Just finished Fez now too. Great puzzle platformer, it makes good use of the mechanics available. There's a lot of going back and forth between a few places as the game progresses, so it feels like you're spending most of your time travelling between puzzle and secrets in the various rooms.
A few of the puzzles were annoying, especially one that uses the system clock. And some just seemed superfluous to the actual game other than the idea of getting real hard puzzles in the game.
Still it was very fun to play and it had a good length with some very interesting design pieces in places.
But at least TWD was kinda worth playing through once. While Jurassic Dildo was just pain.
You really should try words that sound at least remotely similar.
Jurassic Barf.
Snore-tastic Fart.
Your ass-tick Park.
Jumped ass-tick shark.
But I do agree that 1) the BTTF haters are much more vocal; and 2) some people joined in on hating on the game just because it was amusing to do so at the time.
Note to all: it's no longer amusing to exaggeratedly dump all over BTTF. It's long since old and worn out. JP might be a QTE-fest, but BTTF isn't nearly as bad.It's just easy.
I think most of the older folks here would consider another game on par with BTTF a step back in the "right" direction. In our hindsight, an easy adventure game is better than games you have to defend as technically adventure games.
Telltale will do what they want to do. All we can do is hope that the next game will be what we want... whatever that means to each of us.
I liked BttF AND JP...for the most part. My computer sure didn't like JP, so I'm glad the QTE's weren't too bad. As for TWD, I've only seen a playthrough and my goodness, I loved the storytelling.
Magical Diary 7/10
Played through it once and avoided the romance plots completely. Why will nobody LOVE ME! *cries*
Will try again later. It's just as much fun as The Walking Dead was. Great story, lacking gameplay. But not nearly as long and your decisions REALLY change the game.
Kotor 2(with Restored Content mod) 8.75/10
A fairly good Turn based RPG enhanced with the restoration of lost dialogue and greatly improved planets
I gave the game in general an 8 but gave it an extra 0.75 for the HK50 factory...
Episode 1: I really didnt like this episode it was boring and not that adventury like i was expecting and it seemed like the puzzles got in the way of the story the developers were trying to tell. Rating : 5
Episode 2: This episode started off great with excitement and puzzles that i tought were WAY better then the puzzles in the first episode. At least for the first part of the episode the other part the game went back to its mistakes where instead of having fun solving the puzzles i got frustrated and didnt like them at all. Rating : 6.5
Episode 3: This whas the most letdown episode of the series the story was poor and so were the puzzles the only good thing in this episode was the ending that left me wanting to play episode 4. Rating: 5
Episode 4: This episode was great the puzzles were better then in previous episode but not perfect . I loved it cause it more action . Only downside is the ending was mediocre to say the least. Rating : 7.5
Episode 5: OMG Telltale well FUCKING DONE By far one of the best games i ever played along side TWD , yes its that good the story had me felling so many emotions at points where i tought i was gonna cry and the puzzles were enjoyable at most times and the ending was funny and left me wanting BTTF season 2 (wich is probably never gonna happen but heres to hoping ) Rating : 9
Overall: This game had a slow start but Telltale pulled trough in the end with some great episodes and moments that made me a fan of point and click games. I had never played a point and click game ( wich is maybe why i was a noob at puzzles and got frustrated alot and no i dont count TWD as a point and click game) but this game made fall in love with point and click games and now i wanna buy more TTG point and clicks like tales of monkey island (now gotta find the money to buy it) Rating : 7.5
PS:i havent played tales of monkey island unlike my name may sugest my name is random and nothing to do with tales of monkey island
Oooookay, I didn't know that (because the bundle isn't available any more).
Seriously, there has to be a way to buy a four year old game for less than the original asking price?! This has already been given away on magazine cover DVDs in Germany!
Wait are you serious? They gave a 5 episode Monkey Island game for free with magazines? That does not sound right Vain. Are you sure its just not the demo?
Wait are you serious? They gave a 5 episode Monkey Island game for free with magazines? That does not sound right Vain. Are you sure its just not the demo?
Yeah, I'm sure (Computer Bild Spiele 5/2012).
The disc versions (check Amazon) are considerably cheaper than the digital variants nowadays. Maybe grab a copy this way.
Gunpoint - 7/10
This one was fun and reminded me a lot of one of my favorites from last year: Mark Of The Ninja. Why only 7 points. Oh this is a hard one. First of all the story didn't grip me as much. Second: I hate the concept of energy charges. And there is at least one level you can get stuck in with no other way out than restarting the mission. I also jumped in a way that I couldn't move after landing once. I was stuck and had to abort the mission. Though at least the game didn't force checkpoints on you that lead to automatic detection. (like MotN did). It's a solid game but no contender for GoTY. At least for me.
On price & playtime: Took me 4 hours to get through once and I replayed it to get all achievements which added up to 8 hours. I'm fine with paying 9$ for that. I payed 9$ for way shorter TTG-games. I hope to see some crazy stuff from the community and really wouldn't mind paying for a mission DLC. 4 hours also means I can finish it no problem which is a great plus for someone with a huge backlog like mine.
A little off topic but, is Bone good? It looks like a good game from what I've seen of it.
Yes. Kinda. The first episode is charming but really short but The Big Cow Race is one of my favorite TTG episodes. Still the series isn't finished and never will be.
Starfox 64 3D (Wish they'd stuck with Lylat Wars 3D)
I'd forgotten how short this game was. I've probably clocked up around 3 hours and have already beaten it twice. It's great fun, but I'm very glad I didn't pay full retail price for it. It looks pretty, and the music is darn awesome, but that doesn't quite cover the lack of new stuff for the remake. Basically we just get a control scheme no-one will ever use (tilt controls) and an easy mode.
Multiplayer was a let down, because of a lack of any online functionality whatsoever.
I don't regret buying it though, I think it's a game that I'll keep going back to over the course of the console's life.
A nice Text based interactive novel with nice Music and Graphics...
I have done 2 playthroughs so far and it has quite a bit of replayability whether you decide to sacrifice yourself for the good of Monster Kind or Unite Monster against Humans in a never ending war...
Definitely worth getting during the 1/2 price sale
Definitely worth getting during the 1/2 price sale
Here I have to disagree a bit. The content of it is limited enough for me ot to recommend it at 5€.
But if you are in the trading card beta you can sell the cards you get during gameplay and get some money back that way.
A fun Puzzle game with many good puzzles however a bit short and the Log challenge was frustrating...
Got it free ages ago when I pre-ordered BTTF and finally got round to playing it...
Hopefully Puzzle Agent 2 will be a bit more 'complete'...
Wario Land 2 10/10
This was and is one of my favourite Game Boy games and I am so glad I could finally play it on a handheld device again. Getting all the collectibles & map pieces took quite some time but I did it. I didn't finish the final final level though. I did that once in my past and I don't want to go back to that frustration.
Still: if you like secrets, coins and Wario this game is a must-play.
I was getting ready to rant about the so-called return to survival horror...but then I got to the last few episodes. While the tension, fear and claustrophobia have still not made their comeback to the series, a lot of the gameplay style has... in the last few episodes.
First, let's get to the "the few episodes" explanation. For the majority of the game, I found myself having little trouble gunning everything down new-school Res-evil style and often forgot I even had grenades. That began to change in the final quarter of the game. Conserving ammunition, dodging(which I could never get to work for me 100% of the time adding to difficulty), running and carefully using herbs became more paramount.
While I would not call this game a return to survival horror, it did give me a feeling of hope as some of the elements were there. Backtracking is back...somewhat as well. As I've previously mentioned, I wish the game stuck to 1 or 2 characters. I also wish it stuck to 1 or 2 locations. A good portion of the game sticks to the open area, room-to-room, wandering around that the early games in the franchise featured. Unfortunately, there were also some A to B, you're only going to see once, portions to this game.
So is this a return to earlier form?
In my opinion, no. It felt more like someone played through every game in the franchise and tossed them all in a blender. All in all, I felt it was a decent game, but it was nothing special.
Positives: One of the best games ever made an amzing story and sometimes emotional choices that affect your ending and story overral , romance options (sexy romance options) and amazing gameplay , leveling system , side missions , talents ,upgrading your wepons and armor , and alot of other content that can keep you ocupied for a while. I mainly only did the side missions if i felt that i needed to level up but they wre a welcome break from the main plot and still provided exciting combat . I also like how u decide what guns your teammates use and when they use their talents and you can command them to regroup take cover or attack . And in my opinion what makes your playtrough unique besides the choices is the customisation of shepard i love that u can change every little detail about him including his backstory but if you dont wanna waste time creating a shepard you can go with the original shepard. I liked that classes gave you diferent talents to build on a well.
Negatives : I did have a few glitches a slight freeze during a cutscene where i had to wait a minute for the game to unfreeze but by then the cutscene had ended(i later checked that cutscene on youtube and it wasnt anything that important) some slight textures glitches as well but nothing too big. And besides that i tought the classes restricted your gunpower too much only being able to use two types of weapon for class( u can use all 4 guns but you cant even aim down sights with the wrong weapons )again nothing too big but it can get repetetive. At first i only used the shotgun but it got old fast so i quickly started to use the pistol even tough it wasnt that powerfull
Woohoo! I diiiid it!
I actually completed one of my GOGs!
Normality is completed!
Now what did I think about it:
It was a pretty solid adventure game, quite quirky and had some interesting characters and storyline, but it kind of fell apart towards the end as the puzzles become increasingly obtuse (to the point I just needed a guide), and the ending is kind of insanely random.
A few of the puzzles were annoying, especially one that uses the system clock. And some just seemed superfluous to the actual game other than the idea of getting real hard puzzles in the game.
Still it was very fun to play and it had a good length with some very interesting design pieces in places.
Jurassic Barf.
Snore-tastic Fart.
Your ass-tick Park.
Jumped ass-tick shark.
But I do agree that 1) the BTTF haters are much more vocal; and 2) some people joined in on hating on the game just because it was amusing to do so at the time.
Note to all: it's no longer amusing to exaggeratedly dump all over BTTF. It's long since old and worn out. JP might be a QTE-fest, but BTTF isn't nearly as bad.It's just easy.
Telltale will do what they want to do. All we can do is hope that the next game will be what we want... whatever that means to each of us.
Played through it once and avoided the romance plots completely. Why will nobody LOVE ME! *cries*
Will try again later. It's just as much fun as The Walking Dead was. Great story, lacking gameplay. But not nearly as long and your decisions REALLY change the game.
It has a winged demon as a possible love interest.
Happened to me in Mass Effect 2!
A fairly good Turn based RPG enhanced with the restoration of lost dialogue and greatly improved planets
I gave the game in general an 8 but gave it an extra 0.75 for the HK50 factory...
Episode 1: I really didnt like this episode it was boring and not that adventury like i was expecting and it seemed like the puzzles got in the way of the story the developers were trying to tell. Rating : 5
Episode 2: This episode started off great with excitement and puzzles that i tought were WAY better then the puzzles in the first episode. At least for the first part of the episode the other part the game went back to its mistakes where instead of having fun solving the puzzles i got frustrated and didnt like them at all. Rating : 6.5
Episode 3: This whas the most letdown episode of the series the story was poor and so were the puzzles the only good thing in this episode was the ending that left me wanting to play episode 4. Rating: 5
Episode 4: This episode was great the puzzles were better then in previous episode but not perfect . I loved it cause it more action . Only downside is the ending was mediocre to say the least. Rating : 7.5
Episode 5: OMG Telltale well FUCKING DONE By far one of the best games i ever played along side TWD , yes its that good the story had me felling so many emotions at points where i tought i was gonna cry and the puzzles were enjoyable at most times and the ending was funny
Overall: This game had a slow start but Telltale pulled trough in the end with some great episodes and moments that made me a fan of point and click games. I had never played a point and click game ( wich is maybe why i was a noob at puzzles and got frustrated alot
PS:i havent played tales of monkey island unlike my name may sugest my name is random and nothing to do with tales of monkey island
Maybe it's fate. Play it next.
Why u do this World ... WHYYYYYY
Seriously, there has to be a way to buy a four year old game for less than the original asking price?! This has already been given away on magazine cover DVDs in Germany!
Yeah, I'm sure (Computer Bild Spiele 5/2012).
The disc versions (check Amazon) are considerably cheaper than the digital variants nowadays. Maybe grab a copy this way.
Gunpoint - 7/10
This one was fun and reminded me a lot of one of my favorites from last year: Mark Of The Ninja. Why only 7 points. Oh this is a hard one. First of all the story didn't grip me as much. Second: I hate the concept of energy charges. And there is at least one level you can get stuck in with no other way out than restarting the mission. I also jumped in a way that I couldn't move after landing once. I was stuck and had to abort the mission. Though at least the game didn't force checkpoints on you that lead to automatic detection. (like MotN did). It's a solid game but no contender for GoTY. At least for me.
On price & playtime: Took me 4 hours to get through once and I replayed it to get all achievements which added up to 8 hours. I'm fine with paying 9$ for that. I payed 9$ for way shorter TTG-games. I hope to see some crazy stuff from the community and really wouldn't mind paying for a mission DLC. 4 hours also means I can finish it no problem which is a great plus for someone with a huge backlog like mine.
If you haven't bought ToMI yet I can give you a TTG gift code for it. I have spares that no one wants.
Just send him the gift code. If he already bought ToMI, at least we can get him into TDP. Telltale's finest.
Yes. Kinda. The first episode is charming but really short but The Big Cow Race is one of my favorite TTG episodes. Still the series isn't finished and never will be.
My pleasure.
I'd forgotten how short this game was. I've probably clocked up around 3 hours and have already beaten it twice. It's great fun, but I'm very glad I didn't pay full retail price for it. It looks pretty, and the music is darn awesome, but that doesn't quite cover the lack of new stuff for the remake. Basically we just get a control scheme no-one will ever use (tilt controls) and an easy mode.
Multiplayer was a let down, because of a lack of any online functionality whatsoever.
I don't regret buying it though, I think it's a game that I'll keep going back to over the course of the console's life.
A nice Text based interactive novel with nice Music and Graphics...
I have done 2 playthroughs so far and it has quite a bit of replayability whether you decide to sacrifice yourself for the good of Monster Kind or Unite Monster against Humans in a never ending war...
Definitely worth getting during the 1/2 price sale
But good choice in this case.
Here I have to disagree a bit. The content of it is limited enough for me ot to recommend it at 5€.
But if you are in the trading card beta you can sell the cards you get during gameplay and get some money back that way.
A fun Puzzle game with many good puzzles however a bit short and the Log challenge was frustrating...
Got it free ages ago when I pre-ordered BTTF and finally got round to playing it...
Hopefully Puzzle Agent 2 will be a bit more 'complete'...
This was and is one of my favourite Game Boy games and I am so glad I could finally play it on a handheld device again. Getting all the collectibles & map pieces took quite some time but I did it. I didn't finish the final final level though. I did that once in my past and I don't want to go back to that frustration.
Still: if you like secrets, coins and Wario this game is a must-play.
I was getting ready to rant about the so-called return to survival horror...but then I got to the last few episodes. While the tension, fear and claustrophobia have still not made their comeback to the series, a lot of the gameplay style has... in the last few episodes.
First, let's get to the "the few episodes" explanation. For the majority of the game, I found myself having little trouble gunning everything down new-school Res-evil style and often forgot I even had grenades. That began to change in the final quarter of the game. Conserving ammunition, dodging(which I could never get to work for me 100% of the time adding to difficulty), running and carefully using herbs became more paramount.
While I would not call this game a return to survival horror, it did give me a feeling of hope as some of the elements were there. Backtracking is back...somewhat as well. As I've previously mentioned, I wish the game stuck to 1 or 2 characters. I also wish it stuck to 1 or 2 locations. A good portion of the game sticks to the open area, room-to-room, wandering around that the early games in the franchise featured. Unfortunately, there were also some A to B, you're only going to see once, portions to this game.
So is this a return to earlier form?
In my opinion, no. It felt more like someone played through every game in the franchise and tossed them all in a blender. All in all, I felt it was a decent game, but it was nothing special.
It was a pretty good game. Plays a lot like a hybrid of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, (unsurprising since its made by Netherealm Studios! XD)
I really enjoyed the story too. I like seeing Superman playing the bad guy.
EDIT: I don't like how it nags about the DLC all the time though. -_-
My favorite thing about the story mode is that it ended up being Superman vs. Superman, rather than the predictable Batman vs. Superman.
Positives: One of the best games ever made an amzing story and sometimes emotional choices that affect your ending and story overral , romance options (sexy romance options) and amazing gameplay , leveling system , side missions , talents ,upgrading your wepons and armor , and alot of other content that can keep you ocupied for a while. I mainly only did the side missions if i felt that i needed to level up but they wre a welcome break from the main plot and still provided exciting combat . I also like how u decide what guns your teammates use and when they use their talents and you can command them to regroup take cover or attack . And in my opinion what makes your playtrough unique besides the choices is the customisation of shepard i love that u can change every little detail about him including his backstory but if you dont wanna waste time creating a shepard you can go with the original shepard. I liked that classes gave you diferent talents to build on a well.
Negatives : I did have a few glitches a slight freeze during a cutscene where i had to wait a minute for the game to unfreeze but by then the cutscene had ended(i later checked that cutscene on youtube and it wasnt anything that important) some slight textures glitches as well but nothing too big. And besides that i tought the classes restricted your gunpower too much only being able to use two types of weapon for class( u can use all 4 guns but you cant even aim down sights with the wrong weapons )again nothing too big but it can get repetetive. At first i only used the shotgun but it got old fast so i quickly started to use the pistol even tough it wasnt that powerfull
Overral: 9/10
I actually completed one of my GOGs!
Normality is completed!
Now what did I think about it:
It was a pretty solid adventure game, quite quirky and had some interesting characters and storyline, but it kind of fell apart towards the end as the puzzles become increasingly obtuse (to the point I just needed a guide), and the ending is kind of insanely random.
Still worth a play.
About 6.5/10
Pretty good.
The original horror adventure game. This is definitely a game that Telltale could do.