Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • No I'm pretty sure it was Minecraft. It was at a friends house and I tried it, it was awful, but it was the real deal.

    MCCuber posted: »

    You probably played multiplayer and or minigames. Those suck. Start a survival world and play, that truly is MineCraft.

  • how to train your dragon

    Not bad actually.

    Mich19 posted: »

    They should've make wreck it ralph or baymax, or how to train your dragon instead..

  • I like the sound of a Wreck-It Ralph game by Telltale. I loved the movie.

    Mich19 posted: »

    They should've make wreck it ralph or baymax, or how to train your dragon instead..

  • yeah :3 and Big Hero too

    I like the sound of a Wreck-It Ralph game by Telltale. I loved the movie.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited January 2015

    Just found out an MC movie is in the works . I'm sure the kids will love it.

  • To be fair, the "how could Telltale possible make a good game out of THAT IP" worry is the exact same reaction folks had to the Borderlands announcement, AND the Walking Dead announcement.

    Life, finds a way. :)

    Thread: ...Really, Telltale? Really...?

  • To be fair those games had story and lore to them. I'm not sure how they can make a story out of a game where all you do is dig and build.

    To be fair, the "how could Telltale possible make a good game out of THAT IP" worry is the exact same reaction folks had to the Borderlands announcement, AND the Walking Dead announcement. Life, finds a way.

  • Life, finds a way. :)

    Might want to rethink using a Jurassic Park quote to assuage concerns over the quality of a new Telltale game. :p

    To be fair, the "how could Telltale possible make a good game out of THAT IP" worry is the exact same reaction folks had to the Borderlands announcement, AND the Walking Dead announcement. Life, finds a way.

  • I'd like to see everyone's faces after they were proved wrong by a fucking Telltale Game.

  • It's happened before and it will probably continue to happen every damn time.

    I'd like to see everyone's faces after they were proved wrong by a fucking Telltale Game.

  • wreck it ralph

    Alt text

    I would love for them to make that game

    Mich19 posted: »

    They should've make wreck it ralph or baymax, or how to train your dragon instead..

  • Nope :|

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Seriously though. This HAS to be a joke, right?

  • IKR!!!! This is ridiculous...

    No I'm pretty sure it was Minecraft. It was at a friends house and I tried it, it was awful, but it was the real deal.

  • Too late its filled premature idiots since Walking Dead

    The Walking Dead, Fables, A Song of Ice and Fire and Tales from the Borderlands had an existing lore, and all of them were big franchises wi

  • Maybe the choose it because it has no story,maybe they want to do something which is constrained by preexisting story for a change

  • Maybe because there is no chance that the owners of this IPs give away any control over it.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Thread: #Cancelthistrash I'd like to call myself a loyal Telltale fan but I have to ask why? Rather than a Fallout spin off or Mass Eff

  • Its too late.Writting big is a sign of Brattness

    Cancel This Trash Before The Brats Come It Was Nice Here Before TT's MC

  • If you care if some thing is "adult" (KillDrugSex) your aren't a adult

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    it is a terrible idea plain and simple i don't see how they can make an interesting story out of buliding houses and choping trees etc,

  • I think Whedon would want some input on a firefly game and i doubt he has the time for it.

    Mooreo posted: »

    Thread: My Reaction to hearing this game This looks like a game doomed to fail as the target audience will not go for it, and that

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited January 2015

    Great TY for your input.

    I don't care anymore. I moved on.

    All responses will be ignored.

    Andorxor posted: »

    If you care if some thing is "adult" (KillDrugSex) your aren't a adult

  • As if Disney would let a extern produce a game on their new shiny IP

    ok y this y not starwars

  • Disney has their own gamestudio

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    people do relize we aren't mad because this is most likely gonna have a e rating? we are mad because this is just a stupid move on telltale'

  • Maybe influenced by the community means that they look at mods and youtube animations for inspiration

    mosfet posted: »

    I'm not expert in Minecraft either. But from what I've seen, the community is dominated by kids. The fact that Telltale has said they will be influenced by the Minecraft community means their game will likely be kid-friendly.

  • They should abbandon TWD because the constant cries for TWD are atleast as annoying as Minecraftkids

  • Wallace & Gromit is great too

    faneblade posted: »

    Blind Spider i never knew...

  • Or just produce a game more suited for younger ones now and than,between their other games.

    Fair point. The other problem with bringing in a younger audience though is that they might have to tone down the violence and swearing i

  • A cartoon rabit and dog aren't realistic,but they got lots of emotion out of Sam & Max

    Agree with your last point. The problem is that TWD and there other stuff is character based- it's all about emotion, and how the characters

  • Stargate would have been nice for a Sci-Fi Telltale

    KaaWaa posted: »

    I was hoping for a Sci-fi Telltale game, or at least Breaking Bad. And i got Minecraft..

  • For Example a bit more actual detective work would have worked nicely with TWAU

    As I said earlier, I think it would be cool if Telltale incorporated a style of puzzle solving (or other interaction) that fit the source ma

  • That would be probable too much IP negations for TellTale,first they must persuade Disney and than the owners of all the videogame characters.

    I like the sound of a Wreck-It Ralph game by Telltale. I loved the movie.

  • But that Minecraft kids are annoying is a valid reason to demand that they abandon Minecraft Story mode?

  • Lol, I hope you realize that I was doing this during a mental breakdown so you deciding to insult me is funny.

    Andorxor posted: »

    Its too late.Writting big is a sign of Brattness

  • Is this seriously what happens when Telltale starts a new series? The fuck, guys?

    They have four or five games to be going on with. Two of which people are clambering for, like The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead

  • Yes, look back, it always happen.

    Is this seriously what happens when Telltale starts a new series? The fuck, guys?

  • Nah. That should be open world. ;)

    how to train your dragon Not bad actually.

  • Yes it should...I would still love to see a Telltale version.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Nah. That should be open world.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2015

    @WalkerHunterMark said: I'd like to see everyone's faces after they were proved wrong by a fucking Telltale Game.

    @AmazingAura01 said: It happens every time.

    Indeed it does. ;)

    Telltale announces Walking Dead: "Telltale should stick to (mostly) family friendly comedy games! Telltale is just going after the money from a big franchise! They don't personally care about the Walking Dead universe!"

    Telltale reveals more information for Wolf Among Us after Walking Dead Season 1: "A fairy tale comic? How dumb. Telltale should stick to Walking Dead - it had a very sentimental and emotional story a lot of people put effort into! You can't recreate that with a comic about fairy tale characters!"

    Telltale announces Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones: "Borderlands has no story! That would never work! Game of Thrones? Telltale is just going after the money from a big franchise - not like Walking Dead, of course! Also, where is my Wolf Among Us Season 2?!? That was a great game!"

    Telltale announces Minecraft Story Mode: "Minecraft has no story! That would never work! Telltale has no experience with family friendly comedy games and should stick to adult drama like Game of Thrones and Walking Dead! Also, where is my Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2? Episode 1 of Tales from the Borderlands was one of my favorite Telltale episodes this year and it also has really high reviews! While we're at it, seriously Telltale - any update on Wolf Among Us Season 2?!? That was a great game!"

  • I definitely heard about all that complaining except Game of Thrones. I did not here one person complaining about that before launch. Could have been I just didn't notice it.

    @WalkerHunterMark said: I'd like to see everyone's faces after they were proved wrong by a fucking Telltale Game. @AmazingAura01 said

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