The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited November 2010
    Girls are different.

    :D Am I dead meat or what?

    Seriously though, I was all "What'd you think of Sex and the City 2 then?" and she was all "it was rubbish, they didn't even wear any good clothes"

    I was stunned
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Resent away by all means, it was a quick and lazy generalisation, I don't mean it to apply to everyone. T'would be a very bullish thing to do

    I resent the generalization, not you for making it. No worries.

    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I stopped getting a game for my birthday at around 15. Since then, now that I think about it, I don't think I've really received any gifts for my birthday. And for Christmas, I think the spending limit for a present is now 30 bucks tops.


    now i feel sad.

    Aw. *hug* If it makes you feel better, the only reason I'm getting the 50 bucks is because I'm obnoxious for a month or so, and when I wasn't home to do that, I got nothing....much like I probably will again this year because i'm overseas and no one in my family even wants to mail anything to me.
    Girls are different.

    :D Am I dead meat or what?

    Only if you start implying girls are incapable. Then me and my tae kwon do black belt are going to want to talk to you.
  • edited November 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    Only if you start implying girls are incapable. Then me and my tae kwon do black belt are going to want to talk to you.
    Sure, you might have a fancy belt, but does it match your purse?
  • edited November 2010
    I don't carry a purse, I keep my stuff in my pants. Other people say 'in my pockets', I say 'in my pants'.
  • edited November 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    I don't carry a purse, I keep my stuff in my pants. Other people say 'in my pockets', I say 'in my pants'.

    the same way Guybrush does?
  • edited November 2010
    Yes, except never anything quite as exotic as a block of tofu. XP
  • edited November 2010
    I don't have a purse either, I use a backpack because it holds more and because most purses aren't large enough to carry novels, I generally have at least one on me at all times. (right now it's Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett) And I also habitually wear jeans and novelty T-shirts because I'm fortunate enough to work in an office that doesn't have a strict dress code. Though it is kinda awkward being sent to offices that do have a strict dress code when you're wearing jeans, a Thundercats shirt and a leather trenchcoat...

    Also, while my parents will get me games as gifts, they will not under any circumstances buy me any form of Games Workshop product because apparently I should have grown out of that years ago. So videogames are fine, but tabletop wargames aren't because they're silly plastic soldiers. *shrug*
  • edited November 2010
    I should do what Dewie did on Malcolm in the middle and have a brick in a purse so if ppl hassle me 4 having one I hit them with it.
  • edited November 2010
    coolsome wrote: »
    I should do what Dewie did on Malcolm in the middle and have a brick in a purse so if ppl hassle me 4 having one I hit them with it.

    You have a purse? Or is it one of those 'manbag' things?
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    You have a purse? Or is it one of those 'manbag' things?

    I do have a manbag but I ment buy a purse with a brick for comic effect if I get hassled by chavs :P
  • edited November 2010
    coolsome wrote: »
    I do have a manbag but I ment buy a purse with a brick for comic effect if I get hassled by chavs :P

    You should just put a brick on a length of chain and wear that. That ought to confuse them. Though I guess you wouldn't be able to put anything in it.
  • edited November 2010
    coolsome wrote: »
    I do have a manbag but I ment buy a purse with a brick for comic effect if I get hassled by chavs :P

    According to a recent study; 100% of gay guys have manbags
  • edited November 2010
    Ah, but are all manbag owners gay guys? Further research must be done!
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    According to a recent study; 100% of gay guys have manbags

    I hate just being another statistic.
  • edited November 2010
    coolsome wrote: »
    I hate just being another statistic.

    All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

    Which is why you should totally be wearing a brick on a chain instead of a manbag.
  • edited November 2010
    ^ This.
  • edited November 2010
    Ah, but are all manbag owners gay guys? Further research must be done!

    Although we're yet to correlate data, my team and I have seen a small percentage of manbag's being bought by non-homosexual males. However we believe these purchasers do not show any long-term usage of the manbag. We put this down to social factors, such as rampant teasing for a guy running about with a massive bloody handbag!!!
    coolsome wrote: »
    I hate just being another statistic.

    Heh! I know what you mean! It's like that Irish stereotype that I hate of the drinking, smoking, twinkly-eyed fucker, which I fit :(
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »

    Heh! I know what you mean! It's like that Irish stereotype that I hate of the drinking, smoking, twinkly-eyed fucker, which I fit :(

    As someone who's mother's side of the family totally fits the Italian stereotype (I sort of do...kind of), I feel your pain.
  • edited November 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    As someone who's mother's side of the family totally fits the Italian stereotype (I sort of do...kind of), I feel your pain.

    Hah! The italians are good chaps and chapettes. My mate's italian on his dads side, one day we were on lunch hour and walking up the street when a car pulled out of nowhere right in front of him. He responded by putting his arms out and yelling "WHATA YE DOIN'!" I sniggered at him all-day untill it was time to go home and eat biscuits
  • edited November 2010
    That's the fun end of the spectrum. Mine sits on the "let's eat a ton at every occasion (or get together just to eat), be in every aspect of your business, talk as loudly as possible over each other and guilt you about stuff". It's not bad, but it can be irritating on occasion.
  • edited November 2010
    Do you eat mushrooms grow giant yell mamma mia and fight turltes?
  • edited November 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    That's the fun end of the spectrum. Mine sits on the "let's eat a ton at every occasion (or get together just to eat), be in every aspect of your business, talk as loudly as possible over each other and guilt you about stuff". It's not bad, but it can be irritating on occasion.

    I think it's the whole Catholic thing maybe, although Catholicism isn't really strictly abided by many any anymore what with all the scandals and just younger generations being more liberal, there's still a culture and mindset

    Family's not family unless they're getting on your case all the time in my books :)
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Girls are different though

    While this is true, the shit my sister gets away with is ridiculous. Spoiled isn't even the right word for it.
    Anyway, my birthday's smack after Christmas so it's jsut a pain in the arse to get up and celebrate it when there's still half a ton of turkey left to be eaten. Turkey sandwiches til New Year :(

    That sounds terrible. With Christmas being just a month after American Thanksgiving, my family never does the turkey thing for it. Last year, we did stuffed shells and homemade ravioli. It was amazing.

    Then six days later, we have crab legs every New Year's.
  • edited November 2010
    I need to stay off of TvTropes Tearjerker pages. It's as if it is trying to make me cry or something.
  • edited November 2010
    This thread is getting hard to keep up with!
    Jessica wrote: »
    I don´t play anything at the moment, ´cause I want a brand new one!
    I´m waiting for Donkey Kong country for Wii.
    Really fun when two players can play at the same time.:)

    I know what you mean, I miss Secret of Mana. One of the best experience of my childhood, being able to play with 2 other people at the same time, one the same screen. And not one of these Donkey Kong "I replace you when you die" things either.
    It's rare nowadays in non-battle games. Although New Super Mario Bros Wii allows that.
    Still, I wish more RPGs did.

    I don't have a purse, although I have a postbag. And the main reason I want to learn to sew (apart maybe for making toys) is so I can add pockets to my pants. It is SO hard finding pants that have pockets, that's just ridiculous. I hate that.
  • edited November 2010
    I swear one day I will listen to Puff the Magic Dragon without tearing up.

    I used to cry so hard at that song. I love it but I hate it. I love the cute part, I hate the ending. I am 16 years old and I never want to grow up. I'm already mostly grown up.

    Dragons last forever, and so will the child inside me.

    Yeah, I'm a wimp. Wanna fight about it?
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I swear one day I will listen to Puff the Magic Dragon without tearing up.

    Oh goodness, I do exactly the same thing. I have to believe that he somehow ended up with another child to play with.
    Remolay wrote: »
    I am 16 years old and I never want to grow up.

    The trick is to grow up without growing old and boring. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I think it's the whole Catholic thing maybe, although Catholicism isn't really strictly abided by many any anymore what with all the scandals and just younger generations being more liberal, there's still a culture and mindset

    Family's not family unless they're getting on your case all the time in my books :)

    The Catholic thing still applies to my family as, aside from one of my aunts (who admittedly was off her rocker when she was still Catholic) we're still all practicing Roman Catholics. Still, we're pretty laid back in the sense that we're open-minded and have a live-and-let live mentality about other religions and viewpoints at large. The guilt thing is definitely a cultural mindset though, I imagine it's kind of similar, but not quite the same, for the Irish, or do I assume too much?

    And yes, it's not family if they're not driving you up the wall. It's some sort of universal law.
  • edited November 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I swear one day I will listen to Puff the Magic Dragon without tearing up.

    My mom used to sing me to sleep with that song when I was I feel a youtube search coming on...
  • edited November 2010
    Oh man, those touch screen tablet things are awesome, I wish I could have one of my own instead of only being able to use the school's, but I'm sure they must be freaking expensive D:
  • edited November 2010
    I have learned to despise call of duty, I have also learned that parents will buy their five year olds anything, especially GTA. I am just don't understand parents.
  • edited November 2010
    You didn't inherently despise Call of Duty, you had to learn? And here I thought you were an okay guy.
  • edited November 2010
    You didn't inherently despise Call of Duty, you had to learn? And here I thought you were an okay guy.

    At the begining it was more of I don't care about it, but now it's grown into...people seriously pay out cash for a re-skin? Their is no less than 6 games for each system...and we have to keep 10 copies of each big name system upfront at all's ridiculous.
  • edited November 2010
    I don't even know how Call of Duty went from being just another run of the mill shooter to being "zomg must play for 250000 hours a month". It didn't happen until CoD 4 really, and the only thing unique about that game was that it wasn't set in WW2 anymore, and somehow that made it "the best game ever"?
  • edited November 2010
    And to drive my irritation with the series home even further, there's that awful "there's a soldier in all of us" commercial that recently came out. I was already of the opinion that games based on actual wars were kind of a sick thing to derive entertainment from, and now this.
  • edited November 2010
    And to drive my irritation with the series home even further, there's that awful "there's a soldier in all of us" commercial that recently came out. I was already of the opinion that games based on actual wars were kind of a sick thing to derive entertainment from, and now this.

    War is no game, and that's what makes me sick...most kids want to play soldier and think it's fun, but when they do..well...yeah it's not pretty.
  • edited November 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    War is no game, and that's what makes me sick...most kids want to play soldier and think it's fun, but when they do..well...yeah it's not pretty.

    Well, what about Cowboys & indians? People played that all the time when they were kids, and that has a pretty grotty underlying meaning. If you want to get down to it, it teaches discrimination and violence.

    But the game in itself is innocent. Much like war games. They are simply a bit of fun. I abhore violence, but I can still enjoy shooters, because it's not real. It's escapism. Anyone who think actual war is the same as in or similair to the game (where one man can kill 100's in a row with just a few guns, where it's all action etc.) is frankly foolish. If they want to join the army based on those beliefs, than their intelligence is probably too low to secure a better job.
    For the majority of sensible people, enjoying a war game is not really any different to someone enjoying an action movie.

    This wasn't meant as a gripe at anyone in particular, if anyone took it that way, I apologise.
  • edited November 2010
    I´ve been working all day ( from 7-17)
    It was sooo nice to come home!;)
  • edited November 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    War is no game, and that's what makes me sick...most kids want to play soldier and think it's fun, but when they do..well...yeah it's not pretty.

    Metal Gear Solid hammers that point home a few times.
This discussion has been closed.