The First Great Sam & Max Race of 2010



  • edited September 2010
    105 starting in a bit over at
  • edited September 2010
    tbm, your problem was with feedback, wasn't it? Are you sure that Procaster wasn't using a microphone as input? When I was testing it for the first time and trying to get the audio right, I was getting feedback because my desktop's microphone was picking up the sound out of my laptop's speakers. If you're using the "speakers audio" setting as input, you should know that it's not broadcasting what's coming out of your speakers.

    I muted the mic in both recording and playback. Yes, I was using "Speakers' Audio" because that's all I have available besides a duplicate for HD audio that appears to be something internal that I've never been able to locate or understand, plus "Default input device", which produces no sound at all.

    The latter is what I've been using lately for streams, with the subtitles on. Sadly, it doesn't appear to save the stream anywhere locally that is visible at user level. So if the Procaster fails to connect when I hit "Go live" or Ctrl+F1 once in the game, it records but seemingly to nowhere. It seems more pot luck than anything else these days. I can browse the web fine and MSN stays online.

    It's so frustrating that I can play the game with perfectly adequate 2-speaker/headphone audio and graphic setting 9 @ 1,360 x 768 pixel resolution without streaming, yet as soon as I want to stream, the flaws in my barebones home system rear their ugly heads. I will upgrade with a dedicated sound card, a better dedicated graphics card and more RAM at some stage but money's rather tight right now.
  • edited September 2010
    On a separate note (separate reply so that Guru can find it more easily later), starting 305 now. I will use my 1st do-over soon after, with 201.
  • edited September 2010
    105 in 1:23
  • edited September 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    I muted the mic in both recording and playback. Yes, I was using "Speakers' Audio" because that's all I have available besides a duplicate for HD audio that appears to be something internal that I've never been able to locate or understand, plus "Default input device", which produces no sound at all.

    The latter is what I've been using lately for streams, with the subtitles on. Sadly, it doesn't appear to save the stream anywhere locally that is visible at user level. So if the Procaster fails to connect when I hit "Go live" or Ctrl+F1 once in the game, it records but seemingly to nowhere. It seems more pot luck than anything else these days. I can browse the web fine and MSN stays online.

    It's so frustrating that I can play the game with perfectly adequate 2-speaker/headphone audio and graphic setting 9 @ 1,360 x 768 pixel resolution without streaming, yet as soon as I want to stream, the flaws in my barebones home system rear their ugly heads. I will upgrade with a dedicated sound card, a better dedicated graphics card and more RAM at some stage but money's rather tight right now.

    Have you tried the HD audio option? For me, the only option that streams sound correctly is "Realtek HD Audio Input".
  • edited September 2010
    Finished about 3 mins ago. 9:26 - 7:49 = 1:37.
  • edited September 2010
    Have you tried the HD audio option? For me, the only option that streams sound correctly is "Realtek HD Audio Input".

    My on-board sound is Realtek too. Using that option produces no sound for my speaker jack so I just assumed it wouldn't work for recording. It's so crazy, it just might work! Sal would be proud...

    Edit: starting my 201 do-over now...
  • edited September 2010
    Hope it works out for you.

    Your time for The Devil's Playhouse is 8:09. Currently, your final time is 20:44.
  • edited September 2010
    oops. crashed. will restart...

    ps. it worked, Guru! you're a genius! Nice to see a couple of fellas in my chat too. Would like to talk but typing while pointing and clicking doesn't really work for single-taskers like me.
  • edited September 2010
    Starting to stream 303
  • edited September 2010
    Finished 201 do-over. 10:50 - 9:42 - 0:03 (crash time) = 1:05.

    Edit: I'm pleased to announce that you can now watch my latest broadcast without cringing. Since then, I've lowered the decibels a bit and increased the sound bit-rate, so it should be mildly pleasureable tomorrow evening (Western European time) when I replay another two episodes.

    Next on the agenda are 301 and 304. Haven't decided yet which episode from the first two seasons could yield me the best time slash.
  • edited September 2010
    303 done, 1 hour 12 minutes
  • edited September 2010
    It appears my routes are fine in these playthroughs but my reaction time and frequent occasional lapses like entering the wrong location or a location slightly too early really hold back my times by ~10 mins for S1, ~20 mins for S2 and ~30 mins for S3.

    I'd like to see someone beat my 302 time, though. The path was optimal, no momentary concentration lapses I can recall.
  • edited September 2010
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    I'd like to see someone beat my 302 time, though. The path was optimal, no momentary concentration lapses I can recall.

    Well, I could easily shave off at least acouple of minutes in my 302 time. There's very little dialogue in that episode that you actually need.
    I think the best path is what I did, only clicking once on the astral projection toy to switch manually after you learn the sphunx inscription in reel 1. Then finish reel 3 completely, then 1 completely and then reel 2 completely.
    As far as I know you probably don't even need to hear from the mole lady about cucumbers cut lengthwise, since when you're in Reel 2 you can't go back to that reel anyway if you already finished it.
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Well, I could easily shave off at least acouple of minutes in my 302 time. There's very little dialogue in that episode that you actually need.
    I think the best path is what I did, only clicking once on the astral projection toy to switch manually after you learn the sphunx inscription in reel 1. Then finish reel 3 completely, then 1 completely and then reel 2 completely.
    As far as I know you probably don't even need to hear from the mole lady about cucumbers cut lengthwise, since when you're in Reel 2 you can't go back to that reel anyway if you already finished it.

    Ah well spotted. Fair enough. I really suprised myself tbh because that was the first time I'd done 3,1,3,1,2,3,4. I too only picked essential dialogue but wasn't clever enough to realise what you just said on my own.

    Oh well. Now everyone's going to trounce my time in do-overs. I should learn when to keep my typing hand to myself...
  • edited September 2010
    starting BtAotD
  • edited September 2010
    304 done, 1 hour 6 min
  • edited September 2010
    Beginning They Stole Max's Brain.
  • edited September 2010
    Finished They Stole Max's Brain. Time is 1:16.
  • edited September 2010
    tbm, you do have the second best time on 302 right now, beating Nintomster's time by 3 minutes, but Caeska has the fastest time, 15 minutes faster than yours.

    Now, there's officially two days left in the race. As usual, extensions will be given for anyone close. With two days left, joseppey and caeska both have two episodes left, SlasherMan has five, Ringmaster has seven, doodinthemood has 11, and Icedhope has 12. Everyone else is either finished or hasn't started, which means that this race is a record nine-way tie for "Most Absent". Way to go, people.
  • edited September 2010
    For the record I have my times written down and I'm on 303 right now, so I'll have them here in a few minutes.
  • edited September 2010
    Oh, awesome. I was worried you were going to come back and say you were dropping out or something. That would've sucked.
  • edited September 2010
    Reality 2.0: 57 min 23 sec
    Bright Side of the Moon: 52:05
    Ice Station Santa: 58:45
    Moai Better Blues: 62:34
    Night of the Raving Dead: 49:25
    Chariots of the Dogs: 65:33
    What's New, Beelzebub?:66:06 it was 57:28

    Penal zone: 1:45
    Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:32
  • edited September 2010
    You got my time a little wrong Guru. I had 1:06 on 304, not 303. The 303 time was 1:12.
    And I've one episode left, unless you're counting Hit the Road?
  • edited September 2010
    Yep, I must've missed your 303 post. I usually have the OP open in one tab and the end of the thread in another, and I copy times from the end to both the spreadsheet and the OP. When I did it earlier, I copied to the spreadsheet, then from the spreadsheet to the OP, and I was just entering into the next open space and not paying attention to what games I was recording.

    tl;dr: Yeah, I wasn't paying attention and screwed up. I'll get that fixed now. That means your times for both 302 and 303 are 1:12, right?

    And Iced, I'll get your times in as well.
  • edited September 2010
    streaming 106 in a sec
  • edited September 2010
    Considering how bad most of my times are compared to everyone else, it's nice to beat the bloke in pole position, even if for only one episode.

    I'm going to be out from 9pm-11pm tonight and about to start getting ready, so I won't do my last two do-overs before tomorrow.
  • edited September 2010
    starting 201 in a bit
  • edited September 2010
    Help me with my Procaster. Problem:stops between screenings
  • edited September 2010
    Yep, I must've missed your 303 post. I usually have the OP open in one tab and the end of the thread in another, and I copy times from the end to both the spreadsheet and the OP. When I did it earlier, I copied to the spreadsheet, then from the spreadsheet to the OP, and I was just entering into the next open space and not paying attention to what games I was recording.

    tl;dr: Yeah, I wasn't paying attention and screwed up. I'll get that fixed now. That means your times for both 302 and 303 are 1:12, right?

    And Iced, I'll get your times in as well.

    Yeah, it's almost right, except my time for 302 was 1:14, same as 301.

    By the way, what does tl;dr mean? :S
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Yeah, it's almost right, except my time for 302 was 1:14, same as 301.

    By the way, what does tl;dr mean? :S

    Too long; didn't read.
  • edited September 2010
    Too long; didn't read.

    Usually, Too Lazy; Didn't Read is more appropriate.
  • edited September 2010
    apenpaap wrote: »
    Usually, Too Lazy; Didn't Read is more appropriate.

    Either one works.
  • edited September 2010
    Ok I'm genuinely starting 201 now over at
    Please help XD
  • edited September 2010
    Beginning Beyond the Alley of the Dolls.
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    Help me with my Procaster. Problem:stops between screenings

    Define "screenings". If you mean like when you change games or something, that's normal. If you mean something else...then I have no idea what you mean. And is there any sort of error message? Does the program actually stop running or does it just stop broadcasting? The more information you can give us, the better.
    caeska wrote: »
    Yeah, it's almost right, except my time for 302 was 1:14, same as 301.

    So I got mixed up way back, then. I'll get that fixed for you.
    streaming 106 in a sec
    starting 201 in a bit

    What happened to your 106 time?
  • edited September 2010
    Define "screenings". If you mean like when you change games or something, that's normal. If you mean something else...then I have no idea what you mean. And is there any sort of error message? Does the program actually stop running or does it just stop broadcasting? The more information you can give us, the better.

    i mean when i am trying to screen something, it stops when i do not want it too
  • edited September 2010
    Okay, so it just stops randomly in the middle of your broadcasts. What about my other questions? Is there an error message? Does the program exit or does it just stop broadcasting?
  • edited September 2010
    Finished Beyond the Alley of the Dolls. Time is 1:16.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm starting 305.
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