There were 3 of them.
2 males, and a female I think.
I think they were fighting over her, but didn't really trade blows.
(Just shouting at each other)
But then again, they may have just been taking turns.
It was funny seeing one of the males bolt down the road, dragging the female along with it! XD
Also there was a long period where two of them were under a car across the road, and the other one was just sitting next to the car, waiting.
And it kept staring at me, but not moving.
All that is required to make a game awesome is to sprinkle a few jetpacks around the map, in securely guarded locations, surrounded by numerous locks, guards and puzzles. So then they're valuable and also cool to have. Alternatively, hide rocket launchers in a similar way.
While those are the absolute benchmark for catchy anime tunes, Jaersh, this one has a certain musical quality to it that makes it catch for me. Perhaps because it reminds me of a Tchaikovsky ballet? Who can fucking say? Answer: Fawful can say.
I am also going to buy Mass Effect 3 when it comes out. Regardless of supporting a subsidiary of EA (who supports SOPA), and regardless of the use of Origin.
I have played ME1 and 2, and I like them both well enough to support continuation of the series.
...Actually, though there are a number of critics who say that the orbital probe mechanic from ME2 is better than driving the Mako in ME1, I find that I prefer driving the Mako. Shooting probes at planets in ME2 got boring pretty quickly for me.
I mean that people on these forums keep mentioning Google+ chat and stuff; I currently only have like 5 people in my circles; and I'm not sure who all I know from here even uses Google+ at all given that it refers to everyone by real life name, whereas on Facebook one could at least look at Telltale's group page.
I'm glad that Colonial Marines still isn't cancelled or delayed yet. A lot of people were bitching about the mechanics of their video presentation at E3. Eh, even though the characters moved a little heavy footed...and even though a few Aliens went by one marine to go after another, it still looked pretty awesome. The detail in recreating LV-426 is fantastic. They'll have my money when it comes out.
I mean that people on these forums keep mentioning Google+ chat and stuff; I currently only have like 5 people in my circles; and I'm not sure who all I know from here even uses Google+ at all given that it refers to everyone by real life name, whereas on Facebook one could at least look at Telltale's group page.
Oh, in that case....
Alternatively, you could just like ask people or something.
If it weren't for the good deals, and the occasional exclusive item I'd never shop there.
Oh well, I'll get Rayman Origins later.
The main priority is the new PC I want to get.
The old man is selling his old steam cleaner which should get us between £200-£300 towards it immediately.
I can chip in £200 no problem.
The old man wants to sell some more stuff though, but its not easy since he collects A LOT of junk.
We are planning to get a i5-2500K CPU since it seems to be the best value one out there, and it can be overclocked if necessary. (And a decent ASUS motherboard that supports it)
We already have that GTX 460 1GB, which looks like it may work, due to its almost immaculate condition, but if not, we'll have to buy something with a bit more meat later.
8GB RAM should do. Anything over that is just overkill.
1tb Harddrive
A new case. Something with a nice cover over the front, and some fans for it. Got something in mind already.
A new PSU. I think a Corsair 650W Enthusiast should do the trick. (Or would the 750W be better?)
A new moniter. Nothing huge, maybe a 24" max. (or a TV with HDMI would do as well, whichever is cheaper)
Maaaybe a 40gb SSD. Depends on how cheap one can get it.
EDIT: Woohoo! I got 320,431 on Tetris (GB).
Best level 9 start score in a good while
(Because real men play Tetris on Level 9! )
...followed by a clip of Firefly that features a 15-year-old Zac Efron.
I just saw a bunch of foxes howling at each other and doing it.
Outside of my window.
At 6AM!
-_- ...all of them....together?
There were 3 of them.
2 males, and a female I think.
I think they were fighting over her, but didn't really trade blows.
(Just shouting at each other)
But then again, they may have just been taking turns.
It was funny seeing one of the males bolt down the road, dragging the female along with it! XD
Also there was a long period where two of them were under a car across the road, and the other one was just sitting next to the car, waiting.
And it kept staring at me, but not moving.
Randy buggers!
neighbour: *turns to his/her wife/husband/girl/guy/gay lover* "I suppose I'm not getting any now, am I?"
Like when someone asks: "OH NO! The princess has been captured by the evil Duke! Will you go rescue her?"
And you say "No".
And he's like "Okay.", and his portrait is in the style of the Okay face.
Then you can like, go and set fire to the town or something because you damn well feel like it.
Then someone's like "You're supposed to be the chosen one!"
Then you're guy is like "Choose this!", then shoots him in the face and rides of in a motorcycle.
So like Fallout/Skyrim, but much sillier and in the JRPG style.
EDIT: Actually it would be like:
JRPG + Open worldidness of Skyrim/Fallout ect. + Postal 2
Game of the century right there.
What!? It doesn't have to make sense!
It just has to be awesome!
If I want a game where I can wrestle a Bear-Nazi in a Tutu over a vat of molten cheese, then I should get what I want!
It was a good run.
-The Cyclops, The Odyssey.
On a side note - Ally, you're a scienceman. Why do sciencemen no longer wear labcoats of this style?
I have played ME1 and 2, and I like them both well enough to support continuation of the series.
...Actually, though there are a number of critics who say that the orbital probe mechanic from ME2 is better than driving the Mako in ME1, I find that I prefer driving the Mako. Shooting probes at planets in ME2 got boring pretty quickly for me.
Just more of you hating everything I like anime-wise. Nah, just kidding. I HATE IT TOO.
Chyron, I don't honestly give a damn. Why don't you somewhere else if you care so little, eh.
By "Different", you mean?
Just different as in...Different from the traditional Mario games.
What does the weather have to do to impress you?
Be mild. I was impressed with the past 2 weeks hovering 0.
Alternatively, you could just like ask people or something.
If it weren't for the good deals, and the occasional exclusive item I'd never shop there.
Oh well, I'll get Rayman Origins later.
The main priority is the new PC I want to get.
The old man is selling his old steam cleaner which should get us between £200-£300 towards it immediately.
I can chip in £200 no problem.
The old man wants to sell some more stuff though, but its not easy since he collects A LOT of junk.
We are planning to get a i5-2500K CPU since it seems to be the best value one out there, and it can be overclocked if necessary. (And a decent ASUS motherboard that supports it)
We already have that GTX 460 1GB, which looks like it may work, due to its almost immaculate condition, but if not, we'll have to buy something with a bit more meat later.
8GB RAM should do. Anything over that is just overkill.
1tb Harddrive
A new case. Something with a nice cover over the front, and some fans for it. Got something in mind already.
A new PSU. I think a Corsair 650W Enthusiast should do the trick. (Or would the 750W be better?)
A new moniter. Nothing huge, maybe a 24" max. (or a TV with HDMI would do as well, whichever is cheaper)
Maaaybe a 40gb SSD. Depends on how cheap one can get it.
EDIT: Woohoo! I got 320,431 on Tetris (GB).
Best level 9 start score in a good while
(Because real men play Tetris on Level 9!
Got to try to get 350,000 next time!