nasty and severe decisions just like in TellTale's game, and that we get to choose our style of playing, like being the stealthy guy, or the quick in and out guy, as both ways apply to Daryl.
Then again we could try and go in like rambo and raise a bulletstorm hell, which would maybe work out in the like first 3 levels in some outskirts of villages, to lull those who prefer that way into some false sense of security, so that they'll rely on that type of playing to find out a bit later, that this kills them in a long shot, that ammo would run out, and that walkers were too many. I really really hope there is not one single way to master a "level" or mission or task, since we don't know how... big the levels will be or if there will be some sort of open world, or open world like levels.
However I'm looking forward to it, because there are not many games out right now, in which I'm interested.
The marketing, or lack thereof, of this game has been really weird. Especially considering all the reviews I've been reading haven't been bad. They haven't been great either, but it's not looking like it will be the disaster I was predicting. I'll wait for a price drop or sale on this one.
So from everything I've heard from all sorts of different sources, this is a not bad, not great, completely average zombie shooter that probably would have been an XBLA game if not for the seemingly unexpected popularity of the Telltale game. Close?
So from everything I've heard from all sorts of different sources, this is a not bad, not great, completely average zombie shooter that probably would have been an XBLA game if not for the seemingly unexpected popularity of the Telltale game. Close?
I haven't found an XBLA (Arcade) that stands up as being a decent shooter, they all try to be like Call of Duty and Battlefield, but because they have a lower budget and less resources the result isn't quite what they expected.
However, if it were to be on XBLA, it'd probably cost around 1600 MSP ($20), 2100 MSP ($26) or more.
I prefer retail disc game collections because they're on disc, although I don't avoid XBLA titles, I've bought a couple of them.
Is it any good? Probably not. I'm waiting for critics to rip on this game and a bunch of "I told you so's". Knowing you guys though, hardly any of you bought that piece of dung cuz you know what the real walking dead game is. (And I didn't just say that because were on TellTale Forums
I didn't get to buy it yet, because over here in europe it releases on friday, I agree with you that there is no way it will even come close - to coming close to TellTale's game, the story will probably be... dull or at least generic, the gameplay looks unpolished, and the graphics won't be exactly a "pro" argument for this game either. Nonetheless I'm buying it because I think they at least somehow understood what the walking dead is about, I saw some gameplays and I see: slow zombies (good thing) many scavenging trips (so far - good thing) the player gets to decide whether he takes the highway or main streets or if he goes for roads, the difference is: if you take the highway you'll have a bigger chance to find places to scavenge, therefore it costs more fuel, on the small roads you'll have less chance to find such places but it costs less fuel - nothing too impressive but a nice feature. It is about the survival I think, and I didn't even see how the group-thing works, I'm curious frankly and since there aren't many zombie games coming soon, and none with slow zombies (why the hell ever...) I at least want to give it a shot. And I'm looking forward to it.
-Still to me the "real" Walking Dead game is TellTale's, because it is a masterpiece given to us by the gods of videogaming - to be humble. They put so much effort into it, and you just see it, in every scene, in every character, in the plot, in the hillarious jokes and quotes by some characters and also in the emotions it makes you go through. It is not perfect, episode 1 sounds "weird" kind of, and it laggs here and there, but I don't even mind those minor issues, because I don't give a shit about them, this game is so much more. And if someone from the TellTale team stumbles upon this comment I'm writing here, I want to sincerely thank you for creating this game, which will be remembered - definitely.
I didn't get to buy it yet, because over here in europe it releases on friday, I agree with you that there is no way it will even come close - to coming close to TellTale's game, the story will probably be... dull or at least generic, the gameplay looks unpolished, and the graphics won't be exactly a "pro" argument for this game either. Nonetheless I'm buying it because I think they at least somehow understood what the walking dead is about, I saw some gameplays and I see: slow zombies (good thing) many scavenging trips (so far - good thing) the player gets to decide whether he takes the highway or main streets or if he goes for roads, the difference is: if you take the highway you'll have a bigger chance to find places to scavenge, therefore it costs more fuel, on the small roads you'll have less chance to find such places but it costs less fuel - nothing too impressive but a nice feature. It is about the survival I think, and I didn't even see how the group-thing works, I'm curious frankly and since there aren't many zombie games coming soon, and none with slow zombies (why the hell ever...) I at least want to give it a shot. And I'm looking forward to it.
-Still to me the "real" Walking Dead game is TellTale's, because it is a masterpiece given to us by the gods of videogaming - to be humble. They put so much effort into it, and you just see it, in every scene, in every character, in the plot, in the hillarious jokes and quotes by some characters and also in the emotions it makes you go through. It is not perfect, episode 1 sounds "weird" kind of, and it laggs here and there, but I don't even mind those minor issues, because I don't give a shit about them, this game is so much more. And if someone from the TellTale team stumbles upon this comment I'm writing here, I want to sincerely thank you for creating this game, which will be remembered - definitely.
Haven't played the game. But it looks pretty cool. I probably won't buy it anytime soon because it doesn't strike me as an amazing game but I'd say it's worth a rental. Also Bioshock comes out next week. My money is obviously going towards that game.
I agree it's not the real Walking Dead game. I'm glad they changed it to survival instinct instead of just giving it the same name as Telltales game. When I hear THE Waking Dead game I think Telltale. Despite how I feel about it being overrated.
In fact ironically it's the same argument this time around. While I feel Telltale's game is overrated because it's only good for story, this game seems like it's only good for gameplay. Keep in mind I haven't seen much of the game. About 20 minutes so I have no idea if the story picks up. But from what I have seen It strikes me as a game that isn't exactly an "experience" but more like a fun game.
Only difference is this time people are underrating the game. Most of the hate comes from the visuals. I actually think visuals are okay. Not too detailed but an interesting style. Kind of like in Telltale's game.
What I would really like to see is these two developers team up. Survival horror elements are something that i really wanted in Telltale's game. The new game has wide open areas to explore, you have full control over your character, it has a form of gameplay which is fun but also isn't mindless action. It fixes all the problems I had with TWD with the cost of all the things I like about it. Put both games together and you get a truly amazing game.
My opinion is undeveloped because I haven't played it and I only saw a bit of the begging. however these are my first impressions. I'd say both TWD games seem equal in terms of quality but for different reasons.
If I misinterpreted, then I apologize.
Nah, it's cool. Wanna hug it out like Weird Al and Coolio?
Either way, I guess we'll find out in a week which way the coin lands.
It isn't that, only that Activision has failed to make this game a must buy on day-one / pre-order and release gameplay videos, more trailers and information (which you liked to recently).
Regardless of the shit that Gearbox did to Aliens Colonial Marines the pre-gameplay videos and trailers looked really awesome, something like this is what should have happened to TWD:SI. I just mean they did right in marketing the game well enough to catch the customers attention to get excited.
In ACM's case, they went from excited to absolutely frustrated with the end result that the game had.
Look, I'm not trying to sell anyone on the game (everyone should form their own opinions) - I'm just hoping people will stop assuming it'll suck because some pre-release checklist hasn't been filled.
A lot of good games (which of course is subjective since people have their own individual tastes) slip under the radar.
I'm buying it day one - if it's enjoyable (which I of course hope it is) then I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun. If it's not, it'll go on the section of my gaming shelf where I put the "lessons to be learned" games.
If in doubt, rent or wait for someone else to try the game first and give a first hand review.... but it'd be a shame for someone who might enjoy it to miss it entirely because Activision "screwed the pooch" on marketing.
I sincerely hope we get to make nasty and severe decisions just like in TellTale's game, and that we get to choose our style of playing, like being the stealthy guy, or the quick in and out guy, as both ways apply to Daryl.
Then again we could try and go in like rambo and raise a bulletstorm hell, which would maybe work out in the like first 3 levels in some outskirts of villages, to lull those who prefer that way into some false sense of security, so that they'll rely on that type of playing to find out a bit later, that this kills them in a long shot, that ammo would run out, and that walkers were too many. I really really hope there is not one single way to master a "level" or mission or task, since we don't know how... big the levels will be or if there will be some sort of open world, or open world like levels.
However I'm looking forward to it, because there are not many games out right now, in which I'm interested.
Well, don't keep us waiting, how is it!?
It... sure is 50 dollars. I dunno, I didn't buy it. I'm guessing my Wal-Mart broke street date. Maybe US Wal-Marts have them.
You could buy it and then re-sell it on eBay/Amazon, of course you'd get less than what you paid for, but you would get to play the game early.
Edit: There's this on eBay already for example:
I don't see how the hell that mistake could have happened......
European ratings say European version. Does Fox broadcast TWD in Europe?
Not in Sweden, here random Swedish channels just buys the right to a show (Who ever owns it) and show it.
Wow, after watching this I'm actually hyped to buy the game and that opening music just like AMC's The Walking Dead! Awesome!
By the way, Activision go screw yourselves for not marketing this game properly like it deserved to.
But this is Activision, you guys know better! Stand in the corner until you think about what you've done.
Also...such a weird death scene in that video. The guy gets bit and then doesn't seem to care. Oh, no big deal, we'll chop it off later.
Definitely not worth $50. The only Walking Dead adaptation that I care about at this point is Telltale's.
well... it's before the show, so the very beginning of the apocalypse, seems like they don't know how bad a bite is just yet.
Keeping the mind calm is usually preferred than going nuts. Sometime's really hard to be in such condition admittedly.
The marketing, or lack thereof, of this game has been really weird. Especially considering all the reviews I've been reading haven't been bad. They haven't been great either, but it's not looking like it will be the disaster I was predicting. I'll wait for a price drop or sale on this one.
I expect modders to improve the game where needed.
Mods are awesome, but you can't really fix a game that is fundamentally broken, especially when no mod tools are provided.
I haven't found an XBLA (Arcade) that stands up as being a decent shooter, they all try to be like Call of Duty and Battlefield, but because they have a lower budget and less resources the result isn't quite what they expected.
However, if it were to be on XBLA, it'd probably cost around 1600 MSP ($20), 2100 MSP ($26) or more.
I prefer retail disc game collections because they're on disc, although I don't avoid XBLA titles, I've bought a couple of them.
Actual retail price is around $40. It's up for pre-order on Amazon for $37.49.
As has been stated, the gameplay, graphics and voice acting looks pretty dang subpar. I'd just be interested in it for the backstory it provides.
Conclusion: Tell Tale is 1000% better
The ending:
It's a terrible game. Definitely skip this one.
-Still to me the "real" Walking Dead game is TellTale's, because it is a masterpiece given to us by the gods of videogaming - to be humble. They put so much effort into it, and you just see it, in every scene, in every character, in the plot, in the hillarious jokes and quotes by some characters and also in the emotions it makes you go through. It is not perfect, episode 1 sounds "weird" kind of, and it laggs here and there, but I don't even mind those minor issues, because I don't give a shit about them, this game is so much more. And if someone from the TellTale team stumbles upon this comment I'm writing here, I want to sincerely thank you for creating this game, which will be remembered - definitely.
And no one was shocked at all.
Just a random YouTube Let's play.
Eesh, I watched the whole video and the gameplay was boring and uniteresting.
The player can't kill face to face a walker, it has to be behind its back, and the finishing is usually the same without much variety.
It's odd, I saw the other video and kinda liked it but glad I saw this one completely.
I'll wait for it to drop to $10 or less.
I agree it's not the real Walking Dead game. I'm glad they changed it to survival instinct instead of just giving it the same name as Telltales game. When I hear THE Waking Dead game I think Telltale. Despite how I feel about it being overrated.
In fact ironically it's the same argument this time around. While I feel Telltale's game is overrated because it's only good for story, this game seems like it's only good for gameplay. Keep in mind I haven't seen much of the game. About 20 minutes so I have no idea if the story picks up. But from what I have seen It strikes me as a game that isn't exactly an "experience" but more like a fun game.
Only difference is this time people are underrating the game. Most of the hate comes from the visuals. I actually think visuals are okay. Not too detailed but an interesting style. Kind of like in Telltale's game.
What I would really like to see is these two developers team up. Survival horror elements are something that i really wanted in Telltale's game. The new game has wide open areas to explore, you have full control over your character, it has a form of gameplay which is fun but also isn't mindless action. It fixes all the problems I had with TWD with the cost of all the things I like about it. Put both games together and you get a truly amazing game.
My opinion is undeveloped because I haven't played it and I only saw a bit of the begging. however these are my first impressions. I'd say both TWD games seem equal in terms of quality but for different reasons.