The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited November 2010
    Why did this just randomly pop into my head today

    The itsy bitzy spider went up the water spout
    Down came the bullets and disintegrated him
    Out came the sun and dried up all the blood
    And the itsy bitzy spider never walked again.
  • edited November 2010
    That is freaking awesome.

    Not only that, you can sing the lyrics to God Hand on that music. If you want you can download it here:

    GaryCXJk - God Hand (Instrumental)
    Remolay wrote: »
    This made my day. Please tell me that was you playing the guitar durring the text parts.

    Indeed it was.
  • edited November 2010
    I think my leg has achieved sentience and is trying to kill me....or at least irritate the hell out of me by aching for no adequately explained reason. It's been bothering me so badly all day, I'm pretty sure I was dragging it along like LeChuck in LCR when I was walking into campus.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm about to explode from excitement for Conan tonight. The hype hasn't done a good job of lowering my enthusiasm; I really want to see what he's gonna do. Also, I love the beard.
  • edited November 2010

    This Invader Zim theme in Mario Paint was done PERFECTLY!
  • edited November 2010
    Holy crap, that is perfect. I tried Mario Paint Composer once, but I couldn't get the hang of it. The stuff some people do with it is crazy.
  • edited November 2010
    It probably helps out greatly that the original composition was electronic as well.

    Just as a side opinion, this show is the only one I can think of that has a heavily electronic score that I actually really enjoy.
  • edited November 2010
    Well an electronic score really fits for a cartoony alien invasion.
  • edited November 2010
    It probably helps out greatly that the original composition was electronic as well.

    Just as a side opinion, this show is the only one I can think of that has a heavily electronic score that I actually really enjoy.

    What about all that Vangelis stuff in Cosmos, who can deny it?
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    What about all that Vangelis stuff in Cosmos, who can deny it?
    Damn you and your accurate and agreeable observations! >=(
  • edited November 2010
    Conan is awesome so far. His opening was hilarious and, even though he is doing some NBC jokes, they're witty and not mean spirited at all.
  • edited November 2010
    3 more posts and we'll be on page 200 (for everyone but Avistew). Yay.
  • edited November 2010
    And it only took us one month o_O
  • edited November 2010
    More like a month and a half.

    So I'm sitting here with a bowl of oatmeal wondering how anything that smells so good can taste so bland.
  • edited November 2010
    I can't decide if people are really interesting or really boring.
  • edited November 2010
    Both. Sometimes at once.
  • edited November 2010
    I can't decide if people are really interesting or really boring.

    It depends on the person, doesn't it? And it also depends on what mood that person may be in, or what age that person may be, or what gender.
  • edited November 2010
    I have a theory that everybody is boring when they're eating oatmeal. So...sorry for earlier.
  • edited November 2010
    So I'm sitting here with a bowl of oatmeal wondering how anything that smells so good can taste so bland.

    It's sort of the same deal with fried onion (or onion frying). It smells great, but it tastes... bad (if not accompanied by something else).
  • edited November 2010

    So I'm sitting here with a bowl of oatmeal wondering how anything that smells so good can taste so bland.

    Mix some cane sugar with it. It helps a ton in the flavor department.
  • edited November 2010
    So I'm sitting here with a bowl of oatmeal wondering how anything that smells so good can taste so bland.

    Brown sugar and raisins make things so much better. You can even forget the raisins.
  • edited November 2010
    My hate for art class has increased ten fold today. Well, or at least I have an extreme hate for how it just punishes me worse and worse every time for my style being anything but realistic, I CAN'T HELP IT (and I don't like drawing realistically in the first place) GOD DAMN IT WHY SHOULD I FAIL THE CLASS FOR THAT >______<
  • edited November 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    My hate for art class has increased ten fold today. Well, or at least I have an extreme hate for how it just punishes me worse and worse every time for my style being anything but realistic, I CAN'T HELP IT (and I don't like drawing realistically in the first place) GOD DAMN IT WHY SHOULD I FAIL THE CLASS FOR THAT >______<

    I managed to get my art class to change direction by thretning to leave when we where asked to draw abstract art and I couldnt get the hang of it:P
  • edited November 2010
    ...still kind of limping/favoring my left leg and looking like LeChuck in LCR. Have been tempted to ask my flatmates if they've caught Guybrush yet, but I'm 98% sure nobody will get it.
  • edited November 2010
    I need to stop sleeping in if i'm to get back in a routine for when work starts. I like stuck on an episode of Dexter near 4am in the morning and then decided afterwards that I hadn't seen Children of Men in ages so plonked myself down and watched the whole thing.

    It wasn't big, and it wasn't clever folks
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I need to stop sleeping in if i'm to get back in a routine for when work starts. I like stuck on an episode of Dexter near 4am in the morning and then decided afterwards that I hadn't seen Children of Men in ages so plonked myself down and watched the whole thing.

    It wasn't big, and it wasn't clever folks

    I know how you feel, I have to force myself to stop going "just one more quest" when I'm playing New Vegas at 2am. And I do have work in the morning. (but hey, I haven't been to Vault 22 yet, it sounds like fun!)
  • edited November 2010
    Bah. I had 3 and a half hours free between college lessons today, with absolutely nothing to do, and given traveling to college takes about 1.5 hours, going home would have been pointless. Now however, I have tons of work, all due in for friday. ¬_¬

    Also, post number 4000 is approaching...
  • edited November 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    Also, post number 4000 is approaching...
    So? It's just a number. Nothing about it is more important or relevant than 4,001 or 3,999.
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I need to stop sleeping in if i'm to get back in a routine for when work starts. I like stuck on an episode of Dexter near 4am in the morning and then decided afterwards that I hadn't seen Children of Men in ages so plonked myself down and watched the whole thing.

    It wasn't big, and it wasn't clever folks

    ...Have you been reading my diary?
  • edited November 2010
    My parents and I just sorted through our entire christmas decorations. We were ruthless and got rid of anything we no longer use or care about. Unfortunately, the 'get rid of pile' was so small it almost pointless. On top of that, it was a rather boring task.
  • edited November 2010
    *sigh* Ok, now this is just making me depressed. I should draw something to distract myself...
  • edited November 2010
  • edited November 2010
    More like a month and a half.

    So I'm sitting here with a bowl of oatmeal wondering how anything that smells so good can taste so bland.

    What kind of oatmeal is it? Is it instant oatmeal? I suggest steel-cut oats, they're very tasty.
    Then of course, there is what everyone else mentioned (that is, what are you having them with?). I think no matter the type of oats, by themselves they're not so great.

    You can be creative in what you have them with though. Like, banana and cocoa and honey. Or, nuts and berries. Or caramel sauce. Or whatever you want, really, you're the one eating it :p
    So? It's just a number. Nothing about it is more important or relevant than 4,001 or 3,999.

    Yay, 5,000!
  • edited November 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Yay, 5,000!
    Holy balls, the irony is palpable. That WAS my 5,000th post.
  • edited November 2010
    I wonder If I should bother getting sonic 4 or not Iv herd mixed reactions.
  • edited November 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    What kind of oatmeal is it? Is it instant oatmeal? I suggest steel-cut oats, they're very tasty.
    Then of course, there is what everyone else mentioned (that is, what are you having them with?). I think no matter the type of oats, by themselves they're not so great.

    You can be creative in what you have them with though. Like, banana and cocoa and honey. Or, nuts and berries. Or caramel sauce. Or whatever you want, really, you're the one eating it :p

    Yeah, it was instant. I got curious and tried the new Quaker Mix-Ups. I did two packets of apple, one of cinnamon, and one of maple, and if you tasted it you couldn't even tell which ones I used. Pretty lame for oatmeal whose selling point is creating your own flavors. I'll probably try adding brown sugar and/or maple syrup to help get through the rest of the box.
  • edited November 2010
    Holy balls, the irony is palpable. That WAS my 5,000th post.

  • edited November 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Yes. That's what I said.
This discussion has been closed.