Heh. I have my own personal reasons for hating Modern Warfare 3, (older and much more immature brother rages on it all the time and its annoying), and besides it was all in good jest.
(And in experience, most of the people I hear him play in their headsets are kids. Its actually pretty funny. As he has to stop and mute everyone every time he plays! XD)
Also, the French seem to realy love Soul Calibur.
(There are more french lobbies and players than British players. Almost on par with the Americans)
Last night I went to the pub with a group of friends and proceeded to get very drunk on wine. Then one of my mates brought me a shot of vodka, followed by another friend doing the same. I vaguely recall stumbling back home in the early hours and walking straight into a lamp post! This morning, I checked the damage and I've got a large gash on my forehead. Vodka and I do not make the best of friends!
I felt like a right Barry Burton! "What! What is this?! Blood! I hope this is not Chris' Davies' blood. Oh, it is; crap!"
I just realized I'm close enough to everything that I can pretty much bike everywhere and not spend money on transportation. I also realized that I am a bit of a money hoarder.
After reading up on the infamous "squall is dead at the end of the 1st disc" fan theory (FFVIII), its got me wondering about a RPG I had thought up before.
(Along with another article about relationships and videogames, and stuff like Dear Esther ect that blogs are talking about)
Well, when I say RPG, it would not exactly be like a JRPG game made with RPG Maker, (though I may consider using RPG maker for it).
Its that investigator fantasy/noir game.
(The one with the middle aged inspector stumbling across a fantasy world)
Its got my mind back to generating alternate endings/storylines, (in essence the game would have been like Silent Hill, in the sense that the right conditions at certain checkpoints in the game would spark an alternate ending, or different story path).
I mean, there is a lot to explore given the character I created.
He could be a man experiencing an extreme mid-life crisis (one great delusion linked to his disatisfaction at his life (wanting to change career/location, but afraid of "betraying" his family/friends/commitments))
He could be a man, (like in this squall theory), who actually died near the beginning of the game, (he would see a shadow while investigating a crime scene, and he picks up a bullet off the ground he didn't see before), and is experiencing a sort of outerbody experience before his death.
He could be a sort of "doctor" and his "awakening" is part of some larger interdimensional plot.
(The Doctor Who ending)
He could literally be a sort of "chosen one", stepping forward to determine the fate of two worlds seperated long ago.
(The dreamfall/sonic X ending! XD)
He could be in a futuristic virtual reality experience, designed to analyse, train and educate people in preparation for re-intergration into society.
Seriously. A lot of possibilities already.
(In a span of about an hour)
I'd love to pick say, 10 possible endings and plot out a storyline that includes references to them.
(Maybe a few joke/parody endings as well! )
Shame Uni and my lack of drive is preventing me from making anything.
(Its my main personality flaw. Great at ideas, a visionary, but putting them into practice and getting it done is really, really hard! (being in a team helps me. Just wish I knew some fellow enthusiasts ). Plus again, my fear of approaching people makes matters harder as well. )
But at least these posts are here, ready for me to pick back up eventually when I'm ready.
(If not, then they sink back into abyss, no harm done)
This can be a really good habit to be in. Keep it up.
It helps that I pay less than a quarter of my salary on rent, I eat mostly free scraps and soup from work, I'm not in debt, I don't have any serious health problems, and I only have to take care of myself. Really, I only have to pay about 450 a month on living expenses, which is even less than one bi-monthly paycheck. I'm really fortunate in that aspect. I budgeted that I would put about a 100 dollars a month into savings, but considering how much I'm realizing I'm saving, I'm probably gonna put more.
It helps that I pay less than a quarter of my salary on rent, I eat mostly free scraps and soup from work, I'm not in debt, I don't have any serious health problems, and I only have to take care of myself. Really, I only have to pay about 450 a month on living expenses, which is even less than one bi-monthly paycheck. I'm really fortunate in that aspect. I budgeted that I would put about a 100 dollars a month into savings, but considering how much I'm realizing I'm saving, I'm probably gonna put more.
It helps that I pay less than a quarter of my salary on rent, I eat mostly free scraps and soup from work, I'm not in debt, I don't have any serious health problems, and I only have to take care of myself. Really, I only have to pay about 450 a month on living expenses, which is even less than one bi-monthly paycheck. I'm really fortunate in that aspect. I budgeted that I would put about a 100 dollars a month into savings, but considering how much I'm realizing I'm saving, I'm probably gonna put more.
goddamn im still only 19
forever a baby
It somewhat saddens me that I probably won't even be getting a real job for about seven years. And I'm twenty-two. And if I want to go into academia, it could be twelve years, adding the five year post-doc.
It somewhat saddens me that I probably won't even be getting a real job for about seven years. And I'm twenty-two. And if I want to go into academia, it could be twelve years, adding the five year post-doc.
Ah, the American academics system: the world's most unlikely, ruthless, and effective scam. Tragic.
Ah, the American academics system: the world's most unlikely, ruthless, and effective scam. Tragic.
Did I mention that I do get paid this entire time? Or at least for ten years of it if I go to a public school. Just not as much as I will once I get a "real" job. It's a comfortable amount though, and three times more than what I've currently been living off of.
I am unbelievably furious. It's not often that I wish I had a couple hundred bucks to blow on a plane trip to go and have a serious conversation with a senator, but this is one of those times. My conversation would probably start off something like: "Good God, woman! These are CHILDREN!" and then would go downhill from there.
This woman does not deserve to be a representative in our country. She doesn't even deserve to be a representative of a cardboard box. And if I have to move to Minnesota to ensure that she never holds any public office ever again, so be it.
Also, yes, I know this is somewhat old news, but I just found it today, so bear with me until I stop wanting to throw things.
I just finished the first half of my exam and I got a 10. That is the second highest grade in Denmark with 12 being the highest, and don't ask me why we skip 11.
Tomorrow it's about finding a flaw on our network and fix it.
We went to the poundshop (to get some sweets) and the cinema, watched The Muppets (great film btw), did a teensy bit of shopping, (I bought Megaman ZX for £8 from CEX, and 2 PS2 games for 99p, and got my little bro a Sonic X dvd), then we went to the kebab shop, and brought our dinner home to eat.
He was incredibly well behaved for me, (even when we had a delay in the cinema due to a hardware fault, but in return we didn't have to watch any ads! ), and I am so proud of him. :')
I slept more than 10 hours last night and I think I really needed that. But now I just came home from work and you can't imagine how dead tired I am again. Something's wrong with me. But I'll pull through until 11 today. Even if I have to play that stupid Mass Effect 3 demo yet again.
Good news coolsome! My fave wrestler CM Punk has creative control over his Documentary DVD/Blu Ray and what matches will be included. It is looking like it will be a September release.
Sorry about that, I'm too lazy to make a new avatar and I just had this one laying around.
You should be sorry! Don't you know that I own the copyright for South Park?! I purchased the rights from Matt and Trey, in exchange for a succulent sausage (with a side helping of chilli sauce). It was a tasty sausage, scrumptious in fact! I think that they got the better end of the deal.
The point is; don't use South Park based avatars, lest I sue your ass for every succulent sausage it doesn't have!
And here I was, about to change my avatar to a Southpark one to start a fad out of it. I had a really nice one too... Oh well. I guess I'll save that for later when the forum starts getting less active.
Heh. I have my own personal reasons for hating Modern Warfare 3, (older and much more immature brother rages on it all the time and its annoying), and besides it was all in good jest.
(And in experience, most of the people I hear him play in their headsets are kids. Its actually pretty funny. As he has to stop and mute everyone every time he plays! XD)
Also, the French seem to realy love Soul Calibur.
(There are more french lobbies and players than British players. Almost on par with the Americans)
Happy whatever today is.
I felt like a right Barry Burton! "What! What is this?! Blood! I hope this is not Chris' Davies' blood. Oh, it is; crap!"
I saw that episode last night as well. It's my favourite episode, alongside 'Behind the Laughter'.
That's brilliant. Took me awhile to remember what day it is. Tuesday, right?
Happy Tuesday, everyone!
Nowt special, this Tuesday. Now next Tuesday, that's something else!
This can be a really good habit to be in. Keep it up.
After reading up on the infamous "squall is dead at the end of the 1st disc" fan theory (FFVIII), its got me wondering about a RPG I had thought up before.
(Along with another article about relationships and videogames, and stuff like Dear Esther ect that blogs are talking about)
Well, when I say RPG, it would not exactly be like a JRPG game made with RPG Maker, (though I may consider using RPG maker for it).
Its that investigator fantasy/noir game.
(The one with the middle aged inspector stumbling across a fantasy world)
Its got my mind back to generating alternate endings/storylines, (in essence the game would have been like Silent Hill, in the sense that the right conditions at certain checkpoints in the game would spark an alternate ending, or different story path).
I mean, there is a lot to explore given the character I created.
He could be a man experiencing an extreme mid-life crisis (one great delusion linked to his disatisfaction at his life (wanting to change career/location, but afraid of "betraying" his family/friends/commitments))
He could be a man, (like in this squall theory), who actually died near the beginning of the game, (he would see a shadow while investigating a crime scene, and he picks up a bullet off the ground he didn't see before), and is experiencing a sort of outerbody experience before his death.
He could be a sort of "doctor" and his "awakening" is part of some larger interdimensional plot.
(The Doctor Who ending)
He could literally be a sort of "chosen one", stepping forward to determine the fate of two worlds seperated long ago.
(The dreamfall/sonic X ending! XD)
He could be in a futuristic virtual reality experience, designed to analyse, train and educate people in preparation for re-intergration into society.
Seriously. A lot of possibilities already.
(In a span of about an hour)
I'd love to pick say, 10 possible endings and plot out a storyline that includes references to them.
(Maybe a few joke/parody endings as well!
Shame Uni and my lack of drive is preventing me from making anything.
(Its my main personality flaw. Great at ideas, a visionary, but putting them into practice and getting it done is really, really hard!
But at least these posts are here, ready for me to pick back up eventually when I'm ready.
(If not, then they sink back into abyss, no harm done)
It helps that I pay less than a quarter of my salary on rent, I eat mostly free scraps and soup from work, I'm not in debt, I don't have any serious health problems, and I only have to take care of myself. Really, I only have to pay about 450 a month on living expenses, which is even less than one bi-monthly paycheck. I'm really fortunate in that aspect. I budgeted that I would put about a 100 dollars a month into savings, but considering how much I'm realizing I'm saving, I'm probably gonna put more.
goddamn im still only 19
forever a baby
Give me your money!
Problem solved! XD
It somewhat saddens me that I probably won't even be getting a real job for about seven years. And I'm twenty-two. And if I want to go into academia, it could be twelve years, adding the five year post-doc.
But then, don't save so much that you live a life of squalor and die wealthy.
Aww why not?
Ah, the American academics system: the world's most unlikely, ruthless, and effective scam. Tragic.
Did I mention that I do get paid this entire time? Or at least for ten years of it if I go to a public school. Just not as much as I will once I get a "real" job. It's a comfortable amount though, and three times more than what I've currently been living off of.
Oh, this is what I'm talking about, by the way.
This woman does not deserve to be a representative in our country. She doesn't even deserve to be a representative of a cardboard box. And if I have to move to Minnesota to ensure that she never holds any public office ever again, so be it.
Also, yes, I know this is somewhat old news, but I just found it today, so bear with me until I stop wanting to throw things.
Attachment not found.
So... awesome...
Tomorrow it's about finding a flaw on our network and fix it.
We went to the poundshop (to get some sweets) and the cinema, watched The Muppets (great film btw), did a teensy bit of shopping, (I bought Megaman ZX for £8 from CEX, and 2 PS2 games for 99p, and got my little bro a Sonic X dvd), then we went to the kebab shop, and brought our dinner home to eat.
He was incredibly well behaved for me, (even when we had a delay in the cinema due to a hardware fault, but in return we didn't have to watch any ads!
(He's the Jimmy to my Dan!)
Also, which does Coolsome prefer; wrestling or Metal Gear Solid?
Would Coolsome be an extremely happy bunny if Kojima produced a wrestling game starring the characters from the Metal Gear series?
Solid Snake Vs Revolver Ocelot. FIGHT!
Isn't that kind of like asking him to choose between his kids?
I dunno but what I do know is, that for my tastes, your avatar is too darn similar to my own!
Sorry about that, I'm too lazy to make a new avatar and I just had this one laying around.
You should be sorry! Don't you know that I own the copyright for South Park?! I purchased the rights from Matt and Trey, in exchange for a succulent sausage (with a side helping of chilli sauce). It was a tasty sausage, scrumptious in fact! I think that they got the better end of the deal.
The point is; don't use South Park based avatars, lest I sue your ass for every succulent sausage it doesn't have!