The First Great Sam & Max Race of 2010



  • edited September 2010
    oops, erm... I think my 106 time was 1:20 ish
    my 201 time was 201
  • edited September 2010
    Good enough for me!
  • edited September 2010
    So.... I must be a godly player if I can finish season 2 in 1:32 minutes. :P
  • edited September 2010
    305 done, time was 1h 12 min
  • edited September 2010
    Congratulations on finishing. Your time for The Devil's Playhouse is 5:58. Your total time is 15:02, placing you in 1st place by 35 minutes.
  • edited September 2010
    Starting the Penal Zone now.
  • edited September 2010
    Done with 301. Final time: 1 hour 20 minutes
  • edited September 2010
    Beginning The City that Dares Not Sleep.
  • edited September 2010
    Starting The tomb of Sammun Mak now
  • edited September 2010
    Starting 204 very soon.
  • edited September 2010
    Finished The City That Dares Not Sleep. Time is 1:17.
  • edited September 2010
    They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:26
    Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:35
    The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:22
  • edited September 2010
    Done Final Time in 302: 1 hour 25 minutes

    starting They stole Max's brain now.
  • edited September 2010
    Done with 303 Final Time: 1 hour 33 minutes
  • edited September 2010
    Starting 304 now.
  • edited September 2010
    304 Final time: 1 hour 20 minutes
  • edited September 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    So.... I must be a godly player if I can finish season 2 in 1:32 minutes. :P idea what happened there...
  • edited September 2010
    106: 1:11
    204: 1:53
    205: 2:19
  • edited September 2010
    Trying to get everything all updated. Everything went all crazy with so many (two) people finishing today.

    Ringmaster, I still need 104 from you.
  • edited September 2010
    streaming 202 in a bit over at
  • edited September 2010
    I've distributed the achievements. They're still up in the air, but you can see who currently has what now.
  • edited September 2010
    202 done in 1:55
  • edited September 2010
    Alright, time to wrap this up. Starting 305 now.
  • edited September 2010
    Playing 301 do-over now.
  • edited September 2010
    DONE! Final time: 1 hour 19 minutes
  • edited September 2010
    Finished 301 do-over. 9:16 - 7:51 = 1:25. Might do another tonight, might not. At least my tDP time is now semi-respectable.
  • edited September 2010
    Maybe you could have another achievement - The Harry Moleman Award for Uselessness. It would go to the one who has the longest time overall/someone with no other achievements (aka me).
  • edited September 2010
    Starting 304 do-over now.
  • edited September 2010
    Finished 304 do-over. 11:18 - 10:05 = 1:13.

    Edit: how the **** did Nintomaster & Caeska both get 1:06 for this episode? Admittedly I made 6 mistakes this time but I don't think that amounts to 7 mins. 2nd again :(
  • edited September 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    Finished 304 do-over. 11:18 - 10:05 = 1:13.

    Edit: how the **** did Nintomaster & Caeska both get 1:06 for this episode? Admittedly I made 6 mistakes this time but I don't think that amounts to 7 mins. 2nd again :(

    Didn't you like, watch my entire stream of that episode? And I stumbled a bit on the exorcism and the part with Sal so you know it's possible!
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Didn't you like, watch my entire stream of that episode? And I stumbled a bit on the exorcism and the part with Sal so you know it's possible!

    Yes, and you were replying to me sometimes as well. Actually, if you look at my do-over vid, what I was telling you during the exorcism is wrong because once Morty's protrait is on the table, you have to Hotep the picture to trigger the mind-reading cutscene change, so you do have to perform ventriloquism twice, which is very annoying.

    I probably had the most optimal path in mind (although you're damn close) but you're so much better at the execution than me. I have poor reaction time and am prone to silly mistakes that cost me time. I mean that as a failing rather than an excuse.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, regardless, you've made some really impressive improvements on your times. Shaving off an hour and a half just from three episodes is nothing to sneeze at.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, regardless, you've made some really impressive improvements on your times. Shaving off an hour and a half just from three episodes is nothing to sneeze at.

    Thanks. Is the race officially over for those finished or may I have one final do-over?
  • edited September 2010
    Do-over away. We're still waiting on other people to finish, so I don't mind if you finish up your do-overs.
  • edited September 2010
    In that case, after a hard think, I've decided to do 305 again. This will hopefully bring my longest time on any S3 episode below 1h30 and S3 total time below 7h.

    Starting 305 do-over now.
  • edited September 2010
    Finished 305 do-over. 13:11 - 11:53 = 1:18.

    That brings my total playtime to 18:54. Considering it was about 20h at one time, I should either be pleased, relieved or think I was a complete slowcoach before. Perhaps a combination of these? In any case, I'm still last, of those who finished.
  • edited September 2010
    Wow...I'm not gonna lie, for a long time you had the worst time on several episodes, but now, you're completely neutral. I have all the times recorded in Excel and I have it set to highlight the best and worst on each game. So remember, you may be in last place, but at least you did better than somebody on each individual episode.

    I know, I suck at motivational speeches.
  • edited September 2010
    Wow...I'm not gonna lie, for a long time you had the worst time on several episodes, but now, you're completely neutral. I have all the times recorded in Excel and I have it set to highlight the best and worst on each game. So remember, you may be in last place, but at least you did better than somebody on each individual episode.

    I know, I suck at motivational speeches.

    Thanks, man. (I think.) One other reason why most of my times are crap is I watched TV at the same time as playing some episodes, and I can't multitask for ****.

    In other news, I was told at work today (long-awaited IT work in the form mostly of Data Centre duties, infrastructure audits and documenting technical procedures) that they want to keep me for another month! ...And another month after that, and so on. Also, those fascist meritocratic elitists over at Sonic Retro finally let me in. Time to think about Microsoft exams and some ROM hacking.
  • edited September 2010
    Here's the sheet I was referring to:


    So it looks like we have two stragglers this time. doodinthemood and RingmasterJ5, could you guys please confirm that you still intend to finish the race? I haven't heard from either of you in a little while, so I want to make sure you guys are still planning on doing this.
  • edited September 2010
    I intend to do at least one episode(probably two) every day for the next 3 to 5 days starting tomorrow. If I still haven't finished after a week's time, consider me dropped out.
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