The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Yesterday I was playing Team Fortress 2, then a friend come up and I was all happy because I wasn't dying.

    Me: I'm not dying, I'm not dying!
    Friend: That's good!
    Me: And I'm an Engieneer!
    Friend: I know, I know (Pats in my back)
    Me: No, I mean in the game
    Friend: Ahhhhh

    Hahaha xD That must have been confusing for your friend.
  • edited July 2010
    I quite enjoyed Buffy when I was watching it but I probably won't re-watch it for a while, at least in its entirety.
    Well, there's this thing with me being on vacation, and it being too hot to do anything anyway, and there's my projector, and there's me watching 7 or 8 episodes a night...

    And, not having seen it before, I just kick back and enjoy the ride...
  • edited July 2010
    I have just learned what that whole TL DR thing means
  • edited July 2010
    Leak wrote: »
    Well, there's this thing with me being on vacation, and it being too hot to do anything anyway, and there's my projector, and there's me watching 7 or 8 episodes a night...

    And, not having seen it before, I just kick back and enjoy the ride...

    Don't get me wrong. It's a great show the first time around (I watched it the same way...only during the school year...while doing organic chemistry). I just prefer to skip around through my favorite episodes, most of which are towards the end. :D
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    What..the hell.

    In unrelated news (which is the only news in this thread), I'm going to make myself some ramen.

    It was a parody of "I Gotta Feeling" called "I'm a Korean".
  • edited July 2010
    Is it weird that I want to go on line and start arguments with women now. I've just surfing you tube looking for a good fight.
  • edited July 2010
    Can someone explain me how can be an Earthquake in Washington D.C.?
  • edited July 2010
    Right now I'm annoyed with my dentist, going to change it for next year.

    Only had to drill one hole and yet - a bit over 300 USD!! Crazy!
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Can someone explain me how can be an Earthquake in Washington D.C.?

    can someone explain to me how it can take 3 months to put a cap on an oil leak?
  • edited July 2010
    can someone explain to me how it can take 3 months to put a cap on an oil leak?

    I sadly can't. I can't tell you how we're going to act like it never happened as well.
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    I sadly can't. I can't tell you how we're going to act like it never happened as well.

    The explanation is probably in your past, not your future.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm tired of paying immigration fees.
    Sadly, I'm nowhere near done.
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I'm tired of paying immigration fees.
    Sadly, I'm nowhere near done.

    From where to where?

    Also, I like your questionably psychological advice, doodo!.
  • edited July 2010
    France to Canada, I believe
  • edited July 2010
    Yes, France to Canada, although I'm already in Canada, it's for permanent residence at this point.
  • edited July 2010
    I had to do that for Canada to Texas (USA). It's definitely a wallet suck. Everything involving any government is always vastly overpriced. I guess it's worth it in the end -- sure beats being deports several times and having to pay for flights back ;)
  • edited July 2010
    Immigration can be annoying for Canadians, present or soon-to-be, eh?
  • edited July 2010
    Tell me about it. The most annoying thing so far was paying 550 dollars just so they'd look at the papers, knowing that I have to pay 500 again if they decide they can process it. It's like, a fee just so they'll look at it but if I don't pay a second time later it's rejected anyways -_-'.

    The medical exams were also ridiculously expensive, but at least they were doing something in return for the money.
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Tell me about it. The most annoying thing so far was paying 550 dollars just so they'd look at the papers, knowing that I have to pay 500 again if they decide they can process it. It's like, a fee just so they'll look at it but if I don't pay a second time later it's rejected anyways -_-'.

    The medical exams were also ridiculously expensive, but at least they were doing something in return for the money.

    I suppose it's all for the economy though. I mean, if people came in all the time and didn't pay, surely the economy would eventually be unable to support it, right?
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Tell me about it. The most annoying thing so far was paying 550 dollars just so they'd look at the papers, knowing that I have to pay 500 again if they decide they can process it. It's like, a fee just so they'll look at it but if I don't pay a second time later it's rejected anyways -_-'.

    The medical exams were also ridiculously expensive, but at least they were doing something in return for the money.

    It's almost as though every guy who reads it, even the receptionist, is charging you to do so. It's ludicrous and highway robbery.
    I suppose it's all for the economy though. I mean, if people came in all the time and didn't pay, surely the economy would eventually be unable to support it, right?

    There is a difference between charging a respectable fee and over-charging just because you can...
  • edited July 2010
    I suppose it's all for the economy though. I mean, if people came in all the time and didn't pay, surely the economy would eventually be unable to support it, right?

    I'm immigrating as a new worker though. I'll support the economy the same way every other citizen does. And the medical examinations are making sure I don't have a disease that would cost the country too much (otherwise I'll be refused).
    I totally get paying fees but that's just... I mean, Ian basically paid nothing to get his French permanent residency. AND he didn't need a medical exam either. We did have to provide a lot of documents and go back to the préfecture several times, but we certainly didn't spend a month's income within a week like we did here for me.

    The annoying part is that if I want citizenship, I have to do it all again in three years.
  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I'm immigrating as a new worker though. I'll support the economy the same way every other citizen does. And the medical examinations are making sure I don't have a disease that would cost the country too much (otherwise I'll be refused).
    I totally get paying fees but that's just... I mean, Ian basically paid nothing to get his French permanent residency. AND he didn't need a medical exam either. We did have to provide a lot of documents and go back to the préfecture several times, but we certainly didn't spend a month's income within a week like we did here for me.

    The annoying part is that if I want citizenship, I have to do it all again in three years.

    I don't know if it's this bad in Canada or not, but moving to the United States and having to go to those appointments for immigration always resulted in having to wait in line for 4-6 hours just to get to your appointment 4-6 hours later than it was scheduled, lol.

    It may just be a problem here because I live closer to the Mexican border where as in Idaho it would be a quicker line, but it's ridiculous the waiting times here in Texas.
  • edited July 2010
    Actually, so far in Canada I haven't dealt with a human being. It's all recorded stuff on the phone, the Internet and mailing paperwork.
    In France it could take hours but it was in Paris and it's split between the different continents the person came from, so there weren't too many people since most of the immigrants would have been from North Africa or non-EU Europe (EU Europe would probably me much more painless of a process). So it was never 4-6 hours, more like 2 of them.

    Considering I'm not allowed to work or anything, seriously, I feel like wasting my time is much preferable than wasting my money.
  • edited July 2010
    Immigration can be annoying for Canadians, present or soon-to-be, eh?

    "Eh" is right :D

    (nah, I'm just joshin' ya. I went to Canada as a vacay a while ago. I want to live there, in fact.
  • edited July 2010
    I've got something new on my mind, I'm wondering what the budget was for Iron Maiden's new music video.
    The effects are incredible, it looks like it's from a Star Wars film.
  • edited July 2010
    I fenced today after over a year of inactivity. I now have many bruises from my friends who have been training constantly the past year. Ah well.
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I've got something new on my mind, I'm wondering what the budget was for Iron Maiden's new music video.
    Maybe they let Bruce do all the stunt flying to cut costs. :p It's a cool video; too bad the song itself is so bland. :( There's a lively guitar solo, but that's about it...
  • edited July 2010
    Just got back from Inception. It was as great as I expected it to be. Definitely going to take Movie of the Year by a landslide more than likely.

    Can't wait to see it again.
  • edited July 2010
    My job is too hard. I feel awful. I'm going to go lie down some place and watch cartoons or something.
  • edited July 2010
    doodo! wrote: »
    My job is too hard. I feel awful. I'm going to go lie down some place and watch cartoons or something.

  • edited July 2010
    As a good chilean, I was, with my sister, cleaning the Department in the last day before go back home. It's no so far from here though. My mom called.

    Me: Hi?
    Mom: When are you going to come here?
    Me: We're finish cleaning but in fact I don't know, what's the problem?
    Mom: You must know which hour or something!
    Me: Can take a while here, but, what's the problem?
    Mom: It's, just... just...
    Me: ...
    Mom: ...
    Me: ....
    Mom: I HAVE NO BREAD! I don't know if buy some, or made some, because I don't know if you are going to come early! Unless..
    Me: Unless what?
    Mom: You arrive here just for dinner
    Me: ok.

    My mom can get stressed for anything. And I'm a daughter of her. Sadly.
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    My mom can get stressed for anything.

    My mum tends to just panic over everything. From small things like when everybody will arrive, to smaller things such as the door is open and there is a breeze.

    I really hope I don't get like that.:p
  • edited July 2010
    Screw global warming. It's another one of those scary topics that I hate worrying about. I want to focus on women or something instead if I put any time and worry into something.
  • edited July 2010
    wait what
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    As a good chilean, I was, with my sister, cleaning the Department in the last day before go back home. It's no so far from here though. My mom called.

    Me: Hi?
    Mom: When are you going to come here?
    Me: We're finish cleaning but in fact I don't know, what's the problem?
    Mom: You must know which hour or something!
    Me: Can take a while here, but, what's the problem?
    Mom: It's, just... just...
    Me: ...
    Mom: ...
    Me: ....
    Mom: I HAVE NO BREAD! I don't know if buy some, or made some, because I don't know if you are going to come early! Unless..
    Me: Unless what?
    Mom: You arrive here just for dinner
    Me: ok.

    My mom can get stressed for anything. And I'm a daughter of her. Sadly.

    Having no bread is a serious problem, don't you know, because if you have no bread then, by process of elimination, you have no toast! :eek: Delicious, hot, buttered toast! (I'm having breakfast right now)

    BTW, who knows of or likes VEGEMITE?
  • edited July 2010
    I'm really REALLY happy at the moment in wwe
    Kane has one the world heavyweight title! Hes my fav wrestler and hes been under used for years. But he is now finally world champ again. Last time he had it he only held it for a day. I hoped this would happen but knowing how wwe have treated him in past didn't make me actually think it would happen. I'm so glad he is champ now and being used to his full potential :) I know no one here likes WWE I think but since threads called whatevers on your mind I just thought id share.
  • edited July 2010
    BTW, who knows of or likes VEGEMITE?

    Its defiantly not for someone who hasn't grown up with it. Which is what I have been told from most my friends.
  • edited July 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Its defiantly not for someone who hasn't grown up with it. Which is what I have been told from most my friends.

    you need to start off with a little vege on a crapload of butter and work your way up if you want, but its good like that. i hate going overseas and trying to find the stuff!
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