Wait till you hear my reasoning.
There are more Fearsome creatures than fearful creatures in the universe. There is one thing those creature have in common,
The Beeb has released a brief description of The Big Bang, the final episode of the series, which gives a rather big hint as to what happens in The Pandorica Opens.
The Doctor is gone, the TARDIS has been destroyed, and the universe is collapsing. The only hope for all reality is a little girl who still believes in stars, as this series of Doctor Who concludes with an episode written by Steven Moffat.
I think you mean 9. This Saturday's episode will no doubt end on the best cliffhanger ever and leave us in even more suspense then we were in before. Gah.
river saw the pic of rory as a roman and we relided hes not real and the ending where all hell breaks lose amy gets shot the universe blows up river goes with it and the drs traped its the bigggest clifhanger ever!!
Holy crap! That is so not a fair place to put a cliffhanger! I swear I spent the second half of that yelling at the tv screen! (Hopefully the neighbors weren't bothered!)
The Beeb has released a brief description of The Big Bang, the final episode of the series, which gives a rather big hint as to what happens in The Pandorica Opens.
The Doctor is gone, the TARDIS has been destroyed, and the universe is collapsing. The only hope for all reality is a little girl who still believes in stars, as this series of Doctor Who concludes with an episode written by Steven Moffat.
You know, now that we've SEEN The Pandorica Opens, this description is STILL confusing/mysterious. In particular, the part about
"The only hope for all reality is a little girl who still believes in stars." Unless that shot wasn't quite as fatal as it looks, of course.
My mind went totally blank after watching the episode. Then I went and showed a friend of mine some gameplay footage of the Doctor Who adventure game on YouTube. After that I believe we went to watch Darkman III.
So... I was right when I included next weeks' episode in the countdown! Ha!
I have to say, that was the best cliffhanger ever. How the hell will Moffatt write himself out of that? Can't wait to find out.
He's either...
(a) written a brilliant solution that's both obvious and makes total sense and has been carefully placed in the series since the very beginning of Series 5, or
(b) he's just made an ending up on the spot that is full of holes in logic and just comes out of nowhere which leaves us all a bit .
Myself, I'm hoping for the first option, but he always said he was a big fan of RTD's scripts!
sorry for double post but I just thought of somthing about The pandorica opens
do you think the visons of the tardis exploding and stuff is what drove van goth to suicide? seeing the end of the universe and posslbly saw the dr imprisioned and amy die made him commit suicide at lest in the whoniverse
sorry for double post but I just thought of somthing about The pandorica opens
do you think the visons of the tardis exploding and stuff is what drove van goth to suicide? seeing the end of the universe and posslbly saw the dr imprisioned and amy die made him commit suicide at lest in the whoniverse
It was almost certainly a contributing factor in the Whoniverse. The scene with
a distraught Van Gogh was set in 1890, the same year that he died.
We still don't know who was controlling the Tardis and causing it to explode - that's where all the cracks came from and it wasn't the Doctor...
Is anyone else thinking it might be
the Time Lords? Who else would know how to manipulate a Tardis, and want the Universe destroyed? (So they could exist as creatures of pure consciousness, yada, yada.) And it could potentially be used as a link between the Gallifrey and outside the time lock?
the Time Lords? Who else would know how to manipulate a Tardis, and want the Universe destroyed? (So they could exist as creatures of pure consciousness, yada, yada.) And it could potentially be used as a link between the Gallifrey and outside the time lock?
I think it was most likely
a minor villain from earlier in this series or maybe a solitary renegade Time Lord. I think it's too soon after EoT to bring back the whole race
Not sure why I spoiler tagged this since it's all theory.
Yeah, I keep doing that, too.
And I'm going to do it, again! Because for some reason spoiler tags amuse me!
Not saying this is really what I think, but it would be kind of cool if it was somehow all the time lord consciounesses/personalities that have been stored in the matrix(or even more likely, dark matrix) somehow reaching out through the Tardis and escaping into un-time-locked universe.
As much as I'd like to believe there will be some major dramatic clever conclusion, I can't help but feel that they will end the series in the same way that the others have been ended - everything suddenly back to normal with the press of a button
As much as I'd like to believe there will be some major dramatic clever conclusion, I can't help but feel that they will end the series in the same way that the others have been ended - everything suddenly back to normal with the press of a button
I don't know. This is Moffet we're talking about. All his 2 parters have ended really well (often better than the first part). Plus, it's set in the past (well kinda) so they can get away with the mass invasion at least.
Actually, i think Moffet will try and undo most of what Russel T davies established as Canon. Evidence? "Time can be rewritten" and " Why doesn't anyone remember the daleks? Or the giant robot in Victorian London?"
I'd love for him to do that. It would put Doctor Who back on track at being semi-realistic (as it was in NewSeries 1, and the classic episodes to an extent). RTD went a bit over the top with his episodes. If The modern day is left alone (or nothing huge that the population at large knows about), then you can get a better feeling for the characters, seeing them as from our world, rather than some fictional one. Theres no reason you can't have a spectacdular finale in the future, or past (pre-media) or on a smaller scale (keep the drama high for example, or an unseen enemy)
Wait till you hear my reasoning.
There are more Fearsome creatures than fearful creatures in the universe. There is one thing those creature have in common,
I think thats everyones reaction!
You know, now that we've SEEN The Pandorica Opens, this description is STILL confusing/mysterious. In particular, the part about
Well who wouldn't?
Gaah! Now another week to find out how this mess sorts!
So yeah, pretty much mind screw.
I have to say, that was the best cliffhanger ever. How the hell will Moffatt write himself out of that? Can't wait to find out.
He's either...
(a) written a brilliant solution that's both obvious and makes total sense and has been carefully placed in the series since the very beginning of Series 5, or
(b) he's just made an ending up on the spot that is full of holes in logic and just comes out of nowhere which leaves us all a bit
Myself, I'm hoping for the first option, but he always said he was a big fan of RTD's scripts!
Now here is my theory for the cracks:
Not much to add to what's already been said, besides WOW. I get the feeling that the conclusion will be fairly mind-blowing. Very excited for it!
...or was it
It was almost certainly a contributing factor in the Whoniverse. The scene with
Is anyone else thinking it might be
I think it was most likely
Maybe, But they did bring back the entire Dalek race 6 episodes after the last one was killed, in series one.
Not sure why I spoiler tagged this since it's all theory.
Yeah, I keep doing that, too.
And I'm going to do it, again! Because for some reason spoiler tags amuse me!
Actually, i think Moffet will try and undo most of what Russel T davies established as Canon. Evidence? "Time can be rewritten" and " Why doesn't anyone remember the daleks? Or the giant robot in Victorian London?"
I'd love for him to do that. It would put Doctor Who back on track at being semi-realistic (as it was in NewSeries 1, and the classic episodes to an extent). RTD went a bit over the top with his episodes. If The modern day is left alone (or nothing huge that the population at large knows about), then you can get a better feeling for the characters, seeing them as from our world, rather than some fictional one. Theres no reason you can't have a spectacdular finale in the future, or past (pre-media) or on a smaller scale (keep the drama high for example, or an unseen enemy)