The First Great Sam & Max Race of 2010



  • edited September 2010
    I think that's doable. I won't call the race closed just yet, then.
  • edited September 2010
    I think that's doable. I won't call the race closed just yet, then.

    Damn only having 4 do-overs! Mind, it's only fair, otherwise ppl would just take the Whizzer and have fun and/or mock episodes.

    At least I'm better set for the next one, if there is another S&M race. Strong Bad is the one I'm going to suck in because 1) the gameplay is quite different and 2) I've only had one playthough of every episode. I won't even touch W&G in a race situation because I really find it hard to use the arrow keys while pointing and clicking.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, Icedhope and I thought carefully about how many do-overs to allow. Actually, I need to go back and see if I can find that conversation, because I've forgotten what we decided about the do-overs for the next Monkey Island race.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, Icedhope and I thought carefully about how many do-overs to allow. Actually, I need to go back and see if I can find that conversation, because I've forgotten what we decided about the do-overs for the next Monkey Island race.

    If only the Telltale season, I'd recommend one. If all the games, I'd recommend 2, maybe 3.
  • edited September 2010
    Okay, I looked it up. We decided that you get to redo one LucasArts game and one chapter of Tales. Also, I'm not certain, but I think we may have decided that you can trade your LucasArts do-over for two more Tales do-overs, though I'm not sure if that's really fair since some people actually finished Secret faster than some episodes of Tales.
  • edited September 2010
    Okay, I looked it up. We decided that you get to redo one LucasArts game and one chapter of Tales. Also, I'm not certain, but I think we may have decided that you can trade your LucasArts do-over for two more Tales do-overs, though I'm not sure if that's really fair since some people actually finished Secret faster than some episodes of Tales.

    I think that's still fair. The way I see it, if you still have one time for each and every game, it really doesn't matter which are longer compared with others. Perhaps I'm missing something here.

    Don't forget that Tales still has only 5 episodes and the other MIs comprise 4. For S&M, 6 + 5 + 5 = 16 episodes. 4 do-overs is the square root of this. Applied to MI, this gives us 9 gameplays = 3 do-overs. You could either redo 1 LA, 1 episode and another of choice or leave all 3 to the player to decide. To me, I can't see it making that much difference.

    Another formula would be D.O. = 2 * sq-root(total) - 4. This gives exactly 2 do-overs for MI while still giving 4 for S&M. Obviously still up to whoever organises it.
  • edited September 2010
    301: 2:48

  • edited October 2010
    Streaming 302 now.
  • edited October 2010
    Oh, I forgot to put 302's time.


    Starting 303 soon.
  • edited October 2010
    Taking a break, have not finished 303 yet.
  • edited October 2010
    Taking a break, have not finished 303 yet.

    i can finish 303 by 12:00
  • edited October 2010
    Resuming 303 soon.
  • edited October 2010
    303: 2:09
  • edited October 2010
    In the middle of 304 now.
  • edited October 2010
    304: 2:12
  • edited October 2010
    Updated. Sorry I was slacking. I'm still gonna need a time on 104 for you.

    And, uh...dood? You alive?
  • edited October 2010
    Starting 305 now. I wil do a do-over(301) after 305, and then get you that missing 104 time.
  • edited October 2010
    305- 2:29 Not doing a do-over tonight, but will get that 104 time tonight.
  • edited October 2010
    Starting first do-over(301) now. I know I have NOT got the 104 time, but I am having the video load up in the background. I should be able to give both times in the next post.
  • edited October 2010
    Finally, 104: 1:16.

    Taking a break.
  • edited October 2010
    Almost there! You can do it!
  • edited October 2010
    Almost there! You can do it!

    I plan to get the rest of 301 done tonight, and the final 3 do-overs tomorrow.
  • edited October 2010
    Sorry! I had way too much things to do today, and had no time to fit the Race in. I just need ONE more day, and then you can call the race closed, wheather all my do-overs are done or not.
  • edited October 2010
    No problem.
  • edited October 2010

    Starting my 302 do-over in an hour.
  • edited October 2010
    OK, the final 3 do-overs start NOW.
  • edited October 2010
    Nevermind, encountered possible 302 glitch:
    I did the Nefertiti-ventroloquist thing in reel 3 before going to reel 2, and now I can't get Jurgen to stay in his room so Nefertiti can give him the letter.
    I didn't really test other possible things out, because it was a Race entry, so as far as I know, it is a glitch.
  • edited October 2010
    Nevermind, encountered possible 302 glitch:
    I did the Nefertiti-ventroloquist thing in reel 3 before going to reel 2, and now I can't get Jurgen to stay in his room so Nefertiti can give him the letter.
    I didn't really test other possible things out, because it was a Race entry, so as far as I know, it is a glitch.

    I think I had that once but on other occasions, she's gone into his room and left it for him on the dressing table.
  • edited October 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    I think I had that once but on other occasions, she's gone into his room and left it for him on the dressing table.

    This time, it just wasn't there.
  • edited October 2010
    About to start the remaining do-overs again. Hopefully, I won't encounter any glitches.
  • edited October 2010
    202: 1:34
  • edited October 2010
    Sorry, can't get the other two done today. End it if you want, but I would like the extra day. I need to go lie down, because I can't stop blinking.
  • edited October 2010
    Go ahead and take the extra day. You're at the end, so I'll end it when you're finished.
  • edited October 2010
    Starting my 203 do-over now.
  • edited October 2010
    Nevermind, the Livestream servers are down.
  • edited October 2010
    203: 1:50

    I was having Livestream problems, but still managed to get the episode finished.
  • edited October 2010
    Time for 305. The ending of the race starts NOW.
  • edited October 2010
  • edited October 2010
    It's over, then? I kinda lost count on your do-overs there. Okay then...


    Final results will be up shortly.
  • edited October 2010

    1. caeska - 15:02
    2. Nintomster - 15:37 (+0:35)
    3. joseppey - 16:05 (+1:03)
    4. SlasherMan - 17:00 (+1:58)
    5. Icedhope - 17:43 (+2:41)
    6. StrongBrush1 - 17:56 (+2:54)
    7. tbm1986 - 18:53 (+3:51)
    8. RingmasterJ5 - 26:29 (+11:27)

    The Highway
    The Gentleman


    Surfin' the Highway (Fastest time on Hit the Road): NOBODY!
    Culture Cultist (Fastest Time on Culture Shock): Nintomster - 0:44
    Situation Under Control (Fastest Time on Situation: Comedy): Icedhope - 0:38
    Stick It To the Mob (Fastest Time on The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball): Nintomster, SlasherMan, and caeska - 0:41
    Expedient Election (Fastest time on Abe Lincoln Must Die): caeska - 0:50
    A Grip on Reality (Fastest Time on Reality 2.0): SlasherMan and caeska - 0:47
    Always Look on the Bright Side (Fastest Time on Bright Side of the Moon): Nintomster and caeska - 0:51
    Merry Exorcist-mas (Fastest Time on Ice Station Santa): Icedhope and caeska - 0:58
    Welcome to Paradise (Fastest Time on Moai Better Blues): Slasherman - 0:42
    Zoom Zoom Zombie (Fastest Time on Night of the Raving Dead): Icedhope - 0:49
    Chariots of Fire (Fastest Time on Chariots of the Dogs): caeska - 0:46
    The Speed Devil (Fastest time on What's New, Beelzebub?): Icedhope - 0:57
    One Swift Stroke (Fastest time on The Penal Zone): Nintomster - 1:13
    Tomb Raider (Fastest time on The Tomb of Sammun-Mak): caeska - 1:14
    They Beat Max's Time! (Fastest Time on They Stole Max's Brain): Nintomster - 1:10
    Put your Toys Away (Fastest Time on Beyond the Alley of the Dolls): Nintomster and caeska - 1:06
    Max Destruction (Fastest Time on The City That Dares Not Sleep): caeska - 1:12
    World Savior (Fastest Time on Save the World): caeska - 4:38
    4th Dimension Traveler (Fastest Time on Beyond Time and Space): caeska - 4:26
    Speak of the Devil (Fastest Time on The Devil's Playhouse): caeska - 5:58
    Speedy Sam (Fastest Total Time): caeska - 15:02
    Don't Say "Achievement", Sam (Most Annoying Number of Achievements): caeska - 13
    First to the Finish (First Person to Finish the Race): StrongBrush1
    You Crack Me Up, Little Buddy (Closest Competitors): Icedhope and StrongBrush1 (0:13 difference)
    Bosco's Playhouse (Most Absent): The Highway, tabstis, Neelo, evilguy12, TomPravetz, The Gentleman, mightypiratetm, hamza721, Spamking
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