I'm thinking maybe an Egyptian goddess on the Orient Express... in Space. Perhaps in the 52nd century and the royal person calling him in the Tardis for help is Liz 10.
Yes it should be desu. I unconsciously put in a u when speaking so it never really occurs to me to type it when writing. That, and I'm a horrible speller in English, let alone Japanese.
Jozu means good (spelling may vary:D). I was attempting to compliment your Japanese...now that I think of it, it should have been: Nihongojin jozu desu (corrected spelling and grammar) or just jozu desu.
Yeah....I don't really speak much, most of what I know I've picked up from anime and my mom (who speaks it fluently). I should probably learn it more formally someday.:D
Japanese is fun. The only language (other than English) that makes any lick of sense to me. Though it is really easy to insult someone (I once referred to my friend in the second person and she was very offended by that--apparently you're not supposed to do that in Japanese).
Edit: Also, @Nimeni: Yay! This is a Doctor Who forum after all!
Well now there has to be a Monkey Island/Doctor Who Crossover. It could even start just after the end of Tales of Monkey Island so while they're busy sailing to... where ever they were sailing to the TARDIS could materialise on the Screaming Narwhal.
Well, it is the Third Doctor, so there should be some fighting. But I do agree about the scantily clad girl. I'm still not sure what she was doing there.:p
Well, it is the Third Doctor, so there should be some fighting. But I do agree about the scantily clad girl. I'm still not sure what she was doing there.:p
the fight seemed to much for the doctor though he wouldnt knock peoples teeth out just KO them
the fight seemed to much for the doctor though he wouldnt knock peoples teeth out just KO them
I forgot about the teeth knocking out. Yeah, Three would pretty much shout, "Hai!" and then take everyone down in the immediate vicinity. Which is why I liked him so much.
I haven't gotten to the third doctor yet! I figured if the doctor lives his life out of order, I might as well watch the old doctor who out of order . . .
You are in for a treat. It's really the only time when the Doctor repeatedly uses physical violence to solve his problems (except for some Fourth Doctor wrestling/fencing).
Do you mean when he punches Gracewell (the Dalek's robot man) in the third episode? Because I'm not sure that was accidentally, more to temporarily incapacitate him while he got the situation under control than to actually hurt him. After all, you don't hurt a metal man. Not by punching him, at any rate.
I'm intrigued, but it won't catch on. American adaptations of british shows usualy dont. Plus they tried it before with the 8th Doctor
I actually really enjoyed the TV movie. The new series seems quite influenced by it (more dramatic, more epic music). I just don't want Jonny depp to be the doctor. I'd rather they use an existing one (Give Mcgann another go, or eccelston! I think DT has even said he'd be up for it previously).
or use matt it can be a movie linking to the current series
True, but because of the tight filming schedule, they would have to put the series on hold for a year or so. Plus, if it's RTD writing it, i would love to see him tackle the time war.
ooh, The Time War. I would hope he would use McGann for that.
I doubt Eccleston would go for it. I seem to remember reading that he didn't enjoy the role that much
also, I wouldn't mind a dalek that looked like that. But I also wouldn't mind if the Daleks disappeared for a couple of years, they have been in every new series so far, I'm fine with them battling every incarnation of The Doctor, but they have become over use.
ooh, The Time War. I would hope he would use McGann for that.
I doubt Eccleston would go for it. I seem to remember reading that he didn't enjoy the role that much
also, I wouldn't mind a dalek that looked like that. But I also wouldn't mind if the Daleks disappeared for a couple of years, they have been in every new series so far, I'm fine with them battling every incarnation of The Doctor, but they have become over use.
In terms of serials, they aren't overused, but the problem is that the serials are shorter (often only one episode), so you notice it more. So they should definately be used less.
As for the movie: What if it focussed on Mcgann for the most part, but showed his regeneration into eccleston towards the end? Eccleston's main gripe with his time on DW was the intensive, relentless filming schedule. I'm sure that if he was only to play a role on a relatively small section of the film, say half an hour or so, he would probably be game.
I think this article is a fake. Digital Spy has been very...iffy with its news lately and this just doesn't seem plausible. I think Depp would make a great Doctor (it would be weird, but I think it would work) but I doubt that Hollywood would make a Doctor Who film when the show is a cult show here in the US.
[*]I thought RTD had finished altogether with Doctor Who?
Possibly (probably?) true for the main series, but he's writing two episodes for the next series of The Sarah Jane Adventures (the episodes that feature Matt Smith in a guest role as the Doctor, airing this autumn) and I think he's involved in the new series of Torchwood as well. Although his days as lead writer on Doctor Who are over, I doubt that he'll let it go completely anytime soon.
Although a feature film would be cool, I doubt they would cast Johnny Depp as the Doctor. I think they would go with one/several of the current doctors or, if the movie happened to be released towards the end of Matt Smith's run, use the movie to show the 11th Doctor turn into the 12th. But, like several people have said, rumours like these have always existed, and so far never turned out to be true. I'll believe it when an official statement is released.
And now I have domo arigato Mr. Roboto stuck in my head . . .
I like listening to Japanese pop. I don't understand a lick of it until I actually bother to look it up.
My favorite is Hana by Orange Range.
And I have managed to derail this beyond recovery so now I'm try to force it back to Doctor who.
Speculation on the christmas special this year?
I'm thinking maybe an Egyptian goddess on the Orient Express... in Space. Perhaps in the 52nd century and the royal person calling him in the Tardis for help is Liz 10.
Nihongo jozu des!:D:D
the only part though I don't kno is jozu
Yes it should be desu. I unconsciously put in a u when speaking so it never really occurs to me to type it when writing. That, and I'm a horrible speller in English, let alone Japanese.
Jozu means good (spelling may vary:D). I was attempting to compliment your Japanese...now that I think of it, it should have been: Nihongojin jozu desu (corrected spelling and grammar) or just jozu desu.
Yeah....I don't really speak much, most of what I know I've picked up from anime and my mom (who speaks it fluently). I should probably learn it more formally someday.:D
Well now there has to be a Monkey Island/Doctor Who Crossover. It could even start just after the end of Tales of Monkey Island so while they're busy sailing to... where ever they were sailing to the TARDIS could materialise on the Screaming Narwhal.
And he's just about to pull out a piece of the Screaming Narwhale, too! Except he won't know what it is at that point in his timeline . . . . XD
As for the Japanese cybermen, I can't help but feel that may be the closest I ever come to watching live action anime. It was so trippy!
@Remolay: Pocky, pocky, pocky! I had Mr. Roboto in my head all night! j/k I'm evil, I know.
Actually, there was a Doctor Who fan-made anime (Third Doctor) floating around on youtube a while back. I'll see if I can find it--it may take awhile.
@Sailorcuteness: The cracks! They're everywhere!
this one?
Yup. That's the one. I sorta hope this person will finish it, because it looks sort of cool.:D
the fight seemed to much for the doctor though he wouldnt knock peoples teeth out just KO them
I forgot about the teeth knocking out. Yeah, Three would pretty much shout, "Hai!" and then take everyone down in the immediate vicinity. Which is why I liked him so much.
That said, the Master looked much better animated-- the goatee suddenly made sense! And the cybermen and daleks were cool, too.
And I just figured the half-naked chic was Perry with a makeover.
The Third Doctor fought with thugs all the time. Sometimes they were alien thugs.:D
Yeah, I have to agree. It looked very much like an uppercut, which are significantly harder to do accidentally than, say, a random jab or cross.
I'm intrigued, but it won't catch on. American adaptations of british shows usualy dont. Plus they tried it before with the 8th Doctor
I actually really enjoyed the TV movie. The new series seems quite influenced by it (more dramatic, more epic music). I just don't want Jonny depp to be the doctor. I'd rather they use an existing one (Give Mcgann another go, or eccelston! I think DT has even said he'd be up for it previously).
I just hope it doesn't turn out like this:
True, but because of the tight filming schedule, they would have to put the series on hold for a year or so. Plus, if it's RTD writing it, i would love to see him tackle the time war.
I doubt Eccleston would go for it. I seem to remember reading that he didn't enjoy the role that much
also, I wouldn't mind a dalek that looked like that. But I also wouldn't mind if the Daleks disappeared for a couple of years, they have been in every new series so far, I'm fine with them battling every incarnation of The Doctor, but they have become over use.
As for the movie: What if it focussed on Mcgann for the most part, but showed his regeneration into eccleston towards the end? Eccleston's main gripe with his time on DW was the intensive, relentless filming schedule. I'm sure that if he was only to play a role on a relatively small section of the film, say half an hour or so, he would probably be game.
Possibly (probably?) true for the main series, but he's writing two episodes for the next series of The Sarah Jane Adventures (the episodes that feature Matt Smith in a guest role as the Doctor, airing this autumn) and I think he's involved in the new series of Torchwood as well. Although his days as lead writer on Doctor Who are over, I doubt that he'll let it go completely anytime soon.
Although a feature film would be cool, I doubt they would cast Johnny Depp as the Doctor. I think they would go with one/several of the current doctors or, if the movie happened to be released towards the end of Matt Smith's run, use the movie to show the 11th Doctor turn into the 12th. But, like several people have said, rumours like these have always existed, and so far never turned out to be true. I'll believe it when an official statement is released.