The Xbox One



  • edited May 2013
    [removed rant because while I want to reply to it, there's no need to repeat it]

    There's still plenty of innovation out there, Microsoft and Telltale (to use your examples) are not the be all and end all of gaming. If you can't see past that then you're just blind and need to give up and find something better to do with your time. If you can't turn around and say 'meh' to the likes of Microsoft then I feel sorry for you as you must get angry at every little stupid thing. It's not worth the aggravation.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    I'm fucking done fuck this fucking bullshit fuck.

    First Telltale and everyone's grandmother and DAISHI wants to take gameplay out of games and remove critical thinking and puzzle solving so humanity can be reduced to brainless fuckwads who slap their cocks in each other's faces while hooting now Microsoft want to market an entire console to said brainless cockslapping fuckwads and I am fucking done video games are done. There is no innovation. There is no intelligence. I]:mad: really inacceptable part :mad:[/I and so can Microsoft fuck off. I don't care. Gaming is dead. Gaming will go nowhere. My hopes and dreams for gaming are gone. It's over. I'm wasting my time. There is nothing on this green earth for me as a human being to contribute now because it will mean nothing in the long run when games are replaced by skype sex chat sports shitstain something something I quit.

    I can't even. I am too mad to post. There is no point in even being a game designer. My dream is dead.

    My dear good gals and guys,

    COOL IT. Yup, corrupt, that means you as well.

    Hopes for traditional adventure game mechanics are out there. You'll probably get at least two 2D adventure games this year with the Age & Sword 'Broken' duology. Then Red Thread Games has promised more traditional stuff with Chapters for 2014. And a fair amount of smaller adventure game projects are out there with successful Kickstarters.

    I can understand you though, the 'stop and think' moments ARE being kicked out of gaming nowadays. And, yes, I believe that exactly the things you and I are missing in Telltale's games of today are being purposefully removed for fear of overburdening the player.
  • edited May 2013
    My dear good gals and guys,

    COOL IT. Yup, corrupt, that means you as well.

    Hopes for traditional adventure game mechanics are out there. You'll probably get at least two 2D adventure games this year with the Age & Sword 'Broken' duology. Then Red Thread Games has promised more traditional stuff with Chapters for 2014. And a fair amount of smaller adventure game projects are out there with successful Kickstarters.

    I can understand you though, the 'stop and think' moments ARE being kicked out of gaming nowadays. And, yes, I believe that exactly the things you and I are missing in Telltale's games of today are being purposefully removed for fear of overburdening the player.

    Bless this post. While the Xbox One is looking horrendous, this does not mean the end of thought-provoking concepts in games. The adventure genre is still alive, we're getting a new Broken Sword plus a new Tim Schafer point and click, that alone is great news. That's without mentioning German company Daedalic Entertainment's development of consistently great quality games that in some cases rival the titles of LucasArts' golden age with their unique worlds and tests of brain power. We needn't worry.
  • edited May 2013
    Apologies Vainamoinen, my post may have come across as more aggressive than I meant it to be. I'll leave it alone.
  • edited May 2013
    They'd better offer a non-vocal method of issuing commands, otherwise: "XBox, show porn."

  • edited May 2013
    And the hits just keep on coming. Microsoft says NO to self-published indie titles.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Something that wasn't announced on the stream: apparently it needs to connect to the internet once every 24 hours.

    Well, it's not that I can not understand Fawful's urge to go on a twitter rampage. That's not 'always online', but a very close call. It's an online console and that's that...

    ...who would have thought that Sony wins the console wars because Microsoft starts openly urinating on its customers? I mean, weren't these wars TEH conflict of the new century? I'm more or less in tears of laughter here. What a daft business move.
  • edited May 2013
    So Microsoft is ripping people off by making them pay for pre-owned games and needs to be connected every 24 hours to the internet. Wow that is a huge rip off.
  • edited May 2013
    Well after reading this thread and learning more of the horrible horrible features to come i think i can say that ether Microsoft just thinks there is a lot of Xbox fanboys who are so stupid and blind to Microsoft's BS that they will buy it anyway and find out all of this for themselves or they are just sending it out to fail or something like that. Meh just my opinion.
  • edited May 2013
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Well thanks Microsoft. I now know who to pick between you and the PS4 this generation. PS4 it is!

    yep yep
  • edited May 2013
    Also didn't Sony already confirm that the rumors of not being able to play pre-owned games were not true?
  • edited May 2013
    Sony avoided announcing the decision I believe. Although, even Xbox can technically say that. You CAN play preowned games on xbox, just have to pay for them again.

    If Sony doesn't match them, Xbox is completely dead in the water.
  • edited May 2013
    Also didn't Sony already confirm that the rumors of not being able to play pre-owned games were not true?

    I think the exact words they said You will be able to play preowned games'
    However they have spent a lot of time developing similar tech...

    They are probably doing the same thing and have just been to cowardly to admit it...
  • edited May 2013
    We've had incredibly thought provoking games come out the last few years. Don't know how people could argue otherwise.
  • edited May 2013
    And the hits just keep on coming. Microsoft says NO to self-published indie titles.

    Yah I'm not buying a new XBox.
  • edited May 2013
    i'll say 'xbox go home.. '

    with the all the tech it has in it it could actually get off your shelf pack it's bags and leave..
  • edited May 2013
  • edited May 2013
    Thank God for Jim.

    What makes this especially awesome is that it's a special episode - he normally does one a week that comes out on a Monday, in case you don't know - so him taking time out to do another one a mere day after the reveal is pretty awesome of him.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    JESUS WTF is going on with the internet. The memes just keep pouring out of people.
  • edited May 2013
    JESUS WTF is going on with the internet. The memes just keep pouring out of people.

    Why does that surprise you?
  • edited May 2013
    You know what irks me about XBox and Microsoft... don't tell me what to do with my stuff. I barely have a reason to own an XBox anyway since I've got a great gaming PC rig. Like with my iPad, I realize it's a closed market, but I bought it to do exactly what it does. I don't need to mess with its innards and contents and blah blah. A game console, if I buy a game, a 60 dollar game, I shouldn't need to rent permission to play it on another console. I shouldn't have to pay full price for used games. Plus another thing that occurs to me, if I pay for a used game from a used game store do I have to purchase a full license from Microsoft afterward, so taht I'm actually paying more than a new game?
  • edited May 2013
    In other news I've updated my purchase of the WiiU to next month, yay.
  • edited May 2013
    Best meme ever.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    I don't get it.
  • edited May 2013
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Plus another thing that occurs to me, if I pay for a used game from a used game store do I have to purchase a full license from Microsoft afterward, so taht I'm actually paying more than a new game?
    I'm guessing people/stores just won't bother stocking and selling used XBox One games at all.
  • edited May 2013
    I don't get it.

  • edited May 2013
    Features Of The Xbox One
    • Windows XP operating system
    • Will offer new titles in such popular Xbox series as Ace Combat, Kane & Lynch, Crash Time, and Call of Juarez
    • Xbox Hat—Say the words “Xbox Hat” out loud and a large image of a hat will appear on your TV screen
    • 92-Core x500 P2W (G4-Jig system), 2F3 DLX silver frame technology, 2/5/5/MP2s zoomnet capability, Zip control (TV/satellite/laptop), 3.1.8 optical input-output, 34V-876-ZZB, custom 2x cross-memory feedback, DVD
    • Ability to capture live game play, edit it, and send it to your pathetic friends
    • 500 GB of added system memory you can buy separately for more fucking money
    • Color green probably in there somewhere
    • Kinect motion sensor capable of responding to what you consider movement
    • Preloaded with episodes of Get Smart
    • Gumball dispenser
  • edited May 2013
    I feel a similar future lies in wait for the XBox One:

  • edited May 2013
    A fair amount of Xbox fans are already dismissing the negative comments as "Sony fan boys". It's kind of funny in a way. It's like the new form of religious wars.

    I own a PS3 and I used to own an Xbox. I had them both, played them side by side and I chose PS3 because it suited me better. I wouldn't exactly call myself a fanboy for that.
  • edited May 2013
    Microsoft's Head of Interactive Entertainment Business, Don Mattrick, told The Wall Street Journal:
    "If you're backwards compatible, you're really backwards."

  • edited May 2013
    I dunno. I think I need to get the XBox One. I saw that Call of Duty had a dog with an ear tattoo and was totally sold.
  • edited May 2013
    But the dog will look even better on PC.
    Also you can get Fallout New Vegas right now. It has dogs with robot brains.
    "Microsoft have unveiled their new games console, the Xbox "One", named after the number of people who searched it on Bing."
  • edited May 2013
    In the future, when you wonder about what the source of human misery is, and you contemplate politics, religion, philosophies, lifestyles, etc., just remember, humans are the true source of human misery. As long as we exist as a species we will find something to become tribal about and war with each other with. The only reason the gaming wars haven't led to killings is because the tribes aren't geographically near enough to one another in sufficient, cohesive numbers.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Johro wrote: »
    A fair amount of Xbox fans are already dismissing the negative comments as "Sony fan boys". It's kind of funny in a way. It's like the new form of religious wars.

    I've been off consoles for about six years now, and pretty deprived of PC games as well because, errr, Steam. So without real fandom for any of the available platforms, the only thing I can say is, anyone who would spend actual money for an Xbox One must suffer from severe brain damage. Especially if it's money he or she him/herself has earned through honest or halfway honest work.
  • edited May 2013
    Guys, guys! An actual, honest-to-god announcement about the XBox One that doesn't suck!

    The new game from Crytek will be an exclusive!
  • edited May 2013
    DAISHI wrote: »
    In the future, when you wonder about what the source of human misery is, and you contemplate politics, religion, philosophies, lifestyles, etc., just remember, humans are the true source of human misery. As long as we exist as a species we will find something to become tribal about and war with each other with. The only reason the gaming wars haven't led to killings is because the tribes aren't geographically near enough to one another in sufficient, cohesive numbers.

    You're like a constant downer, huh?
  • edited May 2013
    This thread is getting a bit depressing isn't it...
    It isn't THAT bad and maybe at E3 when it actually finally tells us about videogames maybe it won't be too awful...

    Maybe I'm just being optimistic because the Xbox 1 was my first real console it had awesome exclusives and was good for its day...
    Oops I mean 'Xbox original'...
  • edited May 2013
    I need to invest in sarcasm/facetiousness tags...
  • edited May 2013
    Hudomonkey wrote: »
    This thread is getting a bit depressing isn't it...
    It isn't THAT bad and maybe at E3 when it actually finally tells us about videogames maybe it won't be too awful...

    Maybe I'm just being optimistic because the Xbox 1 was my first real console it had awesome exclusives and was good for its day...
    Oops I mean 'Xbox original'...

    Never get sentimental about plastic and electric bits.
  • edited May 2013
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Never get sentimental about plastic and electric bits.

    I know but...

    Blinx the Timesweeper...
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