The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited June 2010
    At the same time humidity did have something to do with the Midwest insomuch as we said the Midwest is really humid and you were like, "What is humidity, really?" It was a natural, mini derailment. If someone revived the thread and said, "You know where's really humid? Florida! We've got buckets of it. Literally!" that would be a weird derailment. And a really lame pun. Boy am I glad no one said anything lame like that!
  • edited June 2010
    1 Reason the Telltale Team is awesome. They actually participate in threads with forum-ites, not just lock threads and make announcements
  • edited June 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    1 Reason the Telltale Team is awesome. They actually participate in threads with forum-ites, not just lock threads and make announcements

    Agreed, but their forums presence has decreased. This is probably half the reason why the forums aren't what they once were (5 months ago). There are many reasons, along with this one, that have caused the forums to not be quite so enjoyable (reasons that I won't list at the minute).
  • edited June 2010
    To be honest, I'm surprised that so many of them can post as often as they do. Just looking at the job list you can tell they really need some more employees to help with the workload.
  • edited June 2010
    Agreed on both counts. They're less present than they used to, but more than I'd expect considering how much work they have.
    I miss the time of Telltale Tuesdays though.
  • edited June 2010
    So do I, but without Nikki there, there's nobody to run Telltale Tuesdays. And I don't know the circumstances, but I do know that Nikki isn't there.
  • edited June 2010
    So do I, but without Nikki there, there's nobody to run Telltale Tuesdays. And I don't know the circumstances, but I do know that Nikki isn't there.

    Noooo you've noticed that, too? >.>

    I wonder if they're going to have it again at some point. Telltale Tuesdays, I mean. Or something similar.
  • edited June 2010
  • edited June 2010
    Phew, happy it's just paranoia and some people do like me. :)

    I don't know why I need this appreciation and I take great heart to even small changes, I just guess it all comes down to low self-esteem and lots of bullying in my early life.

    Also glad to know I am not the only one sensing this sudden change in hostility, even I have had some fears of posting, and I think more often than others.

    But glad that we are all one big happy (MI loving) family. :D
  • edited June 2010
    I have no fears of posting ever. If anyone attempts to troll I laugh. Remember the Who Aguyaguyaguypie thing.

    That was fun for a while. I can't believe he actually managed to annoy me.

    The trick is to make fun of whatever situation you are in. That is to say, make the situation fun, within reason of course.
  • edited June 2010
    I still think the whole banning reason in the Banned Game for banning you was really funny. :p

    For those who don't know what I am talking about, Remolay reminds me of Remoulade for some strange reason.
    Just wikipedia it, and look for Danish Remoulade. :)
  • edited June 2010
    I looked it up. Thatem mess sounds delicious.

    Any Idea where I can get my hands on some here in the US
  • edited June 2010
  • edited June 2010
    I found out something new today and I wanted to share it! Did any of you know that hedgehogs eat toads? Because I sure didn't until I witnessed it first hand tonight. Nature's quite violent really.
  • edited June 2010
    Who would ever want to eat a toad? They're all squishy and ick.
  • edited June 2010
    I knew they ate snails, which is just as gross. But not frogs no, guess they just like the gross stuff.
  • edited June 2010
    Snails aren't gross. A little butter and garlic and you've got escargot!
  • edited June 2010
    When you put it that way, people eat frog's legs too.

    ...I wonder what Avistew thinks of all this...
  • edited June 2010
    Probably has recipes :p
  • edited June 2010
    Snails aren't gross. A little butter and garlic and you've got escargot!

    Ok, that just sounds gross.
    When you put it that way, people eat frog's legs too.

    And this. :p
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2010
    Do people eat slugs as well as snails? And if not, why not?
  • edited June 2010
    I knew they ate snails, which is just as gross. But not frogs no, guess they just like the gross stuff.

    Haha, this was the first unread post, so I read that first and thought "wait, we're talking about French people now?"

    On snails, the first time I had garlic bread (was in Ireland) I exclaimed "oh, it's snail!" and everyone was weirded out. Garlic and butter is pretty much all it tastes like. So since I liked it, I've just been having garlic bread instead and that tastes the same.
  • edited June 2010
    Well I have nothing against the French or Hedgehogs, just their choice of food. :p
  • edited June 2010
    Yeah, but snails don't have as many carbs.
  • edited June 2010
    But I like my carbs. :D

    I think I would prefer carbs more than snails any day.
  • edited June 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Yeah, but snails don't have as many carbs.

    Hah! With the amount of butter they use, I think carbs should be the least of your worries.
    Plus when did people forget that you actually NEED them. I mean, sure, don't have too much of them, but as I often say, everything you can have too much of, you can have too little of, except poison.
    It's like salt or fat. Sure you can get too much, but you can get too little too. My husband works with people who are mentally challenged because they weren't fed enough fat as a kid and their brains couldn't develop properly, just saying.
  • edited June 2010
    When you live with a diabetic carbs are very important. Also the sports teams at my high school used to gorge themselves on them the night before sporting events. Called it "carb loading", thought it would give them energy for the next day.

    Turns out stuffing yourself full of pasta isn't all that helpful.
  • edited June 2010
    I was more reacting to the general "carbs are evil" trend. Obviously there are specific cases.
    Carbs are slow sugars, so they're released and used more slowly than sugars, and they give you some energy (I mean that is in "fuel"), that doesn't mean you're supposed to gorge yourself either, obviously :p

    EDIT: by the way, when you go to sleep, everything is stored away (which is why they say you should be slightly hungry when you go to bed). So eating the day before is completely unhelpful, it's just turned into fat and used as a reserve, they'd better eat a healthy breakfast instead.
  • edited June 2010
    I like carbs. They make up most of my favorite foods.
  • edited June 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Do people eat slugs as well as snails? And if not, why not?

    That's a darn good point.
  • edited June 2010
    Might as well keep building my body, work is working me so hard. Soon things are going to get easier and I wont be pushed to my limits. I need to work out on my own. Lifting free weights and items around the house and doing house work actually seems to be more productive than the weight machine...

    I don't care about being fit, I don't really care but in a man's world that's how people think. I'm a easy gainer so, I guess I'll work out a little more often.
  • edited June 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Do people eat slugs as well as snails? And if not, why not?

    Well, as a kid my dad saw a slug, thought it was escargot and ate it. But I don't thing that's what you meant.
    The snails are cooked (and served) inside their shells, which I believe is why you don't eat slugs. The cooking would probably be different and chances are they couldn't soak in the garlic butter or whatever.
    Otherwise, I assume they would probably taste pretty similar.
  • edited June 2010
    Is visual information to the brain the same as visual information to the mind?
    Is there a true way that are brains visualize things that is true? Real and true meaning to visualization? Do we reconstruct what we see from our behaviors and vocabulary?

    Science/ reality/ rules, all just ideas social constructs that classify the social construct and mental restrictions to see beyond what we are able to.

    "Rules" "Science".

    Social constructs and terminology all grouped together and founded in the same imperfection that is the human thinking mind.
  • edited June 2010
    My dad had a patient who had a blood clot or something... I can't remember well, but it was blood, and somewhere in her eye so it made a stain on everything she saw. Her brain interpreted it as an old woman lying down in bed. She saw it everywhere, even if people or things were standing in the middle of it. She though she was going crazy.

    It also reminds me of how our brains complete visual information. If we can't see a small part of something we just "complete" it, but of course we can't really guess. So if it's part of a flower's stalk, we'll complete that, but won't see the thorn that's there because we can't guess that it's there. It's pretty interesting.
  • edited June 2010
    Thanks for sharing. I hate hospitals spent a large number of years in hospitals because of a sick family member. Interesting story.
  • edited June 2010
    Hospitals make me uneasy too, I've only been to them when there was something very wrong with me or someone I love. On the other had I'm glad they're there because otherwise it would be worse.
    I'm fine with stuff like clinics though. Used to have my blood sampled every other month so I'm pretty comfortable with syringes and stuff, and doctors run in my family so I almost spent more time with them than with other people :p
    But yeah, not usually in hospitals.
  • edited June 2010
    Just had to say, I love snails! They are delicious, because I like garlic and butter and that is pretty much what they taste like. The texture is not slimy or anything a non-snail fan would think. If you didn't know it was a snail, you would probably think it was a very tender piece of a small hen.
  • edited June 2010
    Hmmm...I may actually try snails now. I always imagined that they would taste just like the sauce, but I always thought the texture would be offputting.
  • edited June 2010
    Hmmm...I may actually try snails now. I always imagined that they would taste just like the sauce, but I always thought the texture would be offputting.

    It's much less chewy than, say, calamari. Definitely not slimy at all, I guess that cooks out or something.

    Wikipedia wrote:
    In Western culture, typically the snails are removed from their shells, gutted, cooked (usually with garlic butter or chicken stock) and then poured back into the shells together with the butter and sauce for serving, often on a plate with several shell-sized depressions. Additional ingredients may be added such as garlic, thyme, parsley and pine nuts. Special snail tongs (for holding the shell) and snail forks (for extracting the meat) are also normally provided.

    Like most molluscs, escargot is high in protein and low in fat content (if cooked without butter). It is estimated that escargot is 15% protein, 2.4% fat and about 80% water.

    So, they don't cook them in their shells. The article does say that not all species of snails are edible, so maybe less species of slugs are? Or maybe it's about the presentation. I know when I ate snails, I didn't really have a look at them between taking them out of the shell and putting them in my mouth. Maybe you're more grossed out with slugs on a plate?
  • edited June 2010
    Sorry everyone but my thread got locked [understandably] so I'll post this here since it is still somewhat relevant to OP

    I'm sorry I hate to go on and on but I'm just tired of not being able to say a single thing around here without it being an issue with someone or them trying to ridicule me.

    Someone here always drives to the point of saying something outlandish and then I feel bad, and end up looking like an idiot, or a jerk at least. And it's not like it's my first forum or anything, just something about this particular forum...

    I'll probably just leave these forums altogether soon enough, I don't mind people disagreeing with me at all, people are always going to have different opinions. It's just something about the way a lot of TT forum members conduct themselves that offends and irritates me to no end.

    So anyways that's what's on my mind right now, unfortunately.
This discussion has been closed.