Sam and Max TF2 Items!



  • edited April 2010
    When are we gonna get our items and how are valve gonna know?
  • edited April 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    It's looking like we'll be good to go on getting interested Telltale customers the TF2 unlocks for sure. It won't be instant because our site really isn't set up yet to distribute them, but yeah. Feel free to buy from the TTG site and rest assured you'll get a Max head to wear on top of your regular head in TF2 :)

  • edited April 2010
    Epic game developers are F*#*$*$% EPIC!!!

    Haven't played TF2 in months but this will definitely get me back into it.

    I will wait until the Engie-Update before I touch TF2-again. The last time I played was after the Sniper/Spy update.
  • edited April 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    I will wait until the Engie-Update before I touch TF2-again. The last time I played was after the Sniper/Spy update.

    You have got a LOT to catch up on. Namely hats.
  • edited April 2010
    You have got a LOT to catch up on. Namely hats.

    I don't really care about hats in TF2. I really like the game but something in it's past really just made me quit it. I think it was the way Valve treated players for using the idler-program.
    I played it shortly on Helloween for the achievements but there was really no more love for the game. And then there was the Soldier/Demo update. I don't like these classes at all and only the thought of a server with 10-15 of those made me abandon the game until now.

    PS: I wonder how many people bought the game only for those items. There is at least one on the steam forum. Maybe there is a way to sell these without the whole season.
  • edited April 2010
    We should get at least 1 or 2 items for owning the previous 2 Seasons. This whole thing makes me sad because I can't buy Sam and Max until May. I play TF2 a lot, and just hope that I can get these items.
  • edited April 2010
    So apparently textures for Sam's hat were found in the .GCF files, my interest is piqued.
  • edited April 2010
    Oh man, Telltale, you're awesome. Can't wait to show off how much of a nerd I am to other players.
  • edited April 2010
    Sam's hat on the spy would be amazing.
  • edited April 2010
    Correction: Sam's hat on any class would be amazing.
  • edited April 2010
    Too true. I don't play really play Spy at all, I'd much prefer to have it as a multiclass thing. It'd be nice for me as Soldier, especially after the Equalizer nerf.
  • edited April 2010
    Oh, sure, it would look great on any class. But especially on the spy.
  • edited April 2010
    Why are people raging over at the TF2-Forums because of the Max-Hat?
  • edited April 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Why are people raging over at the TF2-Forums because of the Max-Hat?

    It's pretty common. The Steam forums are internet-renowned for being the biggest bunch of whining idiots ever. They complain about EVERYTHING.

    In other news, as a Telltale customer, not a Steam customer, the news that I can still get the items has piqued my interest.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm getting jittery in impatience, the wait is killin' me!

    And I can confirm that the texture files for Sam's hat are there. Hmmmmmm.
  • Curses! I wasn't going to buy S&M Season 3, but how can I resist the combined powers of Valve and TTG...

    Also, Yare and Jake deserve something nice from the community.
  • edited April 2010
    It's pretty common. The Steam forums are internet-renowned for being the biggest bunch of whining idiots ever. They complain about EVERYTHING.
    Very well-put. As much as I love TF2, its community is way too narcissistic. If Valve changes ANYTHING in the game, everyone goes up-in-arms, as if Valve came to their [parents'] houses and punched their mom in the face.
  • edited April 2010
    This is what happens when you don't freuent the forums.

    At first i was all ":D" then when it was for Steam pre-order's only I was all ":(" but then you guys said you were working on it and now i'm all ":)"

  • edited April 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Why are people raging over at the TF2-Forums because of the Max-Hat?

    Because it's not the Engineer update. Of course, they'd probably rage that the Engineer update isn't the Engineer update.
    Dr_Worm wrote: »
    Very well-put. As much as I love TF2, its community is way too narcissistic. If Valve changes ANYTHING in the game, everyone goes up-in-arms, as if Valve came to their [parents'] houses and punched their mom in the face.

    The upside is, Valve is aware of this and trolls them at every opportunity.
  • edited April 2010
    Dr_Worm wrote: »
    Very well-put. As much as I love TF2, its community is way too narcissistic. If Valve changes ANYTHING in the game, everyone goes up-in-arms, as if Valve came to their [parents'] houses and punched their mom in the face.

    Just see it as love for the game, they're scared of change in case there game gets ruined. I suppose it's flattering to Valve in a way
  • The upside is, Valve is aware of this and trolls them at every opportunity.

    Gotta love game developers with a sense of humor.
  • edited April 2010
    Any official word on exactly when the system is coming?
  • edited April 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Just see it as love for the game, they're scared of change in case there game gets ruined. I suppose it's flattering to Valve in a way

    The game got ruined the moment random drops stepped through the door.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Any official word on exactly when the system is coming?

    Nope but we will let you know.
  • edited April 2010
    I too am interested to know when it's coming. I'm downloading the penal zone now, so i'm just bored waiting to play either S&M or TF2!
  • edited April 2010
    ummmmm...I have TF2 on Steam but I pre-ordered Sam and Max Season 3 on PSN. Any chance of me being able to get the TF2 items? :(

    Cuz I want them. :(
  • edited April 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    The game got ruined the moment random drops stepped through the door.

    Was that not to stop people achievement farming? I didn't have the game before the random drops. All I know is that it's annoying when I go into a server and try to cap a point only to get shouted at because everyone's trying to unlock achievements instead.
  • edited April 2010
    Hey Telltale game forums, I'm happy for ya, and I'mma gonna let you finish, but...

    These items WERE meant to be a bonus for those loyal Sam and Max fans who are also loyal to Steam. Buying it from Steam meant that we, by which I mean me, passed up on the offer of access to the private forum, as well as a free game from Telltale (getting an episode from season 2 of Sam and Max was pointless since I already had all the episodes).

    I guess what I'm getting at is, if all the TF2 fans who preordered the game here are going to get the Steam only benefits, when can those of us who preordered from Steam expect to get the Telltale benefits? Even access to the private forum would be nice enough.
  • edited April 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    Hey Telltale game forums, I'm happy for ya, and I'mma gonna let you finish, but...

    These items WERE meant to be a bonus for those loyal Sam and Max fans who are also loyal to Steam. Buying it from Steam meant that we, by which I mean me, passed up on the offer of access to the private forum, as well as a free game from Telltale (getting an episode from season 2 of Sam and Max was pointless since I already had all the episodes).

    I guess what I'm getting at is, if all the TF2 fans who preordered the game here are going to get the Steam only benefits, when can those of us who preordered from Steam expect to get the Telltale benefits? Even access to the private forum would be nice enough.

    Steam take a cut of the money though, so Telltale can offer us more stuff if we buy direct.

    EDIT: Also there was a big brouhaha about the Private Forum and Steam users, I dunno the specifics but in the start Steam customers were supposed to get access I think
  • edited April 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Steam take a cut of the money though, so Telltale can offer us more stuff if we buy direct.

    EDIT: Also there was a big brouhaha about the Private Forum and Steam users, I dunno the specifics but in the start Steam customers were supposed to get access I think

    I did follow that for a while, but I've not received any e-mails. Were Steam people able to get it? If they did then ignore my post, if not, then *shakes fist angrily*
  • edited April 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Was that not to stop people achievement farming?
    No. That was one thing they thought would be a great idea. Which it was not. Instead it made people idle on maps the whole day.
  • edited April 2010
    Just to be perfectly clear: If I preorder Season 3 from the Telltale website right now, will I be guaranteed the Team Fortress 2 items?
  • edited April 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    These items WERE meant to be a bonus for those loyal Sam and Max fans who are also loyal to Steam. Buying it from Steam meant that we, by which I mean me, passed up on the offer of access to the private forum, as well as a free game from Telltale (getting an episode from season 2 of Sam and Max was pointless since I already had all the episodes).
    I think that part of the problem is that the TF2 items were only announced after the game came out, which means that anyone who pre-ordered the game weren't even able to made an informed decision regarding what bonus they preferred, so it feels a bit like being punished for buying at the wrong place.
  • edited April 2010
    Xocrates wrote: »
    I think that part of the problem is that the TF2 items were only announced after the game came out, which means that anyone who pre-ordered the game weren't even able to made an informed decision regarding what bonus they preferred, so it feels a bit like being punished for buying at the wrong place.

    While that's understandable, at the same time many people pre-ordered The Devil's Playhouse on Steam at the time when it said we would get access to the forum, and then that little tidbit mysteriously disappeared.

    Either way you still did get bonuses for being loyal to Telltale, which is commendable, but now you're also going to get the bonus the people loyal to Steam got, which in my eyes is really just plain greedy.
  • edited April 2010
    Zootch wrote: »
    Just to be perfectly clear: If I preorder Season 3 from the Telltale website right now, will I be guaranteed the Team Fortress 2 items?
    You can't pre-order anymore, but still... good question anyway.
    Zonino wrote: »
    While that's understandable, at the same time many people pre-ordered The Devil's Playhouse on Steam at the time when it said we would get access to the forum, and then that little tidbit mysteriously disappeared.
    Was that Valve though... or TTG? We still don't know. Which of the 2 devs gave you the finger? Precious Valve? Or precious TTG? They both looked so innocent...
    Either way you still did get bonuses for being loyal to Telltale, which is commendable, but now you're also going to get the bonus the people loyal to Steam got, which in my eyes is really just plain greedy.
    Aren't you greedy for not wanting to share the hat with us?
  • edited April 2010
    If the TF2 hat thingy works, I'll be so damn happy.
  • edited April 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    While that's understandable, at the same time many people pre-ordered The Devil's Playhouse on Steam at the time when it said we would get access to the forum, and then that little tidbit mysteriously disappeared.

    Either way you still did get bonuses for being loyal to Telltale, which is commendable, but now you're also going to get the bonus the people loyal to Steam got, which in my eyes is really just plain greedy.

    I dunno, I think it was pretty clear from the start that Steam users wouldn't get the same bonuses that people buying straight from Telltale got. Of course, in a perfect world you'd be able to get them anyway.

    The way I see it, everyone who bought the game should ideally get the same benefits, no matter where they got it from. Sadly, that isn't exactly practical- although I'm sure that if it was Telltale would gladly take advantage of it. To me it seems greedy to say "well I wasn't able to get bonuses so you guys shouldn't either."
  • edited April 2010
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I dunno, I think it was pretty clear from the start that Steam users wouldn't get the same bonuses that people buying straight from Telltale got.
    considering the DVD yes that was clear. But steam said they would be able to get into the private forum.
  • edited April 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    It's looking like we'll be good to go on getting interested Telltale customers the TF2 unlocks for sure. It won't be instant because our site really isn't set up yet to distribute them, but yeah. Feel free to buy from the TTG site and rest assured you'll get a Max head to wear on top of your regular head in TF2 :)
  • edited April 2010
    Bah. Steam is just a store, like Wal-Mart or Target or GameStop. It's generally considered annoying when retailers get a bunch of separate pre-order bonuses.

    Anyway, the bonuses are just that. Bonuses. You obviously think, for some reason that I can't possibly comprehend, that the Steam version is worth just as much as the direct Telltale release. Your bonus is getting to live by your odd zealotry.
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