The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited August 2010
    I´m bored...again
    Thanks god for tv,computers and radio
    Tomorrow I´m gonna go for a ride on a classic cars-cruising with lots of beautiful old cars
  • edited August 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    The most jarring thing is that it's from the soundtrack of a kids show. And it's not like kids associate rubber with condoms. I mean, seriously, the word rubber occurs several times in the song itself. The only thing that could be considered offensive is the fact that the song itself really sounds stereotypically Bollywood. And even then it's just searching for something.

    And what use is it basically? It only causes kids to wonder why the word was censored. It's like standing up against a big-ass monster with a fake magic wand and yelling

    (awesome picture)

    Please give a bit more clarification on this. I bought the soundtrack on the day of release, and no words were censored at all. Was this in the actual TV special downloaded from iTunes?

    Also, on a slightly unrelated note, the Ballad of Klimpaloon song on the soundtrack is awesome.
  • edited August 2010
    *sigh* Life has done it again. I was really happy today. Went to work with a smile on my face, had fun there knowing that on monday two things would happen. First, that the Arundel Festival would finally come to an end, and second, the release of Sam and Max 305.

    Then I got home. I knew things were too good to last. One of my goldfish (whom I have named Rychu), has fallen ill. He's sitting on the floor of his tank on his side. He was fine yesterday. I've just finished moving him to the hospital tank and added the treatments. Now I fear for him. :(
  • edited August 2010
    Aww poor fish. I hope he'll be fine... What treatments did you give him?
  • edited August 2010
    To start with; EasyBalance. It'll ensure all the chemicals are neutralised to a safe level. Most of the time it's meant to be water quality that stresses them out. If they get stressed they get ill. The strange thing is my other two fish are fine. I'm going to be giving him daily 50% water changes now to see if that improves his condition.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't know why I've never told anyone this, because it's really weird and interesting, but it occurred to me earlier to tell you people. I'm nearly 18 years old, and as such I've pretty much levelled up beyond puberty (in most areas). What's interesting about the way my body went through puberty is that it was asymmetrical. What I mean by this is that the left side of my body went through puberty slightly before my right side. Every time I started to notice hair growing in rude, unmentionable places like my armpits and stuff (read: my balls), it was always the left side that started getting hairy first. Same goes for pretty much every puberty-related thing that's ever happened to me. I noticed earlier that my left arm is very slightly hairier than my right one, and that the very few hairs that are coming through where my huge beard should be are thicker and more abundant on the left side. I'm a medical marvel.
  • edited August 2010
    Please give a bit more clarification on this. I bought the soundtrack on the day of release, and no words were censored at all. Was this in the actual TV special downloaded from iTunes?

    Also, on a slightly unrelated note, the Ballad of Klimpaloon song on the soundtrack is awesome.

    It either got updated, but it was only on the tracklist itself. The word appeared as R****r instead of Rubber.

    And yes, Ballad of Klimpaloon is awesome. It really sounds like a real song, the kind you could find on the charts.
  • edited August 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    *sigh* Life has done it again. I was really happy today. Went to work with a smile on my face, had fun there knowing that on monday two things would happen. First, that the Arundel Festival would finally come to an end, and second, the release of Sam and Max 305.

    Then I got home. I knew things were too good to last. One of my goldfish (whom I have named Rychu), has fallen ill. He's sitting on the floor of his tank on his side. He was fine yesterday. I've just finished moving him to the hospital tank and added the treatments. Now I fear for him. :(

    I just hope your goldfish will last better than mine ever did. Dumb thing died after 3 days, but hopefully your goldfish will live on in memory of my dearly departed nerd fish.
  • edited August 2010
    My record for not keeping a fish alive? 6 hours. After that, I was so totally disheartened that I decided to just stick to pets that the rest of my family would take care of.
  • edited August 2010
    Why when I have most of my money in American Dollars, the Dollar has to be cheaper than yesterday? (Exchange in Chilean Pesos). I have less money than yesterday, and I didn't did anything!
  • edited August 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    [My hairs grew asymetrically]

    While my hairs are symetrical, one thing I've noticed is that I have more hairs on the inside of my legs (I mean from the knees down, not the thighs) than on the outside. I'm not sure why, and I've always wondered if it was the same for everybody or if it was one of these things that's different for everyone. I can't check with my husband, because due to his psoriasis he doesn't really grow hairs at all.
  • edited August 2010
    Gee. I feel good about being able to keep a fish longer than you lot can.:p It just goes to show that they are not as easy to keep as is first assumed. I really don't know why people say they make good first pets. Plus, they're much more expensive to keep than you could possibly imagine.
  • edited August 2010
    Gah, you think life is going wonderfully, that everything's going to alright and then something happens and it's just... I can't believe it :(
  • edited August 2010
    Can I ask something of the PAX-goers on this forum? If it doesn't overlap with any of your plans, could one of you possibly record the PAX Jonathan Coulton(and possibly Paul and Storm) concert(s)? No one has to at all, but I(and possibly others) would be very grateful.
  • edited August 2010
    I'm sure they're recording it officially.
  • edited August 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I'm sure they're recording it officially.

    They haven't for the other PAX concerts.
  • edited August 2010
    Today my parents found my Dad's letters to my mom when they were dating. There's some letters from 1968! ^^!
  • edited August 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Today my parents found my Dad's letters to my mom when they were boyfriends. There's some letters from 1968! ^^!

    Might want to reword that...
  • edited August 2010
    I suggest "when they were dating".
    And that's cool!
  • edited August 2010
    I think NOW I got 2 extra experience points in English (Thanks you!)
  • edited August 2010
    Today (the 28th) was my brother's birthday. In France, where he lives, it isn't anymore.
    I sent him an email soon after midnight (French time) so about a day ago.
    I just realised he hasn't replied. I wonder if he's busy celebrating his birthday or if he just won't bother replying at all.
    That's the one brother I kind of get along with (stayed in touch with him and all. Kind of. We exchange one email for Christmas and one for our respective birthdays, in February and August) so it would be sad if he didn't.
    On the other hand maybe it's unreasonable of me to already wonder when it's only been a day.
  • edited August 2010;_ylt=Ag7ZzMzgFWfeqPzO0YHJCWPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100828165711AAXUZ8f

    Avistew, my brother and I are the same way. We talk a little less now, but I'm sure your brother still thinks highly of you.
  • edited August 2010
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    While my hairs are symetrical, one thing I've noticed is that I have more hairs on the inside of my legs (I mean from the knees down, not the thighs) than on the outside. I'm not sure why, and I've always wondered if it was the same for everybody or if it was one of these things that's different for everyone.

    I don't have enough leg hair at the moment to really tell whether there's more on the inside or the outside, but I'm fairly certain that either there's more on the outside, or that inside and outside are pretty even. Do the outside hairs tend to rub off from your trousers or something?
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Today my parents found my Dad's letters to my mom when they were dating. There's some letters from 1968! ^^!

    Aw, that's so sweet! I guess in the age of email and SMS, no one really writes proper letters any more. I wonder if I still have old love letters from high school at my parents' place... those would almost certainly be rather amusing to read. :D
    Avistew wrote: »
    I wonder if he's busy celebrating his birthday or if he just won't bother replying at all. [...] We exchange one email for Christmas and one for our respective birthdays, in February and August) so it would be sad if he didn't.

    One of my three brothers is like that - I send him emails every now and then and he almost never responds. I keep sending them anyway. :p

    With anyone else I'd probably need positive feedback or I'd think the relationship had changed, but I know what my bro is like, and his lack of response is because he's just not the most socially adept of people.

    Just because your brother hasn't emailed, doesn't mean he hasn't been thinking of you (of course it is nicer to get a response though!).
  • edited August 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I don't have enough leg hair at the moment to really tell whether there's more on the inside or the outside, but I'm fairly certain that either there's more on the outside, or that inside and outside are pretty even. Do the outside hairs tend to rub off from your trousers or something?

    I'm mostly naked, and for the past few months if I went out I wore shorts, so that sounds doubtful.
    Plus my trousers go all around my legs, so I'm not sure why that would make a difference :p A matter of cut I guess?
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Just because your brother hasn't emailed, doesn't mean he hasn't been thinking of you (of course it is nicer to get a response though!).

    Oh, I realise that. With a lot of people, when I send them a message I don't really expect an answer unless I'm asking a specific question (and sometimes even when I am, if the question isn't very important), but considering these emails are our only contact and that he always answered before, I happened to notice that he didn't this time.
    Ultimately, I find that I don't care that much (although getting a reply is always nice). But I'm curious since it's the first time.
  • edited August 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Aw, that's so sweet! I guess in the age of email and SMS, no one really writes proper letters any more. I wonder if I still have old love letters from high school at my parents' place... those would almost certainly be rather amusing to read. :D

    My mom when she found its ask me if I wanna laugh. Yes, those must be really amousing. There's Telegraphs as well.
  • edited August 2010
    I like writing long letters. It's more personal, and you don't get interrupted. It gets very "stream of consciousness" which is pretty nice. The only thing I dislike is when you make a mistake and can't undo it :p Then you have a word scrubbed on the letter and it doesn't look too good.

    It's funny because I tend to write them to people I talk to every day by email or IM or on the phone, but I say very different things. Which I guess makes sense since I'm doing all the "talking".
  • edited August 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I don't have enough leg hair at the moment to really tell whether there's more on the inside or the outside, but I'm fairly certain that either there's more on the outside, or that inside and outside are pretty even. Do the outside hairs tend to rub off from your trousers or something?

    Depends on the material, but I used to wear a pair of slacks that would tend to pull/rub hair off of the inside of my leg sometimes when I walked.

    It makes me curious though how Avistew can compare leg hair length because my wife, for example, shaves her legs rather regularly and so wouldn't have enough hair there to be able to make such a comparison.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2010
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    It makes me curious though how Avistew can compare leg hair length because my wife, for example, shaves her legs rather regularly and so wouldn't have enough hair there to be able to make such a comparison.

    Not all women shave their legs, or at least not all women do it with regimented regularity. Personally, the diligence of my de-fuzzing is generally proportional to the likelihood of my legs being seen (or felt up). :p

    And then there are women who wax rather than shave, which requires the hair to be a decent length before it gets ripped out.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't shave any of my body hairs, so it's rather easy for me to compare their length.
    I thought I had mentioned it before, but then again it's hard to keep track of everything I share here :p

    EDIT: I know why I thought people already knew! Because I've posted lots of pictures of me, including a bunch of them where I'm wearing shorts.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2010
    I would like to say happy birthday to all the little spambots turning 22 today.

    Attachment not found.

    Happy birthday, little spambots.
  • edited August 2010
    Im enjoying all the extras on going postal dvd
  • edited August 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I would like to say happy birthday to all the little spambots turning 22 today.

    Attachment not found.

    Happy birthday, little spambots.

    It seems like only yesterday that they were created. Actually, that's probably not too far off...
  • edited August 2010
    It seems like only yesterday that they were created. Actually, that's probably not too far off...

    They were created on different days. I checked this morning when I noticed them.
  • edited August 2010
    I finally finished War and Peace!

    Not sure what to do now...
  • edited August 2010
    I finally finished War and Peace!

    Not sure what to do now...

    Read Les Miserables! It's about five hundred pages shorter, so it should be a breeze. :D
This discussion has been closed.