Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Preorder & Trailer! - The Penal Zone lands April 15

JakeJake Telltale Alumni
edited April 2010 in Sam & Max

Whoa the game's announced! Starting a new thread here to talk about the trailer and whatever else, since the old one was full of leaks and holes.

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

Trailer and stuff on the official site

Here's the official spiel: "The new season Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse is the biggest, strangest and most epic to date. As the saga begins, an otherworldy power for controlling matter and space calls to the strongest and strangest who might wield it - intergalactic warlords and eldritch gods, under-dwellers and scholars of the arcane.

Gaming's greatest dog and rabbit sleuths Sam & Max seek the power's ancient secrets, as Max gains shape shifting, teleportation, mind reading and future vision abilities for battling these foes. The saga plays out in a surreal 5 month-long symphony of mayhem that gets deeper and more twisted with each episode."

So how are you guys doing?


  • edited March 2010
    ZOMG! That trailer was way better than I thought it would be!
  • edited March 2010
    Whoa the game's announced! Starting a new thread here to talk about the trailer and whatever else, since the old one was full of leaks and holes.

    You did very well to your credit to keep everything so tightly knitted up until the last few days. A lot of things are leaked so far ahead that when they are launched, the surprise has been spoilt.

    Will pre-order The Devil's Playhouse as soon as I can.
  • edited March 2010
    Oh man...

    I know where $35 of my paycheck's going this week.
  • edited March 2010
  • edited March 2010
    sooo excellent.
    however, it does look very console friendly. I hope the pc version doesn't feel like a cheap port.
  • edited March 2010
    Yay! can finally watch the trailer! brb.

    EDIT: can't wait to play it. It looks really interesting.

    EDIT2: Hey, there is new stuff there too! In the store I mean. Cool.
  • edited March 2010
    Dammit, why don't you people take Maestro! Add some debit card support to your payment options already.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    S@bre wrote: »
    Dammit, why don't you people take Maestro! Add some debit card support to your payment options already.

    Through PayPal maybe?
  • edited March 2010
    So no $5 discount to preorder as IGN mentioned?
  • edited March 2010
    And that art's totally my desktop now.

    Be nice to have something a little more hi-res, but it scales nicely, still stunning.

    From the trailer, it really looks like TTG has outdone themselves. I was a little worried about this season from some of the questions on the survey regarding features and advertising copy, but...So far it's looking great.
  • edited March 2010
    THe moment i found out this game was available for pre-order, I whipped out my credit card so fast. My fingers were like a blur over my keyboard as I punched in my info. oh man oh man
  • edited March 2010
    Pre-ordered. SO EXCITED!!!!!
  • edited March 2010
    Loving the epic-quality of the trailer. I really hope the game lives up to the hype.

    Thanks Telltale!
  • edited March 2010
    This screeny made me mucho excite for some reason.
  • edited March 2010
    I would have not preorderd and waited for a wiiware/xbla port, but i guess that wont happen for a while now will it:p so i preorderd it, ahh i have been trying to get a free ep. from telltale tuesday, but through preorders nice too.
    EDIT: i dont want to make a thread about this so ill just ask here, how do i claim the free episode, for the preorder and i guess if i win, telltale tuesdays, do i just go to the store and at checkout it is free?
  • edited March 2010
    Er, I was so excited I preordered right away, but actually I want the deluxe Monkey Island loot and the tarot cards too... If I had ordered at the same time I'd get free shipping, right? Should I send you an email about that?

    (Or does it work if I buy Season 1 & 2's soundtrack? I can't tell if the offer is only about the new merchandise or not).

    You can disregard that. The free shipping worked with the soundtrack.
  • edited March 2010
    This screeny made me mucho excite for some reason.

    You must like food then? :D
  • edited March 2010
    Just regaurd my first question, I found the free code via email.
  • edited March 2010
    So, no Gametap this time around? What kind of pre-order bonuses are being offered this time around?
  • edited March 2010
    So, no Gametap this time around? What kind of pre-order bonuses are being offered this time around?

    Free episode, forum with devs, and a chance at a print poster of The Penal Zone.

    BTW, I hope that all the retro posters get printed. I'm looking forward to 'They Stole Max's Brain!'
  • edited March 2010
    So, no Gametap this time around? What kind of pre-order bonuses are being offered this time around?

    From the email i recieved, you get the game of course, 1 free episode of your choice, the ability to post in a special thread(speaking of which where is that i checked the link and it directed me to the download page) and discounts all for a while.
  • edited March 2010
    I'm so excited!!!!! i just gotta get 30 more dollas :) I just hope it runs good on my computer (all of telltales other games do, so im not too worried)
  • edited March 2010
    My day has been made. Thank you Telltale, I may weep openly.
  • edited March 2010
    Oh man, I cannot wait for this! I'd pre-order it, but my parents don't like making money transactions on the internet.

    Please, Telltale, please tell us that this game will also be available on WiiWare or Xbox Live Arcade (preferably the latter because my Wii's running out of space) or something like that. Please, with sprinkles, oreos, bits of cookie dough, banana slices, and a cherry on top?
  • edited March 2010
    That human-sized roach I saw in the trailer looks like it came from one of the concept art pieces from "Sam and Max Plunge Through Space"
  • edited March 2010
    Please, Telltale, please tell us that this game will also be available on WiiWare or Xbox Live Arcade (preferably the latter because my Wii's running out of space) or something like that. Please, with sprinkles, oreos, bits of cookie dough, banana slices, and a cherry on top?
    It's going to be on the PlayStation Network along with PC & Mac to start with. Other platforms are likely, but not on the first go-round. (Like the first 2 seasons of Sam & Max eventually found their way to XBLA and Wii disc).
  • edited March 2010
    Very pleased to see this coming to PS3/PSN. Great decision. Can't wait to see my favourite charming creatures in 1080p.

    Are there any plans to provide a bonus for PS3 pre-orders? How will those pre-orders work exactly? I may end up double-dipping on this one since I would like to have the game on my MBP when on the go also. Telltale should allow us to purchase for a flat-price and get access to all versions.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    BTW, I hope that all the retro posters get printed. I'm looking forward to 'They Stole Max's Brain!'

    Obviously no plans exist yet in the real world, but if we have awesome posters, it's hard to resist printing them up and putting them in the store. We'll see...
  • edited March 2010
    Chuck wrote: »
    It's going to be on the PlayStation Network along with PC & Mac to start with. Other platforms are likely, but not on the first go-round. (Like the first 2 seasons of Sam & Max eventually found their way to XBLA and Wii disc).

    Does this mean that future releases of other series (upcoming and existing) will make it to the PS3 as well? This, coupled with the Monkey Island remakes coming to PS3 made my day. Just need ToMI to come to PSN and the PS3/Mac owner in me will be all kinds of giddy.

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    sascha23 wrote: »
    Very pleased to see this coming to PS3/PSN. Great decision. Can't wait to see my favourite charming creatures in 1080p.

    Are there any plans to provide a bonus for PS3 pre-orders? How will those pre-orders work exactly? I may end up double-dipping on this one since I would like to have the game on my MBP when on the go also. Telltale should allow us to purchase for a flat-price and get access to all versions.

    I've been told that PlayStation Network preorders will be $5 off -- $29.95.

    (The deal for PC pre-orders is that you get a free episode, access to the pre-order development forum, and are entered in the drawing for a free Penal Zone poster.)
    sascha23 wrote: »
    Does this mean that future releases of content will make it to the PS3 as well? This, coupled with the Monkey Island remakes coming to PS3 made my day. Just ned ToMI to come to PSN and the PS3/Mac owner in me will be all kinds of giddy.

    The usual Telltale line applies here: We've got nothing announced and no formal plans right now, but our end goal is always to get all of our games on as many platforms as we can, so everyone can play them. So, keep watching the skies. Or the blog.
  • edited March 2010
    Chuck wrote: »
    It's going to be on the PlayStation Network along with PC & Mac to start with. Other platforms are likely, but not on the first go-round. (Like the first 2 seasons of Sam & Max eventually found their way to XBLA and Wii disc).

    Crap, that means I'm going to have to wait for next year. Maybe I can find someway to persuade my parents...

    Offtopic, you answered my question FAST! Dang...
  • edited March 2010
    holy awesome. My heart is beating faster from watching that trailer. Sure feels very Sam and Max and still the telltale wild
  • edited March 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    I've been told that PlayStation Network preorders will be $5 off -- $29.95.

    (The deal for PC pre-orders is that you get a free episode, access to the pre-order development forum, and are entered in the drawing for a free Penal Zone poster.)

    Please tell me that it's going to come to the UK psn :) and in pounds :p
  • edited March 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    I've been told that PlayStation Network preorders will be $5 off -- $29.95.

    (The deal for PC pre-orders is that you get a free episode, access to the pre-order development forum, and are entered in the drawing for a free Penal Zone poster.)
    Ah. Thanks!
  • edited March 2010
    Crap, that means I'm going to have to wait for next year. Maybe I can find someway to persuade my parents...

    Offtopic, you answered my question FAST! Dang...

    Try Visa Giftcards.
  • edited March 2010
    Yes! I pre-ordered, and took advantage of the free shipping to pick up the Animated Series DVDs as well. I am super stoked to get ahold of these. :D
  • edited March 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    (The deal for PC pre-orders is that you get a free episode, access to the pre-order development forum, and are entered in the drawing for a free Penal Zone poster.)

    Could you please tell me where this forum is. I dont see it anywhere the link from the email sends me to the download page. I would love to post there since i couldent on tomi.
  • edited March 2010
    Question to Jake/TTG: Will it be simultaneously released for PC, MAC & PSN? If I pre-order now, will I be able to download my Mac app on 15 April? Will that also be the day when the Mac ports of Seasons 1&2 be released? Thanks :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Could you please tell me where this forum is. I dont see it anywhere the link from the email sends me to the download page. I would love to post there since i couldent on tomi.

    I don't think they're open yet! Not sure. You will at some point see a forum called "Freelance Police Dispatch" or something similar, in the main forum list along with this one.
  • edited March 2010
    harlequ1n wrote: »
    Question to Jake/TTG: Will it be simultaneously released for PC, MAC & PSN? If I pre-order now, will I be able to download my Mac app on 15 April? Will that also be the day when the Mac ports of Seasons 1&2 be released? Thanks :)

    Yes to download simultaneous.

    No to Season one and two. Those come out THIS month.
This discussion has been closed.