I have to say I have to pass on this game. I watched the entire game. The killing was redundant, few jumpscares, small plot and story, and mostly just violence. I admit I love my share of action games and the like, but this game just goes extreme(I won't say, since I don't want to spoil) but there are parts like "wtf? This is realistic?" Whenever Daryl gets hit, he just loses health. That sounds kind of stupid in my opinion. TWD once you get a bite or scratch, it's over unless you amputate. Also, Merle is a mega a-hole in this game, which will only sour people's opinion of him more.
I'd say Survival Instinct is about... a 5 out of ten? Small plots, small storyline changes, unnecessary violence(not always a bad thing, but it's basically the whole game), a $50 price tag, decent graphics(like Telltale's better), maybe 3-5 hour game(depending on how skilled you are, pointless and undeveloped characters(except for a few, but no spoilers), weird situations(gun clips in a hospital?), and overpowered weapons. In the beginning, you have very little ammo and weak melee weapons, then guns that kill you more than save you, and then a CERTAIN weapon that you can just kill everything. In the last mission, there is a weapon that just tears everything to shreds.
This game just seemed like an excuse for Activision to use it's great developers to put together a game really quickly and sell it due to the popularity of the Walking Dead franchise. I thought it would be a lot better than it is, and I was deeply disappointed, but that seems to be the case with Activision these days. The game is probably only worth $20 if that, but is priced at $50, which is more than most of the best games ever made.
I don't mean to waver anyone's opinions, so I suggest you watch playthroughs(yeah, people beat the game yesterday, the day it came out), and if you like it play it for yourself. Yeah, it's a Walking Dead game, but it doesn't feel like the Walking Dead(the walkers charge btw). I loved Telltale's TWD game, and I voted it for GOTY and voted it a 10, where this game... scares me for the lack of effort. But yeah, that's my opinion. No hatred, just look up the game for yourselves. There are a few cool moments, but overall, I wasn't impressed Oh well, skipping it!
I have to say I have to pass on this game. I watched the entire game. The killing was redundant, few jumpscares, small plot and story, and mostly just violence. I admit I love my share of action games and the like, but this game just goes extreme(I won't say, since I don't want to spoil) but there are parts like "wtf? This is realistic?" Whenever Daryl gets hit, he just loses health. That sounds kind of stupid in my opinion. TWD once you get a bite or scratch, it's over unless you amputate. Also, Merle is a mega a-hole in this game, which will only sour people's opinion of him more.
I'd say Survival Instinct is about... a 5 out of ten? Small plots, small storyline changes, unnecessary violence(not always a bad thing, but it's basically the whole game), a $50 price tag, decent graphics(like Telltale's better), maybe 3-5 hour game(depending on how skilled you are, pointless and undeveloped characters(except for a few, but no spoilers), weird situations(gun clips in a hospital?), and overpowered weapons. In the beginning, you have very little ammo and weak melee weapons, then guns that kill you more than save you, and then a CERTAIN weapon that you can just kill everything. In the last mission, there is a weapon that just tears everything to shreds.
This game just seemed like an excuse for Activision to use it's great developers to put together a game really quickly and sell it due to the popularity of the Walking Dead franchise. I thought it would be a lot better than it is, and I was deeply disappointed, but that seems to be the case with Activision these days. The game is probably only worth $20 if that, but is priced at $50, which is more than most of the best games ever made.
I don't mean to waver anyone's opinions, so I suggest you watch playthroughs(yeah, people beat the game yesterday, the day it came out), and if you like it play it for yourself. Yeah, it's a Walking Dead game, but it doesn't feel like the Walking Dead(the walkers charge btw). I loved Telltale's TWD game, and I voted it for GOTY and voted it a 10, where this game... scares me for the lack of effort. But yeah, that's my opinion. No hatred, just look up the game for yourselves. There are a few cool moments, but overall, I wasn't impressed Oh well, skipping it!
You watched an entire playthrough? I found it hard to watch Totalbiscuit's first impressions, lol.
You watched an entire playthrough? I found it hard to watch Totalbiscuit's first impressions, lol.
I did to an extent. I skimmed through a lot of boring head mashing and killing. It was really pointless so I skipped through quite a bit. It was hard though. I had to convince myself not to buy the game, since I am a huge Walking Dead fan, and no lie this game almost made me vomit(and not the good kind)
I agree so far, I would like to see such a game one day.
But you can't mean that serious, do you? If Terminal Reality works with TellTale, Activision's gonna want the rights, that means they will publish it, and that means, that they'll be the ones putting money into it, and guess what that means? That means, that TellTale's opinion won't matter too much anymore, if Activision was involved, it would be like this: ACTIVISION>telltale
Activision would get greedy again, and thus fuck the game up, or at least make something below of it's actual potential.
I would say, Rockstargames, a publisher and developer known for high quality open world games, good story writing and preeminently great characters, just like TellTale, would be a better partner for this. Also R* puts tons of effort into their games, and the last thing they would want to do, is disappointing their fans, just like TellTale, seriously that would be a dream-team. But if a game like that was to happen, it should be another, whole new story.
I want TellTale's S2 to become basically like S1, just with some more, bigger choices, which could maybe even influence the story, if possible, inventory management and that's about it.
If there one day will be plans to create another game, maybe even an open world game, it should have another original story, something whole new.
Just because TR is working on it doesn't mean activsion would be in charge of it. Also I'm not looking for open world. Survival Instinct wasn't open world. the areas were just.. well... open. It's hard to explain. Just compare the areas of Half Life 2 to Grand Theft Auto. That's what I mean.
Also I don't mind if Telltale keeps season 2 the same. I don't blame them either. I still stand by my statement that the game was overrated. But that must mean that people love that type of game. I wouldn't expect them to change it because someone like me challenges the statements about how good the game actually is.
After all it's the fans that are important. Not review scores. Most of the review scores however also overrate the game which is really the main thing that pissed me off.
What I think must be fixed with season 2 is 3 things.
The ability to create your own decisions and outcomes instead of choosing path A or B. Then have the story written around the gameplay. For example let's say someone dies and starves because I refused to share food and he had none. How do people react to that? Do they blame me for his death? It seems like Season 1's gameplay (choices) were created from an already written story. That makes it feel scripted.
More exploration. The areas are way to small. Those invisible walls remind me I'm playing a low budget game. I don't think we need a huge open world but at least the ability to go where ever we want in a small town or something.
And lastly a challenge. That's really the core of gameplay. Even some of the dumbed down shooters have some form of challange despite how easy it is. But walking around, watching cutscenes, and QTEs. It just doesn't seem like I'm "playing". Stealth/survivor horror would work perfectly for the game. Also more skillful point and clicks. AKA if you miss the head don't have the character automatically hit the head because I clicked on the zombie. Like the grab parts in Survival Instinct.
1. Yes I do know Telltale has a bunch of QTEs in there game too, I never said it was good there either.
2. I never watched the tv series beyond 2 episodes, so I have no clue if they can run in the series or not(which after a quick youtube search.
3.Thank you for the gameplay footage.
Wow, way to sound like a jerk. If you are just going to call everyone who's opinions are different than yours "worthless", no one will take you seriously.
So far that is actually sounding like my impressions on the game too. It doesn't look as bad as what people are saying, but it isn't high up on the "to play" list either.
And then I go back to not taking you seriously again.
Yes I can be a jerk sometimes but it pisses me off when people just talk shit to a game that isn't even bad. Because I have played bad games. Like reallly, really bad games. Unplayable games with broken game design and completely boring gameplay. Games with absoultly no good qualities at all that made the studios shut down in humiliation.
This game isn't comparable to the blockbusters coming out. But for someone to say "worst game ever" is stupid. These people don't know what a bad game really is. What they really mean is "this game isn't like awesome so it must suck"
So yeah I'm a jerk but his opinion is still worthless so we're even (Cookies if you got the reference).
I have to say I have to pass on this game. I watched the entire game. The killing was redundant, few jumpscares, small plot and story, and mostly just violence. I admit I love my share of action games and the like, but this game just goes extreme(I won't say, since I don't want to spoil) but there are parts like "wtf? This is realistic?" Whenever Daryl gets hit, he just loses health. That sounds kind of stupid in my opinion. TWD once you get a bite or scratch, it's over unless you amputate. Also, Merle is a mega a-hole in this game, which will only sour people's opinion of him more.
I'd say Survival Instinct is about... a 5 out of ten? Small plots, small storyline changes, unnecessary violence(not always a bad thing, but it's basically the whole game), a $50 price tag, decent graphics(like Telltale's better), maybe 3-5 hour game(depending on how skilled you are, pointless and undeveloped characters(except for a few, but no spoilers), weird situations(gun clips in a hospital?), and overpowered weapons. In the beginning, you have very little ammo and weak melee weapons, then guns that kill you more than save you, and then a CERTAIN weapon that you can just kill everything. In the last mission, there is a weapon that just tears everything to shreds.
This game just seemed like an excuse for Activision to use it's great developers to put together a game really quickly and sell it due to the popularity of the Walking Dead franchise. I thought it would be a lot better than it is, and I was deeply disappointed, but that seems to be the case with Activision these days. The game is probably only worth $20 if that, but is priced at $50, which is more than most of the best games ever made.
I don't mean to waver anyone's opinions, so I suggest you watch playthroughs(yeah, people beat the game yesterday, the day it came out), and if you like it play it for yourself. Yeah, it's a Walking Dead game, but it doesn't feel like the Walking Dead(the walkers charge btw). I loved Telltale's TWD game, and I voted it for GOTY and voted it a 10, where this game... scares me for the lack of effort. But yeah, that's my opinion. No hatred, just look up the game for yourselves. There are a few cool moments, but overall, I wasn't impressed Oh well, skipping it!
I find it weird that you're doing a semi full review even though you haven't played it but I don't blame you for skipping it. To me it looks like a fun game. But I'm not buying JUST a fun game. Especially when Bioshock comes out next week which is going to be an amazing game. If I were to get this I would wait for a price drop (it's inevitable for these games that people hate on. Reember DNF?) and play it on a dead week.
Also all new games are $60 so it's not more expensive. Just saying.
Polygon hated it too. It doesn't look like this game will be winning any GOTY awards.
With so many fantastic games (GTA V, for example) coming out this year TWD:SI definitely doesn't stand a chance of being a GOTY title. How could it? It's flawed and needs improvement.
Gran Turismo 6 strangely is releasing this year too, seems rushed since it could very well be a PlayStation 4 title.
Gears of War Judgement -- played the multiplayer demo not really my type of game (TPS), I prefer FPS shooters instead and the graphics weren't very good.
With so many fantastic games (GTA V, for example) coming out this year TWD:SI definitely doesn't stand a chance of being a GOTY title. How could it? It's flawed and needs improvement.
Gran Turismo 6 strangely is releasing this year too, seems rushed since it could very well be a PlayStation 4 title.
Gears of War Judgement -- played the multiplayer demo not really my type of game (TPS), I prefer FPS shooters instead and the graphics weren't very good.
LOL I wouldn't even consider this game for GOTY. GOTY is for great games. This one is just "okay".
But, of course, Tornreaper, you're the only one who has played bad games. I mean why would I even dare to have a different opinion than yours?
You're definition of an okay game is rather ridiculous. I mean from what I've heard, Crysis 3 is an okay game. Kinda like the previous parts, but not amazing, that's an okay game.
TWD can't match games that came more than 5 years ago, not to mention games like Tomb Raider, which were an actual 2013 titles.
P.S You seem to defend this game so much, but you haven't even tried it. I did, however. People only try to play it because it is TWD and they love the franchise. So yeah, there are no good qualities about this game and if you keep insulting people who do not share your opinion, we might have to ask some mod to force you to contain your fanboyish know-it-all outbursts.
But, of course, Tornreaper, you're the only one who has played bad games. I mean why would I even dare to have a different opinion than yours?
You're definition of an okay game is rather ridiculous. I mean from what I've heard, Crysis 3 is an okay game. Kinda like the previous parts, but not amazing, that's an okay game.
TWD can't match games that came more than 5 years ago, not to mention games like Tomb Raider, which were an actual 2013 titles.
P.S You seem to defend this game so much, but you haven't even tried it. I did, however. People only try to play it because it is TWD and they love the franchise. So yeah, there are no good qualities about this game and if you keep insulting people who do not share your opinion, we might have to ask some mod to force you to contain your fanboyish know-it-all outbursts.
But, of course, Tornreaper, you're the only one who has played bad games. I mean why would I even dare to have a different opinion than yours?
You're definition of an okay game is rather ridiculous. I mean from what I've heard, Crysis 3 is an okay game. Kinda like the previous parts, but not amazing, that's an okay game.
TWD can't match games that came more than 5 years ago, not to mention games like Tomb Raider, which were an actual 2013 titles.
P.S You seem to defend this game so much, but you haven't even tried it. I did, however. People only try to play it because it is TWD and they love the franchise. So yeah, there are no good qualities about this game and if you keep insulting people who do not share your opinion, we might have to ask some mod to force you to contain your fanboyish know-it-all outbursts.
Yeah well fuck your opinion and fuck you. This has nothing to do with people not liking what I like. The only reason I'm "defending" this because of idiots like you who have a terrible judgement in games.
I wouldn't have to defend it if people actually knew what makes games good. I said several times that it's not worth it because of better titles that are great games. But assholes like completely underrate games like this. It was the same deal with DNF. It's either bad or amazing. I dare you to play Die Hard Vendetta. Maybe then you would know what a bad game is. But your sense in game quality is atrocious.
The game isn't bad. It isn't great either. And it doesn't have 0 positive aspects. Your opinion is shit and so are you. Get the fuck off the Internet retard.
Yeah well fuck your opinion and fuck you. This has nothing to do with people not liking what I like. The only reason I'm "defending" this because of idiots like you who have a terrible judgement in games.
I wouldn't have to defend it if people actually knew what makes games good. I said several times that it's not worth it because of better titles that are great games. But assholes like completely underrate games like this. It was the same deal with DNF. It's either bad or amazing. I dare you to play Die Hard Vendetta. Maybe then you would know what a bad game is. But your sense in game quality is atrocious.
The game isn't bad. It isn't great either. And it doesn't have 0 positive aspects. Your opinion is shit and so are you. Get the fuck off the Internet retard.
Jesus. What's wrong with you? Someone gives you a perfectly reasonable argument, and you flip your shit. This isn't like something that should be a sore spot. This is fucking VIDEO GAMES. If you honestly think this is a good response, then I think you might need some time off the internet. Asshole.
Jesus. What's wrong with you? Someone gives you a perfectly reasonable argument, and you flip your shit. This isn't like something that should be a sore spot. This is fucking VIDEO GAMES. If you honestly think this is a good response, then I think you might need some time off the internet. Asshole.
Reasonable argument my ass.
Also It may not be a nice response but he doesn't deserve one.
Also It may not be a nice response but he doesn't deserve one.
He didn't fucking insult you. He didn't fucking call you an idiot, he only said that he had a different opinion.
I consider myself a cynical asshole, but you sir are a stupid asshole. Please, just throw your computer off a cliff until you grow up and realize that people with a different opinion aren't fucking Satan.
I've said it before and apparently I have to say it again - KEEP IT CIVIL. If you can't, I WILL dish out suspensions.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. If you disagree with that opinion, fine. Ask why the other person feels the way they do, explain why you think differently, and engage in a healthy discussion.
Do NOT insult them just because they think differently.
And for the love of god, stop swearing all the time. You sound like a bunch of 12 year olds on sugar rushes.
He didn't fucking insult you. He didn't fucking call you an idiot, he only said that he had a different opinion.
I consider myself a cynical asshole, but you sir are a stupid asshole. Please, just throw your computer off a cliff until you grow up and realize that people with a different opinion aren't fucking Satan.
I already said I don't care that he has a different opinion. It's the fact that his "opinion" is bullshit and full of unnecessary hate. So he gets unnecessary hate in return.
The game is very bad. Controls suck, gameplay suck, ai is dumb. Enviorments are dumb (can't jump untop much stuff and not much variety in how you do things).
It might be the best "movie game" released, but this game sucks donkey balls.
C'mon listen to Darth Marsden, only because one guy starts insulting (who ever it was) it doesn't mean you all have to, chill down, will you?
Tornreaper: You really gotta insult people, who don't agree with you? YOU think it is a okay, or good or what-ever game, did the crazy idea, that people, who don't like the game at all have their actual reasons for it cross your mind? He perfectly explains his opinion, this game doesn't deserve to be called "good" (That's my opinion) because it simply has not a single aspect, that is "good" it is mediocre, the gameplay is allright, nothing more and nothing less, from what I've heard the story "isn't good", either, take it for what it's worth, the visuals (the least important thing) are okaaay.
Now add "allright" + "not good" + "okaaay" and you get = mediocre
You know why there is so much hate? Because once again Activision smells a huge load of money, so they decide to somehow make some game with the "Walking Dead" license, make it damn short (about 5 hours I've heard), create a survival/herd mode, but cut it for pre-orders only - I mean seriously the game is so damn short you could call it a scam for 50 bucks, and then those impertinent ... people cut another mode.
They went out of their way to put as little effort as possible into it, and you know what? There's gonna be backlash from the Walking Dead fans for it.
They won't have as much succes as Telltale, and they don't deserve to, in contrary to Activision - Telltale puts effort into their games, they didn't do a Walking Dead game mainly for the reason, that it has such a huge fanbase, but also because they were interested in the franchise. They took their time to create a great story, incredible characters and yeah... okay... the gameplay is simple, but nonetheless I enjoyed it, we don't need more shooters, there are plenty of them.
Tornreaper, for the sake of your health, I do hope that you do not treat people like this in person. Because someday, somewhere you will stumble upon people who won't tolerate your shit as much as we do here, and then you will really get into trouble.
The facts, however, remain and no matter how much your swear, this game will still be one of the absolute worst games to have been released for the past couple of years.
The message here is don't pre-order based off the title.
Fist real dud entry into the franchise i think. Shame. Survival instinct does actually have ideas and themes that i reckon could produce a good game, but clearly rushed doesn't even begin to describe it. I'll probably eventually pick it up when the price drops very low, since it does star two of my favorite characters.
I've been watching a lot of gameplay for this one. I knew it was going to be a turd from the beginning but it's actually much worse than I expected!
I would say the game is MUCH better than i expected. I assumed you would have no freedom what so ever, that you would not meet other survivors and i also assumed you would just walk ine a line killing zombies on the way.
The problem with the game is just that it was rushed. Obviously they wanted the game to come out before the Season 3 finale so everyone with a "Walking Dead fix" would buy the game. Problem number two is just that the development time was not enough.
I'm no graphics whore, but i think the game has some decent graphics, or rather nice detail on the enviortments you are in. It really looks like something fucked up has happend. The zombies look great, mostly when you see different ones (with other faces etc).
In short, it's a good idea, but the combat, exploration, pacing just all out SUCK just cause the game was rushed into stores. MAYBE if the game sells well and they dont have to rush a sequal, then i think the next game might be better. But as of now this game just sucks donkey balls.
It's also probably the best "Movie" based game after Spider Man 2, which for some weird reason game a very good game.
That's not "movie based" game. It's just a game based of Batman done by a very good developer and they released it when it was DONE. Not like this piece of crap.
I'm sorry, there might be someone who likes this, but it's the worst game i've ever played. Mostly cause it has the features and potential of being a good game but everything is just bad. Mostly the controls on PC.
I already said I don't care that he has a different opinion. It's the fact that his "opinion" is bullshit and full of unnecessary hate. So he gets unnecessary hate in return.
Whatever respect I had of this guy is fucking obliterated. Where's the option to kick this guy off the forums?
Whatever respect I had of this guy is fucking obliterated. Where's the option to kick this guy off the forums?
It is the "report" button. Use it if he starts insulting people and keep things civil yourself(not specifically talking to you, talking to everyone here). No need to go nuts because one person is swearing and throwing insults.
It is the "report" button. Use it if he starts insulting people and keep things civil yourself(not specifically talking to you, talking to everyone here). No need to go nuts because one person is swearing and throwing insults.
Guess so, it's just that the guy was getting on my nerves when these forums is pretty filled with level-headed people.
It's a pity that Survival Instincts isn't as good as I thought it would be, but perhaps it's because I set my standards a little too high after playing Telltale's game.
The idea of scavenging and sending survivors out for scouts in the game sounded interesting, as well as choosing your destinations carefully. Shame that the ideas weren't as developed as it could have been.
Had they given the game more development time before release, I think the game could have done better, but I guess we'll never know.
Well... it's Kotaku. Do people still take it seriously?
Most blatant cash-grab award goes to
Terminal Reality, for their work on The Walking Grab: Survival of Duty!
I'd say Survival Instinct is about... a 5 out of ten? Small plots, small storyline changes, unnecessary violence(not always a bad thing, but it's basically the whole game), a $50 price tag, decent graphics(like Telltale's better), maybe 3-5 hour game(depending on how skilled you are, pointless and undeveloped characters(except for a few, but no spoilers), weird situations(gun clips in a hospital?), and overpowered weapons. In the beginning, you have very little ammo and weak melee weapons, then guns that kill you more than save you, and then a CERTAIN weapon that you can just kill everything. In the last mission, there is a weapon that just tears everything to shreds.
This game just seemed like an excuse for Activision to use it's great developers to put together a game really quickly and sell it due to the popularity of the Walking Dead franchise. I thought it would be a lot better than it is, and I was deeply disappointed, but that seems to be the case with Activision these days. The game is probably only worth $20 if that, but is priced at $50, which is more than most of the best games ever made.
I don't mean to waver anyone's opinions, so I suggest you watch playthroughs(yeah, people beat the game yesterday, the day it came out), and if you like it play it for yourself. Yeah, it's a Walking Dead game, but it doesn't feel like the Walking Dead(the walkers charge btw). I loved Telltale's TWD game, and I voted it for GOTY and voted it a 10, where this game... scares me for the lack of effort. But yeah, that's my opinion. No hatred, just look up the game for yourselves. There are a few cool moments, but overall, I wasn't impressed
It really scares me :S
You watched an entire playthrough? I found it hard to watch Totalbiscuit's first impressions, lol.
I did to an extent. I skimmed through a lot of boring head mashing and killing. It was really pointless so I skipped through quite a bit. It was hard though. I had to convince myself not to buy the game, since I am a huge Walking Dead fan, and no lie this game almost made me vomit(and not the good kind)
Just because TR is working on it doesn't mean activsion would be in charge of it. Also I'm not looking for open world. Survival Instinct wasn't open world. the areas were just.. well... open. It's hard to explain. Just compare the areas of Half Life 2 to Grand Theft Auto. That's what I mean.
Also I don't mind if Telltale keeps season 2 the same. I don't blame them either. I still stand by my statement that the game was overrated. But that must mean that people love that type of game. I wouldn't expect them to change it because someone like me challenges the statements about how good the game actually is.
After all it's the fans that are important. Not review scores. Most of the review scores however also overrate the game which is really the main thing that pissed me off.
What I think must be fixed with season 2 is 3 things.
The ability to create your own decisions and outcomes instead of choosing path A or B. Then have the story written around the gameplay. For example let's say someone dies and starves because I refused to share food and he had none. How do people react to that? Do they blame me for his death? It seems like Season 1's gameplay (choices) were created from an already written story. That makes it feel scripted.
More exploration. The areas are way to small. Those invisible walls remind me I'm playing a low budget game. I don't think we need a huge open world but at least the ability to go where ever we want in a small town or something.
And lastly a challenge. That's really the core of gameplay. Even some of the dumbed down shooters have some form of challange despite how easy it is. But walking around, watching cutscenes, and QTEs. It just doesn't seem like I'm "playing". Stealth/survivor horror would work perfectly for the game. Also more skillful point and clicks. AKA if you miss the head don't have the character automatically hit the head because I clicked on the zombie. Like the grab parts in Survival Instinct.
Yes I can be a jerk sometimes but it pisses me off when people just talk shit to a game that isn't even bad. Because I have played bad games. Like reallly, really bad games. Unplayable games with broken game design and completely boring gameplay. Games with absoultly no good qualities at all that made the studios shut down in humiliation.
This game isn't comparable to the blockbusters coming out. But for someone to say "worst game ever" is stupid. These people don't know what a bad game really is. What they really mean is "this game isn't like awesome so it must suck"
So yeah I'm a jerk but his opinion is still worthless so we're even (Cookies if you got the reference).
Of coarse it's not GOTY material. I don't think anyone's saying this.
I find it weird that you're doing a semi full review even though you haven't played it but I don't blame you for skipping it. To me it looks like a fun game. But I'm not buying JUST a fun game. Especially when Bioshock comes out next week which is going to be an amazing game. If I were to get this I would wait for a price drop (it's inevitable for these games that people hate on. Reember DNF?) and play it on a dead week.
Also all new games are $60 so it's not more expensive. Just saying.
This bro tries to act smart than says this? Yeah alright. LMAO
With so many fantastic games (GTA V, for example) coming out this year TWD:SI definitely doesn't stand a chance of being a GOTY title. How could it? It's flawed and needs improvement.
Gran Turismo 6 strangely is releasing this year too, seems rushed since it could very well be a PlayStation 4 title.
Gears of War Judgement -- played the multiplayer demo not really my type of game (TPS), I prefer FPS shooters instead and the graphics weren't very good.
LOL I wouldn't even consider this game for GOTY. GOTY is for great games. This one is just "okay".
Maybe sometimes you can indeed judge a book by its cover... that doesn't mean you shouldn't open it, but you should probably lower your expectations.
You're definition of an okay game is rather ridiculous. I mean from what I've heard, Crysis 3 is an okay game. Kinda like the previous parts, but not amazing, that's an okay game.
TWD can't match games that came more than 5 years ago, not to mention games like Tomb Raider, which were an actual 2013 titles.
P.S You seem to defend this game so much, but you haven't even tried it. I did, however. People only try to play it because it is TWD and they love the franchise. So yeah, there are no good qualities about this game and if you keep insulting people who do not share your opinion, we might have to ask some mod to force you to contain your fanboyish know-it-all outbursts.
So much right with this post.
Yeah, I think Europe gets it next week.
I think this is a game that's been aimed (inadvertently or not) at a niche group of gamers. (not including walking dead "fans")
Yeah well fuck your opinion and fuck you. This has nothing to do with people not liking what I like. The only reason I'm "defending" this because of idiots like you who have a terrible judgement in games.
I wouldn't have to defend it if people actually knew what makes games good. I said several times that it's not worth it because of better titles that are great games. But assholes like completely underrate games like this. It was the same deal with DNF. It's either bad or amazing. I dare you to play Die Hard Vendetta. Maybe then you would know what a bad game is. But your sense in game quality is atrocious.
The game isn't bad. It isn't great either. And it doesn't have 0 positive aspects. Your opinion is shit and so are you. Get the fuck off the Internet retard.
Jesus. What's wrong with you? Someone gives you a perfectly reasonable argument, and you flip your shit. This isn't like something that should be a sore spot. This is fucking VIDEO GAMES. If you honestly think this is a good response, then I think you might need some time off the internet. Asshole.
Reasonable argument my ass.
Also It may not be a nice response but he doesn't deserve one.
He didn't fucking insult you. He didn't fucking call you an idiot, he only said that he had a different opinion.
I consider myself a cynical asshole, but you sir are a stupid asshole. Please, just throw your computer off a cliff until you grow up and realize that people with a different opinion aren't fucking Satan.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. If you disagree with that opinion, fine. Ask why the other person feels the way they do, explain why you think differently, and engage in a healthy discussion.
Do NOT insult them just because they think differently.
And for the love of god, stop swearing all the time. You sound like a bunch of 12 year olds on sugar rushes.
I already said I don't care that he has a different opinion. It's the fact that his "opinion" is bullshit and full of unnecessary hate. So he gets unnecessary hate in return.
It might be the best "movie game" released, but this game sucks donkey balls.
Tornreaper: You really gotta insult people, who don't agree with you? YOU think it is a okay, or good or what-ever game, did the crazy idea, that people, who don't like the game at all have their actual reasons for it cross your mind? He perfectly explains his opinion, this game doesn't deserve to be called "good" (That's my opinion) because it simply has not a single aspect, that is "good" it is mediocre, the gameplay is allright, nothing more and nothing less, from what I've heard the story "isn't good", either, take it for what it's worth, the visuals (the least important thing) are okaaay.
Now add "allright" + "not good" + "okaaay" and you get = mediocre
You know why there is so much hate? Because once again Activision smells a huge load of money, so they decide to somehow make some game with the "Walking Dead" license, make it damn short (about 5 hours I've heard), create a survival/herd mode, but cut it for pre-orders only - I mean seriously the game is so damn short you could call it a scam for 50 bucks, and then those impertinent ... people cut another mode.
They went out of their way to put as little effort as possible into it, and you know what? There's gonna be backlash from the Walking Dead fans for it.
They won't have as much succes as Telltale, and they don't deserve to, in contrary to Activision - Telltale puts effort into their games, they didn't do a Walking Dead game mainly for the reason, that it has such a huge fanbase, but also because they were interested in the franchise. They took their time to create a great story, incredible characters and yeah... okay... the gameplay is simple, but nonetheless I enjoyed it, we don't need more shooters, there are plenty of them.
The facts, however, remain and no matter how much your swear, this game will still be one of the absolute worst games to have been released for the past couple of years.
(I kid, I'm just adding a bit of pointless chaos - I don't give to poo's about other people's opinions)
Let this be a lesson, all you unhappy zombie slayers - if in doubt, rent first... sheesh.
Fist real dud entry into the franchise i think. Shame. Survival instinct does actually have ideas and themes that i reckon could produce a good game, but clearly rushed doesn't even begin to describe it. I'll probably eventually pick it up when the price drops very low, since it does star two of my favorite characters.
I would say the game is MUCH better than i expected. I assumed you would have no freedom what so ever, that you would not meet other survivors and i also assumed you would just walk ine a line killing zombies on the way.
The problem with the game is just that it was rushed. Obviously they wanted the game to come out before the Season 3 finale so everyone with a "Walking Dead fix" would buy the game. Problem number two is just that the development time was not enough.
I'm no graphics whore, but i think the game has some decent graphics, or rather nice detail on the enviortments you are in. It really looks like something fucked up has happend. The zombies look great, mostly when you see different ones (with other faces etc).
In short, it's a good idea, but the combat, exploration, pacing just all out SUCK just cause the game was rushed into stores. MAYBE if the game sells well and they dont have to rush a sequal, then i think the next game might be better. But as of now this game just sucks donkey balls.
It's also probably the best "Movie" based game after Spider Man 2, which for some weird reason game a very good game.
Better than Batman Arkham Asylum/City?
That's not "movie based" game. It's just a game based of Batman done by a very good developer and they released it when it was DONE. Not like this piece of crap.
I'm sorry, there might be someone who likes this, but it's the worst game i've ever played. Mostly cause it has the features and potential of being a good game but everything is just bad. Mostly the controls on PC.
Whatever respect I had of this guy is fucking obliterated. Where's the option to kick this guy off the forums?
It is the "report" button. Use it if he starts insulting people and keep things civil yourself(not specifically talking to you, talking to everyone here). No need to go nuts because one person is swearing and throwing insults.
Guess so, it's just that the guy was getting on my nerves when these forums is pretty filled with level-headed people.
Id say WATCH THE VIDEO REVIEW. It's that play thing on the top.
Meh, everybody has off days.
Greg Miller at least this time wasn't a complete annoying douchebag, I agree with most he said.
"Without IGN having ever actually to play it first" < Greg thinking they should always be the ones to play it before the rest.
I don't hate him just for that, hate, it's because he brought it on himself.
The idea of scavenging and sending survivors out for scouts in the game sounded interesting, as well as choosing your destinations carefully. Shame that the ideas weren't as developed as it could have been.
Had they given the game more development time before release, I think the game could have done better, but I guess we'll never know.
Kinda wish the review was even longer because they're enjoyable to watch.