I dislike zombie mania and I usually hate games that are glorified movies, but I don't mind Walking Dead. It's acted and written well enough that I can swallow it. It does a great job at creating a horribly bleak mood and is pretty expert at making you regret your decisions. Even though, apparently, many of the "choices" are false or hollow, the illusion is successful.
I've only played 3 of 5 so far, so please no spoilers. :mad:
Edit: To be fair, I also liked Telltale's Back to the Future. My love for the trilogy, Christopher Lloyd and real and fake Michael J. Fox are more than enough to carry it for me.
It's a decent game, plot-wise. The PC version is really pretty (and especially compared to the console version), albeit the game world is rather dingey-looking. The story missions feel overly padded with random irrelevant errands; there are no in-mission checkpoints (so if you die you have to start the entire mission over); you can't collect vehicles; and by the end of the game, I was fairly poor, having spent buckets of money on armor and weapons.
I suppose what it comes down to is this:
Just Cause 2 has a bigger game world and is a lot more fun farting around town but doesn't have nearly as interesting a story. Saints Row 2's story is more interesting and various aspects of the gameplay are more fun, but it's not as pretty graphics-wise.
GTA4 is good for its time. It sets itself as a standard of comparison to which other sandbox games are compared. For myself, I'd say overall it's better than merely decent, but not quite good by comparison to other similar (though likely newer) games.
I suppose what I'm saying is that, at this point in time, if you're looking for a sandbox game with a good story and good gameplay, there are better games than GTA4. If you're looking for a sandbox game that is fun to fart around in, there are other better games than GTA4. It might have been great at the time it came out, but by this point it seems thoroughly middle-of-the-road regarding most aspects.
Jack Keane and the McGuffin I've forgotten but it was never important anyway 7/10
Some really impressive stuff in there graphically, and it would have been a good deal better if only the controls were working as intended. The finale was a bit meh, the length mediocre and the puzzles - although lovingly crafted - a good bit wanting. The best part was where they stole a puzzle from The Secret of Monkey Island directly. Dialog and character development was abysmal as always, but also as expected. The best part was where they stole dialog from Indiana Jones directly.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 8.5/10
When will the man with the hat be back in traditional adventure gaming?!? Will I be stuck playing this forever? Also, the Boris Schneider translation is starting to get on my nerves. The man wasn't a translator and although his MI2 translation has its perks, here it shows. I cringe whenever I read his word by word translations of "Hey there" and other colloquial English stuff.
Is it strange that I love the game for the amount of puzzles that can be solved by spawning a dead frozen baby?
I solved almost every puzzle with either a Dead Clown, Nuke or a romantic machine gun...
The creepiest thing is when you make an 'edible dead clown'...
If you hadn't noticed before I am madly in love with this game. It was the main reason to buy a 3DS for me, and I got the soundtrack and I am really thinking about getting the Awakening themed 3DS XL hardcase.
This game is huge and took me 65 hours to complete (this included the main story, several sidemissions and random battles). The story gripped me from the first minute on and only had me take a break at the halfway point, when fittingly also the events in the game take a break.
This game is proof that Nintendo still cares for core gamers and I hope we will see the other games in the series rereleased on the e-shop. Again: I cannot recommend this game enough. It's by far my favorite game of the year (so far) and one of my favourite games of all time. I'm really thinking about restarting the game in Lunatic Mode but that would be suicide.
If you are playing this play it on Hard at least. The new Casual Mode (where fallen units revive after battle) is a godsent for beginners, making this game the perfect title to get into the series. And experts can still choose not to activate it at the start. But beware: Units can die easily and the game doesn't always play fair and starts spawning reinforcements for the enemy right behind you a few missions in. So make sure your healers are in a safe position.
All right. I bit and got the Aliens Stasis Interrupted DLC(PC).
None of the spoilers are story related.
The first of four levels is actually really well done. There's a couple "what's up with that" moments, but otherwise the level has tension, suspense and dare I say it... borders on the horror genre. How? Well,
the majority of the level is played without weaponry, but this time there's no ridiculous looking Aliens
The second is good too and includes a
vent portion
with Aliens that I wish lasted a lot longer than it did. Unfortunately, the latter half of the DLC almost feels like the normal campaign mode and the tie-ins to Alien 3 feel completely forced(I'm looking at you, Hicks' body). Yes there's an explanation and yes, it's plausible...like winning the lottery, but while there could have been carefully placed herrings and hints, there weren't. Just a short cutscene cramming it in.
One plus...and it's a big one.
They obviously listened to feedback(yeah Randy said they were going to, but who believes Randy these days) and cut down the human enemies. They still exist and they do get more prominent as the DLC goes on, but there are lots of Aliens. I mean lots. Sometimes having to switch between 3-4 weapons lots(assuming you're not A-B running the levels. Except the one you have to).
While the second half let me down compared to the first, the Alien behaviour was improved(sneaky bastards), the tracker was improved(more appearing disappearing with movement), and overall it was more enjoyable.
On it's own, I'd give it 7/10(Originally a 6, but the couple things I really liked got me to push it to 7), but compared to the campaign, fuck, I'd say 9. Big improvement(whether it was the feedback or the fact that it was a different team working on it, I'll take either).
After 44 hours the main quest line is done. Was the game worth the 10€ I paid for it?
+ my first Pokémon game after Red
+ many improvements over the first one
+ much harder game --> you can no longer just use one Pokémon and beat everything easy, weaknesses mean something and can no longer be tanked.--> still only 2 KOs in the whole game for my team.
+/- The arenas are all puzzle based. Which may be great but some of them take several minutes to move from the entrance to the boss.
+ There is a story involved here...
- ...but it isn't used well. They could have done something really interesting with the Pokémon liberation movement thing but since it's a Pokémon game everything is still black and white (can U C what I did there?)
- fake 3D and "round" levels stop being interesting after a while. If there was free movement it may have worked.
- Only gen 5 Pokémon during the main game unless you play their stupid online game thing (after the credits you unlock more pokémon but chest space is too small to catch all of them, sadly)
- Horrible bottom screen after you get the C-Gear. Whyyyyyyy!
- Nintendo is still forcing you to buy the same game twice to catch em all. This will never change though I guess.
- Some new Pokémon are ugly as sin. Icecream cones, exploded garbage bags, things that begg you to kill them...
- no multilanguage game. Unlike 99% of all DS games this only comes with one language. A shame.
In total: 5/10. Might have been a 7/10 but the language problem really ruined my day.
A game of trying to make Uncharted story driven(not just because it's NG, this is seriously what I feel about it). I've played for about 4 hours and I just want it to end. I don't care about any of this people! I don't even care about my own character. Bland person A, meet bland person B, talk vaguely about something that happened before the game.
Since so many people love it, I have to assume the development kicks in at some point. I have never played a game with a more boring first few hours. It's just torture. It's the video game equivalent of The Langoliers; 3 hours of people you don't like or care about doing a whole lot of nothing with minimal flesh to their character.
To all the people who are raving about this game, I implore you, talk me into playing it again. I paid for it, but as it stands right now, I don't even want to put it back in the console again.
playing it is not worth it when you don't like the first 4 hours. Quit now before you hate the game even more.
That killing off side characters bullshit will not stop until the end section of the game.
Yeah, I couldn't even stand watching someone else play the game in a Let's Play. Like the beginning where you play the little girl was cool and creepy, but once you took over playing the grizzled middle-aged man (like every other game ever), I stopped being interested. I'd really like to play an apocalypse-type game where you play a little girl through the entire thing. I think it would really give a fresh take on an apocalyptic world as well as providing more challenging gameplay (since a little girl would likely not be suited for cover-based shooting... or any kind of shooting, really).
Well I wasn't even impressed by the kid part because I knew what was going to happen. I didn't care how it happend but I certainly know that kid was not the one from the cover so. I guess she goes to candyland and dances with unicorns over a rainbow. Right?
I saw the whole thing and I was so bored by it all. and then the last 2 hours hit and had 90 minutes of a great game in there somewhere. And then the end turned to shit again.
I knew she was going to die, but when the player is actually controlling her, that was the most interesting part of the game. I wish the entire game had been playing that kid. Have the dad get shot for a change.
I sent you the part where the game becomes incredibly good for a while in a Pm. The problem is: This stuff works even without the horrible 12 hours leading up to it. But it being close to the end might help some forget about the rest.
They could have set up the world without the daughter part. Just start after it and then cut out 9 hours of unimportant filler until they reach the university and play that out the way it was. They could have gotten it all in there and it would have been a way better game.
Maybe someone will make a fan cut or something that does that. I honestly would enjoy the bit you showed me way more than the two hours I watched. I've had it with grizzled middle-aged white guys. It takes something special about them to make them interesting anymore.
Thank you for explicitly revealing the part we were trying to keep vague for the sake of people who haven't played the game yet. I'm not sure they would have gotten it otherwise.
It's generally common courtesy when talking about twists and spoilers, especially majorly gamechanging ones in the presence of people who have already stated not having finished the game yet... to wrap 'em in spoiler tags.
Out of the big three games that use the Build engine... this is easily the weakest. The level design is spotty, the combat is utterly unforgiving, the main character gets annoying quick and while it may be technically impressive it doesn't really does anything all that great with what it has outside of a few brief sections.
Duke Nukem was better, Blood was WAY better... this was just 'meh'.
Finished it and got the (from what I've heard) worst possible ending. No idea what all this was about at all. But hey. There are 6 endings to this and several puzzles compleyes I have yet to play. And since I can now skip all dialogue I've already seen before (thanks for that) I'm now hunting those other endings. Maybe they'll be not quite as bad...
Finished it and got the (from what I've heard) worst possible ending. No idea what all this was about at all. But hey. There are 6 endings to this and several puzzles complexes I have yet to play. And since I can now skip all dialogue I've already seen before (thanks for that) I'm now hunting those other endings. Maybe they'll be not quite as bad...
And it's done. I have played out a path through the game for every ending and except for one of the endings
axe ending
there was always something new to play / read.
The true ending alone added about 2-3 hours of new puzzles. I seriously didn't expect that at all since I saved it for the last playthrough. (I used a guide to tell me which doors to choose for which ending).
The game is great, highly recommendet but the chance that you get one of the 2 really bad endings (
axe ending & knife ending
) is way too high.
playtime: 7 hours for the first playthrough, all together my five playthroughs were about 20 hours because you can skip through scenes you already played in another playthrough. At least the text. You still have to resolve the puzzles.)
It's hard for me to judge this game fairly. I have thought about just distracting three points from the start because of the bullshit HBS and Microsoft have pulled concerning the game's distribution, but I decided against it. Shadowrun Returns is, for better or for worse, pretty much exactly what was advertised in the Kickstarter. Many things you'd expect from a modern RPG are missing for budgetary reasons, but at least HBS generally had a good instinct about what to cut and what to put in.
Controls work pretty fast, which is THE huge plus. This game was bound to live or die hinging on how fast you could issue commands. The game system isn't complex, the number of commands fairly limited. It's more or less Space Crusade with some RPG stats thrown into the mix. I can live with that. The bad part is that for a good character, you have to specialize him or her, which means that you'll spend karma to level up the same stats over and over.
NPC portraits are really well done and ooze a distinct Shadowrun vibe. The missing voiceovers, however, do leave a mark, because there is MUCH to read in this game. If you're turned off by walls of text, this game is not for you.
Many people have complained about the save system, and I agree in parts that a better solution should have been found. However, during the times the game is not buggy and kills your mission off right in the middle, it actually works reasonably well - even during the last mission, when save points indeed are about 10 minutes apart. You also don't miss looting much, but there should still have been an opportunity to collect a bit more stuff during missions.
At the time, the people with the DRM free version are pretty well off. However, HBS has decided not to issue patches to the DRM free version, but instead to just update the main file. That means every time they DO patch their game, backers will have to re-download the entire file (800MB) from their account. Ah, what the heck, it's their bandwidth as well...
I'm curious as to the user generated content. We'll see how well characters can be transferred to those new missions as well.
have they found a solution to provide this content for the DRM free version by now?
There was never a real problem, actually. What is needed is just the creators' willingness to upload their expansion packs to other places than Steam, and the users' willing ness to put these packs to the proper folders. At least that's what their wiki says. :rolleyes:
A solid GTA3 clone, and better than GTA4. I spent a lot of time doing secondary missions/activities which is a decent barometer of how fun a game is. When a game isn't great I just rush through the story and want to be done with it.
When a game isn't great I just rush through the story and want to be done with it.
I never finish the story mode of one of these games. I just run around, collect stuff, listen to music and do dumb crap. The story is only in my way of enjoying it all by locking down parts of the world (in GTA). So you are the second person I've ever encountered that plays these games for the story mode. :eek:
I haven't finished the Free Play mode, but Lego Pirates of the Caribbean on the DS is... well, it's a very basic version of the console version. Not bad at all, but it does pale in comparison.
You only get four levels for each film, so the story's heavily cut down, and since each level only lasts around 15-20 minutes (if you're going for True Pirate status), the game just flies by.
I've only played 3 of 5 so far, so please no spoilers. :mad:
Edit: To be fair, I also liked Telltale's Back to the Future. My love for the trilogy, Christopher Lloyd and real and fake Michael J. Fox are more than enough to carry it for me.
It's a decent game, plot-wise. The PC version is really pretty (and especially compared to the console version), albeit the game world is rather dingey-looking. The story missions feel overly padded with random irrelevant errands; there are no in-mission checkpoints (so if you die you have to start the entire mission over); you can't collect vehicles; and by the end of the game, I was fairly poor, having spent buckets of money on armor and weapons.
I suppose what it comes down to is this:
Just Cause 2 has a bigger game world and is a lot more fun farting around town but doesn't have nearly as interesting a story. Saints Row 2's story is more interesting and various aspects of the gameplay are more fun, but it's not as pretty graphics-wise.
GTA4 is good for its time. It sets itself as a standard of comparison to which other sandbox games are compared. For myself, I'd say overall it's better than merely decent, but not quite good by comparison to other similar (though likely newer) games.
I suppose what I'm saying is that, at this point in time, if you're looking for a sandbox game with a good story and good gameplay, there are better games than GTA4. If you're looking for a sandbox game that is fun to fart around in, there are other better games than GTA4. It might have been great at the time it came out, but by this point it seems thoroughly middle-of-the-road regarding most aspects.
Though, this particular review is just hilarious about... thirty seconds in.
And Ellen Paige is in it! Although she didn't want to be.
But the gameplay isn't good. It's boring and repetetive.
Some really impressive stuff in there graphically, and it would have been a good deal better if only the controls were working as intended. The finale was a bit meh, the length mediocre and the puzzles - although lovingly crafted - a good bit wanting. The best part was where they stole a puzzle from The Secret of Monkey Island directly. Dialog and character development was abysmal as always, but also as expected. The best part was where they stole dialog from Indiana Jones directly.
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 8.5/10
When will the man with the hat be back in traditional adventure gaming?!? Will I be stuck playing this forever? Also, the Boris Schneider translation is starting to get on my nerves. The man wasn't a translator and although his MI2 translation has its perks, here it shows. I cringe whenever I read his word by word translations of "Hey there" and other colloquial English stuff.
The most messed up and creepy game I've ever played
Is it strange that I love the game for the amount of puzzles that can be solved by spawning a dead frozen baby?
I solved almost every puzzle with either a Dead Clown, Nuke or a romantic machine gun...
The creepiest thing is when you make an 'edible dead clown'...
If you hadn't noticed before I am madly in love with this game. It was the main reason to buy a 3DS for me, and I got the soundtrack and I am really thinking about getting the Awakening themed 3DS XL hardcase.
This game is huge and took me 65 hours to complete (this included the main story, several sidemissions and random battles). The story gripped me from the first minute on and only had me take a break at the halfway point, when fittingly also the events in the game take a break.
This game is proof that Nintendo still cares for core gamers and I hope we will see the other games in the series rereleased on the e-shop. Again: I cannot recommend this game enough. It's by far my favorite game of the year (so far) and one of my favourite games of all time. I'm really thinking about restarting the game in Lunatic Mode but that would be suicide.
If you are playing this play it on Hard at least. The new Casual Mode (where fallen units revive after battle) is a godsent for beginners, making this game the perfect title to get into the series. And experts can still choose not to activate it at the start. But beware: Units can die easily and the game doesn't always play fair and starts spawning reinforcements for the enemy right behind you a few missions in. So make sure your healers are in a safe position.
I don't like it as much as Vice City and Claude has no personality compared to Tommy Vercetti but it's still a great game
None of the spoilers are story related.
The first of four levels is actually really well done. There's a couple "what's up with that" moments, but otherwise the level has tension, suspense and dare I say it... borders on the horror genre. How? Well,
The second is good too and includes a
One plus...and it's a big one.
They obviously listened to feedback(yeah Randy said they were going to, but who believes Randy these days) and cut down the human enemies. They still exist and they do get more prominent as the DLC goes on, but there are lots of Aliens. I mean lots. Sometimes having to switch between 3-4 weapons lots(assuming you're not A-B running the levels. Except the one you have to).
While the second half let me down compared to the first, the Alien behaviour was improved(sneaky bastards), the tracker was improved(more appearing disappearing with movement), and overall it was more enjoyable.
On it's own, I'd give it 7/10(Originally a 6, but the couple things I really liked got me to push it to 7), but compared to the campaign, fuck, I'd say 9. Big improvement(whether it was the feedback or the fact that it was a different team working on it, I'll take either).
After 44 hours the main quest line is done. Was the game worth the 10€ I paid for it?
+ my first Pokémon game after Red
+ many improvements over the first one
+ much harder game --> you can no longer just use one Pokémon and beat everything easy, weaknesses mean something and can no longer be tanked.--> still only 2 KOs in the whole game for my team.
+/- The arenas are all puzzle based. Which may be great but some of them take several minutes to move from the entrance to the boss.
+ There is a story involved here...
- ...but it isn't used well. They could have done something really interesting with the Pokémon liberation movement thing but since it's a Pokémon game everything is still black and white (can U C what I did there?)
- fake 3D and "round" levels stop being interesting after a while. If there was free movement it may have worked.
- Only gen 5 Pokémon during the main game unless you play their stupid online game thing (after the credits you unlock more pokémon but chest space is too small to catch all of them, sadly)
- Horrible bottom screen after you get the C-Gear. Whyyyyyyy!
- Nintendo is still forcing you to buy the same game twice to catch em all. This will never change though I guess.
- Some new Pokémon are ugly as sin. Icecream cones, exploded garbage bags, things that begg you to kill them...
- no multilanguage game. Unlike 99% of all DS games this only comes with one language. A shame.
In total: 5/10. Might have been a 7/10 but the language problem really ruined my day.
The Last of Us.
5/10(First 3-4 hours)
A game of trying to make Uncharted story driven(not just because it's NG, this is seriously what I feel about it). I've played for about 4 hours and I just want it to end. I don't care about any of this people! I don't even care about my own character. Bland person A, meet bland person B, talk vaguely about something that happened before the game.
Since so many people love it, I have to assume the development kicks in at some point. I have never played a game with a more boring first few hours. It's just torture. It's the video game equivalent of The Langoliers; 3 hours of people you don't like or care about doing a whole lot of nothing with minimal flesh to their character.
To all the people who are raving about this game, I implore you, talk me into playing it again. I paid for it, but as it stands right now, I don't even want to put it back in the console again.
That killing off side characters bullshit will not stop until the end section of the game.
I saw the whole thing and I was so bored by it all. and then the last 2 hours hit and had 90 minutes of a great game in there somewhere. And then the end turned to shit again.
They could have set up the world without the daughter part. Just start after it and then cut out 9 hours of unimportant filler until they reach the university and play that out the way it was. They could have gotten it all in there and it would have been a way better game.
Out of the big three games that use the Build engine... this is easily the weakest. The level design is spotty, the combat is utterly unforgiving, the main character gets annoying quick and while it may be technically impressive it doesn't really does anything all that great with what it has outside of a few brief sections.
Duke Nukem was better, Blood was WAY better... this was just 'meh'.
Finished it and got the (from what I've heard) worst possible ending. No idea what all this was about at all. But hey. There are 6 endings to this and several puzzles compleyes I have yet to play. And since I can now skip all dialogue I've already seen before (thanks for that) I'm now hunting those other endings. Maybe they'll be not quite as bad...
And it's done. I have played out a path through the game for every ending and except for one of the endings
The true ending alone added about 2-3 hours of new puzzles. I seriously didn't expect that at all since I saved it for the last playthrough. (I used a guide to tell me which doors to choose for which ending).
The game is great, highly recommendet but the chance that you get one of the 2 really bad endings (
playtime: 7 hours for the first playthrough, all together my five playthroughs were about 20 hours because you can skip through scenes you already played in another playthrough. At least the text. You still have to resolve the puzzles.)
It's hard for me to judge this game fairly. I have thought about just distracting three points from the start because of the bullshit HBS and Microsoft have pulled concerning the game's distribution, but I decided against it. Shadowrun Returns is, for better or for worse, pretty much exactly what was advertised in the Kickstarter. Many things you'd expect from a modern RPG are missing for budgetary reasons, but at least HBS generally had a good instinct about what to cut and what to put in.
Controls work pretty fast, which is THE huge plus. This game was bound to live or die hinging on how fast you could issue commands. The game system isn't complex, the number of commands fairly limited. It's more or less Space Crusade with some RPG stats thrown into the mix. I can live with that. The bad part is that for a good character, you have to specialize him or her, which means that you'll spend karma to level up the same stats over and over.
NPC portraits are really well done and ooze a distinct Shadowrun vibe. The missing voiceovers, however, do leave a mark, because there is MUCH to read in this game. If you're turned off by walls of text, this game is not for you.
Many people have complained about the save system, and I agree in parts that a better solution should have been found. However, during the times the game is not buggy and kills your mission off right in the middle, it actually works reasonably well - even during the last mission, when save points indeed are about 10 minutes apart. You also don't miss looting much, but there should still have been an opportunity to collect a bit more stuff during missions.
At the time, the people with the DRM free version are pretty well off. However, HBS has decided not to issue patches to the DRM free version, but instead to just update the main file. That means every time they DO patch their game, backers will have to re-download the entire file (800MB) from their account. Ah, what the heck, it's their bandwidth as well...
I'm curious as to the user generated content. We'll see how well characters can be transferred to those new missions as well.
have they found a solution to provide this content for the DRM free version by now?
There was never a real problem, actually. What is needed is just the creators' willingness to upload their expansion packs to other places than Steam, and the users' willing ness to put these packs to the proper folders. At least that's what their wiki says. :rolleyes:
It was awesome, I loved the music the simple graphics and the basic controls. It's like Rhythm Heaven had a platformer baby
A solid GTA3 clone, and better than GTA4. I spent a lot of time doing secondary missions/activities which is a decent barometer of how fun a game is. When a game isn't great I just rush through the story and want to be done with it.
How are the homages to the SNES game?
I never finish the story mode of one of these games. I just run around, collect stuff, listen to music and do dumb crap. The story is only in my way of enjoying it all by locking down parts of the world (in GTA). So you are the second person I've ever encountered that plays these games for the story mode. :eek:
You only get four levels for each film, so the story's heavily cut down, and since each level only lasts around 15-20 minutes (if you're going for True Pirate status), the game just flies by.
Oh! Rating. I dunno, 7/10.