The Identity of... (MAJOR SPOILERS for Tales and Pre-Sequel)



  • Bruh

    So, reesespeanutbuddha has noticed something really odd on the Borderlands Wiki. It could be a red herring but on the other hand, he might have actually found something that was just sitting there sometime since the spring and none of us noticed it.

  • I agree one hundred percent.

    Zer0 or 0ne would be too random and a little to ex machina. Loader Bot is the only one allowed to be the ex machina of this story, since he literally came from the machine it's only right.

  • Felix, maybe? I don't know though. I really hope not. I didn't like his character, and that arc could've been executed so much better than it was.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    When Fiona Theorizes that he must know or need them, he asks how confidant she is in that theory, and then specifies by asking her if she wo

  • Sister in law...

    That would get weird, August is in love with his sister.. Nah.. @OP, i think the fact that he has that shotgun from the office is interesting, anything other than that is speculation.

  • enter image description here

    I really hope you're wrong. :(

    seems like he is not going to survive episode 5, and not only because of what anthony said. theres more reasones.

  • well the main reasone i think this is because we can piss him off really bad and laught about his family that was murdered by vault hunters, annnnd we are still alive in the future and there is no loader bots raining on us. so either he is powerless or dead.

    I really hope you're wrong.

  • ~Sighs and makes shopping list of pitch forks and torches for protest~
    Although this interview was before Tales was released, before we knew about the AI. So the contingency could simply be talking about the AI we now know about. I hope so, all these pitch forks and torches are getting expensive. Do know how the peasants of old horror movies did it, group discount perhaps.

    well the main reasone i think this is because we can piss him off really bad and laught about his family that was murdered by vault hunters,

  • I guess you can cancel Felix off that list. One of the mai deciions of episode one involved Felixs life: either let him live of kill him.
    It would simply be impossible - regarding their personal story made by their decisions - that Felix could be the stranger

    Incendax posted: »

    It's either... A) Felix (either unscarred or scarred depending on if he got exploded) Felix's Significant Other from the picture. C) Ath

  • Still Felix can be killed during episode 1 - it would cause a huge plot hole on how he survived. And we are talking about a shot on the chest and an explosion...that would be just too miraculious.
    So I guess u can cancel Felix being the Stranger.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    I kinda think it's Felix considering again the fact that he treats Fiona with a lot more respect than Rhys (but then again Rhys kinda begs t

  • Exactly that's what I said on one hand I think so but at the same time Felix got shot and blown the fuck up I doubt he'd be walking away from that

    xDiabound posted: »

    Still Felix can be killed during episode 1 - it would cause a huge plot hole on how he survived. And we are talking about a shot on the chest and an explosion...that would be just too miraculious. So I guess u can cancel Felix being the Stranger.

  • Yas uoy t'ndluow railimaf skool adnik. Ti t'nsaw eciffo s'kcaJ ni nug ginkool doog a saw taht

  • Did... Did I just unwittingly enter The Black Lodge?

    enter image description here

    !kcoR s'teL

    R-Wallace posted: »

    Yas uoy t'ndluow railimaf skool adnik. Ti t'nsaw eciffo s'kcaJ ni nug ginkool doog a saw taht

  • Where is 0ne referenced? I have yet to hear of a character by that name.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, TV Tropes has a WMG page, and here's what my fellow tropers thought: * Handsome Jack. Either a direct clone body or someone who u

  • The Son of Crawmerax DLC, for Borderlands 2.

    Where is 0ne referenced? I have yet to hear of a character by that name.

  • It would be huge goddamn plottwist xD but hell, I would love to see the face of those players who have let him die if he unravels himself as he stranger xD

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    Exactly that's what I said on one hand I think so but at the same time Felix got shot and blown the fuck up I doubt he'd be walking away from that

  • Im saying yeah but its not handsome jack because hes only presence is a glitch that you created in The pre sequel with nakayama you do a side quest where you make a clone of Jack as a glitch and you put it into a robot and it messes up as Nakayama is a massive fan of Handsome jack

  • WOW i just thought about something it could be Felix as 1. he knows how to like fix stuff and make stuff so that probably the voice change and hes wants a vault but tbh everyone on pandora wants a vault :D

    Incendax posted: »

    It's either... A) Felix (either unscarred or scarred depending on if he got exploded) Felix's Significant Other from the picture. C) Ath

  • Anyone can edit a wiki tbh.

    As much as I'd like this one to be the case, the wiki is not a reliable source of information.

    So, reesespeanutbuddha has noticed something really odd on the Borderlands Wiki. It could be a red herring but on the other hand, he might have actually found something that was just sitting there sometime since the spring and none of us noticed it.

  • It is a glove? Please elaborate? I am slightly confuzzled.

  • Didn't we kill Jack's body double in 2 to gain the fake Jack persona?

  • Nah. That guy had a digistructed disguise. Timothy was surgically (permanently) altered to look like Jack.

  • Except that theory doesn't really work cause jacks double was killed in one of the missions in borderlands 2

  • That was an engineer disguised as Jack. After you remove the watch, this is revealed.

  • Umm..Why was this thread revived.We all know now it's the majestic Loader Bot.

  • lol this thread has returned from the dead

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