Sam and Max TF2 Items!



  • edited April 2010
    All of this extra mile stuff is the reason that I get angry and defensive when people start to attack Telltale, like during the Monkey Island shipping fiasco. If Telltale says they're doing their best for us, you know they're giving 150%, and to imply or accuse otherwise is insulting, because I can guarantee you that no other company in the industry treats its customers so well.
  • edited April 2010
    thanks for the explaination! I do now understand the reason behind not giving out the code..
    I thought they were given out codes to unlock Hats
    TellTale can check my account, I have also picked up a copy here! this company has indeed earned my trust and respect, well done!
  • edited April 2010
    I'm amazed at the selfishness and entitled nature of many users on these forums

    I'm not suprised at all, but when you see something like this
    ClanLord wrote: »
    this company has indeed earned my trust and respect, well done!

    Maybe it was worth it after all. God knows it's probably easier to do a torrent search than buy a game
  • edited April 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    God knows it's probably easier to do a torrent search than buy a game

    Thankfully my sense of entitlement hasn't gotten so large that I think I should be getting games for free. I'll pay for my entertainment and I'll damn well like it!
  • edited April 2010
    If Telltale says they're doing their best for us, you know they're giving 150%[...].
    Usually I hate this kind of expressions, since giving more than 100% is mathematically impossible, but in Telltale's case I agree with you :)
  • edited April 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    giving more than 100% is mathematically impossible

    100% would be your base, dummy. If you're giving, say, 200%, you're giving double what you normally would, NOT twice the max amount you can.

    It's like you don't even know how running speed is calculated in TF2 :rolleyes:
  • edited April 2010
    Don't get me wrong, I am all for questioning the decisions and motivations of companies, even Telltale. It's just that, well, there's usually a space between "Wait, there's something wrong here..." and blinding consumer rage. Generally that space contains "contact the company and inquire calmly about the issue". If someone bought from Telltale and saw that other people were getting stuff, it might have been nice if the thread went more along the lines of "Telltale, PS3 users seem to be getting something we're not. I didn't hear anything about this, what gives?" I thought that Sam and Max fans, of all Telltale fans, would have had the most experience with Telltale's excellent track record. Even if these things had been exclusive and you REALLY WANT THEM NOW, as long as you bought direct from Telltale, you could get a refund. I'm certain of it, considering the conditions under which I've seen the company give refunds.

    I dunno, I just think TTG has earned at least some buffer space and benefit of the doubt, and even with companies whose practices you don't know generally should be approached with civility, at least at first.
  • edited April 2010
    I think I look rather dashing with my new items. Thanks, Telltale! :D
  • edited April 2010
    It's like you don't even know how running speed is calculated in TF2 :rolleyes:

    As I recall, it's measured in Hammer (the Source map editor) units per second, with the base being 300. Scout is 400, Medic is 320, Demoman is 280, Soldier and Heavy are 240. Zoomed sniper and spinning heavy are 80.

    Edit: Whoops, Heavy is 230 not 240 according to the Wiki.
  • edited April 2010
    Thanks TTG and Valve. <3 you guys.
  • edited April 2010
    Thank you very much, Telltale team. Just ordered.
  • edited April 2010
    100% would be your base, dummy. If you're giving, say, 200%, you're giving double what you normally would, NOT twice the max amount you can.

    It's like you don't even know how running speed is calculated in TF2 :rolleyes:
    It doesn't work that way in the expression I was talking about. "Giving 100%" means giving everything you have. You can't give more than everything, so "giving 150%" is impossible.
  • edited April 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    It doesn't work that way in the expression I was talking about. "Giving 100%" means giving everything you have. You can't give more than everything, so "giving 150%" is impossible.

    What if you could only think you give so much, and then when push comes to shove you found that little bit of inner strength that let you work a bit harder, does that mean you'd be working over 100% or that you'd always been below 100%?
  • edited April 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    What if you could only think you give so much, and then when push comes to shove you found that little bit of inner strength that let you work a bit harder, does that mean you'd be working over 100% or that you'd always been below 100%?
    The latter. 100% is the maximum you can give.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, this is really important stuff...

    christ sake
  • edited April 2010
    And I already know somebody who gave away their code. Siiiiiigh.

    Ray-The-Sun, I appreciate you not mentioning my name but we already addressed this matter in another forum. I gave away my code because I bought both the Telltale site version and the Steam version. If I had known it was a violation of Telltale's trust and would unlock the games for the user I gave it to, I wouldn't have done it.

    That being said, considering I bought the game twice from Telltale, me giving out the code is quintessential to me gifting the game to someone. I didn't sell the code, I gave it away. Telltale got paid twice in the transaction and lost no money from my mistake.

    Quit trying to paint me as a criminal not only here but on other forums as well, or I will travel through your ethernet cable and throttle you with it.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Don't worry about it so much, it's fine.
  • edited April 2010
    I just bought Team Fortress 2 just because of the Sam and Max stuff.... I hope you are happy TTG and Steam.... Now I hope I do not suck so horribly bad at the game.
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I just bought Team Fortress 2 just because of the Sam and Max stuff.... I hope you are happy TTG and Steam.... Now I hope I do not suck so horribly bad at the game.

    If you do(and I get TF2 PC running) please play against me I promise I will place a sentry where you wont see it until you die(my #1 killer)
    EDIT: Naww that would be mean. I would instead be a spy, trick you, and shoot you with sams gun.
  • edited April 2010
    ... I do not know why I bought it... other than the goofy Max hat.... I am horrible at shooter games.... I hope I will be able to have some fun with it other than getting killed repeatedly.
  • edited April 2010
    I know I sucked at TF2 when I first got it, but I got better! If you're looking for a good beginner server, toss me a PM and I might be able to help you out.
  • edited April 2010
    I just may do that.... I have NO gamer friends in real life.... all my friends are into other things and do not understand many of my geekier endeavors.
  • edited April 2010
    I know how that is, my close group of friends ARE gamers, but not of the FPS sort.
  • edited April 2010
    This was a seriously awesome treat. My two favorite developers of all time working together. Dream come true. Thanks for allowing us to get the TF2 items even if we pre-ordered here (and for the copy of the game on Steam). That was a lot quicker than I expected it to happen!

    My scout is quick as a little psychotic lagomorph now.
  • edited April 2010
    I just updated to the Steam Beta UI (to troubleshoot an L4D2 issue) and it apparently remembered my server list from the last time I was running the Beta UI, and lost my newer TF2 server favorites.
    (Note: This is because the new UI stores your favorite servers in the Steam cloud, while the old one doesn't.)

    What's the Telltale TF2 server address again?

    Edit: Nevermind, the address is on the Telltale Games Steam group description. For reference, it's
  • edited April 2010
    Thank you very much, Telltale-Team, for giving those of us the items, who didn't order via steam. That was really great!

  • edited April 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Hey guys who bought from TTG but want to unlock the TF2 goodies, can you give a try?

    Let me know if anything wacky happens... the bad kind of wacky. You getting Max's head as a TF2 unlock is the good kind. Actually, feel free to tell us about that kind, too.

    Wow, you guys are awesome. When I saw the promo on Steam after pre-ordering from TTG, I was a bit let down, but since I also have OCD, I knew I had made the right choice as to keep my game list on TTG's site complete (no way I could only have seasons 1 and 2 on that list!).

    After debating for a while if I should buy the set on steam as well (which I eventually decided against), I thought maybe there would be a thread here, and look what I find :)

    Again, you guys are great. Thanks so much for working to put this together for those of us who pre-ordered here - we all appreciate it very much.
  • edited April 2010
    I second that sentiment. While I certainly love Steam, I've always preferred to go right to the source when possible and have made all my Telltale purchases right here and I'm extrememly pleased that I was able to order here and still support my fav freelance police while playing TF2.

    Thanks Telltale!
  • edited April 2010
    Besides the awesomeness of the games themselves, customer service like this is why I will continue to buy Telltale's stuff sight unseen. Kudos on making this work. Also just joined the TTG TF2 group, looking forward to playing with you guys!
  • edited April 2010
    Just bought Season that I didn't get around to it until now to get the TF2 items :(....oh well.
  • edited April 2010
    They added jigglebones!
  • edited April 2010
    They added jigglebones!

    Shame that they update they did it in is terribad.
  • edited April 2010
    Shame that they update they did it in is terribad.

    You sound like a mad pyro player. Airblasting has never been so fun!
  • edited April 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    You sound like a mad pyro player. Airblasting has never been so fun!

    Look at this scene and tell me if something doesn't feel right.

    THis can be done with all buildings. 10 level 3's per engi.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Look at this scene and tell me if something doesn't feel right.

    THis can be done with all buildings. 10 level 3's per engi.

    Surely a bug?
  • edited April 2010
    Good to see the jiggle in Max's ears, it looks better now. Not sure on what I think of cp_freight, but it'll probably grow on me.
    Jake wrote: »
    Surely a bug?

    Definitely is, yes. The average player won't know how to take advantage of it, either. Hopefully Valve quickly fix the bugs this new update created.
  • edited April 2010
    I am 100% useless at online FPS. Although I'm never sure if it's a problem with my internet connection because I'll shoot and shoot and shoot with no effect and then they'll kill me with one shot.

    I'm alright at them in single player.
  • edited April 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Surely a bug?

    One of the biggest in the entire history of the game. Bestworst update ever.
  • edited April 2010
    I am 100% useless at online FPS. Although I'm never sure if it's a problem with my internet connection because I'll shoot and shoot and shoot with no effect and then they'll kill me with one shot.

    I'm alright at them in single player.

    Try to go with medic. Healing others should work.
  • edited April 2010
    Look at this scene and tell me if something doesn't feel right.

    THis can be done with all buildings. 10 level 3's per engi.

    And desipite the fact that they fixed it, you can still do it. You just have to think slightly more negative.
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