The logic I'm using is "Hey, the last Walking Dead game was awesome, I'm going to buy this whatever!". I'd imagine it sold quite a bit on brand-name recognition alone. Never underestimate the stupidity of idiots.
Hahaha, pretty harsh, although truth. I actually had to convince myself this game blows by watching the ENTIRE playthrough, and oh lord, it was bad. I only watched it all because it is The Walking Dead, and sadly I am a huge fan of the franchise And it did, but it is bombing on reviews, and overall many gamers I know have returned it right back to the store, so they are only making so much, I'd say they are probably broken even.
Kind of disappointing that people's expectations were already low. This is The Walking Dead, a franchise sealed with quality yet Activision released this below quality garbage.
If the game gets a sequel I'll be damned shocked, I can't see how a game as bad as this can get such thing.
Call of Duty is repetitive sure but the gameplay is great and works smoothly.
I watched several youtube playthroughs of the game and decided it wasn't for me. It's a 6 hour generic story, with dumb walkers that get stuck on fences and are facing away from you automatically more often than not, has levels that look the same for side missions, and you never get anyone that fights besides you during levels...not even Merle. It had a couple interesting features like having 2 different choices when picking roads sometimes and having to pick and chose between survivors but you can't get them to fight besides you and out of the missions that you can send them on, well sending them to get food seems to be their only useful task...if they don't return half-dead. And occasionally items (thankfully rarely) are glitched into objects so you can't get them and the graphics are below par. Yeah, graphics aren't everything, heck, some of my favorite PC games are adventure games from the 90's, but for FPSs I do want good graphics unless the story is good which this one not only ain't but ends with a sequel-hook at that.
So yeah, 3/10. if you want it because you only live once (a view I usually subscribe to) then I'd recommend waiting for a price drop because this isn't a $50 game...just a typical Activision rush-job to get a piece of the pie.
I always anticipated it would be bad, I have a mate who's a such a die-hard fan of the Tv Series that he was determined it would be great. It has the problem most games have these days, they're pushed out from production too quick, so there's no time to improve or refine the game.
That's what made this game fail, Activision were too eager to cash in on the Walking Dead franchise that they didn't realize that they weren't doing it right.
Not only is this game utterly garbage so put it nicely, but the price are you kidding me. even at 9,99$ it would be garbage, and they want 49,99$ what was Activision smoking, and where can the rest of us mortals get some of that.
I can only imagine how good this game could have been if Telltale had made it.
Really hope telltale takes the fps idea from Survival instinct and put it together with their walking dead, that could really have potential, having the story, atmosphere from the Telltale game combined with survival scavenging and a bit of free roam to explore.
Not only is this game utterly garbage so put it nicely, but the price are you kidding me. even at 9,99$ it would be garbage, and they want 49,99$ what was Activision smoking, and where can the rest of us mortals get some of that.
I can only imagine how good this game could have been if Telltale had made it.
Really hope telltale takes the fps idea from Survival instinct and put it together with their walking dead, that could really have potential, having the story, atmosphere from the Telltale game combined with survival scavenging and a bit of free roam to explore.
Since when is Telltale know for making those kind of games? They're all up in the point & click adventure business, which is good, because barely anyone else wants to do those anymore.
Or they simply do not know how to properly do point-and-click games like Telltale does.
Well, the last game - Walking Dead - wasn't really a proper point-and-click game, it was simplified to hell and back for the sake of... concentrating on characters, I guess. Still turned out great.
Hopefully that Fables thing will have actual puzzles, though.
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct was below-low of anyone's expectations (unless their expectations were already low) there's a new zombie sandbox game, called State of Decay.
I liked SI. I felt like it's an unfinished game and that there're things that could have been a LOT better. The graphics were very crappy, the ending was crappy, the walkers' intelligence was also crappy and the scavenging scenarios look the same. A pity. But anyways, I enjoyed playing it. Also I liked the opening and the music theme of the Firesign Stadium level. I give it a 6.5/10.
I played this game for a bit.. its most certainly a cash grab... Its certainly not the worst game I have ever played but its a shame they didnt at least try to make it a great game... I hope Kirkman doesn't go for the easy payday (just let anyone put out inferior products just to make money while WD is popular) with Walking Dead too often or it cheapens the franchise.
I... I have a dream!
I have a dream, where A€tivi$ion,
stops, making cash-grabs,
where A€tivi$ion recognizes, that
their methods... are stupid,
where A€tivi$ion puts effort into
their games.
Now, that this game failed too, along
with some simultaneously shitty games,
based off on successful licenses, maybe
it'll become reality... haha fat chance
I liked SI. I felt like it's an unfinished game and that there're things that could have been a LOT better. The graphics were very crappy, the ending was crappy, the walkers' intelligence was also crappy and the scavenging scenarios look the same. A pity. But anyways, I enjoyed playing it. Also I liked the opening and the music theme of the Firesign Stadium level. I give it a 6.5/10.
P.S: Obviously, Telltale's game is waaaay better.
I feel that this would be my exact feelings of the game if i had it. It's certainly not very good, but i can easily come to enjoy even the crappiest products out there, so i would most likely be entertained.
Phil_TWD, this game definitely looks a bit better than Survival Instinct, however I'm gonna wait for reviews first.
If it is just a mindless shooter, you know I can play Left 4 Dead... nobody's gonna top this game anytime soon.
Dude, read the thread. I pointed out that the icons make it look like Carley is arguing with herself. double_u's Carley has a gun. Read her comment. Then read my last post.
It's something in the middle.
It has great ideas combined with bad implementation.
It had good potential, but failed to realize it.
Still, it was much better than I'd expected it to be.
Hahaha, pretty harsh, although truth. I actually had to convince myself this game blows by watching the ENTIRE playthrough, and oh lord, it was bad. I only watched it all because it is The Walking Dead, and sadly I am a huge fan of the franchise
I think this is a fair review of it.
If the game gets a sequel I'll be damned shocked, I can't see how a game as bad as this can get such thing.
Call of Duty is repetitive sure but the gameplay is great and works smoothly.
CoD compared to this is paradise.
So yeah, 3/10. if you want it because you only live once (a view I usually subscribe to) then I'd recommend waiting for a price drop because this isn't a $50 game...just a typical Activision rush-job to get a piece of the pie.
That's what made this game fail, Activision were too eager to cash in on the Walking Dead franchise that they didn't realize that they weren't doing it right.
april fool 2 days late ?
or just yahtzee going against the grain ?
I can only imagine how good this game could have been if Telltale had made it.
Really hope telltale takes the fps idea from Survival instinct and put it together with their walking dead, that could really have potential, having the story, atmosphere from the Telltale game combined with survival scavenging and a bit of free roam to explore.
He's always liked the game, he gave it 4th place in his best of 2012 video IIRC.
Since when is Telltale know for making those kind of games? They're all up in the point & click adventure business, which is good, because barely anyone else wants to do those anymore.
No one need for another FPS developer...
Or they simply do not know how to properly do point-and-click games like Telltale does.
Well, the last game - Walking Dead - wasn't really a proper point-and-click game, it was simplified to hell and back for the sake of... concentrating on characters, I guess. Still turned out great.
Hopefully that Fables thing will have actual puzzles, though.
Very promising and with the gameplay already shown, there's no fear that this will turn out god awful like TWD:SI.
I can't wait for this to come out.
P.S: Obviously, Telltale's game is waaaay better.
And oddly in reverse, with the haters being the ones going apeshit. lol:cool:
The Walking Dead = 11/10
By now I'd have thought people knew that the game isn't worth that much.
Stick with your Call of Kids while you can...
I have a dream, where A€tivi$ion,
stops, making cash-grabs,
where A€tivi$ion recognizes, that
their methods... are stupid,
where A€tivi$ion puts effort into
their games.
Now, that this game failed too, along
with some simultaneously shitty games,
based off on successful licenses, maybe
it'll become reality... haha fat chance
Yeah, the game hasn't been out for too long but normally an Activision game sells a million copies and this is nowhere near a million.
Kill it before it lays more eggs!! xD
And now she snaps with the gun coming out!
I feel that this would be my exact feelings of the game if i had it. It's certainly not very good, but i can easily come to enjoy even the crappiest products out there, so i would most likely be entertained.
That fence AI, though...good stuff.
If it is just a mindless shooter, you know I can play Left 4 Dead... nobody's gonna top this game anytime soon.
Considering what they probably spent on this, I'm guessing they made their money back and then some.
Also, how the fuck is that arguing.
Edit: Also, suggesting I shoot myself, for discussing a game, is pretty fucking sick.
Does everything make sense now?