The Xbox One



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Hudomonkey wrote: »
    This thread is getting a bit depressing isn't it...
    It isn't THAT bad and maybe at E3 when it actually finally tells us about videogames maybe it won't be too awful...

    They will prrrretty likely tell peoople about X1 video games there. It's not as if they'll take back everything they've said yesterday instead. :cool:
  • edited May 2013
    Hudomonkey wrote: »
    I know but...

    Blinx the Timesweeper...

    Don't worry I get it. Generations tolerate different things. All game systems are going to be more highly locked up and walled over time.
  • edited May 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »

    Haha. I love this.
  • edited May 2013
    Get sentimental about games, get sentimental about creators. Don't get emotionally attached to brands or specific pieces of hardware. Emotional investment in brands is a shortcut to spending a LOT of time and money on something that makes you unhappy.
  • edited May 2013
    Microsoft just thinks there is a lot of Xbox fanboys who are so stupid and blind to Microsoft's BS that they will buy it anyway and find out all of this for themselves
    There are such people.

    Keep in mind that MS has a partnership with EA, and while we gamers complain about EA's DRM, they still make money hand over fist.

    So, yes, stupid people will still buy it.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Like I feared, it's the DIVX all over again.

    That didn't fly with customers fifteen years ago, and it won't fly now. Granted, it won't flop quite as spectacularly since there's going to obviously be some people buying it out of brand loyalty. But it's not going to be setting any sales records, that's for sure.

    They won't find brand loyalty from me. I had an Xbox and I have a Xbox 360. I'm going to pass this generation.

    On the Xbox 360, I mostly buy XBLA games, but I do have some disc games and they're all pre-owned (unless I see a huge sale on new titles, like AC/DC Rock Band for $5). I also play a lot of games through rentals from Blockbuster. There's no way I'm getting a console that restricts my choices.
  • edited May 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »
    On the Xbox 360, I mostly buy XBLA games, but I do have some disc games and they're all pre-owned (unless I see a huge sale on new titles, like AC/DC Rock Band for $5). I also play a lot of games through rentals from Blockbuster. There's no way I'm getting a console that restricts my choices.
    Likewise. We want more options, not less.
  • edited May 2013
    Different generation most likely won't care. They're most accommodated to higher restrictions.
  • edited May 2013
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Different generation most likely won't care. They're most accommodated to higher restrictions.
    Certain restrictions under certain circumstances, yes. People are used to iTunes app purchases, or digital video purchases, or whatever else. However, people are NOT used to similar restrictions on physical media. DVDs aren't account-based, Blu Rays aren't account-based, books aren't account-based. People have different expectations when they purchase a singular, physical object in a store that represents a piece of media, and when no other game console on the market acts the way this does or has the same restrictions I think it's going to be a tougher sell than you're implying. To a certain degree, the more restrictive avenues of purchases you're treating as analogous really aren't as much as you might think.

    Also, the "once every 24 hours" check is not something people are used to anywhere. The iPad doesn't try to phone home and invalidate your video purchases if it can't, nor does Android invalidate apps nor does Steam put a wall up in front of games.
  • edited May 2013

    Also, the "once every 24 hours" check is not something people are used to anywhere. The iPad doesn't try to phone home and invalidate your video purchases if it can't, nor does Android invalidate apps nor does Steam put a wall up in front of games.

    Now this I do agree on, I'm fairly sure the 24 hour check, at least right now, is still prohibitive and rejected by a majority of people.
  • edited May 2013
    Hudomonkey wrote: »
    This thread is getting a bit depressing isn't it...
    It isn't THAT bad and maybe at E3 when it actually finally tells us about videogames maybe it won't be too awful...

    Maybe I'm just being optimistic because the Xbox 1 was my first real console it had awesome exclusives and was good for its day...
    Oops I mean 'Xbox original'...

    There is solid reason for the thread to be so negative. I mean come on i thought Xbox Live was a complete rip-off making you pay like £40 a year for playing online something that PS3 & Wii offers free. Now though this is just getting funny in a bad way. They want the Xbox to connect to the internet at least one a day so if i was to guess i would take a guess to say that the always on DRM was going to be on it then the insult Twitter comments from that guy who got fired happened and they had to change it someway. Again this is me guessing. But the biggest bs of the whole thing is having to pay extra money for pre-owned games.
  • edited May 2013
    Here's an abbreviated version of the conference.

    Love these videos. The PS4 one made me LOL so hard.

    My favourite line: "We've actually got loads of games, we just forgot to bring them".
  • edited May 2013
    There is solid reason for the thread to be so negative. I mean come on i thought Xbox Live was a complete rip-off making you pay like £40 a year for playing online something that PS3 & Wii offers free. Now though this is just getting funny in a bad way. They want the Xbox to connect to the internet at least one a day so if i was to guess i would take a guess to say that the always on DRM was going to be on it then the insult Twitter comments from that guy who got fired happened and they had to change it someway. Again this is me guessing. But the biggest bs of the whole thing is having to pay extra money for pre-owned games.

    Uh XBOX Live was way better than any online component Wii offered and better than Play Online. Did it justify the price? Obviously the price will sit wherever the market demands.
  • edited May 2013
    I honestly think this is a mistake on the level of PS3 when it rolled out. It took a long time to get its footing because the hubris of the designers, and I think XBOX One will suffer a similar fate.
  • edited May 2013
    Well i didn't see it but from comments here and from friends from what i can gather this is some of the launch titles for each console?


    inFamous Second Son
    Killzone Shadow Zone

    Xbox one

    Forza 5
    5 EA Sports titles
    Halo 5
    Halo TV series

    So which in everyone's opinion is better? Personally PS4 for me, i just like Playstation's exclusives way better.
  • edited May 2013
    The Blu-ray format sold it in the beginning. Especially when the panasonic format folded.
  • edited May 2013
    Well i didn't see it but from comments here and from friends from what i can gather this is some of the launch titles for each console?
    I don't believe there was any mention of a Halo 5, just the TV series (which doesn't count, dammit!). Also, there's no guarantee they'll be launch titles. Gotta be careful with your wording there, Ryan.
  • edited May 2013
    Meh i did some checking for launch titles and i seen Halo 5 :/
  • edited May 2013
    Meh i did some checking for launch titles and i seen Halo 5 :/
    May I ask where?
  • edited May 2013
    Turns out Halo 5 is an unconfirmed launch title, i'll link the IGN page about Launch titles and uncomfirmed launch titles.
  • edited May 2013
    That just means it's an assumption. No evidence.
  • edited May 2013
    Halo 4 probably will be though. Won't it? They said last year that they were already working on it. It's also supposed to be a new beginning. I would think that if it's not a launch title, it would be really soon after.

    Again, I don't own a 360 anymore, so I'm not exactly in the loop.
  • edited May 2013
    Halo 4's been out for a while guys.
  • edited May 2013
    5, new series, whatever. They said they were working on a new one. I said I was out of my element :p I watch the Microsoft related panels anyway.
  • edited May 2013
    Angry Joe's angry rant on the subject :)
  • edited May 2013
    Where's the Hitler's reaction video to this travesty? :p
  • edited May 2013
    DVDs aren't account-based, Blu Rays aren't account-based, books aren't account-based.

    But games are. At least on the PC.
    But then again they are considerably cheaper and get discounted quite often. So you basically pay less than for a used copy anyway and get to keep the game.
    I don't see this happen on the XboxOne80 though.
    Hitman Absolution for 17$ 3 months after release? Nope not gonna happen on a console.
  • edited May 2013
    To steal someone else's phrase, "This is a shamockery".
  • edited May 2013
    I counted the number of times they said TV/Television during the reveal.


    Sports was mentioned 16 times (is that all?).
    Call of Duty (which, need I remind people, is going to be multiplatform!) got namedropped 27.
  • edited May 2013
    I counted the number of times they said TV/Television during the reveal.


    Sports was mentioned 16 times (is that all?).
    Call of Duty (which, need I remind people, is going to be multiplatform!) got namedropped 27.

    The highlights.
  • edited May 2013
    I wrote a long comment about this, but the internet decided to eat the whole thing just as I hit post reply.
    And now I can of course not remember half of what I wrote.

    It basically said. Microsoft Xbox Sucks.
  • edited May 2013
    I wrote a long comment about this, but the internet decided to eat the whole thing just as I hit post reply.
    And now I can of course not remember half of what I wrote.

    It basically said. Microsoft Xbox Sucks.
    Try the Lazarus plug-in for Firefox. Lifesaver.
  • edited May 2013
    Try the Lazarus plug-in for Firefox. Lifesaver.

    Thanks, it even works for Chrome. :D
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Just installed the thing as well. Never thought that something like this existed. ;)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Gaming is dead. Gaming will go nowhere. My hopes and dreams for gaming are gone. It's over. [...]

    I can't even. I am too mad to post. There is no point in even being a game designer. My dream is dead.

    ...never worry. Alliances are forged as we speak.

  • edited May 2013
    They look so handsome together. I wish I had both time and money to go to Malmö this weekend.

    Speaking of which, Telltale is pretty well represented there. Strange that there hasn't been any communication from them regarding the conference? Or has it been mentioned on the blog?
  • edited May 2013
    Oh, so Tim Schafer can smile in photos.....instead of looking like he wants to stab himself in the throat in the vicinity of the other person in the picture with him.....okay.
  • edited May 2013
    Everybody has those "I've taken 200 pictures today" photos. Some people just fake it better than others. I've had some photos with bands where they just looked annoyed.
  • edited May 2013
    More info on how used games will work has emerged.

    There were rumblings that you could trade them in to Microsoft direct and get credit or something, but according to a report from MCV, it'll work like this:
    Apparently, the way it works is this -- retailers have to agree to terms set forth by Microsoft for used sales (much like credit card retailer agreements). Microsoft's cloud system is integrated into the deal, and when the used game owner hands over the disc, it's wiped from their Xbox Live account. Microsoft and the publisher then take a cut of the sale, and the retail store gets the rest.
    So that's small-time stores out (and yes, I know quite a few).
  • edited May 2013
    More info on how used games will work has emerged.

    There were rumblings that you could trade them in to Microsoft direct and get credit or something, but according to a report from MCV, it'll work like this:
    Apparently, the way it works is this -- retailers have to agree to terms set forth by Microsoft for used sales (much like credit card retailer agreements). Microsoft's cloud system is integrated into the deal, and when the used game owner hands over the disc, it's wiped from their Xbox Live account. Microsoft and the publisher then take a cut of the sale, and the retail store gets the rest.
    So that's small-time stores out (and yes, I know quite a few).
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