Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • You're SOL mate, as am I!

    Thanks, honestly even an 'you're SOL, come back tomorrow' would work for me at this time :P

  • Portugal. We have the same time zone though :^)

    Tman111S posted: »

    From the UK?

  • edited October 2015

    Thank you xD

    "You're not so bad yourself. Meow"

    Your name is hilarious.

  • mañana! ;)

    Kathara6 posted: »

    When is eu psn going to update?

  • oh, the more you know!

    Portugal. We have the same time zone though :^)

  • BEST. FINALE. EVER!!! I'm only sad 'cause it's all over now

  • Ah this shouldn't be so relatable but it is.

    Scarwiz posted: »

    Why am I so obsessed with this?? I'm not even going to play it tonight..

  • Hope you enjoyed it while us telltale store owners are still waiting for it to be released :)

    Caoline posted: »

    BEST. FINALE. EVER!!! I'm only sad 'cause it's all over now

  • Life is strange episode 5 is up on EU as well so it's updating

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    North American PSN is in the process of updating right now. Final Life is Strange episode has been added, still waiting on Tales to pop up. Should be within a few minutes.

  • Not to sound impatient but i'm slowly becoming done with telltale games and i'm loving dontnod at the moment, you can say what you want about life is strange but at least the release date was flawless.. I'm getting tired waiting to see what happens to Rhys :/

  • Hmm, should have been up by now, but still not seeing it. I remember with Episode 2, they screwed up and Tales didn't appear until an hour after the store updated.

    Maybe I should just go ahead and start Life is Strange for now?

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    North American PSN is in the process of updating right now. Final Life is Strange episode has been added, still waiting on Tales to pop up. Should be within a few minutes.

  • Can you rate it please?

    Caoline posted: »

    BEST. FINALE. EVER!!! I'm only sad 'cause it's all over now

  • Copied files from my friend's steam game so now Telltale version has episode 5. Playing it now... kinda sad that was faster than waiting for the release.

  • I wish I were you so I could play it for the first time again:P

    Lim3Fru1t posted: »

    Hope you enjoyed it while us telltale store owners are still waiting for it to be released

  • I'm downloading! Finally.

  • WHAT?! At 12 am o'clock I hope!


  • Yeah but look at the link, life is strange release date today, tftb, release date tomorrow.

    Hax14 posted: »

    Life is strange episode 5 is up on EU as well so it's updating

  • edited October 2015

    AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! SHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT !!!!!!!!! THE EPISODE IS OUT AND I'M DOWNLOADING IT!!!!!! FINALY :D (I don't know why am I so DAMN happy 'cuz I will be playing it tomorrow after school :P)

  • What platform?

    Sméagol posted: »

    I'm downloading! Finally.

  • Seems so, as there's still nothing on PSN and I saw a spoilery thumbnail from someone streaming ep.5 on 'what's new'. Guess I'm out.

    But man, am I angry... probably won't be able to sleep anyway because of that, fml...

    You're SOL mate, as am I!

  • I'm honestly getting more and more pissed off every minute. I've always been able to play the new episodes pretty early. What is the hold up? I'm refreshing this page every minute hoping it'll be released. Glad Life is Strange didn't fuck up the release like TT did.

  • Wish I could tell you that, but check the link http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015/10/20/new-on-playstation-store-assassins-creed-syndicate-nfl-16-more/ it says Life is Strange 20th (and it is up) and Tales 21st, which explains why it is not there...

    Miklaus posted: »

    WHAT?! At 12 am o'clock I hope!

  • PC standalone.

    What platform?

  • wait wait wait I'm sorry what did I miss? steam on mac says "scheduled for..." and then like another 1.5 hours? WHAT

  • The Life is strange ep 5 was put up so its updating now

    Miklaus posted: »

    WHAT?! At 12 am o'clock I hope!

  • edited October 2015


    Edit: and now i got to go eat dinner. Life is cruel ;-;

  • Maybe it means that it will be available not long after midnight... I still have hope

    Wish I could tell you that, but check the link http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015/10/20/new-on-playstation-store-assassins-creed-syndicate-nfl-16-more/ it says Life is Strange 20th (and it is up) and Tales 21st, which explains why it is not there...


    PS: don't mess up with GOT please.

  • so, its coming out tommorow on ps3?? thats fucking great... :///////

  • Telltale have always done this.

    I checked my PS3 now, and guess what? They said I don't have the season pass. But i do have it.

    Oh, and episode 5 is "soon" still.


    darlingno posted: »

    wait wait wait I'm sorry what did I miss? steam on mac says "scheduled for..." and then like another 1.5 hours? WHAT

  • its happening for who? which plataforms???

  • Fucking finally i can download it...

  • For all the playstation users waiting for it to go online I'd give up for today. The blog says tomorrow so it's going to be tomorrow.

    I'm p**sed off too but them's the facts. Gonna be early tomorrow morning before we see it on PSN (at least in Europe)


  • I keep refreshing mine, and it goes from saying I have the Season Pass to saying I don't have it to saying I do. So, I'm guessing that means they're in the process of uploading the episode to the servers, and we'll have it soon.

    Telltale have always done this. I checked my PS3 now, and guess what? They said I don't have the season pass. But i do have it. Oh, and episode 5 is "soon" still.

  • 11/10. So many plot twists, so many feels. There were some really funny moments, but also some really disturbing ones... It was perfect:')

    Can you rate it please?

  • TT Store (PC)

    its happening for who? which plataforms???

  • Is anyone having any luck with the playstation store in the US?

  • Wanna hear something funny about GOT? I started watching the HBO series On Demand way after the TT version of GOT and finished the HBO series in less than 2 weeks. Kind of got obsessed with HBO's GOT. And now since the new season is not until April I am having GOT(HBO) withdraws.

    martymf621 posted: »

    OH MY GOOOOODDDD YES. IT'S FINALLY OUTTT THANK YOU. PS: don't mess up with GOT please.

  • edited October 2015

    NO! Spoke with Playstation on the phone, it will be out today. That is confirmed but it can be as late as 6:00 PM Pacific Time.

    so, its coming out tommorow on ps3?? thats fucking great... //////

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