The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited June 2010
    Fair enough, some posters did sort of try to make you look like an idiot in that last thread, when it was just, as you described it, a 'throwaway thread'. You do have a right to be angry, but don't let it get to you.
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    It's much less chewy than, say, calamari. Definitely not slimy at all, I guess that cooks out or something.

    I like calamari. That's it, I'm going to give snails a try the next time I see them!
  • edited June 2010
    I like calamari. That's it, I'm going to give snails a try the next time I see them!

    Yay! Let us know what you think, if you do try them!

    Also, some places cook them better than others (so that should be taken into consideration). I like them when they are put back into the snail shell. Not sure why. Probably because those were the better ones I've had.
  • edited June 2010
    Jenny wrote: »
    Yay! Let us know what you think, if you do try them!

    Also, some places cook them better than others (so that should be taken into consideration). I like them when they are put back into the snail shell. Not sure why. Probably because those were the better ones I've had.

    Now, I just need to find a restaurant that serves them. And someone to go with.
  • edited June 2010
    I will stand up for myself. I would like to believe that I'd fight for the ones I love.
    I've been pushed a few times in my life where I've impressed my employers/ friends. I know I got a fight in me.

    Though, even as a guy, I just don't like arguing, fighting with emotionally unbalanced guys. I don't mind a debate/ argument but I hate how some guys are tripping to ego trip over other guys.

    I really just don't get caught up into those webs that they stalk for their prey. It just doesn't appeal to me.

    When I argue with someone who's immensely pissed off over anything, or overly emotional about something I typically don't encourage it or want to be a part of it. Even when I detect it in under tones and I sense a attitude. I'm not drawn in by people with attitudes. At most I might want to offer them advice on their lives...

    I never felt empowered by my anger and rage during a argument/ conversation. I've gotten angry before and fallen victim to aggressive thoughts/ and feelings but as of late I have no interest what so ever being engaged mutually by people who can't balance their emotions.

    Is this...fine?
  • edited June 2010
    Well sorry for the theatrics folks. I got what I wanted to off my chest, and what's done is done. I don't hate anyone here, for the record. Sometimes I just feel like I've never really been given a chance here, but maybe that's just me. I'm going to start keeping things to myself from now on around here.
  • edited June 2010
    Who was that geared towards? I think you need to relax buddy.
  • edited June 2010
    Does anyone know why Fury got banned? Just curious.
  • edited June 2010
    If visual information is not the same in the brain as in the state of mind then we have several instances of "subliminal" visualization? The brain processes far more than the mind, right? So does that mean that every other second that our brain is processing everything in between what we comprehend that our brains are suggesting/ processing hidden messages to our conscious states of mind?

    When we look at a face, anything, does our brain complete what we are seeing? Is the social construct of thought just a narrow process of utilizing "true observation"?
  • edited June 2010
    You kinda creep me out sometimes, doodo.
  • edited June 2010
    You kinda creep me out sometimes, doodo.

    It's not something I can stop anymore. I have a hard time blending in and not creeping people out.
  • edited June 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    If visual information is not the same in the brain as in the state of mind then we have several instances of "subliminal" visualization? The brain processes far more than the mind, right? So does that mean that every other second that our brain is processing everything in between what we comprehend that our brains are suggesting/ processing hidden messages to our conscious states of mind?

    When we look at a face, anything, does our brain complete what we are seeing? Is the social construct of thought just a narrow process of utilizing "true observation"?

    Well, there are subliminal messages that we can't consciously see but still do see. Also, when we move our eyes fast, we don't really see the time when we're moving or that would make us sick. That's why we get a bit sick when it's shown in movies or videos, if I recall.

    Apart from that, I have no clue what you're saying :p
  • edited June 2010
    Avistew wrote: »

    Apart from that, I have no clue what you're saying :p

    Take a coloring book for example, you color the pictures in with your crayons and it's things socially acceptable as time goes on and your mind develops. You learn the sky must be blue, yellow, red, etc etc, that a girls skin is typically not purple or green.

    Your mind develops and your mind begins to fabricate that what you see is thoughts. Things that are "logical", "rational", even "un-logical", "irrational". Your brain however at an earlier age works differently.

    Your brain sees the color green on skin and without thought that expresses a certain feeling of face , or of person, or of energy, or of life, emotions,. Only all these things are beyond observation, are beyond thought, without thought.

    Your brain's sensory experience and calculation if you will is not the same as your mind's fabrication.

    Every single second something changes around you, even if very minor, when watching a video or simply living your life everything that is energy/ light is generated and present in the very next frame of time.

    Some times it's hard to see but in 10 days to 10 years even "static" objects will show some sort of change, if not the environment/ area around the object, changing the object itself in the way that it is perceived by the human mind.

    However, the human brain processes visual information different than the human mind does. It processes more information than the mind.

    Every second your mind doesn't register something it's very likely that your brain is registering it and that it's something entirely different than your mind is aware. You're not even aware that it's happening either.

    Taking the reflection/ shadows of a ceiling fan for example you cant make much of it out on your wall but your brain...who knows...
  • edited June 2010
    #include <iostream>
    void main()
    	for (int i = 99; i >= 0; i--)
    		std::cout << i << " bottles of beer on the wall\n";
    		std::cout << i << " bottles of beer.\n";
    		std::cout << "You take one down\n";
    		std::cout << "Pass it around\n";
    		std::cout << i - 1 << " bottles of beer on the wall\n\n";
    	std::cout << "Congratulations! You've just altered the laws of physics in the name of more alcohol!";

    Why this was on my mind, I don't know. I'm glad the semester break is coming up soon.
    I'll probably just leave these forums altogether soon enough, I don't mind people disagreeing with me at all, people are always going to have different opinions. It's just something about the way a lot of TT forum members conduct themselves that offends and irritates me to no end.
    You seem to take a lot of things as an insult when they weren't meant that way. I think you need to take some deep breaths and think about what's been said to you before you respond. Not saying that everything said to you on the Internet is totally innocent and meant in good faith, but more of it is than you think.
  • edited June 2010
    I missread several of those lines as STD count
  • edited June 2010
    I don't know how long I kept typoing "cout" as "count". Learning that it meant "C (as in the programming language) out" helped.
  • edited June 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    However, the human brain processes visual information different than the human mind does. It processes more information than the mind.

    How are you defining brain and mind? Are you saying brain, as all the grey matter in your head? And mind as the conscious mind? Therefore letting "brain" mean the unconscious?

    Because if so, then I understand what your theorizing about, but the color thing is more that the color is the word we have named it as. Colors are very subjective, as are many visual things.
  • edited June 2010

    So pretty much, what's going through my mind is "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!"
  • edited June 2010
    The lunar eclipse going on at the moment is pretty cool, even though it's only partial. I'm so glad the rain cleared up.
  • edited June 2010
    I hate all humans, they're all morons! I hate them all!

    My family from a early age labeled me. Humans, all of us, so SO pathetic. We focus on narrow areas of life, interest and we develop our individuality socially. Given your culture, your family, the people around you most people seek out one thing or another to be labeled while they label others into a narrow individual.

    Most people stop learning at a time in life,stop developing "the tools in their brains to learn" and simply for fill their molds with ego, pride, insecurity, fear, respect.

    The male race is mostly mentally retarded and I'm sad to be a part of it. We have tough guys, macho guys, all sorts of social constructs that narrow our potential as we wave our penises in the rest of the world's face.

    We put other men down, belittle them so that they still fit their roles and don't start to blend into our own. We want to attention, we want to be babied and valued, respected, to the point where the lot of us are afraid of others taking on responsibilities or qualities of our own disciplines.

    We fight and argue, we're mostly emotionally immature and throw fits and share negative emotions with one another with a jun-vile understanding how that resonates in our personalities and the personalities of others.

    We believe in most stereotypes, we mostly live in a false world. The lot of us is extremely needy and unfair to others without any comprehension how they've been unfair.

    We don't like to think too much we like to follow example, learn from what's presented to us.

    Living alone sounds ideal because as I've tried, I can't live with this in confront and I don't think I'll ever find any one else in this world who comprehends the power of learning and potential beyond the socially constructed world of "reality" and "purpose" , "intention"..."meaning of life"..."you" "he" "she" "it" "Brian".

    People don't like to lend a hand to me, help me learn from their own examples, no they take too much confront in being needed and being able to do certain things.

    People are inconsiderate, selfish, and want always want more than they have and can get. Greedy and insecure.

    I don't want to live in this world. Why should I even put up with it?

    If there is a God, please give me strength. It's so hard being this way. I don't want to shed negative vibes with my negativity but God help me.
  • edited June 2010
    I occasionally feel the same way. But then I remember video games, good books, and Doctor Who and decide that dealing with all the stupid people is definitely worth it for the little things that I enjoy. It also helps me to listen to Sweeney Todd...dissonances tend to comfort me for some reason. And watching cesium explosions on youtube.

    But then, I've officially been a nerd since fourth grade, though I did get upgraded to geek in highschool. :D
  • edited June 2010
    I am a paranoid optimist. So I am always scared crap is going to happen, but I try to stay happy about it
  • edited June 2010
    I think saying "the male race" is absurd, and that hating people based on their gender/sex is ridiculous, especially when you realise about the social construct of gender (I mean, you're the one who linked to that documentary).
    As for the fact you hate everything... Well, sorry for you I guess?
  • edited June 2010
    I don't hate everyone. I was just frustrated. It's not right for me to say that, I'm no better than any one else, esp when I say things like that.

    I'm finding religion because of all of this though. I never knew whether to believe or not but in a strange way religion seems to set things right.
  • edited June 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    I'm finding religion because of all of this though. I never knew whether to believe or not but in a strange way religion seems to set things right.

    It helps me remember that this life is only temporary, and that all of the crap that I have to deal with is nothing at the end of the day because I know that compared to eternity, this life is only a short blip. Anyway, I won't get too preachy, because that's the wrong thing to do in a forum.
  • edited June 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    It helps me remember that this life is only temporary, and that all of the crap that I have to deal with is nothing at the end of the day because I know that compared to eternity, this life is only a short blip. Anyway, I won't get too preachy, because that's the wrong thing to do in a forum.

    Things seem to have a way of being set right when you understand and play by "the rules". Not right/ wrong per say but "the rules". :p

    Thanks for sharing Hayden.

    Anyways, let's put this I hate humanity stuff a side.
  • edited June 2010
    Imagining what the world would be life is money didn't exist...

    I can't work out whether we'd get more things done or just stagnate
  • edited June 2010
    Imagining what the world would be life is money didn't exist...

    I can't work out whether we'd get more things done or just stagnate

    I don't think we'd ever get past "I have something you want, what will you give me for it?".

    If money didn't exist, the barter system still would.
  • edited June 2010
    I'll give you an ipod touch and an iphone 3gs for an iPhone 4!
  • edited June 2010
    Imagining what the world would be life is money didn't exist...

    I can't work out whether we'd get more things done or just stagnate

    Well, with the Tinkerbell system of economics that we've got going right now (I like to call it Tinkernomics) we may very well get to witness this first hand!
  • edited June 2010
    I'm wondering if I'm the only person here who strongly dislikes weekends due to the fact that the forums are dead so I'm bored.
  • edited June 2010
    Well, the weekends are effectively the only time I can really go through all of the threads.
  • edited June 2010
    After my crappy little Tux Voodoo Doll poster thing a bit earlier I think I am going to have fun with Graphics Converter, and I may even have to get photoshop
  • edited June 2010
    Eagle Scout ceremony. Need I say more?
  • edited June 2010
    more EXAAAMMMSSSSS :(:(:(:(
  • edited June 2010
    It was just raining outside like Niagara Falls
  • edited June 2010
    I do not know how to make GIFs. and aside from that my latest avatar is barely visible. dangit
  • edited June 2010
    When I see the form of a naked female body and my mind begins to wonder do I reconstruct what I am seeing? Does my intelligence and education, social mind see certain poses and energies sexually as it's socially understood in that way?

    From a intellectual point do you cross sexuality? The female body is just the natural form of the female. How your brain receives visual information is not necessarily the same as how your mind perceives it.

    Is sexual imagery the same in mind as it is in brain? How much of sexuality is constructed of response to sexual imagery? Can we see images of nude women that aren't sexual if we are mature and don't label it as sexual imagery?

    As the natural form of a woman, if we never wore any clothes would we have more discipline and control near the naked female form?

    It's of pure value, it's simply is what it is, yet we see it narrow it down to sexual imagery .

    Here's a tasteful example for mature/ intellectual discussion. If I offend anyone by posting the image please tell me.
    (One of my favorite images in the world ^^)
This discussion has been closed.