The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited November 2010
    Wont be here for about a week, but will still be online.
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, the people who get mad at me for liking Warhol usually use the reasoning of "his art's nothing special because anybody could do it." Which kind of makes me think they missed the point entirely. :| It all reminds me of this article. But whatevs.
  • edited November 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Not necessarily that I like their works, but I have a really hard time explaining why their art has important merit to people who quickly dismiss them. So it's all frustratin' I guess sometimes.

    Oh man, I hate trying to explain my love of Dali to fans of "traditional" art. It's like trying to describe a Buñuel film to someone who's only seen Hollywood.


    Dear god, that sounds pretentious. I only mean that it's an entirely different experience that really requires a certain set of indescribable tastes, not that it's on a "higher plateau" of some sort.
  • edited November 2010
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Oh man, I hate trying to explain my love of Dali to fans of "traditional" art. It's like trying to describe a Buñuel film to someone who's only seen Hollywood.


    Dear god, that sounds pretentious. I only mean that it's an entirely different experience that really requires a certain set of indescribable tastes, not that it's on a "higher plateau" of some sort.

    Wait, what? Am I leading a sheltered life in that I'm utterly baffled as to why you would think that's pretentious or fans of "traditional" art don't understand why people like Dali? I've pretty much never met an artist who didn't like and/or understand Dali's importance in art history. I'm so confused, what is this.

    PS. My dad and his dad are painters. My dad's side of the family is from Spain and it's usually tradition to visit any famous art museums whenever we go visit there, or pretty much whenever we go out of state or country, like to New York for instance. He takes my knowledge of art history very seriously, usually he just tells me about the paintings in a museum instead of us taking a guided tour, and he's always getting me books about painters for my birthday or for Christmas and stuff. Plus, all the schools I went to encouraged kids to take Art History as electives if they didn't feel like taking actual art classes for their fine arts credit, and it was very difficult to find someone in the school who didn't have knowledge about famous painters and liked them or at the very least understood their importance, I kid you not. So maybe I really did grow up art-sheltered. :(
  • edited November 2010
    PecanBlue wrote: »
    Wait, what? Am I leading a sheltered life in that I'm utterly baffled as to why you would think that's pretentious or fans of "traditional" art don't understand why people like Dali? I've pretty much never met an artist who didn't like and/or understand Dali's importance in art history. I'm so confused, what is this.

    I'm talking about casual art fans. Of course you wouldn't have to explain Dali to an artist, scholar, or more involved fan. But find a person who knows Dali as "that guy with the mustache and the melted clocks" and try explaining to them why a person could write volumes on the imagery in "In Voluptate Mors", and you'll likely find an exercise in futility.

    As for the "pretentiousness", I just added that because it may have sounded like I was bashing Hollywood and casual fans.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm watching the old 80s Legend of Zelda cartoon real reason. I think I just wanted to watch something for the sake of watching something. Even if it hasn't aged all that well, I still find this show hilariously bad and entertaining.
  • edited November 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    I'm watching the old 80s Legend of Zelda cartoon real reason. I think I just wanted to watch something for the sake of watching something. Even if it hasn't aged all that well, I still find this show hilariously bad and entertaining.

    To be fair, I don't think it was that great when it came out either!

    @remolay: oooh, mysterious!
  • edited November 2010
    Dammit, when my mom says that her old friend is going to stop by for a visit after work, I always forget that "after work' for her means 3 pm.

    Edit: And not five minutes in, she embarrasses the hell out of me. Yes, today has been a bummy day and I'm still in my pajamas. Yes, when she asked me to bring her the camera, I stayed on the stairs, out of sight. NO, SHE DID NOT HAVE TO CALL ATTENTION TO THAT.
  • edited November 2010
    Happy 25th Anniversary of Calvin & Hobbes!

  • edited November 2010
    CURSE YOU VALVE TIME!!!!! :mad:

    (Portal 2-4/20/11)
  • edited November 2010
    CURSE YOU VALVE TIME!!!!! :mad:

    (Portal 2-4/20/11)

    Annoying but this quote I read regarding the delay I feel makes up for it (at least a little anyway.)!

    "This two month slip not only marks the shortest delay in Valve's proud tradition of delays, it represents the approaching convergence of Valve Time and Real Time," the developer said in a statement.

    "Though this convergence spells doom for humanity, it will not affect the new Portal 2 release date."

    (source: IGN)
  • edited November 2010
    I owe SHODANFreeman a game now cos of stupid Gabe and his feckin delays

    I didn't wanna double-post but sometimes a bit of soft journailsm is good for the soul
  • edited November 2010
    I just blew through 12 episodes of The Legend of Zelda cartoon and got caught up on the dubs of Kamen Rider Decade. I love non-functional productivity.
  • edited November 2010
    Is this thread broken? Seems to have a page I can't access. I'm posting to see if it shows up. If you see this, it did.
  • edited November 2010
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Is this thread broken? Seems to have a page I can't access. I'm posting to see if it shows up. If you see this, it did.

    I saw it to it. I think the forum thinks were a page behind but theres nothing on that page yet.
  • edited November 2010
    You guys know what the solution is, right? We must post until we reach page 222!
  • edited November 2010

    Alan, I am jealousy.
  • edited November 2010
    Alan gets all the fun!
  • edited November 2010
    I just realized that this thread has more posts than the BttF insider forum, the Jurassic Park forum, the Poker Night forum, and most of the other subforums.

    Edit: Oh, hey, page 222. Looks like we're all fixed.
  • edited November 2010
    I wana watch the new batman movie I got oer n over n over but it might take away the charm if I watch it to much.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm thinking it's time for some more assassins creed.
  • edited November 2010
    I am extremely aggravated. I spent this entire week studying for my third and final Biochem midterm only to have it be even more ridiculously difficult than I anticipated. So difficult, in fact, I'll count myself lucky if I get a fifty percent because that means that I got some of the problems right.

    Gah! I probably would have gotten the same grade if I'd just spent the last week rotting my brain by watching stupid youtube videos and reading fanfiction.

    Oh well, I guess there's still the final...

  • edited November 2010
    Happytime Murders seems like a very interesting project. Can't wait to see it hit theaters.
  • edited November 2010

    My sister's dog is an annoying pain in the ass at night. She makes weird noises, takes up a large amount of space, and generally makes it difficult for me to sleep with her in the room. We used to have the dogs sleep in kennels, but my sister started sleeping with her dog and that ended, now the kennels aren't even inside the house for me to use if I want to, and my sister sleeps at her boyfriend's 90% of the time, leaving Lexi in my room.

    Well, my sister finally got her room picked up enough that I could try having Lexi sleep in there. It worked great the first time I tried it, she went right to sleep up there and I didn't have to deal with her. Tonight, however...

    I heard Lexi running around upstairs and thought "Oh crap, I'll have to bring her to my room so she won't bother Mom and Dad." I wish that was all. Apparently Lexi wasn't feeling good and crapped all over my sister's carpet. That was a fun cleanup job. And I still get to deal with her in my room tonight. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

    Of course, this is still preferable to the kennels. In theory, dogs are supposed to learn quickly not to use the bathroom in their kennels. Ours aren't that smart and never learned. I absolutely don't miss those frequent cleanup jobs.
  • edited November 2010
    Just found out that one of the guys I was hanging out at Pax with is in Unpredictible.
  • edited November 2010
    I´ve been so good today:p
    Cleaning all my dirty windows, so now I can see out again.

    It´s been raining the whole day here, november in is best post:(
  • edited November 2010
    I should have gone and reloaded some minutes on my pay-as-you-go phone, but slept in long enough that I decided to put it off til tomorrow.
  • edited November 2010
    Then again I just applied to an awesome, this time, Trainee oportunity. I hope everything goes right this time ^^!
  • edited November 2010
    I wonder how many people think of "the beginning of winter" as the first day they can't open their windows in the morning because they have frozen shut overnight.

    Not that it just happened to me, it's been a few weeks. I've been wondering ever since it happened. Last year, in an effort to let our kitties out daily, we melted the ice everyday, armed with a hammer and various heat-producing instruments. Not that we'd have to re-melt it to let the cats in.
    This year however, I honestly can't be bothered. It's time consuming and might be damaging the window anyways. It will probably melt in about six months, until then no open windows!

    But oh well, our previous building had "opening a window between November and May" as an eviction offence. So I'm used to it.
  • edited November 2010
    I made some new reviews! Go me!
  • edited November 2010
    Working on an article for Cutthroat Island while listening to "All For Me Grog" and other Sea Shanties. Good times.
  • edited November 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Just found out that one of the guys I was hanging out at Pax with is in Unpredictible.

    Im sorry that must be devastating. I hope he pulls through.
  • edited November 2010
    I still can't imagine how people could find Scott Pilgrim vs. The World actually bad. Sure, it's not the greatest movie ever, but it certainly doesn't "suck balls" (loose translation of what people thougt of the movie in Dutch).

    Mind you, the movie isn't even out yet officially, I've seen it on Sneak Preview, and here Scott Pilgrim isn't even a hype, so that isn't even one reason to hate it. They just genuinely hate it.

    In my opinion, it's at least average, perhaps on the edge of "not good", but it's not bad.

    Meh, perhaps moviegoers today don't have any taste. Perhaps it wasn't me all that time I found a movie quite good (like Scooby-Doo or Alvin and the Chipmunks). Seriously, people don't have any right anymore to call me gay when I say I like High School Musical.
  • edited November 2010
    We've had a breakthrough! For the first time ever, my dad used my Wii all by himself! He worked out what the controls were, found the correct game he was after, and played away at his hearts content! Well done dad!
  • edited November 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Sure, it's not the greatest movie ever

    Still thine tongue! :p

    It's really not surprising that so many people hated it. In fact, if it was a hit, I'd have been in utter shock. It was destined to be a cult film from day one. It aims at a very particular audience, and makes no attempt to reach outside of that group of people.

    What's funny is that the 80s and 90s were FILLED with niche pop culture movies like this, and almost all of them are regarded as modern classics today... mainly by those who are bashing Scott Pilgrim for doing the same thing for the current 20-30 something geek culture. It's just the latest in a grand tradition of generational barriers, and another movie will come along in twenty years that does the same thing and leaves us SP fans cold.
  • edited November 2010
    The hillarious thing though is that it got generally positive reviews.

    Sure you'd have to "get" part of the movie, but the other part of the movie is just an action movie, with over-the-top action. It's kind of like a comic in movement, an actin movie on crack so to say. Take out the pop culture and it's a decent movie.

    Also, you'd have to love the AMP vs AMP scene.

  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, it is kind of odd that the detractors won't even give it points for the amazing fight choreography. And if I remember correctly, that's actually Michael Cera and not a stand-in, which is damn impressive. Didn't know the l'il scrapper had it in him.

    And I agree about the amp battle. It didn't do the Twins justice, but that is a small price to pay for sound dragons. SOUND DRAGONS, PEOPLE!
  • edited November 2010
    Just finished an article for Media Masochists Anonymous. My last article was in June. Feel somewhat vindicated.

    EDIT: Just found out Golden Sun: Dark Dawn will be out before I go home for Christmas. *deep breath* HELL YES! BEST NEWS I'VE HEARD ALL WEEK!
  • edited November 2010
    Thinking about how much I want a Kingdom Hearts 3 already.

    Prequels and side stories? Alright I suppose.

  • edited November 2010
    I have a job interview the Monday!! By phone! In English! Go me! ^^!
This discussion has been closed.