I think I have all of the clothing items for my Spy costume now, but I still have a lot of work to do and only a week left to do it. The pants need to be altered, I need to buy fabric to make the mask, I have to finish modifying a lunchbox into a sapper, I have to somehow locate a head-sized paper bag, I have to locate driving gloves out of season, and I haven't even started on Max's Severed Head.
Can I ask something of the PAX-goers on this forum? If it doesn't overlap with any of your plans, could one of you possibly record the PAX Jonathan Coulton(and possibly Paul and Storm) concert(s)?(They won't be recorded officially.) No one has to at all, but I(and possibly others) would be very grateful.
That's horrible :eek:.
I couldn't imagine my Kira without her tail flying around. Or why anyone would ever do such a thing... :mad:
Yes it is horrible, I can't believe my self that some idiot could pull a cats tail so hard, its practically pulled off.
It does take quite a bit to pull a cats tail off, so we know it was not an accident, and the vet was clear it was not animal bite.
So we know there is someone out there who took our cat in the tail and pull with all his might.
As for the "meeting online people" discussion, I once met a girl I meeted online IRL.
Afterwards we spoke about it on MSN and she told me her sister and niece wished her "happy time, and don't get raped" cause they kind of figured someone like me would do that.
It's about time, too!
I'm so happy right now, the Tournament of Minds team I've been facilitating made it to the State finals. They just have to beat 2 other teams in a 3-hour challenge to make a play that answers a certain question, and then we're off to Darwin!
Also, they got this thing called the Alec Pascoe Award, which only one team gets, for being adherent to the "Spirit of TOM" and "Overcoming Difficulties", but really it's just because one of the judges' mother had dementia and my team treated the condition in such a way in their answer that it made her cry (in a good way).
What's on my mind? "Should I buy the movie posters with Poker Night at the Inventory and get 25% off, or wait and see if there is a better deal for Pre-ordering the Universial games and risk not having any discount at all?"
I'm wondering just exactly how awesome Bear McCreary's soundtrack to the Battlestar Galactica series is. Currently at mightly awesome, but that may not do it justice.
Creating an entry for a contest, to win Metroid: Other M, the latest installment of one of Nintendo's most anticipated series. All I have to do is post the other side of Samus, as in, well, I have absolutely no idea what exactly they mean, but apparently it's the "second life of Samus", what she does in her private life or something similar. So yeah. Most do it in writing. I decided to do it in pixel. Art. Pixel art. Yeah.
Now all I have to do is create Daft Punk from scratch and I'm done.
With phase 1.
Apparently I decided to create an entire story accompanied with many sprites, one being a big-ass Andross being FIRE'D LAZOR by Samus. No chance in hell I would ever finish that one, but yeah.
Also, apparently I haven't gotten a clue what I think. So yeah. Think about that one.
Oh yeah, forgot, I could also win a black Wii together with the game.
For the second night in a row, I've quit Bioshock 2 in disgust, for the same reason. Both nights, I pressed Esc to bring up the menu so I could save, but instead of the normal in-game menu, I got sent to the main menu, with no "resume" option. Pressing Esc again causes the game to ask if I want to quit to Windows, and clicking "continue" loads my last save. I've been trying to save frequently, but both times I was caught off-guard after a long period between saves. Which means lots of backtracking for me.
The next week is going to be nuts.
Yes it is horrible, I can't believe my self that some idiot could pull a cats tail so hard, its practically pulled off.
It does take quite a bit to pull a cats tail off, so we know it was not an accident, and the vet was clear it was not animal bite.
So we know there is someone out there who took our cat in the tail and pull with all his might.
I would love to pull something of his...
As for the "meeting online people" discussion, I once met a girl I meeted online IRL.
Afterwards we spoke about it on MSN and she told me her sister and niece wished her "happy time, and don't get raped" cause they kind of figured someone like me would do that.
Always nice to hear, no? :rolleyes:
Where did the summer go?
It's traveling to the South Hemiphere ^^!
It's about time, too!
I'm so happy right now, the Tournament of Minds team I've been facilitating made it to the State finals. They just have to beat 2 other teams in a 3-hour challenge to make a play that answers a certain question, and then we're off to Darwin!
Also, they got this thing called the Alec Pascoe Award, which only one team gets, for being adherent to the "Spirit of TOM" and "Overcoming Difficulties", but really it's just because one of the judges' mother had dementia and my team treated the condition in such a way in their answer that it made her cry (in a good way).
So, yeah.
i feel for you
i'm trying to patch things up as best i can :S
Uhh, what?
You do realize your with in throwing disatance?
Edit: Aww thank you Tope
My mum used to do my hair sometimes, with a set of clippers. Until they broke, halfway through shaving my head...
I must be very tired. I just spelt "Broke" as "brok", and half-way as "halthway".
Either that or i'm becoming steadily Dyslexsic!
Isn't that how you spell halthway though?
Freaky, huh.
Happy Birthday RingmasterJ5!
Nope. Mine is in January.
BTW, happy birthday, RingmasterJ5!
I hope to get enough birthday money to order this:
Poker Night at the Inventory
Devil's Playhouse DVD
Devil's Playhose Posters(all)
Sam and Max Symbiote Figures
Sam and Max Comic-Con '92 shirt
Now all I have to do is create Daft Punk from scratch and I'm done.
With phase 1.
Apparently I decided to create an entire story accompanied with many sprites, one being a big-ass Andross being FIRE'D LAZOR by Samus. No chance in hell I would ever finish that one, but yeah.
Also, apparently I haven't gotten a clue what I think. So yeah. Think about that one.
Oh yeah, forgot, I could also win a black Wii together with the game.