The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited July 2010
    It's mostly interesting exploring local food but sometimes i find it kind of annoying if you're in a country where they don't sell any good liquorice or liquorice at all and stare at you in a weird way when asking for it. Asking for salmiak/salty liquorice can get you more advices about cleaning the toilet then. It can be kind of helpful browsing sites like world of sweets.
  • edited July 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Unrelated from previous conversation, related to thread.

    ...I don't think that disclaimer will ever be necessary in this thread. There's like five conversations going on at any one time.
    Hayden wrote: »
    I've just realized, my forum presence has been extremely minimal over the past couple of weeks. Hopefully, in the future, free time will present itself to me more than it has been lately. I wish free time was more common in general. Wouldn't it just be nice if, at times, time itself could just stand still and give you a breather; let you catch up and have a rest. Why does it have to keep moving forward? That was a rhetorical question, of course. I understand there are a number of very good explanations why time must keep moving forward, but it truly would be nice to freeze it every now and then.

    Don't I know it. I've been outside helping paint the house since last Wednesday, while my dad's on vacation. We have two days left before he starts working again, and we had to do so much preparation that we're just barely ready to start applying paint tomorrow. Good thing we have a sprayer this time.

    But yeah, for the last week and a half, I've pretty much had no life or free time.
  • edited July 2010
    I wish I had less free time. And I feel guilty for it because the people I complain about it to could all use more free time. I seriously wish I could give them some of mine :S
  • edited July 2010
    I seriously think this 6-second video should replace Rickrolling.
  • edited July 2010
    I can't get used to my friends iPhone and Nokia N900
  • edited July 2010
    Avistew, I should send you some of the stuff I have to do that I have no time for!

    Except I don't have time to send it.... :rolleyes:
  • edited July 2010
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Avistew, I should send you some of the stuff I have to do that I have no time for!

    Except I don't have time to send it.... :rolleyes:

    Awww. Way to put my hopes up.
  • edited July 2010
    I seriously think this 6-second video should replace Rickrolling.

    God, yes!
  • edited July 2010
    There is a cricket in my room. I don't know how it got in here, all I know is it's driving me out of my mind. Especially since I'm about to go to bed and I can't find the thing to shut it up.
  • edited July 2010
    There is a cricket in my room. I don't know how it got in here, all I know is it's driving me out of my mind. Especially since I'm about to go to bed and I can't find the thing to shut it up.

    Spray deodorant everywhere. Hopefully you'll kill it, and hopefully you'll also die in your sleep as a result that is it.
  • edited July 2010
    I don't use spray deodorant. Also, that's stupid and you're stupid.

    Now, I'm going to try and get some sleep without losing my freaking mind.
  • edited July 2010
    I don't use spray deodorant. Also, that's stupid and you're stupid.

    Now, I'm going to try and get some sleep without losing my freaking mind.

    i think you already have lost your mind
    unless you did realise it was a joke
  • edited July 2010
    You've lost your mind whether you realized I was joking as well or not.

    Also, why am I not in bed yet?!
  • edited July 2010
    Also, why am I not in bed yet?!

    Sleeping is for wimps
  • edited August 2010
    I wish that sleep wasn't essential, it's such a waste of time.
  • edited August 2010
    I need help with a French translation, because Google Translate is awful. I was listening to the French version of one of my favorite songs(Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton) and I heard an extra line not present in the original English version: "Et la tête! Et la tête! Alouette! Alouette! Argh!" Google Translate has this to say: "And the head! And the head! Lark! Lark! Argh!" which I know is wrong. Can someone please give me a better translation?
  • edited August 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I wish that sleep wasn't essential, it's such a waste of time.

    I still don't get why it's essential. I've never really gotten what purpose it serves. I do know that it feels damn good when you're exhausted, though.
  • edited August 2010
    I wish I could sleep longer, so I have to spend less time awake.

    Too... much... time.
  • edited August 2010
    I need help with a French translation, because Google Translate is awful. I was listening to the French version of one of my favorite songs(Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton) and I heard an extra line not present in the original English version: "Et la tête! Et la tête! Alouette! Alouette! Argh!" Google Translate has this to say: "And the head! And the head! Lark! Lark! Argh!" which I know is wrong. Can someone please give me a better translation?

    Actually from what little French I know that sounds about right. I know tête means head, et means and and i guess alouette can be for lark as the song Alouette is about skylarks.
  • edited August 2010
    Actually from what little French I know that sounds about right. I know tête means head, et means and and i guess alouette can be for lark as the song Alouette is about skylarks.

    Uhh, what? I don't think you're right, because the song I quoted was about zombies, not birds.
  • edited August 2010
    I need help with a French translation, because Google Translate is awful. I was listening to the French version of one of my favorite songs(Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton) and I heard an extra line not present in the original English version: "Et la tête! Et la tête! Alouette! Alouette! Argh!" Google Translate has this to say: "And the head! And the head! Lark! Lark! Argh!" which I know is wrong. Can someone please give me a better translation?

    It's part of a song. The whole song revolves about plucking a lark, and each new verse adds a new body part of the lark that you pluck. For some reason, that includes legs and beak. Don't ask me.
    Anyways, the "chorus" consists in listing all the body parts previously mentioned, from most recent to earliest. It always ends with "et la tête, et la tête, alouette" (and your head, and your head, lark).
    The "Aaaah" isn't a "Argh" kind of "ah", it's just a song "ah". It turns into the next verse's "alouette, gentille alouette" (Lark, nice lark. Yes, because they're not just plucking a lark for no reason, they also mention every occasion they can that it's a nice lark. WTH.)

    Also, you might think it should be "the head" and not "your head", but that's how some French verbs work "je te plumerai la tête" literally means "I'll pluck the head to you", but in English you'd say "I'll pluck your head".

    Hope I cleared it up for you.

    EDIT: I'm guessing the extra line in the French version is just a reference to that song (alouette) which is a kid song.
  • edited August 2010
    Oh. Apperently, a office worker is substituting for the lark in this song.

    Here is the part of the song that the "lark" line came from:

    J’ai une autre réunion Tom
    On va devoir reporter ca
    Chais qu on finira bien par s’entendre
    Ch’passerai prendre des nouvelles de mes collègues
    Qu’sont en train d’ronger ta porte
    On planifiera ca plus tard
    Chuis heureux de voir qu’t’acceptes les critiques constructives
    Malgrès qu’tu sois surbooké,
    Chais qu’c’est l’enfer au bureau
    On réglera ca plus tard
    Quand je t'ouvrirai la tête

    (Et la tête! Et la tête! Alouette! Alouette! Argh!)
  • edited August 2010
    Yeah, it's just referencing the song. Makes sense in French because you'd think of it anyways even if it wasn't mentioned, so it's kinda lampshaded here. I mean, it's the same structure and all, just a different verb.
    So they added it in. Makes a lot of sense. Would be confusing if you don't know the song it's referencing, though.
  • edited August 2010
  • edited August 2010
    It's harder to sleep with sunburns.

    At Mom-Mart, I found the perfect yarn for the REDACTED of Will's REDACTED. I'm happy.

    I really need to knit today.

    The sunburns are not too bad at all on my arms and legs. I guess it's good that I kept moving them.

    They're worst on my eyes. I think it's because I can't butter up my eyes with aloe vera.

    I didn't even know eyes could get sunburnt.

    Maybe it's conjunctivitis. It feels like sunburns, though.

    I've been trying to twitter more, but nobody's following me so it feels utterly pointless.
  • edited August 2010
    I wish I could sleep longer, so I have to spend less time awake.

    Too... much... time.

    It´s so nice to sleep, especially when you´re really tired after a long day and then you gets some good dreams! Then you wake up and realize that it was just a dream, darn:p
  • edited August 2010
    I once dreamed that a sequence of tones summoned the devil. Needless to say, it didn't take long before I woke up screaming, or at least I think I was screaming.

    EDIT: You know what would be an awesome but impractical game here on the forums? Banman.

    Basically it's hangman, but instead of drawing stick figures hanging, you get temp banned if you asked a letter that's not in the phrase.

    Although it works better on IRC. I've seen it being played a lot on a server I go to anyway.
  • edited August 2010
    Still alive and, hah, i finally got four packages of liquorice with yummy ammonium chloride. I instantly had to eat a whole package, ahhhh, what a relief. :O)
  • edited August 2010
    I finally broke down and bought a new graphics card (its been seven years...yeah...about time...) and now spend my time oggeling my computer because of how pretty everything looks...and how smoothly everything runs. I want to go buy a really pretty game now.
  • edited August 2010
    Annoyed how my new game is running really bad.

    I have gotten someone to join the Monkey Island hybe.

    I got *Pirate I Was Meant To Be*, stuck in my head for some reason.

    And I will get to play Curse of Monkey Island when I get gome. :)

    EDIT* And just noticed 300 posts, yay me. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Today I applied to the Second Best Intership Ever. Please wish me luck!
  • edited August 2010
    where is ep.6 of tomi
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Today I applied to the Second Best Intership Ever. Please wish me luck!

    NOW I get the the Monkey Island reference! *facepalm*
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    NOW I get the the Monkey Island reference! *facepalm*

    That's the second biggest facepalm possible on the forum!
  • edited August 2010
    I probably look like a thug.

    I expect a package, and someone came delivering a package to the flat I live, so I kept an eye out for which number he would ring.
    All this while he kept a close eye on me, suspicious, holding his package very tightly to himself.

    Maybe I need to shave... :p
  • edited August 2010
    DISCLAIMER: This is a long and pointless (to anyone but me and I know it all already) post and I don't even know why I'm doing this. Probably for the attention, which is ironic as I hate attention. But I just want to post this. Maybe I should just do a blog instead. Feel free to just ignore all this and everything else that I write.

    I hate myself for messing up my final year at university. Especially when I was working towards something I've wanted for a long time only to self destruct right near the end. And now I'm questioning if going back to university was the right thing to do in the first place and if I am actually capable of doing what I want to do at all. I think that there's still part of me that believes I can but I always doubt myself, which I suppose is true for almost anyone. I guess what it comes down to is what do I want to do. I thought I knew. But now I'm wondering if I was just kidding myself. One thing I do know is that I need to change the way I live my life.

    I guess I've kinda just drifted though life, no real ambition or drive to make something of myself, just doing enough to scrape by and hoping no-one notices me. At school I just turned up and did what I needed to, keeping out of everyone's way, hiding in the shadows (metaphorically anyway!). Too cowardly to stand up for myself when faced with problems like bullies, instead just taking the punches. Too scared to tell a girl that I really liked for years how I felt incase she rejected me and laughed in my face.

    Still, at least I managed to form a few basic friendships, even with that girl. Until college anyway. That's when I found out that friendship can be a lie and one of the most painful lies at that. That girl ended up hating me, and called me psychotic because she was told I did something that I would never do. I can still vividly remember that day, the journey to college puncuated by a few 'fellow' classmates telling me that they heard that someone had been sending vicious text messages to the girl (hell, I think I need to give her a better name than 'that girl' or whatever - L will do fine), to L and a little later I heard that I was the one suspected of doing it. I just carried on, convinced in my mind that L would not believe that. Ah, the innocence of the innocent. When L eventually confronted me, it was one of the most gut wrenching experiences of my life. But the worst part about the whole thing was that I didn't stand up for myself. I knew I didn't do it, I knew I could never do it - I loved her, at least it was what I believe was love, but I just stood there and took the blame for it all. After it was over I just walked over to a corner, crouched down and cried.

    I have a few theories about who actually did it and how they framed me but it doesn't matter now. It's 11 years to late for all that. But it did change me. I thought I had friends there, but most of it was a lie. I now find it hard to really trust people, and next to impossible to open up to anyone - which is while I like the safety that being an anonymous person on the internet brings. It's not all bad. I did find one true friend at college, and he's still my closest friend to this day. But I still can't tell him about any of this. But I can post it all on a internet message board where no-one knows me, not even a virtual persona of myself. Damn it all, this is just attention seeking. I don't know if that's a bad thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is. I guess I am a bad person. But I want to be a good person, doing something I want to do, being passionate about something. I want to be liked, I want to be loved. I want to live. But I get the feeling that subsconsiously I don't. Well, that or I'm just a lazy bastard content to drift though life, not achieve anything and die unremembered.

    Apologies to all who read this pile of tripe.
  • edited August 2010
    @Biggins That was... interesting. Not much else to say.
  • edited August 2010
    I have seen so many times this thing, I wonder if still works.
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I have seen so many times this thing, I wonder if still works.

    what thing?
  • edited August 2010
    @corruptbiggins: One faceless internet person to another, I think you should definitely try university again. If you were studying something that you really love, you would probably regret it if you gave up now. But then again, in the end it is your decision, so do what will make you happiest.

    I have no social life, so I can't offer any advice on that.
This discussion has been closed.