The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited July 2010
    Vegemite is too salty, I find. It's okay to add in soup and stuff though.
  • edited July 2010
    Vegemite is like a vicious assault upon my taste buds from which there is no escape. Oh well, it's better than Marmite.
  • edited July 2010
    Having no bread is a serious problem, don't you know, because if you have no bread then, by process of elimination, you have no toast! :eek: Delicious, hot, buttered toast! (I'm having breakfast right now)

    I'm pretty sure we're not talking about the same bread here.

    At the end, she made some Bread. We eat it at Dinner with a soup ^^!
    BTW, who knows of or likes VEGEMITE?

    I just learn about it thanks to wikipedia. But, before, nope, never heard of it.
  • edited July 2010

    It's a preview of what I'm planning on doing. Basically I'm planning on doing at least a hundred, but probably will continue until well past the hundred. And apparently guessing which character / team these costumes belong to is pretty hard. Then again, the IRC channel I went to wasn't really that well known with pop culture.

    Now I can understand they don't know who some is or to what team the costume belongs to (like 002, 019 or 021) or that the costume in question isn't really all that clear (020), but some are just glaringly obvious (022, 025).
  • edited July 2010
    That makes my brain hurt. I got quite a few, but I couldn't figure out 003, 004, 006, 011, 013, 014, 016, 019, 020, 021, or 027.
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Vegemite is too salty, I find. It's okay to add in soup and stuff though.
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    Vegemite is like a vicious assault upon my taste buds from which there is no escape. Oh well, it's better than Marmite.

    I don't like Vegemite either, but in Australia (I don't know if it's available in other countries), we have this stuff called Promite. It's basically the same as Vegemite, but it's a lot milder, and ultimately a heck-of-a-lot nicer, though I'm sure many of my fellow countrymen would disagree.
  • edited July 2010
    Soultaker wrote: »
    Maybe they let Bruce do all the stunt flying to cut costs. :p It's a cool video; too bad the song itself is so bland. :( There's a lively guitar solo, but that's about it...

    I've heard/read a number of people say that. Most of them have pinned it down to being the repetitive chorus (one line repeated four times over). I personally quite like it, I don't mind the repetition, and I think the riff is reasonably entertaining. I think the other reason that people find it so bland is because the song is quite quiet in the video and it's drowned out by all of the sound effects in the video, whereas a more clear and louder version would allow you to hear all of the different guitar parts more clearly. Also, this isn't the full version of the song, the album version goes for almost twice the length, with a three-minute intro (or so I've heard). So, I think it's a little unfair to make a judgment right away, seeing as how no-one has experienced the full song, and we haven't heard the song at full quality yet. But I do understand why you have that opinion.
  • edited July 2010
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    Vegemite is like a vicious assault upon my taste buds from which there is no escape. Oh well, it's better than Marmite.
    Agreed. It's also much better than...
    Hayden wrote: »
    I don't like Vegemite either, but in Australia (I don't know if it's available in other countries), we have this stuff called Promite. It's basically the same as Vegemite, but it's a lot milder, and ultimately a heck-of-a-lot nicer, though I'm sure many of my fellow countrymen would disagree.
    Promite? Are you kidding me?!!? That stuff tastes horrible!
  • edited July 2010
    Promite? Are you kidding me?!!? That stuff tastes horrible!
    Maybe it'll taste better if you throw some thermite into the mix? :D

    np: ISAN - East Side V34 (Glow In The Dark Safari Set)
  • edited July 2010
    Leak wrote: »
    Maybe it'll taste better if you throw some thermite into the mix? :D

    Well, it can't possibly make it taste any WORSE!
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    ...though I'm sure many of my fellow countrymen would disagree.
    Promite? Are you kidding me?!!? That stuff tastes horrible!
    Well, it can't possibly make it taste any WORSE!

    I love my perfect predictions/assumptions.
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I love my perfect predictions/assumptions.

    I'd like to see your prediction for the Premiers.
  • edited July 2010
    I'd like to see your prediction for the Premiers.

    As in football, or politics?
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    As in football, or politics?

    Football, of course
  • edited July 2010
    BTW, who knows of or likes VEGEMITE?
    Well, I know Marmite... and I don't really love or hate it. Haven't really found a good use for it besides putting it on toast, though I imagine it would go well with vegetable soup and such too. (Btw, despite it supposedly being unavailable outside the Commonwealth, it's widely available from supermarkets here in Holland. I don't think it's a big seller though!)
    Hayden wrote: »
    I've heard/read a number of people say that. Most of them have pinned it down to being the repetitive chorus (one line repeated four times over). [..] I think it's a little unfair to make a judgment right away, seeing as how no-one has experienced the full song, and we haven't heard the song at full quality yet.
    I don't mind repetition per se... but there has to be some magic in the song that keeps you hooked. I've been missing the inspiration and energy that went into every song in the earlier days, in these later albums. But I'll reserve my judgment for the full album.
  • edited July 2010
    Football, of course

    It's incredibly hard to say, but based on current form I'd say Collingwood. Things can change quickly, though.
    Soultaker wrote: »
    I don't mind repetition per se... but there has to be some magic in the song that keeps you hooked. I've been missing the inspiration and energy that went into every song in the earlier days, in these later albums.

    I've actually heard quite a few people say that. For some reason, I see it completely different. I actually really like their later material; I consider "Brave New World", "Dance of Death" and "A Matter of Life and Death" to be a near-perfect hattrick of albums. For sure, the band has changed slightly stylistically (with a more serous tone on AMOLAD), but I think that there is still a certain 'magic' there. I won't go into reasons or explanations, because I know that the only difference here is a difference of opinion and personal taste.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm wondering why celebrities are more important than anyone else.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm wondering why celebrities are more important than anyone else.

    They aren't.
  • edited July 2010
    They aren't.

    Let me rephrase. Why do so many people THINK that they're more important?
  • edited July 2010
    They're more influential, so you don't want them to be pissed with you, and/or you want to be associated with them?

    I dunno, I only stalk barely famous people like the telltale bunch.
  • edited July 2010
    Celebrities are just people who have a talent and have taken advantage of it. The only real difference between a stage actor and someone like Brad Pitt is that the stage actor doesn't have a controversial relationship, 7 orphan children and millions of dollars.
  • edited July 2010
    I don't follow Pitt's personal life, but I doubt he had a controversial relationship purely due to being a celebrity. That happens often enough everywhere, it's just usually not in the spotlight.
  • edited July 2010
    Celebrities always have controversial relationships, because they marry other celebrities so they get more attention. But the attention-sucking forces don't mix and in the end it all ends in divorce. I'm willing to say at least 70% of celebrity/celebrity marriages end in divorce
  • edited July 2010
    I'm really freaking tired of people basically backseat modding here. If the topic isn't going the way you want it to be, then tough luck, as long as it is even remotely on-topic, it's on-topic, no need to scream "OMG OFF TOPIC" or anything. I've seen it happening twice at least here.

    Basic rule of thumb here, or anywhere, if a subject is too narrow, and you at least notice people talking about a similar subject rather than talking about the original subject, just let them be. If you don't, you'll just let a perfectly good thread to waste.

    If I for example were to talk about jokes involving Sam & Max, and people start telling jokes that are outside the Sam & Max universe, then should I still enforce them to talk about Sam & Max jokes with the high risk of the topic falling into obscurity because nobody actually gives a crap about your horrible Sam & Max jokes, or do I let people have fun telling jokes they heard on the internet or their grandpa or whatever?
  • edited July 2010
    Incredibly excited for tomorrow. Sucks that I can't even say why due to NDAs, but man...been waiting for this all year!
  • edited July 2010
    Let me guess. You're excited because you're going to do something tomorrow?
  • edited July 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Let me guess. You're excited because you're going to do something tomorrow?

    Not quite -- something is coming in the mail.

    Downloading Episode 4 of Sam & Max right now ;)
  • edited July 2010
    No one really seems to be emotionally involved or connected, I know families shouldn't be emo and all wishy washy but I feel so disconnected and distant to every one like all my ambitions, character, spirit, wild fire, "soul" isn't present, isn't relevant, necessary and I go through life just trying to blend into their regular, mundane game nights/ movies...
  • edited July 2010
    Today I went to Yoga. Kundalini Yoga, with tantras and all that. I'm pretty sure we were summoning Yog-Soggoth or something in there.
  • edited July 2010
    The lols are TEARING ME APART, LISA!

    Also, there's a certain character that appears in Beyond the Alley of the Dolls that I want a plushie of.
  • edited July 2010
    I just found a dead woodlouse embreaded (sorry) in my slice of bread. Eugh.

    Reminded me of this
  • edited July 2010
    Wow I agree with experts these Mel Gibson videos are FAKE and professionally made. Some people are dumb, these are so fake, you can hear the editing gabs, it's distorted, it's mixed, this is sooo soo edited. FAKE

    These videos have been heavily tampered with.

    "She's also the only person I know who can take 2 punches to the face hard enough to chip two teeth/veneers and show absolutely no cuts or bruising or swelling when smiling for a dentist's photo the next day. She's something else!"
  • edited July 2010
    I'm moving out in a couple days(OH GEEZ ONLY A COUPLE DAYS LEFT) on what many people would consider a whim, but I'm excited nonetheless at the prospect of a new life somewhere else. I'm gonna miss my friends and sister horribly, but I can contact them through the internet and such.

    My relationship with my parents have sorta been unstable and bitchy as of late, so I hope that me being away will rekindle good vibes.


    im excited
  • edited July 2010
    Psuni wrote: »
    Incredibly excited for tomorrow. Sucks that I can't even say why due to NDAs, but man...been waiting for this all year!

    Talk about mass disappointment. 98.6% complete let down. The masses are going to be pretty upset when they realize it.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    My relationship with my parents have sorta been unstable and bitchy as of late, so I hope that me being away will rekindle good vibes.

    I think there definitely comes a time when it is natural to move out. Often a home is just too small to fit three adult egos inside it! In a lot of cases you're grown up and ready for some autonomy, but your parents still see you as their little girl and it's hard for them to get past that. I always had a pretty awesome relationship with my parents, but moving out of home made it even better - we can now relate to each other as adults, although of course I'll always be their child too.

    Hope it works out for you, Tope!
  • edited July 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I'm moving out in a couple days(OH GEEZ ONLY A COUPLE DAYS LEFT) on what many people would consider a whim, but I'm excited nonetheless at the prospect of a new life somewhere else.

    Good luck!
    I'm still incredibly jealous that I can't even go and visit and you're going to live there.
    Stay around until I make it, okay? :p
  • edited July 2010
    okay avi XD
  • edited July 2010
    Found out last week that I failed my last year at university though I'm just getting around to accepting it. Also I won't be able to resit the year so if I want to get the degree I want I'll have to reapply from scratch and as the deadline for applying to get in this year has past I'll have to wait until next year to try again. At least I'll get a diploma of higher education for passing the first two years which should mean that I'll be able to go strait into the final year again next year - that is if I'm successful at getting a place then.
  • edited July 2010
    Hey guys, if you could Vote for me (PSU) at this link -- I'd appreciate it!
This discussion has been closed.