I mean Telltale doesn't put this kind of stuff in for nothing. Opposites? Maybe.... I don't know the opposites of symbols so this is kind of a shot in the dark...
-3v$ YPyl $vv$ lyPY $v-3 Opposites like Capital A is the opposite of lower case z 3 is the opposite of -3 and so on. but the opposite of $? &?
wRF z h>v& lyPY &v-3? Im over thinking... or it means nothing
Axton is a ladies girl and he was in the Dahl military. That outfit is Dahl like and looks like it came from the moon... makes sense. Until they find the beacon in the present because who knows maybe Gortys went boom holding the Vault in place
Oh, no doubt they put it in there with a purpose. They aren't exactly hiding it either...I dunno if someone has made a discussion about it already but maybe making a thread would be a good idea...get more people to help decode whatever this is. Who knows maybe someone will figure it out! (Sure won't be me XD)
I mean Telltale doesn't put this kind of stuff in for nothing. Opposites? Maybe.... I don't know the opposites of symbols so this is kind of… more a shot in the dark...
-3v$ YPyl $vv$ lyPY $v-3 Opposites like Capital A is the opposite of lower case z 3 is the opposite of -3 and so on. but the opposite of $? &?
wRF z h>v& lyPY &v-3? Im over thinking... or it means nothing
Oh, no doubt they put it in there with a purpose. They aren't exactly hiding it either...I dunno if someone has made a discussion about it a… morelready but maybe making a thread would be a good idea...get more people to help decode whatever this is. Who knows maybe someone will figure it out! (Sure won't be me XD)
One huge flaw in this theory that so far no one has mentioned. In borderlands 2 (which takes place after pre sequel) you have to go to opportunity to get the pocket watch from the body double And you kill handsome jacks body double in opportunity. And as far as the story has ever mentioned the only body double I know of anyway was Timothy. Idk maybe the body double wasn't him? But I always just assumed that they were one in the same. I guess I would have to go back and play that mission again, angel talks about him briefly but basically just says he's a body double. So idk.
One huge flaw in this theory that so far no one has mentioned. In borderlands 2 (which takes place after pre sequel) you have to go to oppor… moretunity to get the pocket watch from the body double And you kill handsome jacks body double in opportunity. And as far as the story has ever mentioned the only body double I know of anyway was Timothy. Idk maybe the body double wasn't him? But I always just assumed that they were one in the same. I guess I would have to go back and play that mission again, angel talks about him briefly but basically just says he's a body double. So idk.
I must have missed that. Thank you though for telling me. I was reading all these comments and wondering why no one mentioned that. I always just assumed they were the same.
People, want to know why Markus knows this story and introduces it to you in the beginning of each episode? Because you're telling it to him in the present day, as Rhys and Fiona.
Mr. Markus munitions and the stranger are both pretty short and fat, too, and that voice filter the stranger uses to sound robotic is probably used to hide Markus's acent.
That shotgun seems like a Markus type of gun, too.
Axton is a ladies girl and he was in the Dahl military. That outfit is Dahl like and looks like it came from the moon... makes sense. Until they find the beacon in the present because who knows maybe Gortys went boom holding the Vault in place
Atlas, Casscius? I cant spell but maybe its him. He worked for Atlas so he must know what Gortys does but knows that only Rhys and Fiona can fully control Gortys
I'm not sure. Even though I've heard his voice without that distortion his mask or voice modulator gives him I have no clue. What makes it harder is the fact that it seems both Fiona and Rhys should know him after what they've said in ep4. I only know that outfits are playing a big role in this game. Like that - now we know that Fiona is a VH and in the present she looks like one (another point, she's also wearing gray and red now) and Rhys is now rich(er) and can't be Hyperion employee with all the Atlas' colours on his suit.
But the thing is, that doesn't make it easier because it could be basically anyone - lots of people fall into that category and could be Atlas/Bandits/Vault hunters - especially the last two, because just like Fiona they could've been something else before that.
Atlas, Casscius? I cant spell but maybe its him. He worked for Atlas so he must know what Gortys does but knows that only Rhys and Fiona can fully control Gortys
I just finished episode 4, and close to the end, I realized that it's a real possibility that the masked man is Jack, since the weapon that he uses is identical to the artifact one in Jack's office. That's why I looked this up, but I had no clue how Jack would become human again. After seeing this it makes a lot more sense, that Tim is the masked man. If he came back to Helios after Jack and Rhys took over, (that was what happened in my playthrough, as I sided with Jack) then he could easily get access to the office thanks to his identical voice and appearance to Jack, and then (for whatever reason) "steal" the weapon.
I might be overlooking some major details, but this is only a theory of course.
I must have missed that. Thank you though for telling me. I was reading all these comments and wondering why no one mentioned that. I always just assumed they were the same.
All in all there are a few things we actually know about the stranger:
he/she alters his/her voice and body shape through his/her mask and clothing
he/she knows Rhys and Fiona
he/she somehow gained the Conference Call (Through the warrior or bc he/she had access to HJ office and simply stole it)
he/she seemed to have no problem to waste bullets in the beginning, even found it natural to wake both his hostages with gunshots (the stranger could also act like this, so the stranger is trying to alter more than just his appearance to stay hidden)
in all telltale games symbolism is a very important thing, so his/her clothing might reveal something about the character hiding behind the mask
he/she hides his face bc out of several reasons:
1. Fiona and Rhys would recognize him/her
2. It would be dangerous for him/her to show his face
3. Maybe he/she needs the mask due to a cippling of his/her face (which also could be a possibility but also has to math with at least one of the reasons above)
he/she knows something important but not everything
-> He/she needs Rhys and Fiona
although he/she is showing more violence towards Rhys which might be due to bad experience with hyperion or just bad experiences with Rhys in person
We do know he/she recognizes the Energy Chassis as something related to the Gortys Project and something being important for opening a vault so he/she seems to have knowledge about the GP
-> this is making him/her a vault hunter or at least someboy who shows interest in recollecting Gortys which might lead to a vault or somebody who wants to gain information about it through Fiona and Rhys
Overall he/she seemed t know about Rhys and Fionas adventure before he questioned them - or at least knew what their stations where (He/she asked them precisely about what happened at 'the dome')
______________Below here other thoughts about the strangers identity____________________________________________________________________________
I was wondering about something else that wont leave my mind atm:
In the beginning we see Rhys with a yellow ECHO-eye. The only times we know in which his robotic eye turns yellow is when HJ is taking over him or influences him.
What if thats not Rhys who is telling the story to the stranger but the A.I. controlling Rhys and the stranger maybe is the real Rhys.
I know, totally unbelievable and maybe even bullshit, but that wont leave my mind atm.
Why I think it might be Rhys? The stranger appears to behave quite awkward around them - quite similar to Rhys behaviour - for example the pun in ep. 4. 'You were too busy saving face' (the pun was quite terrible and seemed awkward but yet kinda funny - yes I giggled)
But still, the idea the stranger might be Rhys is just something floating around my mind, not something that should be taking too serious.
Another thing that bugs me about every other theory:
Why did Rhys tracker - which he used especially for tracking and finding FIONA - seemed to track or lead him to the Stranger?
What if Fiona got something to do with the strangers identity?
I'm not sure. Even though I've heard his voice without that distortion his mask or voice modulator gives him I have no clue. What makes it h… morearder is the fact that it seems both Fiona and Rhys should know him after what they've said in ep4. I only know that outfits are playing a big role in this game. Like that - now we know that Fiona is a VH and in the present she looks like one (another point, she's also wearing gray and red now) and Rhys is now rich(er) and can't be Hyperion employee with all the Atlas' colours on his suit.
But the thing is, that doesn't make it easier because it could be basically anyone - lots of people fall into that category and could be Atlas/Bandits/Vault hunters - especially the last two, because just like Fiona they could've been something else before that.
Is is my theory, please help spread it but don't take credit ;u;
It goes like this,
Handsome Jack realises after the pre sequel that he should trust no one and decides to play it safe by using dopplegangers, the only time he actually came out is when his daughter angel was killed, at the end boss jacks skill is to spawn two holograms of himself, seem familiar?, the person we fight at the end IS NOT JACK.
Now onto tales from the borderlands, Hologram Jack is actually the training software that nakayama used to train dopplegangers.
The AI is meant to persuade normal people into becoming Jack himself.
If this is correct then we see Jack having a heavy influence on Rhys.
Which leaves me with three conclusions.
Either Rhys becomes a doppleganger , Jack is still alive ,
It's either...
A) Felix (either unscarred or scarred depending on if he got exploded) Felix's Significant Other from the picture.
C) Athena, who wants to know what happened before she joined and after she was captured.
D) The black haired Hyperian/Bandit who appears everywhere.
Both Felix and Athena would have the potential for a big emotional scene once they reveal themselves.
Felix's Significant Other and Black Haired Hyperian would require more emotional build-up to pay off.
Timothy or Jack's Double was a killable NPC in Opportunity to get the voice module. Why can't the mysterious stranger be Cassius himself? He's gotten every reason to look for Gortys and to hold the two at gun point to hear their confession or story before he can decide what to do with them.
Personally, I think it's Handsome Jack, and not because I'm a total fan girl and Jack supporter, but because there is room for him to be alive. When they first introduced the doppelganger in TPS I saw it as gearbox and 2K creating a serious chance for Jack to live after BL2. Yes, the guy goes completely off the deep end, but he still is able to strategize through absolute insanity, which is what makes him an awesome villain. I think he could of easily caught a glimpse of his death, and decided "hey, I got a guy that literally is me!" I think the conference call is the hint, along with the 'I lost a loved one' dialogue. I think Timothy's own dialogue in TPS is a huge hint, as well. He'll say every once in a while, "I have just five more years of this!" But, there's no way he can have five more years if he just started a 20 year contract, as stated in TPS. it could be gearbox poking fun at Handsome Jack's death in BL2, but if not, it could indicate gearbox and 2K's intent for Timothy's own demise in BL2 in Handsome Jack's place. Because let's face it, Nakayama is a screw up, by default, and Jack AI could be his final screw up from beyond the grave. Why would he have it? I bet he swiped the AI for his clone of Handsome Jack, which might've been created as a back up for if things went completely south. Handsome Jack kidnaps Rhys and Fiona to tell him all he missed while in hiding, and since no one was able to catch them before the AI was uploaded. The reason he shows such animosity toward Rhys is because Rhys uploaded the AI that now controls Helios, which means he would not control it anymore. As demonstrated by the quest in TPS, a Handsome AI would not even listen to Handsome Jack himself, which would lead to him needing Rhys and Fiona's help possibly. I think he could keep his cool long enough, as long as he got to have some violent outbursts (aka, killing the bandit, being a jerk at some points). That, and if these companies could incorporate Handsome Jack living, you know they would. He has quickly become a beloved character, and there is so many people in the community that want him alive so bad, its not even funny. Yes, I am totally in that category, btw! That, and face it, this game has plot holes in plot holes. It is definitely possible from a writer's standpoint to bring in Handsome Jack in the flesh, whether they do or not is up to the writers. I think it would be just as awesome and possible if it was Timothy, though! Sorry for the text wall, btw. And, first time posting!
Since Ep 4 I have recently thought that the Stranger very well could be Handsome Jack!
And did I just read something along the lines of we killed Timothy in BL2 instead of Jack? Because that would be horriblyAWESOME! That would be an epic twist that I would love!! I am on-board with your theory! I just...I just wanna hug you...
I kinda think it's Felix considering again the fact that he treats Fiona with a lot more respect than Rhys (but then again Rhys kinda begs to be punched in the face sometimes lol) and some characters kinda link back to Felix.
Athena hired by Felix.
I can't remember what her relationship with Felix was sorry but I know Vallory has a connection with him. And I could've sworn someone else was connected to him but I can't remember I'm tired right now . Buuuuuut the major problem I see for the Felix theory is what if Felix got blown to bits in your play through especially if you do a bit more damage by shooting him before he goes kablooey. EDIT Another thing I personally think their outfits look a bit similar
Is is my theory, please help spread it but don't take credit ;u;
It goes like this,
Handsome Jack realises after the pre sequel that h… moree should trust no one and decides to play it safe by using dopplegangers, the only time he actually came out is when his daughter angel was killed, at the end boss jacks skill is to spawn two holograms of himself, seem familiar?, the person we fight at the end IS NOT JACK.
Now onto tales from the borderlands, Hologram Jack is actually the training software that nakayama used to train dopplegangers.
The AI is meant to persuade normal people into becoming Jack himself.
If this is correct then we see Jack having a heavy influence on Rhys.
Which leaves me with three conclusions.
Either Rhys becomes a doppleganger , Jack is still alive ,
I think the possibility is still there for Felix, though. Like stated in previous comments, no body means no proof of death. We know Vasquez is dead because ... well ... face pizza. But then again, it would be hard to survive after a shot to the throat and an explosion that close, for the people that chose those options. I think he will make an appearance again, whether it be just for the people that chose to let him live or for everyone is still to be seen.
Yeah, in this Tales preview video Anthony says that he's dead (and interestingly that he's not coming back), but that he had contingencies (seemingly the AI protocol):
Yeah, in this Tales preview video Anthony says that he's dead (and interestingly that he's not coming back), but that he had contingencies (… moreseemingly the AI protocol):
enter link description here
I'm guessing he means 'not coming back' in corporeal form?
I also always thought about the tracker scene in the beginning of episode 1! Everyone seem to forget that scene...
Well, we also know that Moxxi and Zer0 know about the Gortys Project because Moxxi sent Zer0 to find the Gortys core. Moxxi is one of the most influencial/important people in Sanctuary so I m sure also the other Vault Hunters in Sanctuary know about it (They do not know that Rhys and Fiona found Gortys otherwise they wouldn't have left at Ep. 3.)
So I doubt that the stranger would be a vault hunter.
Even though I think the emotional speech about "How he could have saved Pandora, being a hero blablabla yaddi yatta yatta" sounded really authentic and not at all acted... so i guess its unlikely
Well all our unlikely heroes saw him blow up. It's very unlikely they are all mistaken... just because you havnt seen his body doesnt mean he isn't dead.
So, reesespeanutbuddha has noticed something really odd on the Borderlands Wiki. It could be a red herring but on the other hand, he might have actually found something that was just sitting there sometime since the spring and none of us noticed it.
So, reesespeanutbuddha has noticed something really odd on the Borderlands Wiki. It could be a red herring but on the other hand, he might have actually found something that was just sitting there sometime since the spring and none of us noticed it.
I mean Telltale doesn't put this kind of stuff in for nothing. Opposites? Maybe.... I don't know the opposites of symbols so this is kind of a shot in the dark...
-3v$ YPyl $vv$ lyPY $v-3 Opposites like Capital A is the opposite of lower case z 3 is the opposite of -3 and so on. but the opposite of $? &?
wRF z h>v& lyPY &v-3? Im over thinking... or it means nothing
Axton is a ladies girl and he was in the Dahl military. That outfit is Dahl like and looks like it came from the moon... makes sense. Until they find the beacon in the present because who knows maybe Gortys went boom holding the Vault in place
Oh, no doubt they put it in there with a purpose. They aren't exactly hiding it either...I dunno if someone has made a discussion about it already but maybe making a thread would be a good idea...get more people to help decode whatever this is. Who knows maybe someone will figure it out! (Sure won't be me XD)
We don't get a trailer and I go decode crazy =P
One huge flaw in this theory that so far no one has mentioned. In borderlands 2 (which takes place after pre sequel) you have to go to opportunity to get the pocket watch from the body double And you kill handsome jacks body double in opportunity. And as far as the story has ever mentioned the only body double I know of anyway was Timothy. Idk maybe the body double wasn't him? But I always just assumed that they were one in the same. I guess I would have to go back and play that mission again, angel talks about him briefly but basically just says he's a body double. So idk.
Borderlands 2 body double has been confirmed to have not been Timothy.
I must have missed that. Thank you though for telling me. I was reading all these comments and wondering why no one mentioned that. I always just assumed they were the same.
People, want to know why Markus knows this story and introduces it to you in the beginning of each episode? Because you're telling it to him in the present day, as Rhys and Fiona.
Mr. Markus munitions and the stranger are both pretty short and fat, too, and that voice filter the stranger uses to sound robotic is probably used to hide Markus's acent.
That shotgun seems like a Markus type of gun, too.
I don't know what Dahl-like you're seeing in his outfit. It's gray and red in colour. It looks like something Atlas or Bandit, but not Dahl.
Atlas, Casscius? I cant spell but maybe its him. He worked for Atlas so he must know what Gortys does but knows that only Rhys and Fiona can fully control Gortys
I'm not sure. Even though I've heard his voice without that distortion his mask or voice modulator gives him I have no clue. What makes it harder is the fact that it seems both Fiona and Rhys should know him after what they've said in ep4. I only know that outfits are playing a big role in this game. Like that - now we know that Fiona is a VH and in the present she looks like one (another point, she's also wearing gray and red now) and Rhys is now rich(er) and can't be Hyperion employee with all the Atlas' colours on his suit.
But the thing is, that doesn't make it easier because it could be basically anyone - lots of people fall into that category and could be Atlas/Bandits/Vault hunters - especially the last two, because just like Fiona they could've been something else before that.
I just finished episode 4, and close to the end, I realized that it's a real possibility that the masked man is Jack, since the weapon that he uses is identical to the artifact one in Jack's office. That's why I looked this up, but I had no clue how Jack would become human again. After seeing this it makes a lot more sense, that Tim is the masked man. If he came back to Helios after Jack and Rhys took over, (that was what happened in my playthrough, as I sided with Jack) then he could easily get access to the office thanks to his identical voice and appearance to Jack, and then (for whatever reason) "steal" the weapon.
I might be overlooking some major details, but this is only a theory of course.
No problem. I thought they were one and the same too, until they were confirmed otherwise.
All in all there are a few things we actually know about the stranger:
he/she hides his face bc out of several reasons:
1. Fiona and Rhys would recognize him/her
2. It would be dangerous for him/her to show his face
3. Maybe he/she needs the mask due to a cippling of his/her face (which also could be a possibility but also has to math with at least one of the reasons above)
he/she knows something important but not everything
-> He/she needs Rhys and Fiona
-> this is making him/her a vault hunter or at least someboy who shows interest in recollecting Gortys which might lead to a vault or somebody who wants to gain information about it through Fiona and Rhys
______________Below here other thoughts about the strangers identity____________________________________________________________________________
I was wondering about something else that wont leave my mind atm:
In the beginning we see Rhys with a yellow ECHO-eye. The only times we know in which his robotic eye turns yellow is when HJ is taking over him or influences him.
What if thats not Rhys who is telling the story to the stranger but the A.I. controlling Rhys and the stranger maybe is the real Rhys.
I know, totally unbelievable and maybe even bullshit, but that wont leave my mind atm.
Why I think it might be Rhys? The stranger appears to behave quite awkward around them - quite similar to Rhys behaviour - for example the pun in ep. 4. 'You were too busy saving face' (the pun was quite terrible and seemed awkward but yet kinda funny - yes I giggled)
But still, the idea the stranger might be Rhys is just something floating around my mind, not something that should be taking too serious.
Another thing that bugs me about every other theory:
Why did Rhys tracker - which he used especially for tracking and finding FIONA - seemed to track or lead him to the Stranger?
What if Fiona got something to do with the strangers identity?
But we never saw the body, its another Kenny thing perhaps
Plus we have no idea who of Atlas isn't dead, after all that General who we blinded isn't dead but just there.
"My sweet new body" Timothy? or all of Helios? Rhys could speak he wasn't being controlled after Jack left.
Is is my theory, please help spread it but don't take credit ;u;
It goes like this,
Handsome Jack realises after the pre sequel that he should trust no one and decides to play it safe by using dopplegangers, the only time he actually came out is when his daughter angel was killed, at the end boss jacks skill is to spawn two holograms of himself, seem familiar?, the person we fight at the end IS NOT JACK.
Now onto tales from the borderlands, Hologram Jack is actually the training software that nakayama used to train dopplegangers.
The AI is meant to persuade normal people into becoming Jack himself.
If this is correct then we see Jack having a heavy influence on Rhys.
Which leaves me with three conclusions.
Either Rhys becomes a doppleganger , Jack is still alive ,
It's either...
Felix's Significant Other from the picture.
A) Felix (either unscarred or scarred depending on if he got exploded)
C) Athena, who wants to know what happened before she joined and after she was captured.
D) The black haired Hyperian/Bandit who appears everywhere.
Both Felix and Athena would have the potential for a big emotional scene once they reveal themselves.
Felix's Significant Other and Black Haired Hyperian would require more emotional build-up to pay off.
Timothy or Jack's Double was a killable NPC in Opportunity to get the voice module. Why can't the mysterious stranger be Cassius himself? He's gotten every reason to look for Gortys and to hold the two at gun point to hear their confession or story before he can decide what to do with them.
The double in Opportunity was confirmed to not be Timothy.
Personally, I think it's Handsome Jack, and not because I'm a total fan girl and Jack supporter, but because there is room for him to be alive. When they first introduced the doppelganger in TPS I saw it as gearbox and 2K creating a serious chance for Jack to live after BL2. Yes, the guy goes completely off the deep end, but he still is able to strategize through absolute insanity, which is what makes him an awesome villain. I think he could of easily caught a glimpse of his death, and decided "hey, I got a guy that literally is me!" I think the conference call is the hint, along with the 'I lost a loved one' dialogue. I think Timothy's own dialogue in TPS is a huge hint, as well. He'll say every once in a while, "I have just five more years of this!" But, there's no way he can have five more years if he just started a 20 year contract, as stated in TPS. it could be gearbox poking fun at Handsome Jack's death in BL2, but if not, it could indicate gearbox and 2K's intent for Timothy's own demise in BL2 in Handsome Jack's place. Because let's face it, Nakayama is a screw up, by default, and Jack AI could be his final screw up from beyond the grave. Why would he have it? I bet he swiped the AI for his clone of Handsome Jack, which might've been created as a back up for if things went completely south. Handsome Jack kidnaps Rhys and Fiona to tell him all he missed while in hiding, and since no one was able to catch them before the AI was uploaded. The reason he shows such animosity toward Rhys is because Rhys uploaded the AI that now controls Helios, which means he would not control it anymore. As demonstrated by the quest in TPS, a Handsome AI would not even listen to Handsome Jack himself, which would lead to him needing Rhys and Fiona's help possibly. I think he could keep his cool long enough, as long as he got to have some violent outbursts (aka, killing the bandit, being a jerk at some points). That, and if these companies could incorporate Handsome Jack living, you know they would. He has quickly become a beloved character, and there is so many people in the community that want him alive so bad, its not even funny. Yes, I am totally in that category, btw! That, and face it, this game has plot holes in plot holes. It is definitely possible from a writer's standpoint to bring in Handsome Jack in the flesh, whether they do or not is up to the writers. I think it would be just as awesome and possible if it was Timothy, though! Sorry for the text wall, btw. And, first time posting!
Since Ep 4 I have recently thought that the Stranger very well could be Handsome Jack!
And did I just read something along the lines of we killed Timothy in BL2 instead of Jack? Because that would be horribly AWESOME! That would be an epic twist that I would love!! I am on-board with your theory! I just...I just wanna hug you...
Better believe it! I'm keeping my fingers cross, that's for sure!
You definitely can have a hug! lol
I kinda think it's Felix considering again the fact that he treats Fiona with a lot more respect than Rhys (but then again Rhys kinda begs to be punched in the face sometimes lol) and some characters kinda link back to Felix.
. Buuuuuut the major problem I see for the Felix theory is what if Felix got blown to bits in your play through especially if you do a bit more damage by shooting him before he goes kablooey.
Athena hired by Felix.
I can't remember what her relationship with Felix was sorry but I know Vallory has a connection with him. And I could've sworn someone else was connected to him but I can't remember I'm tired right now
EDIT Another thing I personally think their outfits look a bit similar
Jack died, I'm pretty sure it was confirmed by one of the writers.
I think the possibility is still there for Felix, though. Like stated in previous comments, no body means no proof of death. We know Vasquez is dead because ... well ... face pizza. But then again, it would be hard to survive after a shot to the throat and an explosion that close, for the people that chose those options. I think he will make an appearance again, whether it be just for the people that chose to let him live or for everyone is still to be seen.
Yeah, in this Tales preview video Anthony says that he's dead (and interestingly that he's not coming back), but that he had contingencies (seemingly the AI protocol):
enter link description here
I'm guessing he means 'not coming back' in corporeal form?
His sweet new body is actually Rhis taken Over
I don't know if this was already being brought up but...
...could August be Felix son?
seems like he is not going to survive episode 5, and not only because of what anthony said. theres more reasones.
I also always thought about the tracker scene in the beginning of episode 1! Everyone seem to forget that scene...
Well, we also know that Moxxi and Zer0 know about the Gortys Project because Moxxi sent Zer0 to find the Gortys core. Moxxi is one of the most influencial/important people in Sanctuary so I m sure also the other Vault Hunters in Sanctuary know about it (They do not know that Rhys and Fiona found Gortys otherwise they wouldn't have left at Ep. 3.)
So I doubt that the stranger would be a vault hunter.
Jusr dropping some thought
Crazy theory
I like it!
Even though I think the emotional speech about "How he could have saved Pandora, being a hero blablabla yaddi yatta yatta" sounded really authentic and not at all acted... so i guess its unlikely
That would get weird, August is in love with his sister.. Nah..
@OP, i think the fact that he has that shotgun from the office is interesting, anything other than that is speculation.
Well all our unlikely heroes saw him blow up. It's very unlikely they are all mistaken... just because you havnt seen his body doesnt mean he isn't dead.
I d be very disappointed if it would be felix
I hate you missclick
I took it as the Stranger picking up Fiona's communication device to lure Rhys into a trap.
So, reesespeanutbuddha has noticed something really odd on the Borderlands Wiki. It could be a red herring but on the other hand, he might have actually found something that was just sitting there sometime since the spring and none of us noticed it.
Actually, the events of Tales happen 5 years after Jack's death in BL2.