I played a few matches of Mann vs Machine and i liked it...I didn't get past a round but that may be because i was playing on my laptop and the game kept lagging.
Oh don't get me wrong I like it too, it's just when we lose all the time my friends would get frustrated and then I'd get frustrated because it's a vicious cycle of frustration then I'm forced to quit cause I'm the only one left lol. It might not be your laptop, my sister and some of my friends computers would lag real bad when they only played MvM, which was very odd.
Told ya! Only die-hard Who fans even try to defend it, and even then they can't excuse the stealth sections.
Recently played a bit of the Scott Pilgrim game for no other reason than because I could. Forgot how much fun that game was (especially beating the first boss in seconds with a fully upgraded character, booyah!), though having a sore thumb does not help when playing games. Just in case you were wondering.
Wow, that makes my Kingdom Hearts run look reasonable.
For the record, that timeline run has one more game in it than the Kingdom Hearts timeline run, and one of those games hadn't come out when I did the run.
And I just realized that my current Metroid timeline run has one more game in it than the MGS run. Shit.
Yeah, it's been a mess since launch. Are people at least able to get to the links yet? The Facebookian folks were kind enough to give me the torrent link and trackers after the site crashed at launch.
It's pretty good. There's still blood and gore, but the characters are a bit more comedic than I'd like. They're not laughing or anything, but it does give the game more of a die hard feel than super serious.
(could be the random casting they did too. I don't exactly remember what every single character said in the original)
Finally finished Metroid II. Almost thought it wasn't going to happen. My final time was 5:35. And I have to say, after everything the game threw at me, the Queen Metroid was a huge step up in difficulty. It was a frustrating fight, and it would've been worse if I hadn't been playing it on the 3DS and using a restore point. What I'm saying is I died a lot.
So...yeah. Guess I get to start Super Metroid tomorrow. I'm still not sure whether I want to play the Wii version or the original SNES cartridge.
Snes.. I wanted to play it when I was there but there was never enough time.
Black Mesa Source
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time
Sheep, Dog, and Wolf starring Wile E. Coyote
Super Mario Bros
The Adventure Of Link
The Walking Dead
Started playing Temple of Elemental Evil last night. Hasn't been much evil yet, though I did manage to get several party members killed in a fight against zombies.
My impression so far is that there isn't a ton of plot or character, just a lot of little romantic sidequests, but the game mechanics are nearly perfect. Well, for a DnD game, anyways.
Came to Telltale because of TWD. Started playing Sam and Max season 2. Couldn't play season 1 because I'm on a mac. Nonetheless, it's a random and hilarious game so far.
Came to Telltale because of TWD. Started playing Sam and Max season 2. Couldn't play season 1 because I'm on a mac. Nonetheless, it's a random and hilarious game so far.
You can always dual boot Windows 7 (or XP if you don't want to spend that much money) on your mac. I did it with mine, and it worked beautifully. And I'm not sure, but it's possible that Wine would work with S&M, but you'd have to double check that. They've got a list somewhere.
Of course, Season 2 is regarded as the best of the Sam and Max so at least you're getting the good stuff. Episode 4 had me laughing like a maniac at this one reference they snuck in there.
I don't expect to get it finished any time soon! Although my schedule is mostly empty anyway what with being unemployed and having no social life. This could fill a niche...
Back at Mass Effect 3, plus Leviathan DLC (and never before seen "new" ending).
It's at least interesting how they hem and haw with their eternally ruined storyline. A lot of things they originally just smacked the player over the head with in the last two interactive minutes of the game are now readily available information in the first third of the game with the Leviathan DLC. It feels REALLY cheap, but still a bit less cheap than V 1.0.
I am actually looking forward to a future Omega DLC. That was indeed a place that was set up to return to, and Aria's storyline still needs an ending. I also hope they bring Patriarch back... as Aria's one true love and rescuer ... (but I think he was optionally killed in ME2?!). Also, Carrie-Anne Moss FTW.
Amnesia the dark descent,WOW,Diablo 3,Dead Space(again),The Walking Dead episode 1
and waiting for a lot of games I ordered like Sam and Max Season 1,Season 2,Sam and Max the devil's playhouse,Back to the Future,Jurassic Park(all from Telltale,yeah)
I kind of left So Blonde and Secret Files 2 Puritas Cordis and I have to finish them too...
I typically play one game per genre, so here's what I'm mainly playing now:
RPG: Torchlight II (just started)
Adventure: The Longest Journey
Action: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Torchlight II
I'm in the final chapter and getting closer to the end. Man this game is all I want from an Action RPG.
Would you say it's much better or infinitely better than Diablo 3 (or somewhere in between)? I haven't gotten around to it yet, since I haven't had much time for RPGs lately, but I hope I'll be able to give it a go this Christmas.
Would you say it's much better or infinitely better than Diablo 3 (or somewhere in between)? I haven't gotten around to it yet, since I haven't had much time for RPGs lately, but I hope I'll be able to give it a go this Christmas.
I try to forget how bad Diablo 3 was. Torchlight 2 is a great game.
They concentrate on the right things.
They don't shove the story into your face all the time like D3.
Unlike D3 you will find great items from the start. Also your attacks feel impactful. All of them.
No auction house, no always on DRM, LAN mode, 6 man multiplayer (if you want to).
I've just played the demo for XCOM Enemy Unknown and as someone who put a lot of hours into Terror From the Deep (weirdly I never played UFO: Enemy Unknown despite playing Apocalypse & Interceptor when they came out) I have to say it does the original series justice. It plays a lot like I remember TFTD playing, just a hell of a lot prettier. I'm seriously considering getting the full game next month.
I would say it's cos they don't like dieing over and over but the BGM for the first level is so awesome it takes all the frustration of going back to the start.
No game should be that difficult to survive and still have a lives counter. You want to make a game that punishing? It had better be closer to VVVVVV than Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.
Oh don't get me wrong I like it too, it's just when we lose all the time my friends would get frustrated and then I'd get frustrated because it's a vicious cycle of frustration then I'm forced to quit cause I'm the only one left lol. It might not be your laptop, my sister and some of my friends computers would lag real bad when they only played MvM, which was very odd.
Recently played a bit of the Scott Pilgrim game for no other reason than because I could. Forgot how much fun that game was (especially beating the first boss in seconds with a fully upgraded character, booyah!), though having a sore thumb does not help when playing games. Just in case you were wondering.
3, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, Metal Gear, Metal Gear: Solid Snake. Metal Gear Solid, MGS:2 and MGS4.
Is the official Timeline of the games.
So, yes I will be playing the Portable ones as well...but not Ghost Babel, Ac!d or Ac!D2. Just the official games.
For the record, that timeline run has one more game in it than the Kingdom Hearts timeline run, and one of those games hadn't come out when I did the run.
And I just realized that my current Metroid timeline run has one more game in it than the MGS run. Shit.
Certainly not my typical adventure game, but I'm enjoying it.
It's pretty good. There's still blood and gore, but the characters are a bit more comedic than I'd like. They're not laughing or anything, but it does give the game more of a die hard feel than super serious.
(could be the random casting they did too. I don't exactly remember what every single character said in the original)
As I said, I'm enjoying it.
And the sole survivor!
So...yeah. Guess I get to start Super Metroid tomorrow. I'm still not sure whether I want to play the Wii version or the original SNES cartridge.
Black Mesa Source
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time
Sheep, Dog, and Wolf starring Wile E. Coyote
Super Mario Bros
The Adventure Of Link
The Walking Dead
(Basically the same sort of stuff as the DS version)
Torchlight II
(Only played about 50 mins so far but I like it.
My impression so far is that there isn't a ton of plot or character, just a lot of little romantic sidequests, but the game mechanics are nearly perfect. Well, for a DnD game, anyways.
Yeah, the next time we do a road trip (and there will be a next time), we should factor in a day to just all hang out here.
That said, I only have two SNES games, so you didn't really miss a whole lot. I guess Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts is more up your alley than mine, though.
You can always dual boot Windows 7 (or XP if you don't want to spend that much money) on your mac. I did it with mine, and it worked beautifully. And I'm not sure, but it's possible that Wine would work with S&M, but you'd have to double check that. They've got a list somewhere.
Of course, Season 2 is regarded as the best of the Sam and Max so at least you're getting the good stuff. Episode 4 had me laughing like a maniac at this one reference they snuck in there.
It's at least interesting how they hem and haw with their eternally ruined storyline. A lot of things they originally just smacked the player over the head with in the last two interactive minutes of the game are now readily available information in the first third of the game with the Leviathan DLC. It feels REALLY cheap, but still a bit less cheap than V 1.0.
I am actually looking forward to a future Omega DLC. That was indeed a place that was set up to return to, and Aria's storyline still needs an ending. I also hope they bring Patriarch back... as Aria's one true love and rescuer
and waiting for a lot of games I ordered like Sam and Max Season 1,Season 2,Sam and Max the devil's playhouse,Back to the Future,Jurassic Park(all from Telltale,yeah)
I kind of left So Blonde and Secret Files 2 Puritas Cordis and I have to finish them too...
RPG: Torchlight II (just started)
Adventure: The Longest Journey
Action: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
and a couple others...
I'm in the final chapter and getting closer to the end. Man this game is all I want from an Action RPG.
Would you say it's much better or infinitely better than Diablo 3 (or somewhere in between)? I haven't gotten around to it yet, since I haven't had much time for RPGs lately, but I hope I'll be able to give it a go this Christmas.
DC Universe Online for PS3.
I try to forget how bad Diablo 3 was. Torchlight 2 is a great game.
They concentrate on the right things.
They don't shove the story into your face all the time like D3.
Unlike D3 you will find great items from the start. Also your attacks feel impactful. All of them.
No auction house, no always on DRM, LAN mode, 6 man multiplayer (if you want to).
Decided to pick it back up and practice a bit with Tina, and try the 100 Fight Survival once more.
97 wins! 97!
I was so, so very close. DAMMIT!
Lovely game though.
I'm glad they let you retry after completing a scene until you got gold in all 6 in a chapter.
I would say it's cos they don't like dieing over and over but the BGM for the first level is so awesome it takes all the frustration of going back to the start.