So, out of sheer curiosity (given forum references to it), I decided to watch the MLP pilot episode.
And as it turns out... the show doesn't really suck.
Yes, I'm a guy.
I would like to personally welcome you to the herd. It's nice to have you.
If I was ever offered a spot on The Tester, I'd go for it.
Sure its all a big stupid Fear Factor knock off piece of crap, but actually doing it would be fun.
Would get me out of the house at least...
(I need more real-life friends nearby. Shame none of the neighbours are gaming enthusiasts like myself (If I wanted to play COD all day, I just got to ask my older brother. God that game is bad!))
Well at least tomorrow I'll be stretching my fingers a bit.
I'm skipping regular keyboard on Guitar Hero and going straight to learning PRO mode keyboard.
And Its going well so far.
Shouldn't have been stupid enough to actually try playing some of the songs on medium, since I was just overwhelmed by it.
You HAVE to do the tutorials first. Teaches you the proper hand placements and allows you to get some practice in.
I already am getting a bit comfortable with the whole, using the thumb to lead the white keys, and the other fingers for the black keys thing.
I hope my MIDI to USB cable gets here soon, can't wait to have another instrument to play with.
(I have guitar that I can plug into the line in port via a converter. Works fairly well, but is a pain to set up. Now I'll have a little instrument to hopefully experiment with a little easier. One that, I may add, can be played like a guitar (since its actually a small Keytar), and a mini-keyboard. Sits on my lap nicely, and straps on good. I can see why some people say its a good midi-instrument to have )
I will say the keyboard controller is very nice to play.
Its made by Madcatz who have really upped their game in quality over the years.
Its like the RockBand equivalent of the Street Fighter Fightstick. Maaaybe not the Tournament Edition one, since that is fantastic, but a little better than the standard version.
Got a good light, feel to the keys, but doesn't feel cheap like some other keybaords I've played around with do.
(They kind of half-way between those pro-quality ones, and cheap ones. Far off one, far off the other, but still nice)
E tu Puzzlebox? After Dashing ripped into some guy in this thread for asking a retarded question, Puzzlebox deleted Dashings series of posts and locked the thread! Censorship! Censorship on the eve of the SOPA/PIPA blackout!
Oh my god, I have gone in total "Megamind" mode. I have seen the movie about 3 times, changed my desktop at home, changed my avatar and my quote, I listen to the soundtrack over and over, read fanfic's.
I love it, it makes a normal boring day more interesting when you have something to occupy your mind with that you really just love. My only regret is that I didn't go the the cinema to see this in 2010 when it came out, it could have been absolutely awesome to see it on the big screen. But done is done, I now own the DVD and I am hooked.
But sometimes I can get annoyed that I get this much excited about things, it makes me seem weird to most people.
But it's who I am and I guess I just have to live with it.
I've probably said this before, but I'll say it again: INVADER ZIM FANFICTION IS THE WORST THING EVER. My Immortal, even taken completely seriously, is better than this crap I found.
Lucky that I have only found good fanfic's of Megamind so far, just strangely that most of the ones I have read so far are all seen from Roxanne's point of view.
And yeah like any fanfic's it's is a little more "adult".
I would like to personally welcome you to the herd. It's nice to have you.
Also, happy freakin' birthday to me.
Eeyup. Those things is dangerous
QFT plus Happy Birfday
Thank you very much.
Thats a good question.
On the one hand you have a character which could destroy everything but is held back by psychic guards.
On the other hand you have a character which could destroy everything but is held back by its own amusement.
I would say...
Even more dangerous than both of them.
Especially since he can actually escape the reality he is in if he's aware he can do it.
Could only be stopped power-wise by a kid, and a green-alien thing, and a mutant that doesn't exist in some continuities
Fili cum natum tibi!
Sure its all a big stupid Fear Factor knock off piece of crap, but actually doing it would be fun.
Would get me out of the house at least...
(I need more real-life friends nearby. Shame none of the neighbours are gaming enthusiasts like myself (If I wanted to play COD all day, I just got to ask my older brother. God that game is bad!))
Well at least tomorrow I'll be stretching my fingers a bit.
I'm skipping regular keyboard on Guitar Hero and going straight to learning PRO mode keyboard.
And Its going well so far.
Shouldn't have been stupid enough to actually try playing some of the songs on medium, since I was just overwhelmed by it.
You HAVE to do the tutorials first. Teaches you the proper hand placements and allows you to get some practice in.
I already am getting a bit comfortable with the whole, using the thumb to lead the white keys, and the other fingers for the black keys thing.
I hope my MIDI to USB cable gets here soon, can't wait to have another instrument to play with.
(I have guitar that I can plug into the line in port via a converter. Works fairly well, but is a pain to set up. Now I'll have a little instrument to hopefully experiment with a little easier. One that, I may add, can be played like a guitar (since its actually a small Keytar), and a mini-keyboard. Sits on my lap nicely, and straps on good. I can see why some people say its a good midi-instrument to have
I will say the keyboard controller is very nice to play.
Its made by Madcatz who have really upped their game in quality over the years.
Its like the RockBand equivalent of the Street Fighter Fightstick. Maaaybe not the Tournament Edition one, since that is fantastic, but a little better than the standard version.
Got a good light, feel to the keys, but doesn't feel cheap like some other keybaords I've played around with do.
(They kind of half-way between those pro-quality ones, and cheap ones. Far off one, far off the other, but still nice)
Looks like a Portland woman.
Hipsterism made flesh.
Huh, now that I see a screenshot, it looks like her thigh. Eh, close enough.
And I thought you were cool, Puzzy.
I'd say there's a difference between being an ass and being snarky, but I do suppose he was being slightly assy.
Shoot first ask questions later?
You giving me sass, boy?! Two week ban!
Bye coolsome! I'll try to miss you!
Everyone sucks and I am the best.
you are the best at sucking?
Naturally, for I am the best at everything!
On another note- MORE JOB OFFERS! I have to choose!
Prove it.
You find me a rabid taxi driver and you have a deal.
Puh lease! No one can beat me at doing that!
That sounds like a very heavy hat.
Well... I would be, but when I tried he had me ejected out of the building.
(Why am I having this much fun with this?)
*Starts writing letters to TF2 programmers*
and... done.
My mum says I'm cool.
Well, I guess if she says you are...
I love it, it makes a normal boring day more interesting when you have something to occupy your mind with that you really just love. My only regret is that I didn't go the the cinema to see this in 2010 when it came out, it could have been absolutely awesome to see it on the big screen.
But sometimes I can get annoyed that I get this much excited about things, it makes me seem weird to most people.
But it's who I am and I guess I just have to live with it.
So in my mind at the moment.
Megamind is awesome!
And yeah like any fanfic's it's is a little more "adult".