The "whatever's on your mind" thread 1.3



  • edited June 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Why didn't you learn that from the game?
    I was watching NintendoCapriSun's LP of Metroid Prime 2, and there was a room he entered where he said "the key to this puzzle is 'Roy G. Biv' when he was completing a puzzle involving different colors.

    It wasn't the game itself that mentioned it.

    As for Sam & Max, I think that was probably one of those things where a joke you don't get goes over your head and so you don't pay much attention to it.
  • edited June 2013
    The attorney was right to object. Ghostly testimony should be inadmissible unless the ghost is willing to appear, be sworn in, and cross-examined. Even then, penalty of perjury might not persuade the ghost to tell the truth.
  • edited June 2013
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    The attorney was right to object. Ghostly testimony should be inadmissible unless the ghost is willing to appear, be sworn in, and cross-examined. Even then, penalty of perjury might not persuade the ghost to tell the truth.

    What if it is a ghost that never lies.
  • edited June 2013
    If I was a lawyer in a multi-million dollar lawsuit, my opponent pulled out a ghost testimony, and the judge bought it, it would probably take all of my self-control not to just strangle that judge. Either that or rack up as much contempt of court as possible so that the trial got filed as a mistrial. Because as soon as ghost evidence is admissible, it's totally okay to come to court dressed as a clown and throw glitter at everyone who disagrees with me.
  • edited June 2013
    Brock Lesnar just attacked CM Punk!
  • edited June 2013
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    The attorney was right to object. Ghostly testimony should be inadmissible unless the ghost is willing to appear, be sworn in, and cross-examined. Even then, penalty of perjury might not persuade the ghost to tell the truth.
    I agree. For someone to testify about someone else's testimony is hearsay.

    You can't tell the court that you heard someone else say what happened. That person has to tell the court themselves. Otherwise, it's inadmissible.
  • edited June 2013
    I think the judgement went like this.
  • edited June 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    Brock Lesnar just attacked CM Punk!

    Thanks for the spoilers i didnt watch raw yet :(
  • If skinny people go skinny dipping, do fat people go chunky dunking?
  • edited June 2013
    My psychologist told me something today I never knew before. Being assertive isn't the same as being aggressive. I thought they were the same thing. Then he showed me a video of Mike Rice Jr. as an example of aggressive behavior. Is that what I've been like all these years?

    I've got a lot to think about.

    And by that I mean whether to buy Brutal Legend or Witcher 2.
  • edited June 2013
    Witcher 2. But you'll probably have to buy a new computer to go along with it because man, that game's a game that you build a computer for.
  • edited June 2013
    Witcher 2. But you'll probably have to buy a new computer to go along with it because man, that game's a game that you build a computer for.

    I can't do that, so I can't run it.
  • edited June 2013
    I can't do that, so I can't run it.

    Yeah... it's a bit of a resource hog...
  • edited June 2013
    Started on a new department last week.
    So far its been ok, the managers don't really care about what I do so I can literally do anything I want unless they need me for anything.
    But its still very physical. On and off footstools, lifting boxes, ripping up cardboard.
    Its starting to sap away my energy, especially because its hot here now.

    So I fell asleep earlier, expecting a little hour nap or so.
    But here I am at 3:00am just woken up.
    (I must have slept for like 8 hours or so (more than my usual 6))

    I think I need a day to recharge. I might ask my parents if I can skip a day.
    (Since I work for free anyway, I don't think work cares all too much about this work experience. Plus I haven't really learned much so far. I just feel like I need a bit more rest.)
  • edited June 2013
    Yeah... it's a bit of a resource hog...

    Then I hate it and it's the worst thing ever.
  • edited June 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    What if it is a ghost that never lies.

    If you can call to the witness stand both the ghost that never lies and the ghost that never tells the truth at the same time, and can keep them from potentially switching places after every question, then you might have something.
  • edited June 2013
    They other lawyer should call a counter expert for the ghosts but who you gonna call?
  • edited June 2013
    Then I hate it and it's the worst thing ever.

    It kinda is. It tempts you with it's engaging story and spectacular graphics and combat and then slaps you across the face when you try to actually experience any of those things.
  • coolsome = Deadpool - guns
  • edited June 2013
    Tomi021 wrote: »
    Thanks for the spoilers i didnt watch raw yet :(

    He's not used to people here watching it.

    ...and whoa whoa whoa.
    Someone else here finally follows RAW and coolsome doesn't comment?
  • edited June 2013
    Heading off to Boston next morning, so I'm going to be AFK. For three days.
  • edited June 2013
    Well guys it was awesome. Getting to know most of you for the last five years and making new friends. This is the most popular thread and most of the friends I've made here post here.

    So long and thanks for everything.

  • edited June 2013
    It's been good, man... but what's up? What'd I miss?
  • Wait, so, you’re going? May I ask why?
  • edited June 2013
    Now I'm afraid they'll change the forum over very soon.
  • edited June 2013
    Johro wrote: »
    He's not used to people here watching it.

    ...and whoa whoa whoa.
    Someone else here finally follows RAW and coolsome doesn't comment?

    Yeah I stoped watching for a while , started watching again recently :D
  • edited June 2013
    Well My Brother just bought a PS3...
    He just really wanted to play the Last of Us...
  • edited June 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Now I'm afraid they'll change the forum over very soon.
    I can neither confirm or deny anything.

    You guys ever had a day where you just had NO energy? At all? 'cause that was today for me. I just couldn't do anything today. Ugh.
  • edited June 2013
    Tomi021 wrote: »
    Yeah I stoped watching for a while , started watching again recently :D

    My bad I didn't think anyone watched it and was just posting out of excitement.
  • edited June 2013
    I can neither confirm or deny anything.

    Now I'm getting really paranoid!
  • edited June 2013
  • edited June 2013
    Lol only coolsome can come up with type of material
  • edited June 2013
    I have all these GOGs and I need to play them all!

    I need incentive guys!
    Any ideas? :p

    (Just hit me with one, I'm likely to have it! XD (359 titles I'm up to now. And even I admit how nutty that is! XD))

    EDIT: Here's my GOG wiki page

    EDIT 2: I should make a fuckin' LP series or something with all these bloody games I have.
  • edited June 2013
    If you do a Let's Play of them, it will take you two, three times as long to get through them all.

    Trust me - I speak from experience.

    As for incentive... sort them all by name, then go through all the As and do short reviews of them, ending with deciding which one you thought was the best. The do it again for the Bs, and so on.
  • edited June 2013
    If you do a Let's Play of them, it will take you two, three times as long to get through them all.

    Trust me - I speak from experience.

    As for incentive... sort them all by name, then go through all the As and do short reviews of them, ending with deciding which one you thought was the best. The do it again for the Bs, and so on.

    Hmm... not a bad idea that..

    Maybe I should assign a number for them and use a randomiser to pick one.
    Then I HAVE to play it till I beat it.
  • edited June 2013
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Well guys it was awesome. Getting to know most of you for the last five years and making new friends. This is the most popular thread and most of the friends I've made here post here.

    So long and thanks for everything.


    Just another nail in the coffin.
  • edited June 2013
    I should watch all my Bones DVDs again. I really liked the older series.
  • edited June 2013
    Bloody cat is doing my head in just wanting attention all the time and crying at my flat door just because he's managed to get through it a couple of times recently. And now he's climbed onto my shoulder as I've been typing this. Man his claws are sharp!
This discussion has been closed.