The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited October 2010
    I always thought Brawl was T because of both the "real weapons" Snake uses and Zero Suit Samus.

  • edited October 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »

    I don't really know why I thought ZSS would factor into the T rating, but I always thought that for some reason. Maybe it was because of the obvious sexual innuendos when you get Codec info on her as Snake.

    Also, a warning for anyone who plans to buy SMB: If you are a completionist like me, Dark 3-18 will be extremely frusterating. I've put at least an hour into that one level, and I'm about to try some more.
  • edited October 2010
    Super Meat Boy is by no means the Meat Boy flash game, or even the Meat Boy flash game with a new coat of paint. It shares very similar core gameplay, yes, but it's an entirely new title from the ground up. It looks fantastic, plays extremely well, is highly addictive, and is very much worth the $10-15 you put into it. It's just too bad that the standard Xbox 360 directional pad is so terrible(the new one looks really promising), because a game like this deserves a good directional pad. The Wii remote's would work well, or a good gamepad for PC.
  • edited October 2010
    Super Meat Boy is by no means the Meat Boy flash game, or even the Meat Boy flash game with a new coat of paint. It shares very similar core gameplay, yes, but it's an entirely new title from the ground up. It looks fantastic, plays extremely well, is highly addictive, and is very much worth the $10-15 you put into it. It's just too bad that the standard Xbox 360 directional pad is so terrible(the new one looks really promising), because a game like this deserves a good directional pad. The Wii remote's would work well, or a good gamepad for PC.

    I have been doing well with the analog stick, but I agree.

    Also, I've discovered that Tim is the best character for Dark 3-18, but the level is still extremely hard if you're trying to get the bandage.
  • edited October 2010
    I just saw Back to the Future for the first time ever... at 20 years old.
  • edited October 2010
    I just saw Back to the Future for the first time ever... at 20 years old.

    So what did you think?

    Also, has anyone played the wiiware game 'And Yet It Moves'? I've been contemplating whether to get it or not. It looks interesting, but it also looks as though it has no plot.
  • edited October 2010
    I finally hung up my prized autographed picture of a wrestler I love. I've been meaning to put it up for ages, but kept putting it off. Something I do a lot in my life! XD


    Did you get that signed yourself, or did you buy the autograph somewhere?
  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    Also, has anyone played the wiiware game 'And Yet It Moves'? I've been contemplating whether to get it or not. It looks interesting, but it also looks as though it has no plot.
    Chess doesn't have a plot either. It's a game. A plot is at most SECONDARY MATERIAL, and is by no means a requirement to be a good or even great game.

    And Yet It Moves is an excellent title. I've loved it since it was "The indie PC game 'And yet It Moves'." It's an extremely stylish title with creative gameplay mechanics, incredible puzzle design, incredible sound direction, and well-designed, balanced gameplay with a solid difficulty curve. It gets a massive thumbs-up from me and anyone who has any taste in games should play it. It is one of the indie games that has an incredible and well thought-out gameplay concept that is implemented to its fullest possible potential, with a polish and execution that you honestly don't expect, that couldn't have been improved upon by a major studio. It looks amazing, it sounds amazing, it plays amazing. That it doesn't tuck you in and tell you a bedtime story too is not a slight against it.
  • edited October 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    Did you get that signed yourself, or did you buy the autograph somewhere?

    I bought it off useing birthday money I had saved up.
  • edited October 2010
    Chess doesn't have a plot either. It's a game. A plot is at most SECONDARY MATERIAL, and is by no means a requirement to be a good or even great game. If you say otherwise, you are an idiot, I hate you, and you should go douse yourself in gasoline and light a match, because you're part of the problem with gaming these days.

    If you're not a moron, And Yet It Moves is an excellent title. I've loved it since it was "The indie PC game 'And yet It Moves'." It's an extremely stylish title with creative gameplay mechanics, incredible puzzle design, incredible sound direction, and well-designed, balanced gameplay with a solid difficulty curve. It gets a massive thumbs-up from me and anyone who has any taste in games should play it. It is one of the indie games that has an incredible and well thought-out gameplay concept that is implemented to its fullest possible potential, with a polish and execution that you honestly don't expect, that couldn't have been improved upon by a major studio. It looks amazing, it sounds amazing, it plays amazing. That it doesn't tuck you in and tell you a bedtime story too is not a slight against it.

    :D I completely agree that a game does not require a plot. I was just unsure whether this game needed one. I have no idea what type of game it is, but I was thinking that if it was, say an adventure game, then it would need a plot. If it's a puzzle game then generally no, no plot is required, just great game mechanics.

    The art on the game looks really good and different, which is what got me interested in the first place. It looks like I'm going to have to download this first chance I get! Thanks for the help.
  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    :D I completely agree that a game does not require a plot. I was just unsure whether this game needed one. I have no idea what type of game it is, but I was thinking that if it was, say an adventure game, then it would need a plot. If it's a puzzle game then generally no, no plot is required, just great game mechanics.

    The art on the game looks really good and different, which is what got me interested in the first place. It looks like I'm going to have to download this first chance I get! Thanks for the help.
    Oh hey, your quote contains my post before I decided to tone it down because I felt it was a bit pointlessly mean. Which...also means that was the version you read. Oops. :(

    It's a puzzle/platformer. It's by no means an "Adventure Game" or any particularly narrative genre.
  • edited October 2010
    Oh hey, your quote contains my post before I decided to tone it down because I felt it was a bit pointlessly mean. Which...also means that was the version you read. Oops. :(

    I wasn't offended by it or anything, infact I burst into laughter at it. Hence the ':D'. I thought it was just your style.;)
  • edited October 2010
    If it's all the same to you, I would hope that "my style" doesn't become synonymous with needlessly antagonizing people.
  • edited October 2010
    If it's all the same to you, I would hope that "my style" doesn't become synonymous with needlessly antagonizing people.

    :eek: I meant it seems to be your style to say what you think. As far as I could see, you were just defending your point of view, but I guess it came out a little harsher than you intended.

    Sorry if I offended you.:(
  • edited October 2010
    Oh, no, I'm not offended in the slightest. Just relieved that you weren't.

    I have strong opinions, and I by all means am going to express them, but there's a difference between expressing yourself and being harsh and inconsiderate. I sometimes walk that line and have at times crossed it, but I'd like to at least arguably stay in-line with reasonable and civil discussion. Asking someone to light themselves on fire, in retrospect, seems like it may very well be outside that boundary.
  • edited October 2010
    That's the most pleasantly-avoided flamewar scenario I've ever seen. Why can't more people on the internet be like you two?
  • edited October 2010
    Fealiks wrote: »
    That's the most pleasantly-avoided flamewar scenario I've ever seen. Why can't more people on the internet be like you two?
    No, YOU shut up!
  • edited October 2010
  • edited October 2010
    How about this:

    I'll back down when your mother stops being a whore.

  • edited October 2010
    Do not insult my family. I'm warning you, pal.
  • edited October 2010
    It's not my fault that your mother gets ridden more than a town bicycle passed on from town to town. Promiscuity in perpetuity is her motto.
  • edited October 2010
    I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO THERE! I'm gonna find you and pwn your noob so hard you won't even feel it! F U!
  • edited October 2010
    * gets popcorn*
  • edited October 2010
    Woah! I'm glad I'm not part of that! :D
  • edited October 2010
    *starts selling tickets.*
  • edited October 2010
    I uploaded this picture to prove to my friends I wasn't a nerd.


    I may have made a miscalculation though
  • edited October 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    *starts selling tickets.*

    How much for one ticket for the Fealiks vs Rather Dashing fight?
  • edited October 2010
    You look like a Young David Tennent in that picture
  • edited October 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    You look like a Young David Tennent in that picture

    I cannot tell you how happy that has made me feel!
  • edited October 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    You look like a Young David Tennent in that picture

    Now that you mention it, I see it too...

    It's definitely the glasses.
  • edited October 2010
    Jen Kollic wrote: »
    Because my flatmate and I are both huge Warhammer geeks, our networks are usually called something 40k-related, so far we've had 'Aether', 'Immaterium', 'Empyrean' and it's currently called 'Webway' because my flatmate was on an Eldar kick when we got the new router. Our computers also have geeky network names, my laptop is 'Asur' and my desktop is 'Mainframe', his desktop is 'Pip-Boy 3000'. Because geeky references NEVER get old. (not if you're easily amused anyway)

    My ipod is Ringo, and my laptop is Blue Midget... cos it's small and blue...:D also, my green car has been called Starbug on a few occasions. I thought about getting number plates that said that...
  • edited October 2010
    My computer is lister.

    My iPod touch is Remopod
    My iPhone is Remophone
    My Flash Drive is Remodrive
    My other flash drive is Remodrive II

    I'm so creative.
  • edited October 2010
    Me: Thank you for calling_____How may I help you?
    Customer: Do you have Halo reach on PS3?
    Me: No, it's an X-box exlcusive.
    Customer: about...wait, I could have sworn they made halo for the PS3.
    Me: Nope, it's been X-box, since the first one the first and second were ported to PC.
    Customer: Well, F*** I just lost 50 bucks!

    Ah, I love my job.
  • edited October 2010
    How many "Do you have Battletoads?" calls have you gotten?
  • edited October 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    How many "Do you have Battletoads?" calls have you gotten?

    twice, and we told them we have it for Xbox 360 DLC card.
  • edited October 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    So what did you think?

    I enjoyed it a lot!
  • edited October 2010
    My, the boards really are a ghost town today...


    ...everyone must have lives of something.

    Also: Just out of interest, is it possible to spam the "whatever's on your mind" thread?
  • edited October 2010
    It's always quieter in the weekend. For some reason. Seriously, I'd expect the opposite.
    My other forums are like that, too, completely dead tonight. And of course, that's usually when nobody's on MSN/Skype either :p
  • edited October 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Also: Just out of interest, is it possible to spam the "whatever's on your mind" thread?


    It's raining men! Hallelujah- it's raining men! Amen!

    I'm gonna go out. I'm gonna let myself get- ab-so-lutely soaking we-e-e-t.

    It's raining men! Hallelujah- it's raining men!

    Every specimen! Tall. Blond. Dark and lean. Tough and rough and strong and mean!
  • edited October 2010
    But, see, that would be spam in any other thread, undoubtedly. But if that's what's on your mind, and you post it here, then how can it be spam?

    Actually, no: Screw it. I've changed my mind, that's spam in any thread.
    Avistew wrote: »
    It's always quieter in the weekend. For some reason. Seriously, I'd expect the opposite.
    My other forums are like that, too, completely dead tonight. And of course, that's usually when nobody's on MSN/Skype either :p

    I think the main reason would be because forum posting really is mixed into procrastination time. And procrastination time usually comes when you're working on projects or studying (as most of the users here are students of some description), and study & projects are usually done during the week. But then when the weekend rolls around, most people probably take advantage of it by going out, rather than spending it in front of a computer.

    That's my theory, anyway.
This discussion has been closed.