Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse Preorder & Trailer! - The Penal Zone lands April 15



  • edited April 2010
    Grandpa Stinky sounds like Winslow with an Irish accent...
  • edited April 2010
    I never noticed that, but they're both voiced by the same person.
  • edited April 2010
    While I see the difference in Grandpa, I don't really see it much in Sam&Max either.
    Write that up for not really giving much about graphics to pay that much attention to them, I guess.

    Also, I find it funny Sam&Max keep calling him "Skunk Ape" while Grandpa Stinky does say "Skun'Kape" :D
  • edited April 2010
    While I see the difference in Grandpa, I don't really see it much in Sam&Max either.
    Write that up for not really giving much about graphics to pay that much attention to them, I guess.
    I'd write it up to the Season Two screenshot for Sam and Max being pretty poor. It isn't close to the models, they aren't in similar lighting conditions, they aren't doing anything similar, etc. The Grandpa Stinky images are really good, because they don't only show Stinky(who looks a LOT better), but his diner as well(which looks AMAZING).
  • edited April 2010
    "... until we run into a 'You must be this tall to invade this planet' sign"

  • edited April 2010
    I don't talk about the animation, I talk about the 3d models. The Sam and Max models look the same as season 2.
  • edited April 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    I don't talk about the animation, I talk about the 3d models. The Sam and Max models look the same as season 2.

    You mean they still look like a giant dog and a short rabbit? Because I don't think they're going to change that.
  • edited April 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    I don't talk about the animation, I talk about the 3d models. The Sam and Max models look the same as season 2.

    As in drastic surface changes? With the exception of details such as Sam's clothing, then yes, you would be correct. Most of their model tweaking is "under the hood," such as the use of blendshapes (anyone in the know, correct me if I'm wrong on that count!) to give Sam & Max a better range of facial expressions. Yes, that's animation-related, but it's still something that has be changed on the models themselves.

    And if anyone suggests they should look more like real animals, I'll ... walk out of the room. Figuratively speaking, of course.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm pretty sure Granpa Stinky is still the same model (Or look really similar). They make better the textures. You can catch that better with Granpa Stinky, but is a bit difficult with Sam and Max.
  • edited April 2010
    Well... I wouldn't want them to look like different people altogether. They might be subtle when you look at it, but I'm sure the changes took a lot of work. And from the screenshots we can definitely see lots of differences, in the beard, in the clothes, etc.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'd happily play with Season 2 graphics, but still it doesn't seem fair to say they're "exactly the same", since they must have worked a lot on that.

    Plus the most important changes can only really be seen while playing: everybody says they're a lot more expressive now.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Well... I wouldn't want them to look like different people altogether. They might be subtle when you look at it, but I'm sure the changes took a lot of work. And from the screenshots we can definitely see lots of differences, in the beard, in the clothes, etc.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'd happily play with Season 2 graphics, but still it doesn't seem fair to say they're "exactly the same", since they must have worked a lot on that.

    Plus the most important changes can only really be seen while playing: everybody says they're a lot more expressive now.

    While I understand what are you saying, in static images, the textures are the most important change.

    Animated, for some stupid reason, looks weird. Or maybe I'm just too used to see them been more stiff.
  • edited April 2010
    In less than 24 hours I will get to enjoy the Penal Zone episode on my PS3 :D
    Too bad that I do not get the Elite Force Membership. Can't find a reason why people that pre order it through PSN don't get it since that membership is linked to telltales forums and not the game itself :(
    Well, I hope Sony will get the PSN update quick tomorrow :)
  • edited April 2010
    Zyrocz wrote: »
    Can't find a reason why people that pre order it through PSN don't get it since that membership is linked to telltales forums and not the game itself

    Since Telltale cannot give you a free episode, they discount to you the amount of that free episode. In other words, I think, if you pre-order using psn, you will get it cheaper than everyone else.
  • edited April 2010
    Yes, but you get more than just an episode with that membership.
    Well, gues it is only fair that the PC/Mac user gets the membership because PS3 owners gets trophies.
  • edited April 2010
    Yes. Because those matter.
  • edited April 2010
    Zyrocz wrote: »
    Yes, but you get more than just an episode with that membership.
    Well, gues it is only fair that the PC/Mac user gets the membership because PS3 owners gets trophies.

    I always believed that membership is the reward for going direct. Like, the disc at the end of the season =P
  • edited April 2010
    The only review I have found of Pennal Zone is the one from IGN. It didn't get more than 7.2 :/
    I hope they don't screw up the PS3 controller, but since I enjoyed playing the first season on the Xbox 360 I think I will enjoy the third season on the PS3. Could have used my PC to play it on, but it overheats after playing games for an hour, which is kind off bad for someone who likes to play episodic games in one sit :P
  • edited April 2010
    Well, I paid my money and now I am counting the hours till its time to download the first episode in this years offering. I will probably ration myself to half hourly slots, not that my PC heats up (I could use it an air cooler) but that I need to get through the next month with not much game and that is the best way of achieving that!
  • edited April 2010
    Sorry to interrupt ya'll but... *ahem*

    It's 15 April 2010 00:17 am in where I live! I'm ripped off!
  • edited April 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Sorry to interrupt ya'll but... *ahem*

    It's 15 April 2010 00:17 pm in where I live! I'm ripped off!

    It's still 7 hours away from here! Be quiet! =P
  • edited April 2010 about those goodies?
  • edited April 2010
    *to the tune of working on the railroad*
    1 more day until
    Sam and max is mine at last
    My PC sucks, but
    maybe it will still work
    Max gets physic powers
    like teleportation
    graphics are awesome
    Like any telltale game
    General Skunk'ape
    doesnt know who he is against.
  • edited April 2010
    mepnomon wrote: » about those goodies?
    What goodies?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    I put some of the more notable-ish 301 reviews I found up in a thread. Note that :spoil-o: probably exist.
  • edited April 2010
    So I take it preordering on the Telltale website doesn't get you access to the ps3 version? I preordered on here thinking it would be like that, is there a way to get it transferred over?
  • edited April 2010
    6souls wrote: »
    So I take it preordering on the Telltale website doesn't get you access to the ps3 version? I preordered on here thinking it would be like that, is there a way to get it transferred over?
    Nope. You can try e-mailing support to get your order refunded(Telltale's customer support is great, I'd be surprised if they didn't do this for you), and make your order on the PS3. I'm almost certain Telltale can't "transfer" licenses over to the PS3, though.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Yeah please write to and they'll cancel your order. Then you can use that refund money to order on PSN :)
  • edited April 2010
    Ok, so I just started episode 1 on my PS3, but I have to ask you PC users about something.
    Is the gameplay similiar to the two first seasons?
    I noticed some good changes, but the first thing that struck me was the menu without any form for music :O A jazz tune wouldn't be to much to ask for. The second things was how they had made the gameplay for the PS3, to use a item you have to pres the square button, then you use it with something. There is also no form for pointer so you have to use the L1 and R1 to switch between objects. Im, not complaning, but I fail to see the reason why they made it this way. And the worst crime of them all... THE DEFAULT SETTING HAS THE HINTS ON :O
    Therefore I were wondering if the PC version was very different than the two first seasons?
  • edited April 2010
    Well PC version still isn't out, so..
  • edited April 2010
    Shame, waiting for some gameplay response from the PC version.
    The graphics in the game is positive at details, even though I think it is poor FPS on the PS3 version, but haven't played more than half an hour.
    Hope the PC version will be out soon, need someone to discuse the changes with :P
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