But I don't even play a stringed instrument. Would a French Horn work? I can play some cool stuff on French Horn. And I could wear a cowboy hat, too, but I'd have to film in the desert because even LOOKING at fake snow makes me feel cold.
You should be sorry! Don't you know that I own the copyright for South Park?! I purchased the rights from Matt and Trey, in exchange for a succulent sausage (with a side helping of chilli sauce). It was a tasty sausage, scrumptious in fact! I think that they got the better end of the deal.
If you did not EAT that sausage but gave it to Matt and Trey...
...how can you know that it was tasty and scrumptious??
It just dawned on me that the earliest I'll ever get to play any of the games I want to is when the current console cycle has ended. Once everyone has moved on to Mass Effect 4 and bitching about how there are no good games for the Wii U, I would have just gotten around to playing Skyrim for the first time.
I should just quit now and stick to smaller games.
- Being less cold than some people
- Able to rest things on Stomach/legs that others couldn't
- Being a cat magnet
- People avoiding sitting next to you on the bus (2 seats yay!)
- Eat what you want
- Don't get ill so much
I would also add to that list getting sick less. After losing the weight I gained freshman year of college I suddenly started getting sick far more often than I had with the extra pounds.
I've heard of albums and songs being based on books, (Hang Cool Teddy Bear was based on a short story for example), but never have I heard of a book being based on an album.
Yes. Rush's Clockwork Angels is getting a novelisation.
(I'm definately going to get the book too! )
Its being written by Kevin J. Anderson
EDIT: Looks like many people consider him to be a hack.
(But since he's a fan and knows the band, it might end up being great. After all, even the biggest failures can occasionally create a gem)
I would also add to that list getting sick less. After losing the weight I gained freshman year of college I suddenly started getting sick far more often than I had with the extra pounds.
Perhaps it had to do with how you lost the weight? Probably just bad luck though.
I'm getting a little skinnier but my weight is staying about the same. Mainly because I'm gaining muscle from biking everywhere and lifting heavy things around. It's only been a month and already my legs feel way stronger.
I would also add to that list getting sick less. After losing the weight I gained freshman year of college I suddenly started getting sick far more often than I had with the extra pounds.
I only ever get sick maybe once or twice a year.
Nothing ever major. A bit of flu, some colds, the rare ear infection, (I've only ever had one or two in my entire lifetime).
Never really had to be absent from anything due to my actual health.
(Mostly its academics, and even then they are explained)
Plus, I get to eat what I want! XD
(Mmmm... Belgian Chocolate Haagen Das! Oh wait? You're on a diet? I guess its all for me then! >: D)
Perhaps it had to do with how you lost the weight? Probably just bad luck though.
I'm getting a little skinnier but my weight is staying about the same. Mainly because I'm gaining muscle from biking everywhere and lifting heavy things around. It's only been a month and already my legs feel way stronger.
I lost the weight mainly through exercise. I went from no physical activity beyond a couple hundred sit-ups/push-ups a day to three hours minimum hard exercise a week. I'm pretty sure the weight was the only factor because I've always been a really sickly person and generally spent a couple of months of the year with some type of sickness and always took forever to get well again. But for those two years where I had that extra fifteen pounds, I only got sick for a few days and even then, my illnesses were fairly mild. Though, while I was physically healthy, I kinda got depressed because I wasn't used to having that extra weight.
And now, I'm back to getting sick for weeks at a time. I'm still recovering from that cold I had at the beginning of January. It irks me that my brother, the stick, never ever gets sick at all. Like...ever. So maybe I'm completely wrong about this general correlation. One of us must be the exception to the rule.
25 beers per week is between 3 and 4 beers every single day. That's still a lot. =\
I can only ever manage like, 1 or 2 drinks average.
A week! :O
(Most of the time, I never really drink at all. I guess I never had any social pressure to drink (never been to pubs/clubs, never been around socialites! XD))
Though that may be down to the fact that I don't actually like beer.
There. I said it.
I. Don't. Like. Beer.
I guess its a kind of bland flavour.
(I like my drinks a bit sweet, with a sharper kick, hence why I tend to drink a vodka mix, Baileys or Cider)
25 beers per week is between 3 and 4 beers every single day. That's still a lot. =\
Well, that's about the national average. The FDA says 20-25 beers a week should be the weekly limit, and 3-4 should be the nightly average. I'm ok with where I'm at, considering only a year ago, in the summer, I was having about 80 a week.
I'm not saying I even want to drink this much forever, but I got out about five times a week, so for now it's inevitable that I'll drink. Just trying to be a little more safe with my body.
Although it is a daily, regular and well documented occurrence; for some bizarre reason, a photo of the act has never been taken. Scientists believe this to be due to a phenomenon known amongst the high-flying experts within the field as 'Bullshitingitis'.
Although it is a daily, regular and well documented occurrence; for some bizarre reason, a photo of the act has never been taken. Scientists believe this to be due to a phenomenon known amongst the high-flying experts within the field as 'Bullshitingitis'.
This makes me sad. But to appease my pic-wanting frame, I've come up with something of a substitute. Not as epic, but a decent enough image that most likely details the main event, primarily a small animal consuming a very large one.
- Being less cold than some people
- Able to rest things on Stomach/legs that others couldn't
- Being a cat magnet
- People avoiding sitting next to you on the bus (2 seats yay!)
- Eat what you want
- Don't get ill so much
-Heightened chance of cancer
- Heightened chance of heart disease
- Heightened chance of liver failure
- Faster bone deterioration
- Higher blood pressure
- Higher chance of pancreatic failure
I have a soft spot for white haired ghost characters. Yes, that is something that is plural. My username is a referrence to another- Hitsugaya Toshiro from Bleach.
Somehow I associate well with albino looking characters that aren't well liked by their peers.
I have a soft spot for white haired ghost characters. Yes, that is something that is plural. My username is a referrence to another- Hitsugaya Toshiro from Bleach.
Somehow I associate well with albino looking characters that aren't well liked by their peers.
Sounds good to me. I'll cope with the change eventually.
-Heightened chance of cancer
- Heightened chance of heart disease
- Heightened chance of liver failure
- Faster bone deterioration
- Higher blood pressure
- Higher chance of pancreatic failure
here comes the health police from the guy who drinks 5 beers a day
Being honest about risks is better than being self deluded.
Yes, to yourself, but not farting around other people's business that aren't your own. I don't see you doing this to anyone else who posts any other potentially health degrading habits.
If you did not EAT that sausage but gave it to Matt and Trey...
...how can you know that it was tasty and scrumptious??
Now you gotta do it, Alcore!!!
Bonus points if you got the reference to who the character is supposed to be without going to: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1933284928080.113600.1120999456&type=3#!/photo.php?fbid=1937778080406&set=a.1933284928080.113600.1120999456&type=3&theater
I should just quit now and stick to smaller games.
Theres only one way to find out FIIIIGHHT.
A cross over would between the two then we can have Solid Snake vs Jake the Snake!
- Being less cold than some people
- Able to rest things on Stomach/legs that others couldn't
- Being a cat magnet
- People avoiding sitting next to you on the bus (2 seats yay!)
- Eat what you want
- Don't get ill so much
I've heard of albums and songs being based on books, (Hang Cool Teddy Bear was based on a short story for example), but never have I heard of a book being based on an album.
Yes. Rush's Clockwork Angels is getting a novelisation.
(I'm definately going to get the book too!
Its being written by Kevin J. Anderson
EDIT: Looks like many people consider him to be a hack.
(But since he's a fan and knows the band, it might end up being great. After all, even the biggest failures can occasionally create a gem)
Now I can finally call my self a Certified IT-Supporter.
Perhaps it had to do with how you lost the weight? Probably just bad luck though.
I'm getting a little skinnier but my weight is staying about the same. Mainly because I'm gaining muscle from biking everywhere and lifting heavy things around. It's only been a month and already my legs feel way stronger.
This is actually pretty common.
Nothing ever major. A bit of flu, some colds, the rare ear infection, (I've only ever had one or two in my entire lifetime).
Never really had to be absent from anything due to my actual health.
(Mostly its academics, and even then they are explained)
Plus, I get to eat what I want! XD
(Mmmm... Belgian Chocolate Haagen Das! Oh wait? You're on a diet? I guess its all for me then! >: D)
I lost the weight mainly through exercise. I went from no physical activity beyond a couple hundred sit-ups/push-ups a day to three hours minimum hard exercise a week. I'm pretty sure the weight was the only factor because I've always been a really sickly person and generally spent a couple of months of the year with some type of sickness and always took forever to get well again. But for those two years where I had that extra fifteen pounds, I only got sick for a few days and even then, my illnesses were fairly mild. Though, while I was physically healthy, I kinda got depressed because I wasn't used to having that extra weight.
And now, I'm back to getting sick for weeks at a time. I'm still recovering from that cold I had at the beginning of January. It irks me that my brother, the stick, never ever gets sick at all. Like...ever. So maybe I'm completely wrong about this general correlation. One of us must be the exception to the rule.
25 beers per week is between 3 and 4 beers every single day. That's still a lot. =\
I can only ever manage like, 1 or 2 drinks average.
A week! :O
(Most of the time, I never really drink at all. I guess I never had any social pressure to drink (never been to pubs/clubs, never been around socialites! XD))
Though that may be down to the fact that I don't actually like beer.
There. I said it.
I. Don't. Like. Beer.
I guess its a kind of bland flavour.
(I like my drinks a bit sweet, with a sharper kick, hence why I tend to drink a vodka mix, Baileys or Cider)
Well, that's about the national average. The FDA says 20-25 beers a week should be the weekly limit, and 3-4 should be the nightly average. I'm ok with where I'm at, considering only a year ago, in the summer, I was having about 80 a week.
I'm not saying I even want to drink this much forever, but I got out about five times a week, so for now it's inevitable that I'll drink. Just trying to be a little more safe with my body.
Once a year; the Snaggle Puss emerges from within her lair and consumes an entire adult moose. She later regrets the act.
That is all.
Although it is a daily, regular and well documented occurrence; for some bizarre reason, a photo of the act has never been taken. Scientists believe this to be due to a phenomenon known amongst the high-flying experts within the field as 'Bullshitingitis'.
This makes me sad. But to appease my pic-wanting frame, I've come up with something of a substitute. Not as epic, but a decent enough image that most likely details the main event, primarily a small animal consuming a very large one.
-Heightened chance of cancer
- Heightened chance of heart disease
- Heightened chance of liver failure
- Faster bone deterioration
- Higher blood pressure
- Higher chance of pancreatic failure
I have a soft spot for white haired ghost characters. Yes, that is something that is plural. My username is a referrence to another- Hitsugaya Toshiro from Bleach.
Somehow I associate well with albino looking characters that aren't well liked by their peers.
Sounds good to me. I'll cope with the change eventually.
here comes the health police from the guy who drinks 5 beers a day
I'm aware of my risks. If it eases your mind, I can post the health risks of drinking 25 beers a week.
Being honest about risks is better than being self deluded.
Yes, to yourself, but not farting around other people's business that aren't your own. I don't see you doing this to anyone else who posts any other potentially health degrading habits.
Well, I'm going to sleep. Early day tomorrow.