Well, I didn't mean it in a "breasts are what you should look at first and then you'll decide if the person is good looking", but more something like "don't sweat what your breasts look like, they're fine because they're breasts".
So I guess you were more targeting your comments at guys who like females, while I was targeting mine towards females.
Also, sure appearance isn't the most important, but this is a thread about boobs, what do you expect? Some lesson about how to draw personality traits accurately?
Also, sure appearance isn't the most important, but this is a thread about boobs, what do you expect? Some lesson about how to draw personality traits accurately?
(Actually, that sounds pretty interesting).
And quite plausible if you think about it. Character traits are often seen in character designs, there are often tells to a character's, er, character. Things like posture and expressions can convey a lot.
Pfft... boobs ain't all that. They're just a part of somebody's body. They're just... boobs.
What I'm trying to say is that boobs aren't important in deciding whether a person is attractive. The most important part of the body for both sexes is - excluding the tibialis anterior (obvz) - the person's face. For me, boobs are just boobs.
I just have to say it. You're weird. The face is the most important part other than a muscle in the leg?
From wikipedia
The tibialis anterior muscle is the most medial muscle of the anterior compartment of the leg.The tibialis anterior is responsible for dorsiflexing and inverting the foot.
Tell me why a particular muscle in the leg is "the most important part of the body for both sexes."
I do agree the face is extremely important. Having a great looking body doesn't mean much in the way of being physically attractive if the person has an ugly face. However, breast size contributes greatly (imho) to physical attractiveness, among other things that also do, though in a different order of priority depending on the person.
Also, though a bit off-topic, there's a difference between physical attractiveness and sexual attractiveness. While I personally do consider many women to be physically attractive, being married has created in me a sort of indifference to anyone else except for her when considering whether someone is sexually attractive.
The intellectual, emotional, and physical aspects of attraction are all kind of mushed up together for me. I'm all about the person as a whole. The only things I can say I always find attractive are cleverness and the capacity to make me laugh (who doesn't love to have fun?). Everything else is pretty flexible, there are a lot of things that are sexy about men.
As for breasts, big ones, small ones, whatever - I like them all as long as they're real (although as a straight female, my opinion probably doesn't count for much there). I think you'd have to really hate your breasts to let someone slice them up to make them bigger or smaller. Urgh.
As for breasts, big ones, small ones, whatever - I like them all as long as they're real (although as a straight female, my opinion probably doesn't count for much there). I think you'd have to really hate your breasts to let someone slice them up to make them bigger or smaller. Urgh.
I couldn't agree more. Who ever thought of slicing your chest open to put PLASTIC in there? People actually do this and then react shocked when their body rejects it. IT'S PLASTIC PEOPLE!
The only good reason I can think of to do this is if you have chest cancer and one has to be removed or something.
People who are insecure about a small chest aren't looking in the right direction, they should check their self image instead of their reflection.
I think that the reason a lot of people get breast surgery is because they don't realise that what I said earlier is true: boobs are boobs, no matter what size or shape they are.
Then again, some people have it done for practical reasons. I have a friend who's thinking of getting hers reduced because they're uncomfortable and she has difficulty buying bras. I personally also have difficulty buying bras. They're always like "is this a gift for someone else?" and I'm just like "no, it's for me" and they just stare blankly for a few minutes. It's kind of awkward.
I think that the reason a lot of people get breast surgery is because they don't realise that what I said earlier is true: boobs are boobs, no matter what size or shape they are.
Then again, some people have it done for practical reasons. I have a friend who's thinking of getting hers reduced because they're uncomfortable and she has difficulty buying bras. I personally also have difficulty buying bras. They're always like "is this a gift for someone else?" and I'm just like "no, it's for me" and they just stare blankly for a few minutes. It's kind of awkward.
This is a very strange thread I try to avoid but it's like it wants me to look at it. I am very busy lately so I've been having a lot of absences from here but every time I visit this is the most recent thread and it's there staring me in the face.
And quite plausible if you think about it. Character traits are often seen in character designs, there are often tells to a character's, er, character. Things like posture and expressions can convey a lot.
Actually, this was kind of how the original thread came about. Someone (Will I think?) split it from the Legendary Monkey Island Art thread right about when I was trying to say that Elaine didn't have big boobs and it didn't fit her character. But that's all in the past now, I suppose!
I don't think big breasts tell anything about someones character.
Isn't that why a lot of people say, I don't care about looks, I care about personality?
I don't think big breasts tell anything about someones character.
Isn't that why a lot of people say, I don't care about looks, I care about personality?
They can, actually. For example, a more outgoing and flirty girl who's confident with her body could wear really tight, low-cut shirts to flaunt her cleavage, while a more reserved, shy girl might be embarrassed about her large cup size and try to hide it with a lot of layers of clothing. It's true that breasts don't define a girl, but it's what she does with them that really shines through.
I don't think big breasts tell anything about someones character.
Isn't that why a lot of people say, I don't care about looks, I care about personality?
When you're designing a character, though, it's pretty common to use appearance to show personality. Like give a chatacter glasses to show that they're a bookworm or something.
Obviously it doesn't have much basis in reality but it's used anyways.
Although appearance will have some effect. Let me explain what I mean: the way people react to you is influenced by your appearance, and the way you act depends on the way people react to you to some extent. If you have a very noticeable feature such as huge breasts, you pretty much have a choice between concealing them as much as possible/being shy about them, or just the opposite, being the one who brings it up because it's slightly less awkward than it remaining unsaid. Both are a reaction to the fact that you know everyone is going to be looking at them.
Then if you imagine two chatacters, one shy about it, you could draw her with a sweater on, being kinda slouched, not looking at people directly, and the other standing chest out in more revealing clothes. You're using their appearance to show their personality, but through their postures, the clothes they pick for themselves and similar stuff.
From a plot perspective though, you have little reason to give a character a physical feature that stands out a lot if it doesn't come up as character development. Breasts are often an exception because they're made huge for the viewing pleasure of male readers, apparently, but if everyone has huge breasts then I guess it doesn't stand out anymore...
Same with other things. If one of your characters has only four fingers per hand (thumb included, I mean), it kind of needs to be a plot point or as it pointed out. If they all do, though, then it's just the norm for your story.
Same with other things. If one of your characters has only four fingers per hand (thumb included, I mean), it kind of needs to be a plot point or as it pointed out. If they all do, though, then it's just the norm for your story.
I don't think that's the same as having big boobs. Big boobs are fairly common, missing fingers aren't that common. More importantly, though, missing fingers are something that guarantees an interesting backstory, whereas big boobs would just be like "yeah, it's just, like.. genetics and stuff".
A better analogy, in my opinion, would be something like a big nose. Big boobs, like big noses, are just an arbitrary design choice. They might say something about the character, but I think that like cello said, it's more about what the character does with their boobs than how big they are.
Then again, it depends on how inordinate the feature is - for example, big boobs on a really skinny girl is unusual and probably wouldn't be employed for no reason, and neither would an inordinately big nose. In both cases, these traits would affect the attractiveness of the character, which can be used as a way of placing the character in a predefined position for the reader. Since we haven't seen any of the protagonist's life before the story starts, making the girl he likes blatantly attractive or the antagonist blatantly ugly helps us identify with the protagonist quickly so the author doesn't have to detract from the main story to provide extra information.
I was using the four fingers example because, like unreasonably big breasts, it's common in comics :P
I guess big noses work too. Can be a style thing (look at Grickle) but if it's only one of your characters, like Bikk in the Gods of Arr-Kelaan, there is probably a good reason for that.
In a lot of anime I've sen, big or small breasts can actually be frequent subject among the characters, rarely goes unnoticed, and is viewed not only as a means for women to add to their own sex appeal but also the reactions to the different breast sizes can show off aspects about various characters such as jealousy, shyness, lust, intimacy, exasperation, prudence, sluttiness, intelligence, observational skills, etc. A lot of times they're there to add to the dialog and not just "to be there".
In a lot of anime I've sen, big or small breasts can actually be frequent subject among the characters, rarely goes unnoticed, and is viewed not only as a means for women to add to their own sex appeal but also the reactions to the different breast sizes can show off aspects about various characters such as jealousy, shyness, lust, intimacy, exasperation, prudence, sluttiness, intelligence, observational skills, etc. A lot of times they're there to add to the dialog and not just "to be there".
Urgh... that's sad. I mean, I don't expect fiction (and anime in particular) to reflect life in general, but breasts really are sometimes "just there". Large breasts shouldn't scream "promiscuous" or "unintelligent" any more than being brunette should scream "shy" or wearing glasses should scream "nerd". I understand that you're talking about other characters' reactions to boobs, rather than the traits of the characters who own the boobs, but still.
As a case in point, I'm blonde, have breasts, laugh loudly and frequently, and in general probably come across as a complete ditz. But in our pub quiz tonight (which we won, woo yeah!), it was me answering all the science-y questions (the periodic table, parts of the brain, Keppler's laws of planetary motion) while it was the older guys answering the pop culture / Heat magazine questions (what did such-and-such name their baby etc).
They're sentient breasts! Dead or Alive features sentient breasts, which are probably trying to escape, calling for help or doing their job distracting the opponent!
So I guess you were more targeting your comments at guys who like females, while I was targeting mine towards females.
Also, sure appearance isn't the most important, but this is a thread about boobs, what do you expect? Some lesson about how to draw personality traits accurately?
(Actually, that sounds pretty interesting).
I've got BIG hands.
I just have to say it. You're weird. The face is the most important part other than a muscle in the leg?
Tell me why a particular muscle in the leg is "the most important part of the body for both sexes."
I do agree the face is extremely important. Having a great looking body doesn't mean much in the way of being physically attractive if the person has an ugly face. However, breast size contributes greatly (imho) to physical attractiveness, among other things that also do, though in a different order of priority depending on the person.
Also, though a bit off-topic, there's a difference between physical attractiveness and sexual attractiveness. While I personally do consider many women to be physically attractive, being married has created in me a sort of indifference to anyone else except for her when considering whether someone is sexually attractive.
As for breasts, big ones, small ones, whatever - I like them all as long as they're real (although as a straight female, my opinion probably doesn't count for much there). I think you'd have to really hate your breasts to let someone slice them up to make them bigger or smaller. Urgh.
Well, you know what they say about men with big hands. They have big...
I couldn't agree more. Who ever thought of slicing your chest open to put PLASTIC in there? People actually do this and then react shocked when their body rejects it. IT'S PLASTIC PEOPLE!
The only good reason I can think of to do this is if you have chest cancer and one has to be removed or something.
People who are insecure about a small chest aren't looking in the right direction, they should check their self image instead of their reflection.
Then again, some people have it done for practical reasons. I have a friend who's thinking of getting hers reduced because they're uncomfortable and she has difficulty buying bras. I personally also have difficulty buying bras. They're always like "is this a gift for someone else?" and I'm just like "no, it's for me" and they just stare blankly for a few minutes. It's kind of awkward.
*reveals bra*
*nods approval*
Goood. Goooood.
*rubs hands together*
Are you Largo LaGrande?
Edit: AUGH! Ninja'd!
Stop stalking me, boob thread!
Well... more disturbing than it was before:D
Actually, this was kind of how the original thread came about. Someone (Will I think?) split it from the Legendary Monkey Island Art thread right about when I was trying to say that Elaine didn't have big boobs and it didn't fit her character. But that's all in the past now, I suppose!
Isn't that why a lot of people say, I don't care about looks, I care about personality?
They can, actually. For example, a more outgoing and flirty girl who's confident with her body could wear really tight, low-cut shirts to flaunt her cleavage, while a more reserved, shy girl might be embarrassed about her large cup size and try to hide it with a lot of layers of clothing. It's true that breasts don't define a girl, but it's what she does with them that really shines through.
When you're designing a character, though, it's pretty common to use appearance to show personality. Like give a chatacter glasses to show that they're a bookworm or something.
Obviously it doesn't have much basis in reality but it's used anyways.
Although appearance will have some effect. Let me explain what I mean: the way people react to you is influenced by your appearance, and the way you act depends on the way people react to you to some extent. If you have a very noticeable feature such as huge breasts, you pretty much have a choice between concealing them as much as possible/being shy about them, or just the opposite, being the one who brings it up because it's slightly less awkward than it remaining unsaid. Both are a reaction to the fact that you know everyone is going to be looking at them.
Then if you imagine two chatacters, one shy about it, you could draw her with a sweater on, being kinda slouched, not looking at people directly, and the other standing chest out in more revealing clothes. You're using their appearance to show their personality, but through their postures, the clothes they pick for themselves and similar stuff.
From a plot perspective though, you have little reason to give a character a physical feature that stands out a lot if it doesn't come up as character development. Breasts are often an exception because they're made huge for the viewing pleasure of male readers, apparently, but if everyone has huge breasts then I guess it doesn't stand out anymore...
Same with other things. If one of your characters has only four fingers per hand (thumb included, I mean), it kind of needs to be a plot point or as it pointed out. If they all do, though, then it's just the norm for your story.
I don't think that's the same as having big boobs. Big boobs are fairly common, missing fingers aren't that common. More importantly, though, missing fingers are something that guarantees an interesting backstory, whereas big boobs would just be like "yeah, it's just, like.. genetics and stuff".
A better analogy, in my opinion, would be something like a big nose. Big boobs, like big noses, are just an arbitrary design choice. They might say something about the character, but I think that like cello said, it's more about what the character does with their boobs than how big they are.
Then again, it depends on how inordinate the feature is - for example, big boobs on a really skinny girl is unusual and probably wouldn't be employed for no reason, and neither would an inordinately big nose. In both cases, these traits would affect the attractiveness of the character, which can be used as a way of placing the character in a predefined position for the reader. Since we haven't seen any of the protagonist's life before the story starts, making the girl he likes blatantly attractive or the antagonist blatantly ugly helps us identify with the protagonist quickly so the author doesn't have to detract from the main story to provide extra information.
I guess big noses work too. Can be a style thing (look at Grickle) but if it's only one of your characters, like Bikk in the Gods of Arr-Kelaan, there is probably a good reason for that.
I guess I forgot the artistic part of the thread.
Urgh... that's sad. I mean, I don't expect fiction (and anime in particular) to reflect life in general, but breasts really are sometimes "just there". Large breasts shouldn't scream "promiscuous" or "unintelligent" any more than being brunette should scream "shy" or wearing glasses should scream "nerd". I understand that you're talking about other characters' reactions to boobs, rather than the traits of the characters who own the boobs, but still.
As a case in point, I'm blonde, have breasts, laugh loudly and frequently, and in general probably come across as a complete ditz. But in our pub quiz tonight (which we won, woo yeah!), it was me answering all the science-y questions (the periodic table, parts of the brain, Keppler's laws of planetary motion) while it was the older guys answering the pop culture / Heat magazine questions (what did such-and-such name their baby etc).
Screw stereoptypes.
(Sorry, but me attending Johannes Kepler University for many years has to be good for something - right?
np: B.o.B. - Satellite (Hudson Mohawke remix) (ATL RMX)
Shuddup Leak, ima totally smat!
(my boobs put the extra "p" in there)
Wait, they're intelligent now? This does not bode well for the male gender...
They're sentient breasts! Dead or Alive features sentient breasts, which are probably trying to escape, calling for help or doing their job distracting the opponent!
Mystery solved.
My God...
Dead or Alive wasn't a video game.
It was a warning.
I knew it! The apocalypse is nigh! Or shall I say, the boobpocalypse?
Bras Attacks!
Galaxy Chest
Tit Came from Outer Space
Bra Wars Episode II: Attack of the Domes
E.T. the Extra-Ter...breast...rial...
Wait, wasn't this thread about artists' boobs, or am I confused again?
I don't know whether to high-five you or shun you.