The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited November 2010
    Well I know they're doing King of the Elves and Winnie the Pooh, but my main concern is if some of the future plans Disney has are going to be scrapped. The article doesn't apply to Pixar productions though I think.
  • edited November 2010
    Speaking of Disney, I should pitch my idea for a Disney movie:


    It's basically about the brave knight Elegast who has been banished by Charles the Great / Charlemagne prior to the start of the movie. In the movie, Charlemagne, also nicknamed Charlie, has to go out stealing by some angelic creature (probably a magical elf or something to avoid religious influences and stuff) in order to not perish (or die, as we usually say). After the third time, Charlie knows it's serious, so he sets off in the woods, where he meets a dark knight. After a tough fight, Charlie comes out victorious, and finds out that this knight is Elegast, and the king introduces himself as Adelbrecht (or something more English-friendly).

    So, the king has a little chat with Elegast, but Elegast doesn't recognise our old chap Charlie. At first, Charlie suggest to go out stealing in the castle of Charles the Great, but Elegast then tells the thief that he can't do that, because despite the fact that he has been banished by the king he's still loyal to him. Instead, he suggest to go out stealing at the evil brother-in-law, Eggeric. They both agree. Elegast slowly begins to see that the king isn't actually a thief, but never suspects a thing.

    Anyway, once arrived at Eggeric's place, Elegast goes inside first, but hears a rooster, who Elegast can understand due to some magic herb. This rooster tells him the king is near, but Charlie, as Adelbrecht, assures him he should continue.

    After they loot the place enough to be rich, Charlie says it's time to go, but Elegast doesn't want to leave before taking a precious saddle from Eggeric, which is, coincidentally, in his bedroom. However, due to the bells on the saddle, Eggeric wakes up. Due to the nature of his coat though Elegast is practically invisible. Eggeric's wife reassures Eggeric though that there's nothing there, but it's revealed here that Eggeric has a grand plan: He wants to overthrow the king the next day. Now in the original Eggeric gives her a bleednose, but I know domestic violence is a no no in Disney, so instead, the female figure could be nixed altogether, but I could explain later how this could be more Disneyfied. However, this blood is something of a proof later on the story somehow, so I'll just say this version for now. In the real story, this blood is caught with a glove.

    Anyway, back at the courtyard where Charlie waits, Elegast tells him the story. Because Elegast is too embarrased to face the king, Charlie assures Elegast that he'll talk to the king beforehand about the treason.

    The next day, at court, Charlie accuses Eggeric and his companions of treason, and asks Elegast to show the evidence, which is the blooded glove. With that, Elegast and Eggeric have to duel, and the winner determines which of the two was right. Of course Elegast wins, and Eggeric is then beheaded along with the conspirators. Elegast gets Eggeric's wife.

    So yeah, not really Disney-friendly, but, things can be changed around.

    First, it opens with a short introduction, that Elegast was banished by the king. Now despite that, the king won't be displayed as a menacing or immature king, but rather a good king, one who just made a mistake of banishing Elegast due to some disagreements and stuff.

    Second, instead of an angel coming to warn Charles the Great, it could be some random elf or fairy, or, in this case, some cassandra-like girl, who three times tries to warn the king, and each time the king ignores her pleads, something bad happens. This girl will eventually be Elegast's prize, but first this girl will have to be introduced somewhere to Elegast.

    And here is where the story differs some more.

    The king IS a good swordsman, but he only prevailed in the original because it was destined by God. Also because he was a good swordsman, but let's say that he still is a great swordsman in this itteration, but not nearly as good as Elegast. So, who could assist Charlie? Well, of course, the girl! So, instead of Charlie beating Elegast, this girl would beat Elegast for him.

    Also, in the original story, Elegast notices Adelbrecht triest to break open a wall using a plough. This is used for laughs, to show that Adelbrecht isn't a real thief. This could be expanded on, with the girl always correcting Adelbrecht when things fail.

    What I also failed to mention before is that Elegast has more magical powers. Aside from being able to communicate with animals through herbs, he can also put people to sleep with his spells. He's just that good.

    Now, with the inclusion of the girl as the ultimate prize, Eggeric's wife would have no purpose, and since we don't want to let this woman be hit, she's useless. So, how do we get the proof? Well, how about a letter from Eggeric to some unknown address, with his seal on it? Perhaps to an unknown assassin? Or, Eggeric could wake up, and he could break down in a song to comfort himself, and with that he would accidentally cut himself or something, or he could write some speech about what he would say if he were king, with at the end his own seal. Either way, it's a non-violent proof.

    Either that, or the rooster would be able to talk and basically be the proof.

    So yeah, that's how I think a movie about Elegast would work. The full (Dutch) name of the poem by the way is Karel ende Elegast, so if you want more info, you can search for that.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm thinking of researching what separates the first Fullmetal Alchemist series from the shounen genre. Because, after a lot of thought, I'm seriously convinced something about it transcends(rises above) the genre and I want to be able to prove or defend it.
    It's pretty hard to find something that doesn't exist, but good luck all the same.
    EDIT: Oh, this just in.

    A headline in today’s LA Times erroneously reported that the Disney fairy tale is a thing of the past, but I feel it is important to set the record straight that they are alive and well at Disney and continue this week with Tangled, a contemporary retelling of a much loved story. We have a number of projects in development with new twists that audiences will be able to enjoy for many years to come.

  • edited November 2010
    EDIT: Oh, this just in.


    Is that right? Well then. I'm relieved. I saw the link on a forum and a bunch of people there took it just as badly as I did due to the misinformation in the article. I'll have to go post that there and set them straight.
  • edited November 2010
    Hmm, I don't know. I'm interested in your reasoning on the matter though. who knows, you could keep me from wasting my time.
    It's not about quality, but about narrative style. It's like saying that Harry Potter isn't a Bildungsroman fantasy, or that the original Star Wars films aren't essentially a chanbara fantasy in space(with some World War I period cinema thrown in for good measure).

    First of all, of course you have the publication, the time slot, the intended audience. When something is published in Shonen Jump, airs in what is a typically shonen block, and has a wide base of merchandise aimed at the schoolboy demographic, a pretty strong argument has to be made to say that it is not Shonen.

    Such an argument simply doesn't exist. You might be able to say it's the *best* of the genre, or a particularly *well done* example(personally I'd disagree with such an assessment, but I wouldn't call it inherently invalid), but the narrative is filled with conventions of the genre, such as they are.

    Let's try and break down the core elements of the series that are typical of the Shonen genre. Granted, any one of these can exist in another piece of fiction, but together I think they make a fairly strong argument for "This is pretty typical, in terms of the narrative, of Shonen".

    In FMA, we have:

    -Young protagonists, with de-emphasized, non-existent, or removed parents/authority figures, with the young protagonists being somehow made "greater" than an average person of their age

    -A singular, main "hero" character that does the majority of the "heavy lifting" of the story, with a varied and characterized supporting cast. While the supporting cast's contribution to the narrative push is minimal in comparison, sometimes to the point of being glorified Ōendan squad members, their support is considered by the narrative to be invaluable. The main character's prominence is generally explained by some gift, skill, or other value that makes them somehow the most suited to a particular role or job, or the "most powerful" of a particular group.

    -A search for a magical object and/or set of objects

    -A personal quest toward something considered impossible or unreachable by others of the same group.

    -A heavy focus on interpersonal relationships and personal responsibility.

    -The main means for advancing narrative either revolves around or heavily features action sequences, generally in the form of one-on-one fights(other small-scale fights are acceptable, especially in cases where the heroes must "team up").

    -A relatively largy number of humorous sequences that include running gags, heavy with character-based humor, humor based on embarrassing situations, and slapstick/physical comedy.

    I could probably go on longer, but I think the main point has been pretty well made by now.
  • edited November 2010
    Hmm. Yeah, the proof is undeniable. I think I'll lay that to rest now.

    In other news, I've been trying to work on a comic of my own for five days now and I've gotten a total pages done. I think I have an attention issue, or at least a major problem focusing. I've tried listening to music to help me focus and all that does is...take up my time listening to music.
  • edited November 2010
    Oh boy, starting a comic is hard. Good luck for ya.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm already on my second attempt at a comic, and I'm just doing freaking sprite art. It's really amazing that there's as many comics out there as there are, and not surprising at all that so many of them die out all the time.
  • edited November 2010
    *sigh* I wish this country's DisneyXD hadn't completely and utterly screwed up Digimon Savers/Data Squad (and that the dubbing was a bit better). Seriously, they left the freaking thing to die, only airing at 1:30PM and 4:30AM? The ****, what kid is ever gonna watch it at the ridiculous timeslot. The only show that I know that had it worse in that channel (when it was Jetix) is TMNT (the later seasons), that one only aired at like 3AM and 5AM.

    One has to wonder who's stupid enough to think decisions like that are a good idea.
  • edited November 2010
    I FINALLY got page one of my comic sketched and now my focus is finally strong after all of this waiting and I really want to keep going. But now I'm extremely tired and I can barely keep my eyes open. DAMN!
  • edited November 2010
    oh hey looks like computer cleaning time
  • edited November 2010
    lately, I think I've been overdosing on gaming, but I'm not even sure if that can happen...can it?
  • edited November 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    lately, I think I've been overdosing on gaming, but I'm not even sure if that can happen...can it?
  • edited November 2010

    That's all sorts of messed up.
  • edited November 2010
    There is snow and it is still snowing. This somehow reminds me of the adventure Lost Horizon, which btw was a good one, that it was sad that they didnt make much more usage of the wonderful ice settings they had in the game. Well, at least the snowing animation was good although a little bit too short.
  • edited November 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    My brother has been a bit of an idiot. I'm going to see him in two and half weeks time, and so last month, I booked a flight for there and back for approx £200. (He's only half way across the country. Flights are so expensive! /mini rant). Today he called us and said that after he's dropped me back at the airport, he and his fiancee are driving down to my house! I... it's.... I mean.... WHAT???!!!! I could have saved about £100 and just got a ride with him!!!!

    Airplane economics suggest that it would actually have cost you more to buy a one-way ticket than a return ticket. If my experience is any indication, it probably would have cost you at least double.
  • edited November 2010
    Back from a beatiful funeral now.
    The flowers on the chest was pink lillies among others:)
    There were so fine!

    Although funerals almost is sadly I must say this one felt good to be on.
    I struggled to keep away the tears, but it´s hard when people around you sobs.
    The priest was good, pretty young, and they played flute, which is beatiful for your ears.
  • edited November 2010
    OH. MY. GOD.

    I feel stupid for not noticing it before.

    In Dragonball, Bibidi's son is Babidi, and he also created Majin Buu.



    It sounds an awful lot like Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.
  • edited November 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    OH. MY. GOD.

    I feel stupid for not noticing it before.

    In Dragonball, Bibidi's son is Babidi, and he also created Majin Buu.



    It sounds an awful lot like Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.

    It was intentinal pretty much all DBZ familys have name puns.
  • edited November 2010
    Of course it's intentional. Hence the second line.
  • edited November 2010
    I also hate when I see things like that.
    I was on my way home when I stopped in my tracks, and it just came in to my mind.

    Kim Possible = Impossible, Ron Stoppable = Unstoppable.

    After that I could walk home in peace. :P
  • edited November 2010
    And the Saiyans are named after vegetables, and Bulma's family is named after underwear, and Frieza's is named after thing related to cold, and Cooler's minions are named after dressings, etc etc.

    There are name puns everywhere in Dragonball.
  • edited November 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    And the Saiyans are named after vegetables, and Bulma's family is named after underwear, and Frieza's is named after thing related to cold, and Cooler's minions are named after dressings, etc etc.

    There are name puns everywhere in Dragonball.

    Naming your daughter Bra is win.
  • edited November 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Of course it's intentional. Hence the second line.
    If you want to continue to feel dumb, Dabura is from Abra Kadabra.
  • edited November 2010

    This is Game Genie from Captain N all over again :(
  • edited November 2010
    Don't feel bad. I didn't realise that Iznogoud's name was a pun on "He's no good" for years.
  • edited November 2010
    If you want to continue to feel dumb, Dabura is from Abra Kadabra.

    ...Well, damn, all this years and the possibility never crossed my mind while I got Bibidi Babidi Buu inmediately *faacepalm*
  • edited November 2010
    Just finished getting my group's presentation together for Reading the Bayuex Tapestry on Wed. Now I just have to finish prepping the remainder of my campaign for the 3.5 edition D&D game I'm DMing at the moment.
  • edited November 2010
    And then there's the fact that all the Saiyans are vegetables...
  • edited November 2010
    Then their greatest enemies must secretly be vegetarians. Now I'm hungry for salad. Dragonball themed salad.
  • edited November 2010
    I been watching loads of DC movies like one a day recently.
  • edited November 2010
    Then their greatest enemies must secretly be vegetarians. Now I'm hungry for salad. Dragonball themed salad.

    To be truly Dragonball themed, you'll have to eat about fifty of them.
  • edited November 2010
    To be truly Dragonball themed, you'll have to eat about fifty of them.

    No, I have to eat over 8000. Or over 9000, since 9001 is still over 8000.
  • edited November 2010
    No, I have to eat over 8000. Or over 9000, since 9001 is still over 8000.

    Well, what are you waiting for? Those salads aren't going to eat themselves!

    Now that was a weird image...
  • edited November 2010
    3 minutes... for my Job Interview. I'm nervious as you can imagine
  • edited November 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    3 minutes... for my Job Interview. I'm nervious as you can imagine

    Let us know how it goes!

    I started my new job today, wasn't super-duper exciting, but the people seem nice
  • edited November 2010
    My local library had a fund-raising book sale today, with donated items and old books they plan on getting rid of. They had a section for CDs, and while I was browsing them, I spied a "King's Quest VI" game CD!

    "Cool!" I thought. I wonder if there are any more. After flipping through a few more, I found a LucasArts demo disc, with demos from "The Dig", "Full Throttle" and others. This got my hopes up that there might, just might , be a Monkey Island disc in there. I've played it before, but only for my old, old, old, Macintosh LC. So, I kept looking and although I didn't find a Monkey Island CD, I did find a "Day of the Tentacle" CD! I was really happy about this, especially since it's a LucasArts game I'd never played before. So, I snagged them all for $1 each. Not bad.

    - Klatuu, might treasure hunter.
  • edited November 2010
    Klatuu wrote: »
    My local library had a fund-raising book sale today, with donated items and old books they plan on getting rid of. They had a section for CDs, and while I was browsing them, I spied a "King's Quest VI" game CD!

    "Cool!" I thought. I wonder if there are any more. After flipping through a few more, I found a LucasArts demo disc, with demos from "The Dig", "Full Throttle" and others. This got my hopes up that there might, just might , be a Monkey Island disc in there. I've played it before, but only for my old, old, old, Macintosh LC. So, I kept looking and although I didn't find a Monkey Island CD, I did find a "Day of the Tentacle" CD! I was really happy about this, especially since it's a LucasArts game I'd never played before. So, I snagged them all for $1 each. Not bad.

    - Klatuu, might treasure hunter.

    You lucky bastard.
  • edited November 2010
    Klatuu wrote: »
    My local library had a fund-raising book sale today, with donated items and old books they plan on getting rid of. They had a section for CDs, and while I was browsing them, I spied a "King's Quest VI" game CD!

    "Cool!" I thought. I wonder if there are any more. After flipping through a few more, I found a LucasArts demo disc, with demos from "The Dig", "Full Throttle" and others. This got my hopes up that there might, just might , be a Monkey Island disc in there. I've played it before, but only for my old, old, old, Macintosh LC. So, I kept looking and although I didn't find a Monkey Island CD, I did find a "Day of the Tentacle" CD! I was really happy about this, especially since it's a LucasArts game I'd never played before. So, I snagged them all for $1 each. Not bad.

    - Klatuu, might treasure hunter.

    That's awesome. I had a similar find myself at a used bookstore of all places. I found a fourpack with The Dig, Grim Fandango, Sam and Max Hit the Road, and Full Throttle for $7. Some things pop up in the places you least expect them. :D
  • edited November 2010
    hello, i am posting in missisipi (i am comming back to my real home tomorrow morning)
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