Well, thanks to you people posting sketches, I just spend an hour listening to the doctor make prank phone calls. Including to himself. Tom Baker is brilliant!
Well, thanks to you people posting sketches, I just spend an hour listening to the doctor make prank phone calls. Including to himself. Tom Baker is brilliant!
Oh wow, that was beautiful! Tom Baker - what a good sport.
Well, thanks to you people posting sketches, I just spend an hour listening to the doctor make prank phone calls. Including to himself. Tom Baker is brilliant!
Hee hee. I was giggling all the way through that. "Davros keeps on calling to see if I'm dead" Classic!
Well, BBC has confirmed it's a Christmas Carol variation. I'm having trouble envisioning what it will be like. I have to admit, I've seen Christmas Carol so many times and so many different ways I'm not exactly thrilled about this. But then, it is Doctor Who, so . . . hopefully it will still be good?
maybe a previous doctor might make an apperence as the ghost of christmas past
I think that could be a possibility, given the amount of times previous doctors were refferenced last series.
@acloremortis: i think that was just another adventure we'll never see serialised, like Space Florida, the ice world from the series 2 BBC idents, or that planet with Pterodactyls at the start of the last two episodes of series 2.
Well, they have already done Agatha Christie, so...
Too true. It was one of the few episodes I could persuade my family to watch.
But really, the BBC needs to give us some ambiguous statement so that we can speculate for the next few months. There just isn't enough to come up with a good conspiracy theory.
The pricing and release date of the Box set has been announced.
Both versions of the boxset will be released on the 8th of November, priced £69.99 (on DVD) and £79.99 (on Blu-ray).
The pricing and release date of the Box set has been announced.
Both versions of the boxset will be released on the 8th of November, priced £69.99 (on DVD) and £79.99 (on Blu-ray).
I'm still waiting for the Blu-ray specials to come down aswell. I'm waiting for it to be around £25.
I think I got spoiled when I found season 4 for $25. Now I feel anything over that is overpriced. I'm still trying to get up the nerve to go buy a $70 season 1 and 2 set.
I think I got spoiled when I found season 4 for $25. Now I feel anything over that is overpriced. I'm still trying to get up the nerve to go buy a $70 season 1 and 2 set.
Oh well, I guess it would be sort of useless now because I already have seasons 3 and 4 but it would have been great last fall when I was madly buying DVDs.:D
Best music yet-- some of the eleventh doctor themes are so catchy! (not that I don't have mad love for other Doctor Who music, just not AS mad a love!)
And randomly, I saw Doctor Who box sets in Costco the other day for $40 a season. Little rich for my blood, but tempting, nonetheless. I was just glad to see they thought it had enough of a following in America to stock it-- that's a good sign!
Best music yet-- some of the eleventh doctor themes are so catchy! (not that I don't have mad love for other Doctor Who music, just not AS mad a love!)
And randomly, I saw Doctor Who box sets in Costco the other day for $40 a season. Little rich for my blood, but tempting, nonetheless. I was just glad to see they thought it had enough of a following in America to stock it-- that's a good sign!
They don't stock them in Costco's over here. ¬_¬
But the 9-pack giant chcocolate muffins make up for that!
9 pack giant chocolate muffins make up for many things, as it so happens.
I imagine Costco's figured that Doctor Who was sufficiently covered in other stores in the UK, whereas here it's pretty much buy it online, or specialized media stores, or, apparently, Costco's.
I would totally buy a Doctor Who season for $40, it's just a shame I don't live near a CostCo. Also, don't you need to be a member or something to shop there?
I would totally buy a Doctor Who season for $40, it's just a shame I don't live near a CostCo. Also, don't you need to be a member or something to shop there?
Yeah, you need to work in public services (teaching, fire, hospitals, police etc), or banking/finance. We got a pass, because my dad worked for some insurance company before he died, so we get payed from his pension scheme.
My EMA(basically money for going to post-16 education) bonus of £100 went in yesterday, and i spent £58 of it already! I did buy the specials on Blu-ray though (and my sisters Birthday present).
Did anyone catch the proms? They're on iplayer now, and will be on TV next month. They're great just to put on in the background.
Costco works a little differently here. Anyone can buy a membership, although a lot of businesses will offer a discount on it to their employees. Basically all you have to do is walk in and pay the fee and you've got a year's membership. Which, if you do, you should use to visit on Saturdays when there are loads of free samples being dished out.
I did find out you can also get it through Walmart, for about $5 more counting shipping.
Yeah, believe it or not, there are relatively few Walmarts in California--or at least around where I live, anyways. I think I've only been inside of one once or twice in my life. I'd probably have more luck with the Costco. Or Amazon. Or Ebay.
Oh wow, that was beautiful! Tom Baker - what a good sport.
Hee hee. I was giggling all the way through that. "Davros keeps on calling to see if I'm dead" Classic!
Leave it to Tom Baker to play along.
I kinda hope not
I read an article on this earlier. Apparently it's going to be a mash-up of lots of christmas films. And it's got dumbledore in it.
blackadder christmas carol for me
I do quite love that one too. But the muppets are just so darn cute and squishable. And I may or may not have all of the songs memorized. >.>
To this day, that is the only version of a christmas carol i've seen.
I'm sure it'll be great, but from what I've heard so far... eh.
I think that could be a possibility, given the amount of times previous doctors were refferenced last series.
@acloremortis: i think that was just another adventure we'll never see serialised, like Space Florida, the ice world from the series 2 BBC idents, or that planet with Pterodactyls at the start of the last two episodes of series 2.
And The Bale Rail Valeyard as the ghost of christmas future
Too true. It was one of the few episodes I could persuade my family to watch.
But really, the BBC needs to give us some ambiguous statement so that we can speculate for the next few months. There just isn't enough to come up with a good conspiracy theory.
I forgot about the dickinsons theme in that ep
Both versions of the boxset will be released on the 8th of November, priced £69.99 (on DVD) and £79.99 (on Blu-ray).
I guess i'll be waiting for the price to drop.
Also, watch this.
any box art?
Not yet.
Here's a link to the article.
I'm still waiting for last year's specials to fall into my price range. Also, the first two seasons.:D
I think I got spoiled when I found season 4 for $25. Now I feel anything over that is overpriced. I'm still trying to get up the nerve to go buy a $70 season 1 and 2 set.
Do they do a set like this over there?
Damn, I wish I could spare £50 now...
No. But now I wish they did. T_T
Oh well, I guess it would be sort of useless now because I already have seasons 3 and 4 but it would have been great last fall when I was madly buying DVDs.:D
The box set box art:
US pricing:$55.99 for the DVD and $62.99 (£25 cheaper than in the UK) for the Blu-ray!
I'm hoping for a shop exclusive special edition box art, like the other seasons had.
Oh yes!! Ever since I heard the first music clip I've wanted the soundtrack.
And randomly, I saw Doctor Who box sets in Costco the other day for $40 a season. Little rich for my blood, but tempting, nonetheless. I was just glad to see they thought it had enough of a following in America to stock it-- that's a good sign!
They don't stock them in Costco's over here. ¬_¬
But the 9-pack giant chcocolate muffins make up for that!
I imagine Costco's figured that Doctor Who was sufficiently covered in other stores in the UK, whereas here it's pretty much buy it online, or specialized media stores, or, apparently, Costco's.
My EMA(basically money for going to post-16 education) bonus of £100 went in yesterday, and i spent £58 of it already! I did buy the specials on Blu-ray though (and my sisters Birthday present).
Did anyone catch the proms? They're on iplayer now, and will be on TV next month. They're great just to put on in the background.
I did find out you can also get it through Walmart, for about $5 more counting shipping.
That might work for you if you don't have access to a Costco.