I can't take 6 months (almost exactly!) of speculation!
For the Orient Express... in space? (If Moffatt actually calls it that, I will officially convert to Moffattism)
Or for the investigation into the 'Silence Will Fall' man? 'cause that'll be in the next series, not the Christmas special. So it'd be 9 months, not 6.
Seriously, wow, this was exactly what I wasn't expecting, and it was magnificent! Sure, I expected that the Doctor would do that thing that would cause that thing in that episode people speculated was either an error or deliberate, but for the rest it was great.
You know, it's funny. I loved this finale, I thought it was brilliant, perfect, clever, timey wimey, and clearly heavily praised by a lot of fans, thinking it a lot better than RTD finales...
But here's the joke people:
Moffat still used a magic reset button! Everything was back to normal, and everything was made better!
I'll give him props, though. He definitely did it in style!
Everything was back to normal, and everything was made better!
Or was it...
We still don't know
who the Big Bad is. Methinks not everything is as perfectly resolved as it seems. For one thing, Amy still has a random third story in her house that no one seems to notice and that can't be seen from the outside. Another TARDIS?
This is all just theory, but it actually makes sense that nothing would happen. Normally those Reapers come in and destroy things surrounding the paradox to "sterilize the wound." But all the rest of the Universe is destroyed, and unless the Reapers are based on Earth, which I don't believe they are, they've been destroyed. So, yes, there are many paradoxes in that episode, but the Universe has lost its ability to do anything about it. On many levels.
I mean, no matter how big the paradox the Universe can't go bang because it already has. Time is collapsing inwards on itself-- time has already become one massive paradox which allows minor ones to slide. Time's ability to paradox is temporarily suspended and you can pretty much get away with anything. Which allows the Doctor to travel around within his own timeline, which he normally can't do. That and he's not using the Tardis, which is hardwired to stay linear to certain timelines. So there you have it-- we just got a glimpse of what the doctor's life would be like without the "stay relative to the timeline your in" rule. And the bit with the girls going after the fez was brilliant. I couldn't stop laughing even though I really really wanted to because I was afraid of missing something. Brilliant episode.
EDIT: And also, this thread is starting to ruin my unhealthy love of spoiler tags! You've got to click all over the place in order to read through the darn thing!
This is all just theory, but it actually makes sense that nothing would happen. Normally those Reapers come in and destroy things surrounding the paradox to "sterilize the wound." But all the rest of the Universe is destroyed, and unless the Reapers are based on Earth, which I don't believe they are, they've been destroyed. So, yes, there are many paradoxes in that episode, but the Universe has lost its ability to do anything about it. On many levels.
I mean, no matter how big the paradox the Universe can't go bang because it already has. Time is collapsing inwards on itself-- time has already become one massive paradox which allows minor ones to slide. Time's ability to paradox is temporarily suspended and you can pretty much get away with anything. Which allows the Doctor to travel around within his own timeline, which he normally can't do. That and he's not using the Tardis, which is hardwired to stay linear to certain timelines. So there you have it-- we just got a glimpse of what the doctor's life would be like without the "stay relative to the timeline your in" rule. And the bit with the girls going after the fez was brilliant. I couldn't stop laughing even though I really really wanted to because I was afraid of missing something. Brilliant episode.
Another explanation -
they're different Amy's. One from a timeline where the Doctor came, and one from when he didn't. So essentially they're two different people, meaning the Blinovich Limitation Effect doesn't really apply. But note what happens when The Doctor touches his two Sonic Screwdrivers together... they're from the same timeline (the Doctors) and therefore are subject to the BLE.
they're different Amy's. One from a timeline where the Doctor came, and one from when he didn't. So essentially they're two different people, meaning the Blinovich Limitation Effect doesn't really apply. But note what happens when The Doctor touches his two Sonic Screwdrivers together... they're from the same timeline (the Doctors) and therefore are subject to the BLE.
That seems possible, but I haven't run through all the details of it in my mind, yet. I really think I need to watch through it again to catch the science of it. The first time around I was a little too distracted by the story line! XD
@alcoremortis: Well, we could do the whole thread in pig latin. Or come up with a secret insider's code. That would be pretty unreadable. Just saying, branch out, try different options, you know. Keep it fresh.
@alcoremortis: Well, we could do the whole thread in pig latin. Or come up with a secret insider's code. That would be pretty unreadable. Just saying, branch out, try different options, you know. Keep it fresh.
This was a wonderful ending to the season. There were a lot of great scenes in this episode,
The scene with The Doctor and the sleeping Amelia almost brought a tear too my eye. I always knew he would return to that little girl some time, and he did. The Doctor returned to the girl who waited.
But yeah, Moffat left a lot of things unexplained. He still has a lot going for him and we FINALLY get the same doctor and Companion for more that one series
But yeah, Moffat left a lot of things unexplained. He still has a lot going for him and we FINALLY get the same doctor and Companion for more that one series
And i'm glad too. They really compliment eachother nicely. Plus their antics are entertaining on confidential.
I don't end up watching confidential. I see clips that get posted on BlogtorWho, but from what I've seen it's like they've been best friends their entire lives.
Este foarte bine, multumesc! Dar trebuie sa vorbim acum in romana! Este a limba foarte frumoasa!
There you are! Half the challenge is figuring out what language it is, THEN what it says, likely through google translator, and THEN you can respond-- if you still have something to say after all that. There, much more convoluted than spoiler tags!
And I think a Monkey Island/Doctor Who crossover would be great. In fact, I suspect that LeChuck is actually one of the Master's regenerations! (It would explain why he's so darned difficult to kill! )
Ah en Google þýða geta uppgötva tungumálum , auk Veit rúmensku.
Vai de capul meu! You got it! Gold star for you!
(So do you actually know Romanian, or is that a bad google translation? I lived there a while back, but it's been a while since I bumped into someone who actually spoke the language-- other than silverwolfpet, of course.)
Also, why has nobody tried to post in Gallifreyan yet? This is a Doctor Who thread after all!:p
There you are. Go ahead and try to put THAT through Google translator! And once you do . . . let me know what it says! Cuz I have no idea! But I think that middle one is the doctor's watch . . .
I wish I knew Gallifreyan!
EDIT: @Remolay Too bad! Yes, "oh my" is the correct translation. Literally-- woe to my head! Lots of fun to say!
Japanese is fun. The only language (other than English) that makes any lick of sense to me. Though it is really easy to insult someone (I once referred to my friend in the second person and she was very offended by that--apparently you're not supposed to do that in Japanese).
Edit: Also, @Nimeni: Yay! This is a Doctor Who forum after all!
He quotes smugly, slipping money into his back pocket.
Brilliant end to a great series. Not everything was tied up (
Or for the investigation into the 'Silence Will Fall' man? 'cause that'll be in the next series, not the Christmas special. So it'd be 9 months, not 6.
Also, I already liked Rory a lot, but he now gets fifty bazillion gold stars for being freaking amazing! Also, an internet.
Seriously, wow, this was exactly what I wasn't expecting, and it was magnificent! Sure, I expected that the Doctor would do that thing that would cause that thing in that episode people speculated was either an error or deliberate, but for the rest it was great.
But here's the joke people:
I'll give him props, though. He definitely did it in style!
Or was it...
We still don't know
I mean, no matter how big the paradox the Universe can't go bang because it already has. Time is collapsing inwards on itself-- time has already become one massive paradox which allows minor ones to slide. Time's ability to paradox is temporarily suspended and you can pretty much get away with anything. Which allows the Doctor to travel around within his own timeline, which he normally can't do. That and he's not using the Tardis, which is hardwired to stay linear to certain timelines. So there you have it-- we just got a glimpse of what the doctor's life would be like without the "stay relative to the timeline your in" rule. And the bit with the girls going after the fez was brilliant. I couldn't stop laughing even though I really really wanted to because I was afraid of missing something.
EDIT: And also, this thread is starting to ruin my unhealthy love of spoiler tags! You've got to click all over the place in order to read through the darn thing!
Like Mickey and Ricky!
@alcoremortis: Well, we could do the whole thread in pig latin. Or come up with a secret insider's code. That would be pretty unreadable. Just saying, branch out, try different options, you know. Keep it fresh.
Kayoay okeyday! Hotel-Oscar-Whiskey Alpha-Bravo-Oscar-Uniform-Tango Tango-Hotel-India-Sierra? *** -*-* *-* *- -- -*** *-** */ -*-* --- -** * ***/ **- *--*?
Never mind. That took far too long to type.
How about this: Vi skriver hela tråden på svenska! Det är ju ändå bara skandinaver som skulle kunna förstå det.
But yeah, Moffat left a lot of things unexplained. He still has a lot going for him and we FINALLY get the same doctor and Companion for more that one series
OMG it's spreading! I don't want Monkey Island never to exist!:eek::eek:
So, thats the secret of Monkey Island! Does that mean LeChuck is responsible for destroying the TARDIS?
Well you know you want to see Guybrush meet the Doctor somehow.
I imagine Guybrush trying to break into the TARDIS with his hook. The Doctor then flips out because Guybrush just ruined the paint job.
Este foarte bine, multumesc! Dar trebuie sa vorbim acum in romana! Este a limba foarte frumoasa!
There you are! Half the challenge is figuring out what language it is, THEN what it says, likely through google translator, and THEN you can respond-- if you still have something to say after all that. There, much more convoluted than spoiler tags!
And I think a Monkey Island/Doctor Who crossover would be great. In fact, I suspect that LeChuck is actually one of the Master's regenerations! (It would explain why he's so darned difficult to kill!
On Google.:D
Also, why has nobody tried to post in Gallifreyan yet? This is a Doctor Who thread after all!:p
Edit: It also doesn't have Middle Egyptian or cuneiform. What's up with this?!!
maH laH jatlh Daq tlhIngan!
Vai de capul meu! You got it! Gold star for you!
(So do you actually know Romanian, or is that a bad google translation? I lived there a while back, but it's been a while since I bumped into someone who actually spoke the language-- other than silverwolfpet, of course.)
I do not speak it, I barely speak spanish anymore, What I want to learn is Japanese
By the way, It seemed to thing that last bit of not english was Portuguese for Go to my Capuli.
I moved it to romanian after that and got Oh My
Edit: It was also supposed to say I DONT know Romanian
There you are. Go ahead and try to put THAT through Google translator! And once you do . . . let me know what it says! Cuz I have no idea! But I think that middle one is the doctor's watch . . .
I wish I knew Gallifreyan!
EDIT: @Remolay Too bad! Yes, "oh my" is the correct translation. Literally-- woe to my head! Lots of fun to say!
Japanese is fun. The only language (other than English) that makes any lick of sense to me. Though it is really easy to insult someone (I once referred to my friend in the second person and she was very offended by that--apparently you're not supposed to do that in Japanese).
Edit: Also, @Nimeni: Yay! This is a Doctor Who forum after all!