The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited August 2010
    I am writing the weirdest Recommendation Letter IN MY LIFE!
    I asked for a recommendation letter to one of my teachers and she's not particulary good at English, so she ask me... TO WRITE IT FOR HER!
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I am writing the weirdest Recommendation Letter IN MY LIFE!
    I asked for a recommendation letter to one of my teachers and she's not particulary good at English, so she ask me... TO WRITE IT FOR HER!

    say that your the greatest person in the universe and any college that wont take you sucks
  • edited August 2010
    say that your the greatest person in the universe and any college that wont take you sucks

    Too late for that.

    But well... it's a Exchange Student Program, so I'm trying my best to said that but in a bit different way...
  • edited August 2010
    my fav wrestler is still world champ so im happy

    I'm asking this question more out of curiosity than actual care and interest, but, which wrestler?
  • edited August 2010
    work, life, women...bleh bleh!
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I am writing the weirdest Recommendation Letter IN MY LIFE!
    I asked for a recommendation letter to one of my teachers and she's not particulary good at English, so she ask me... TO WRITE IT FOR HER!

    You have to be the luckiest person ever. You should say that you get very offended if people don't pay you $100 an hour
  • edited August 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    I'm asking this question more out of curiosity than actual care and interest, but, which wrestler?

    Kane hes allways been my fav ever since he came in and attacked his storyline brother the undertaker
  • edited August 2010
    Listens to "Never alone" with Lady Antebellum on youtube, beautiful song!
  • edited August 2010
    Well... Resume, Essays, Presentation Letter and Recommendation Letter submited. I hope this one works T_T
  • edited August 2010
    Well, college life is quite calm so far...a little too calm.
  • edited August 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Well, college life is quite calm so far...a little too calm.

    Calm in which way?
  • edited August 2010
    I think they got to me, my mind is so clumsy and un-intelligible. I think they got to me.
  • edited August 2010
    who's they?
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Calm in which way?

    Calm in the "barely any work so far" way. Mostly because of my career + not having to take any remedial classes I guess, almost everyone else I talk to seems quite busy already even though it's only the second week XD
  • edited August 2010
    who's they?

  • edited August 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Calm in the "barely any work so far" way. Mostly because of my career + not having to take any remedial classes I guess, almost everyone else I talk to seems quite busy already even though it's only the second week XD

    Nah, eventually you will have stuff to do. Always happens ^^!
  • edited August 2010
    Oh, believe me I know that, specially considering the school I'm in. It's the calm before the horrible horrible storm XD
  • edited August 2010
    Well, this happened to me, and I remember it like a ghost story. The person who watched it was shocked, didn't move, didn't speak. She was breathing heavily as if she had seen a ghost.Actually she was holding her breath for some reason.

    I walked out into a cross walk, I under estimated the time I had. Chester Avenue, CSU cross walk. There were two vehicles next to one another, one was a van, the other was a car. I saw this out of the corner of my eye for the remote seconds I had.

    I was in the middle of the street when I was almost paved over by the van, I paused for a second, and took a single step forward across the street as I stepped behind the other vehicle and made it to the grass segment in between lanes.

    I was so close to the van in that single moment, that pause, that I could hear the van's engine.

    The crazy thing is that I didn't flinch, didn't really notice anything, I simply acted and survived.

    This happened last year and I haven't been able to forget it.

    If possible, I would love to know how lucky I was, I would love to see some science behind this. The vehicles were going more or less the same speed so I'm guessing around or a little above the speed limit.

    I walked out of parking lot S154 started across to c62. The cars were not far away, closer than I had imagine, just a little before East24th street.

    I needed that one step, and it was down to that one step. There wasn't time for anything else and if I hadn't taken the time, had the time for that one step I wouldn't be here.

    The divider between lanes is concrete but that's not really part of the story. Neither of the cars hard time to stop, both kept going.

    I had no time to take it in, see what happened but I knew it was a hell of a show because the woman was completely shocked. I took a single step to save my life, a single step, just one ,and I'd love to see that in science to know just how lucky I am.
  • edited August 2010
    I just played Infamous yesterday, and that game is awesome.
    And I thought Prototype was awesome, know I see why it was so hard to judge which one was better.

    I can't wait till I get home, so I can play it again. :)
  • edited August 2010
    Kane hes allways been my fav ever since he came in and attacked his storyline brother the undertaker

    That title reign was way overdue
  • edited August 2010
    Got 57.4% on my final Cisco test, well that was a kick in the butt. I am seriously starting to question my choice of career...

    Well I hope I will feel better soon, because that was really a bite in my self confidence...
  • edited August 2010
    That title reign was way overdue

    and it lasted longer then a day which made me happy XP
  • edited August 2010
    I really really hate having the hiccups. They are such a nuisance. I've had them three times today, and the only way I can stop them is by drinking water upside down. Which makes me look stupid. (More than usual, I mean)!
  • edited August 2010
    and it lasted longer then a day which made me happy XP

    I said the same thing lmfao
  • edited August 2010
    I'm very mad at my aunts for various reasons. They became.... not right in the head after my mom died.
  • edited August 2010
    Seems like every Australian I've spoken to about today's election voted for the Greens. Labor's probably going to win, though, even with the ridiculous Internet filter proposal.
  • edited August 2010
    The music industry is incredibly screwed up.
  • edited August 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    The music industry is incredibly screwed up.

  • edited August 2010
    I got my results for my AS level exams the other day (an English high school test thingy). Everything I got was what I expected apart from Philosophy, where I got an E in the exam. I was predicted an A, and most people got As, Bs and Cs, so I was pretty miffed, especially since I can remember being quite confident during and after the exam that I'd done at least adequately (and in the first exam we did in January, I got 97/100, one of the highest scores in my class).
    Now I'm considering whether or not it would be a good idea to request getting it remarked... on the one hand, it might be a sensible thing to do because I've got a reasonable suspicion that I did better than I was given credit for, but on the other hand if I get it remarked and it comes back the same I'll look (and feel) extremely cocky. Dilemmas!
  • edited August 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    I got my results for my AS level exams the other day (an English high school test thingy). Everything I got was what I expected apart from Philosophy, where I got an E in the exam. I was predicted an A, and most people got As, Bs and Cs, so I was pretty miffed, especially since I can remember being quite confident during and after the exam that I'd done at least adequately (and in the first exam we did in January, I got 97/100, one of the highest scores in my class).
    Now I'm considering whether or not it would be a good idea to request getting it remarked... on the one hand, it might be a sensible thing to do because I've got a reasonable suspicion that I did better than I was given credit for, but on the other hand if I get it remarked and it comes back the same I'll look (and feel) extremely cocky. Dilemmas!

    Definately. If you don't you'' be stuck with the grade for the rest of your life, and will regret not getting it remarked.

    What did you get in your AS for philosopy? I didn't think it was possible to get near full marks on one of the tests, and come out with an E overrall. Unless the tests are weighted oddly...

    Anyway, i got better than i expected in mine (3 C's), which i was incredibly surprised at, seeing as i was certain i'd failed maths (i couldn't fully answer a single question in my c4 exam!)
  • edited August 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    Definately. If you don't you'' be stuck with the grade for the rest of your life, and will regret not getting it remarked.

    What did you get in your AS for philosopy? I didn't think it was possible to get near full marks on one of the tests, and come out with an E overrall. Unless the tests are weighted oddly...

    Well, I got a C overall in Philosophy. In the January and July exams I got an A (97/100) and E (42/100) respectively. Their being so different is one of the things that makes me think the E might be a mistake, but I'm not sure how common mistakes are (and how big the margin of error is).
    Friar wrote: »
    Anyway, i got better than i expected in mine (3 C's), which i was incredibly surprised at, seeing as i was certain i'd failed maths (i couldn't fully answer a single question in my c4 exam!)

    3 Cs is good, what subjects did you do apart from maths? I've got friends who took maths that say it's insanely difficult :p
  • edited August 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    Well, I got a C overall in Philosophy. In the January and July exams I got an A (97/100) and E (42/100) respectively. Their being so different is one of the things that makes me think the E might be a mistake, but I'm not sure how common mistakes are (and how big the margin of error is).

    3 Cs is good, what subjects did you do apart from maths? I've got friends who took maths that say it's insanely difficult :p

    Oops, i slightly misread your post. I thought you had your A2 results, and E was your overall grade! I would definately think about retaking it anyway. Maybe as you scored so highly in the first exam, you didn't put as much effort into revising for this one? I know I was the same after my GCSE's (I got an A*,6 A's and 4B's, yet at AS, i got 4 D's!) Sometimes you don't even realise you're doing it. Still worth checking out, if you're only a couple of marks of the next grade. And Philosophy is open to interpretation isn't it? So different examiners may have different views on your work.

    Maths Is insanely difficult, especially if you don't like trigonometry, or calculus (integration, differentiation, which you may or maay not have covered at GCSE). Chemistry at A2 is supposed to be very hard aswell (i did it at AS, and dropped it. I just couldn't remember all the equations, and i hated moles!)

    At A2 i studied Physics, Maths and Biology. Biology just becomes chemistry in the second year (how i hate sugars now! And i can't have a drink without thinking how ADH is affecting my kindeys...)

    What subjects did you do, and what ones are you carrying forward?
  • edited August 2010
    I'm pissed off. Last September, I started an article on Wikipedia for "List of fictional characters with heterochromia". It survived for a really long time, but I just recently checked it, and in June it was nominated for deletion. Rather than delete it outright, they changed it to redirect to the main heterochromia article, so at least I can still view the history on it.

    What really annoys me is that "List of people with heterochromia" is still on there. My argument against deletion when the article first started was that these characters were deliberately given heterochromia by their creators, which makes them more notable than famous people who just happen to have been born with two eye colors. Unfortunately, I can't see the discussion anymore, but apparently someone disagreed with me.

    So...yeah, between the "Baddest of the Bands" article (yes, I created that one too) and now this, apparently any Wikipedia page I create is doomed to become a redirect.
  • edited August 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    Oops, i slightly misread your post. I thought you had your A2 results, and E was your overall grade! I would definately think about retaking it anyway. Maybe as you scored so highly in the first exam, you didn't put as much effort into revising for this one? I know I was the same after my GCSE's (I got an A*,6 A's and 4B's, yet at AS, i got 4 D's!) Sometimes you don't even realise you're doing it. Still worth checking out, if you're only a couple of marks of the next grade. And Philosophy is open to interpretation isn't it? So different examiners may have different views on your work.

    Maths Is insanely difficult, especially if you don't like trigonometry, or calculus (integration, differentiation, which you may or maay not have covered at GCSE). Chemistry at A2 is supposed to be very hard aswell (i did it at AS, and dropped it. I just couldn't remember all the equations, and i hated moles!)

    At A2 i studied Physics, Maths and Biology. Biology just becomes chemistry in the second year (how i hate sugars now! And i can't have a drink without thinking how ADH is affecting my kindeys...)

    What subjects did you do, and what ones are you carrying forward?

    I did Philosophy, Psychology, English Language and IT. I'm dropping IT next year, it's just too mind-numbingly boring for me :p
    I'm pissed off. Last September, I started an article on Wikipedia for "List of fictional characters with heterochromia". It survived for a really long time, but I just recently checked it, and in June it was nominated for deletion. Rather than delete it outright, they changed it to redirect to the main heterochromia article, so at least I can still view the history on it.

    What really annoys me is that "List of people with heterochromia" is still on there. My argument against deletion when the article first started was that these characters were deliberately given heterochromia by their creators, which makes them more notable than famous people who just happen to have been born with two eye colors. Unfortunately, I can't see the discussion anymore, but apparently someone disagreed with me.

    I can't see any reason why it was deleted... :/
  • edited August 2010
    I don't know if you guys do know about a Mine Accident in Chile and a group of miners which are trapped inside the Mine. Has been like, a month since the accident, there's several problems trying to contact with them and the rescue team are working hard but there's still weeks until the guys could be saved. Today, an Excavation Robot make contact with the miners, and go back with a paper, stating the whole group of miners are still ALIVE! All the originally trapped miners!
  • edited August 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    I can't see any reason why it was deleted... :/

    Because "hardcore" Wikipedia editors are fucking snobs.
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I don't know if you guys do know about a Mine Accident in Chile and a group of miners which are trapped inside the Mine. Has been like, a month since the accident, there's several problems trying to contact with them and the rescue team are working hard but there's still weeks until the guys could be saved. Today, an Excavation Robot make contact with the miners, and go back with a paper, stating the whole group of miners are still ALIVE! All the originally trapped miners!

    That's great news!! Hopefully they get them all out soon
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