Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • Awesome! Just in case you don't know, the proper order of playing is BL2 first and then Pre Sequel. Have fun! :D

    J-Master posted: »

    Alright....so Telltale seems to have convinced me to buy the Handsome collection. Just bought it. Thanks Tales. Wish me luck on Pandora, kiddos.

  • Xenomorphs are so f*cking awesome...

  • wait, which one?

    I just realized there's a skin for the Bandit Technical that has Lilith with a bikini top on it(well minus the siren tattoos).

  • edited August 2015

    Why? "For science".

    wait, which one?

  • True Turquoise.

    wait, which one?

  • edited August 2015

    Thanks and I just started Borderlands 2 and I was a little surprised that I died twice in the first couple of hours, so either I just haven't reached my full potential as far as leveling up goes or I was just never that good at first person shooters, granted I got some sweet headshot kills with a sniper rifle so...eh.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Awesome! Just in case you don't know, the proper order of playing is BL2 first and then Pre Sequel. Have fun!

  • Ok everyone, a quick versus challenge

    Who would win in a fight between 1 of every type of Xenomorph vs 1 of every (insert pandoran life here)

    so xenomorphs vs skags or rakk or whatever

    The rules for xenomorphs are simple, just 1 of every type of established xenomorph from either the films or the avp 2010 game and aliens colonial marines, meaning no xenomorphs that exist only in comic canon (like the superman xenomorph for example)

    The rules for the Pandoran life are slightly different, again just 1 of each type, but no Raid bosses allowed, but regular bosses are allowed, for example you can't have vermivorous fighting for the stalkers, but you can have for instance Henry (the stalker that ate Taggart, Hammerlock's ex)

    Remember that in the battle there will be 1 facehugger, so in each battle there would be a single xenomorph-pandoran life hybrid creature

  • enter image description here

    mirashade posted: »

    Haha, that's funny because I'm sure it's been a month or tw-- only a week!?


    Why? "For science".

  • BL2 is a bit harder than the Pre-Sequel and BL1, so I wouldn't feel too bad on yourself. Especially if you're playing Sal or Zero, their classes are probably the hardest to get a grip on, Sal especially needs good guns to survive and you won't be finding many of them until you hit 10 and upwards.

    J-Master posted: »

    Thanks and I just started Borderlands 2 and I was a little surprised that I died twice in the first couple of hours, so either I just haven'

  • I actually have Axton mainly because I figured he would be ideal for a first time Borderlands player.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    BL2 is a bit harder than the Pre-Sequel and BL1, so I wouldn't feel too bad on yourself. Especially if you're playing Sal or Zero, their cla

  • I think a bunch of stalkers would be able to kill "relatively easy" to a Xenomorph (From Alien 1979) but if I can only choose a creature...wow, it's a difficult question.
    Well I choose "Rakkinishu" (a large gray fire-breathing Rakk, is an optional boos from Borderlands)
    yeah i know you said no boss allowed but Xenomorphs are extremely fast and agile, also strong, so it is very difficult to choose a creature in Bordelands that could win 1 vs 1 against a Xenomorph, but a really big creature like Rakk hive or even my rakk can had chaces to win.

    Ok everyone, a quick versus challenge Who would win in a fight between 1 of every type of Xenomorph vs 1 of every (insert pandoran life h

  • Axton is a good choice, the turret can really be an asset once you unlock it. And many of your skills buff it into an unstoppable killing machine. I hope you have fun, tbh I think BL2's first few hours are the weakest, and that it starts to get really good once they start letting you find decent gear and you start getting lots of lovely side quests.

    J-Master posted: »

    I actually have Axton mainly because I figured he would be ideal for a first time Borderlands player.

  • I said no RAID BOSSES, regular bosses or side quest bosses are fine and it's not a one on one fight between just one from each side, it's all of the different types in one huge brawl.

    and I don't think you thought the stalker thing through anyway, xenomorphs can track predators when they're invisible, plus they can locate enemies by even the slightest sound, the stalkers with long range capability would probably manage to do some damage though.

    The Rakk that can do ranged attacks would do pretty well against Xenomorphs, but the rakk hive, despite its size, would be killed pretty quickly, the xenomorphs would just climb up to the openings at the top, climb in and kill it from the inside, Rakk hives are tough, but they are also extremely slow.

    shioku posted: »

    I think a bunch of stalkers would be able to kill "relatively easy" to a Xenomorph (From Alien 1979) but if I can only choose a creature...w

  • love it

    shioku posted: »

    just, just i´m gonna drop this here. http://hyperiontrashcan.tumblr.com/post/122761854898/tales-from-the-borderlands-cassius-and-rhys-cut (deleted dialogue)

  • Haha, oh man. I sucked when I first started playing BL2. The first couple of hours are the hardest, imo. Once you level up a bit, get a hang of the gameplay, and get some good loot, you'll be good to go!

    Oh, and don't forget to spend those badass points in the menu! Those give you permanent stat increases for all your characters. Be sure to check on those every so often.

    J-Master posted: »

    Thanks and I just started Borderlands 2 and I was a little surprised that I died twice in the first couple of hours, so either I just haven'

  • Keep an eye on the difference between your level and the level of enemies in an area. A difference of as little as 2 levels makes a huge difference. If you find yourself in an area with enemies more than just a level or 2 higher than you, you should probably back up and do some side missions.

    Also, do all of the Tiny Tina side missions.

    J-Master posted: »

    Thanks and I just started Borderlands 2 and I was a little surprised that I died twice in the first couple of hours, so either I just haven'

  • Glutonous Thresher... Your move.

    Ok everyone, a quick versus challenge Who would win in a fight between 1 of every type of Xenomorph vs 1 of every (insert pandoran life h

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Have no Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold or Grog Nozzle? MAN N00b yah suck

    Jk, Axton is my main, he's a good guy for starting up the game for the 1st time, as well as Gaige and Krieg

    silvereye27 posted: »

    Axton is a good choice, the turret can really be an asset once you unlock it. And many of your skills buff it into an unstoppable killing ma

  • I didn't even hesitate. Never has hurting a traitor felt so good. :D

  • "Hellooo Yvette...." the first ever time Rhys was badass and successfully did something badass

  • Xenomorph-thresher hybrid, and the xenomorph queen

    Remember it's a battle between 2 armies, not 2 opponents

    Llexis posted: »

    Glutonous Thresher... Your move.

  • huh... I always thought borderlands 1 was the hardest, not cause of enemies, just really crap weapons and abilities compared to the second game.

    I think for a new player, maya would be the best choice, since her ability allows you to be rid of an especially tough enemy for a few moments and allows you to get some good shots in.

    silvereye27 posted: »

    BL2 is a bit harder than the Pre-Sequel and BL1, so I wouldn't feel too bad on yourself. Especially if you're playing Sal or Zero, their cla

  • Dumpy... Attack mode!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    "Hellooo Yvette...." the first ever time Rhys was badass and successfully did something badass

  • Nah man, Krieg all the way! Even on higher difficulty he is just a freaking beast! Sure your not invincible but it's just like, fight for a bit, get hurt bad, mutate, slaughter, revert back to normal, get hurt bad, mutate, slaughter, revert back to normal, get downed, throw dynamite, blow people up, get second wind, mutate, slaughter etc...

    Let's put it this way. My level 60 ish Krieg can throw explosive Buzz Axes, throw dynamite and self destruct when I get downed, mutate when my health is critical, restoring my health fully, increasing my strength and auto replenishing my special ability (so I can keep doing it over and over) everyone I kill explodes, I drop a grenade when I die... And that's before I even factor in my guns... But to be honest I do more damage in Melee. Only thing I have problems with are are Buzzards and... Oh god it's been that long since I played I can't remember their names... The fat robots that spawn turrets and fire homing rockets etc...

    Keep an eye on the difference between your level and the level of enemies in an area. A difference of as little as 2 levels makes a huge dif

  • constructors?

    Nah man, Krieg all the way! Even on higher difficulty he is just a freaking beast! Sure your not invincible but it's just like, fight for a

  • better yet, this

    enter link description here

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I just hope they'll homage this: Well, that really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really escalated quickly.

  • I wish I had remembered the stun rod existed then. I chose that expecting to stun her by revealing I was Rhys :/

  • edited August 2015

    I love this so much, oh wait I forgot this was ign...well shit....enter link description here

  • been about 6 or 7 years since I last heard that song... so many feels

  • 6/10
    Too many graphics

    I love this so much, oh wait I forgot this was ign...well shit....enter link description here

  • I believe you meant to say "dumpsters wrapped in sadness"


  • pre-sequel reference

    I believe you meant to say "dumpsters wrapped in sadness"

  • I've got this feeling we might get the episode in November if not earlier (like in late October). Hype for that! I will get a new computer next week so I don't have to wait to get to play the last episode like I've had to do with the fourth one as my computer can't handle the whole episode's playing session without shutting down at least once. So yes, I still haven't played it (but I know what happens in it). With third episode I had to restart twice. It sucked and I didn't have motivation to trigger that much stuff twice so I pretty much just kept going on. But I won't have that problem anymore once the new computer is here. Goodbye laptop and welcome PC. Gotta enjoy episode five so much.

  • I don't care how long it takes for Episode 5 to come out. This should be the longest episode of the season actually!

    I've got this feeling we might get the episode in November if not earlier (like in late October). Hype for that! I will get a new computer n

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