Don't know if this already came up in this thread.
As a veritable 'achievement' hater, I've already laughed when Steam introduced achievements for being on Steam last month. Now look what Microsoft thinks is a swell idea for their One console:
It's incredible. Microsoft wants those couch potatoes who actually still watch TV to get their kicks out of achievements like "watched entire Super Bowl" or "watched one hour of straight ads through zapping". How stupid is Microsoft, seriously, how stupid?
That reminds me of an Idle Thumbs Podcast episode I listened to a week or so ago (I think it was from 2009) in which Jake posited the idea of getting achievements through watching Netflix. And now this.
Hey, it's not unreasonable to expect that people, whose primary language is English, should be able to spell better than a nine year old.
Don't forget to make them learn punctuation as well. You know, no 'framing' commas in restrictive relative clauses and all that stuff. We only do that in Germany.
Reminds me of an Xbox One picture I saw on GameSpot, whose caption is a parody of Jay-Z's "99 Problems" which says: "I've got 99 problems and my name is One"!
All right, what kind of crappy shit has Microsoft not yet tried to pull... hey, what about Electronic Arts' Sim City "the cloud does the work for you" fabrication to justify always online DRM in single player games? Microsoft really wouldn't pull off that cloud gaming kind of crap, eh? Least of all to justify its inferior specs compared to the PS4?
well they probably had the whole "the cloud makes the XBOX ONE super powerful" line figured out before the sim city disaster, but the thing is that now there will always be XBOX fanboys claiming that the xbox i more powerful than the PS4 and the PC because of "the cloud" and they will never be convinced otherwise even when the internet proves that it isn't as good as they say it is
I don't exactly see how he can say this is not a ''backlash'' There is a lot of people who don't like this and people have made videos about it like Angry Joe, and JeremyJahns. Also this guy basically assumes that Sony will do this to used games. For all we know they could but this guy basically makes it sound like Sony is going to do this without question. Thirdly he says that Sony is appealing to small companies but they could lose the big companies. Please tell me at what point did Sony lose big company support? He says EA have given up support for Wii U which has nothing to do with Sony and that Cod Ghosts DLC will be on Xbox eariler. Oh you mean how all the Cod DLC is on Xbox a month eariler than PC & PS3. At this point the poster just feels like a Xbox fanboy in my opinion.
Sorry I really hadn't gotten to the "This isn't backlash" part of the article, so I deleted that point. I do still agree with him though, but that was my fault.
I don't exactly see how he can say this is not a ''backlash'' There is a lot of people who don't like this and people have made videos about it like Angry Joe, and JeremyJahns.
He is saying that technically from Microsoft's perspective, no one has done anything. Microsoft don't care that they get bad prep if they still get a lot of sales. If everyone complains but still buys it, then there really wasn't a backlash as they still profited from it. A youtube video means nothing.
Also this guy basically assumes that Sony will do this to used games. For all we know they could but this guy basically makes it sound like Sony is going to do this without question.
He isn't saying that Sony WILL do this, but rather there is a possibility of it considering they are dancing around the subject themselves.
Thirdly he says that Sony is appealing to small companies but they could lose the big companies. Please tell me at what point did Sony lose big company support?
"could", not "right now". As in there is a chance that developers will think "Oh less used games over on the xbox? I better focus on them and not Sony/Nintendo". A scenario that could very well happen if the xbox still sells well.
He says EA have given up support for Wii U which has nothing to do with Sony and that Cod Ghosts DLC will be on Xbox eariler. Oh you mean how all the Cod DLC is on Xbox a month eariler than PC & PS3.
He was talking about how companies need to form alliances. The EA dropping WiiU support may not involve Sony/MS, but it does go with the idea of how the big 3 need to form alliances(much like Nintendo is doing with Sega) to keep alive in the console war with exclusives. If MS gets all the alliances from this system, it wont matter what people think, Sony and Nintendo won't have as many games to compete with the Xbox One.
At this point the poster just feels like a Xbox fanboy in my opinion.
Which is exactly why he stated great ways to protest the Xbox One if you don't like it that would actually send a message to them.
I don't exactly see how he can say this is not a ''backlash'' There is a lot of people who don't like this and people have made videos about it like Angry Joe, and JeremyJahns. Also this guy basically assumes that Sony will do this to used games. For all we know they could but this guy basically makes it sound like Sony is going to do this without question. Thirdly he says that Sony is appealing to small companies but they could lose the big companies. Please tell me at what point did Sony lose big company support? He says EA have given up support for Wii U which has nothing to do with Sony and that Cod Ghosts DLC will be on Xbox eariler. Oh you mean how all the Cod DLC is on Xbox a month eariler than PC & PS3. At this point the poster just feels like a Xbox fanboy in my opinion.
Ugh, I just checked the EB Games Australia website, and a preorder page is up for the Xbox One...900 dollars...that's just ridiculous, clearly they're only catering for the super rich.
EDIT: Oh, not to mention some of the games available for preorder are over 100 each. The least expensive game is close to 120. Utterly stupid.
Ugh, I just checked the EB Games Australia website, and a preorder page is up for the Xbox One...900 dollars...that's just ridiculous, clearly they're only catering for the super rich.
EDIT: Oh, not to mention some of the games available for preorder are over 100 each. The least expensive game is close to 120. Utterly stupid.
Dude, there are no announced prices even for the US. The prices are placeholders.
Dude, there are no announced prices even for the US. The prices are placeholders.
Ah...oops, I guess I'm a bit dense there Thanks for clearing that up. Either way, I'm not even remotely interested in getting this pathetic excuse for a games console, I'll stick with my 360 and PC gaming
If the price for this console is expensive beyond my budget(not that i dont have any plans to get this) I am not going to waste my time with it since Microsoft just wants to screw with us gamers. Big time.
I bet $350 or $400 for the base model, and up to $600 or $650 for premium services and greater HDD space.
suffice it to say I predict near tablet prices, as this isn't a game console so much as a set-top media center that also plays games. So the internet connection isn't just for games, but for other online services. That is to say that games are not the primary focus, but rather online services, and the fact that these services require internet access anyway to work gives Microsoft an excuse to also require it for games--which makes EA extremely happy, I'm sure.
apparently its gonna be £600 in england they probably still consider the kinect as an extra so its a decent deal , but because the kinect is mandatory it isn't a deal
The kinect can't even be considered an extra because no one wants the damn piece of crap. It's actually kinda sad to see that Sony (and Microsoft) have not learned their lesson from the PS3 because in the UK on Amazon both PS4 & Xbox One are £600. I guess the console I'm getting this year will be Wii U Kinda funny considering I got the 3DS this year as well
It's actually kinda sad to see that Sony (and Microsoft) have not learned their lesson from the PS3 because in the UK on Amazon both PS4 & Xbox One are £600.
Again. PLACEHOLDER PRICES, for both. There are_no_official_prices_yet. Neither Sony nor Microsoft have given ANY indication as to the price of their consoles. Amazon randomly puts out the maximum of what they expect.
That reminds me of an Idle Thumbs Podcast episode I listened to a week or so ago (I think it was from 2009) in which Jake posited the idea of getting achievements through watching Netflix. And now this.
Don't forget to make them learn punctuation as well. You know, no 'framing' commas in restrictive relative clauses and all that stuff. We only do that in Germany.
mainly for liking saints row 4 'trailer' and thinking it's the best game
sr3 had it's moments but the dlc was shocking.
funny how spelling and grammar gets harder as you get older lol
They didn't. They did that last year. Hater. Get your facts right.
All right, what kind of crappy shit has Microsoft not yet tried to pull... hey, what about Electronic Arts' Sim City "the cloud does the work for you" fabrication to justify always online DRM in single player games? Microsoft really wouldn't pull off that cloud gaming kind of crap, eh? Least of all to justify its inferior specs compared to the PS4?
Angry Joe's angry rant on Xbox One:
JeremyJahns video on Xbox One:
In any case it still does matter.
Finally, a way to watch live TV ... through ... though my TV ...
Sorry I really hadn't gotten to the "This isn't backlash" part of the article, so I deleted that point. I do still agree with him though, but that was my fault.
He is saying that technically from Microsoft's perspective, no one has done anything. Microsoft don't care that they get bad prep if they still get a lot of sales. If everyone complains but still buys it, then there really wasn't a backlash as they still profited from it. A youtube video means nothing.
He isn't saying that Sony WILL do this, but rather there is a possibility of it considering they are dancing around the subject themselves.
"could", not "right now". As in there is a chance that developers will think "Oh less used games over on the xbox? I better focus on them and not Sony/Nintendo". A scenario that could very well happen if the xbox still sells well.
He was talking about how companies need to form alliances. The EA dropping WiiU support may not involve Sony/MS, but it does go with the idea of how the big 3 need to form alliances(much like Nintendo is doing with Sega) to keep alive in the console war with exclusives. If MS gets all the alliances from this system, it wont matter what people think, Sony and Nintendo won't have as many games to compete with the Xbox One.
Which is exactly why he stated great ways to protest the Xbox One if you don't like it that would actually send a message to them.
The greater issue is "Who really cares".
The people who bought the 360 will likely but the One.
EDIT: Oh, not to mention some of the games available for preorder are over 100 each. The least expensive game is close to 120. Utterly stupid.
Ah...oops, I guess I'm a bit dense there
from what I hear those are the usual game prices over there.
I guess 399$ for the best model.
suffice it to say I predict near tablet prices, as this isn't a game console so much as a set-top media center that also plays games. So the internet connection isn't just for games, but for other online services. That is to say that games are not the primary focus, but rather online services, and the fact that these services require internet access anyway to work gives Microsoft an excuse to also require it for games--which makes EA extremely happy, I'm sure.
If they'd said that during the conference it would have allayed a lot of problems.
Cheque's in the mail.
Again. PLACEHOLDER PRICES, for both. There are_no_official_prices_yet. Neither Sony nor Microsoft have given ANY indication as to the price of their consoles. Amazon randomly puts out the maximum of what they expect.
i reckon within the first month i'll see one in a shop second hand for a few quid less..
(cos you know some spoilt brat will have it, hate it and then get rid of it)..seen a few second hand wii u's recently too !
so for me it's sticking to 360 and pc (probably upgrade around the time half life 2 ep3/ half life 3, portal 3, left 4 dead 3 are near release)
READING must not be one of your strengths.