Rate the Last Game You Finished



  • edited June 2013
    Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword: 9/10
    Yeah I know I play Wii games don't have an Xbox which sucks.
  • edited June 2013
    Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword: 9/10
    Yeah I know I play Wii games don't have a PS3 which sucks.
  • edited June 2013
    Yeah I know I play Wii games

    What's bad about playing Wii games?
  • edited June 2013
    The Wiimote, mostly, but even then it works with the right games.
  • edited June 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    What's bad about playing Wii games?

    Nothing's bad about Wii games, I didn't say that, it's just I wish I had a better console so I could play a wider range of games. I'm not saying Wii games are bad, trust me I've had it for years and had a huge collection of games for it, but I have never been able to play games that aren't for the Wii which I really like.
  • edited June 2013
    The Swapper

    If you loved Portal, The Swapper is even better. The puzzles are equally as good, they're roughly the same length of time, and the metaphysical/biological/philisophical questions posed by The Swapper are vastly superior to anything you encounter in Portal.

    Puzzles equally good, graphics that are superior, music that is vastly superior, and a better overall story with a more true sci fi narrative? The Swapper is my choice of Game of the Summer.
  • edited July 2013
    I have never been able to play games that aren't for the Wii which I really like.
    Does that disinterest in other consoles' games include Gamecube games and Virtual Console games?
    What about PC games?
  • edited July 2013
    Uncharted 3

    Up front I don't do multiplayer. I play games for decent gameplay and good stories.

    The story is an incoherent mess and retreads Uncharted 2. The surprise at the end is exactly what you are expecting the entire time. Not enough Elena, too much Chloe, throwaway characters, unfilled plot holes. What a mess

    AND WAY TOO SCRIPTED. When you chase a character, you know you have no chance of catching him. When you're trying to escape a burning building, you know you're not leaving until the developers want you to. So it's just this long slog of undeveloped characters and unfulfilled mysteries.

    The combat is a terrible wreck and so is the stealth, especially when compared against a true masterpiece like the Arkham series.

    The gunplay is fun but there's no reality where 3 grenades shouldn't take someone down.
  • edited July 2013
    Jak & Daxter The Precursor Legacy PS Vita 4/10- First let me say I have not completed the Vita version yet I'm about 25% through but since I have finished both the PS2 & PS3 versions 100% I should give my thoughts so far. First this port feels extremely lazy. Controls feel delayed by half a second and causing deaths a lot and so far where its worst is Misty Island where double jumps or normal jumps feel like they don't register. The even bigger problem that really makes this feel like a lazy rushed port is the lag. The game lags throughout. Even during the Naughty Dog logo with Daxter & Jak it lags, even during the menu where it shows Sandover Village it lags. How could a port of a PS2 game lag this bad? No actually how does a port of a 2001 PS2 game lag this bad?

    Heh wanna know whats even more funny? Sansaru Games managed to port Sly Cooper Thieves in Time one of my favourite PS3 games to Vita. Now think about that, A February-March 2013 Open world PS3 game was ported to Vita with No lag, great graphics almost as good as the PS3's version, and by the way this is the full PS3 game. So explain to me how an Open world PS2 game from 2001 can't be ported to Vita, a console shown by Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, Gravity Rush, and Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation that it can handle near PS3 graphics and open world games so how can a Open world PS2 game be so damn laggy? My guess is its been rushed, We've even seen other HD Remakes ported to Vita with no problems. MGS Collection, no lag and plays like the PS3 version. Jet Set Radio HD again no lag and plays great.

    It really is a shame on how rushed this feels, Jak & Daxter is along with Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper ,Sonic,Mario and Kingdom Hearts are all one of my favourite game series but this game just feels like shit with all its lag and control issues. It still gets 4/10 because the actual game on PS2 & PS3 is one of the best PS2 games ever made but on Vita it just feels like shit and its a really a shame to see 2 of the greatest Playstation series to get shit Vita ports. Ratchet & Clank QForce for Vita is a little laggy and missing the best multiplayer mode while Jak & Daxter is a laggy mess. On the plus side, I did watch the intros of Jak 2 & 3 and they worked without lag and I hear Jak 2 & 3 are way less laggy but still it really is a shame on how rushed and lazy the game felt.
  • edited July 2013
    Walking Dead 400 days 8/10
    Pretty good short stories with a couple of nice nods to the first series with plenty of decisions...
    It was good...
  • edited July 2013
    400 Days

    Would be a 7/10 but the price is good. A lot of emotional impact and a great example of DLC, but I'm really looking forward to a full narrative in Season 2.
  • 400 Days 9/10

    Too damn short, but at least it’s something. And, boy, is it something.

    Season 2 better have Clem, though.
  • edited July 2013
    Good old Rollercoaster Tycoon actually ($3 on GoG). 8/10, scenarios become to similar towards the end unfortunately and no game speed up option!
  • edited July 2013
    Noname215 wrote: »
    Season 2 better have Clem, though.
    Nah she's dead.
  • edited July 2013
    I'm hoping there's some joke in you "spoiling" the end of TWD
    (like maybe Clem can live or die depending on choices).
    If not, you're *snip*. I'm not finished with the game yet and I'm sure others are reading this thread in the same position.
  • edited July 2013
    JuntMonkey wrote: »
    I'm hoping there's some joke in you "spoiling" the end of TWD (
    like maybe Clem can live or die depending on choices)
    . If not, you're *snip*. I'm not finished with the game yet and I'm sure others are reading this thread in the same position.
    He might mean Clementine probably dies after the credits...
  • edited July 2013
    JuntMonkey wrote: »
    I'm hoping there's some joke in you "spoiling" the end of TWD
    (like maybe Clem can live or die depending on choices)
    . If not, you're *snip*. I'm not finished with the game yet and I'm sure others are reading this thread in the same position.

    Sorry. The game has been out for months now. If you haven't finished it yet you don't really care.
    Did you know they threw the ring in a fire at the end of The Lord Of The Rings?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2013
    No spoilers.
    And if you're saying the opposite of the truth and then have to explain that it wasn't, it effectively remains: a spoiler. Thanks for not repeating that. :(
  • edited July 2013
    There are zombies
    in The Walking Dead.

    in The Trial And
    of Guybrush Threepwood.

    There is a
    in Bone Episode Two: The Great Cow-Race.
  • edited July 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    There are zombies
    in The Walking Dead.

    in The Trial And
    of Guybrush Threepwood.

    There is a
    in Bone Episode Two: The Great Cow-Race.

    The third one is actually a bit of a spoiler even given the title...
  • edited July 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Sorry. The game has been out for months now. If you haven't finished it yet you don't really care.
    *Snip* at the end of The Lord Of The Rings?

    No. There's no statute of limitations on courtesy. People don't have an obligation to play a game, watch a movie/TV series or read a book within X amount of months before they're in danger of being spoiled randomly at any time. You had no reason whatsoever to post a spoiler except to apparently try to be funny, which failed. Sure, once in a blue moon there's going to be a situation where an old spoiler will help to make a great point or give a truly funny punch line, and in those very rare cases go ahead and spoil. (This was not one of those cases - your post wasn't funny or interesting, and would have had the same effect in spoiler tags).

    Use spoiler tags.

    And lol at you telling me "you don't really care". Get bent. Maybe I was in the Navy for 3 years and didn't get a chance to play it yet. Maybe I'm a 15 year old who is finally old enough to watch famous old movies with twists-at-the-end for the first time. Maybe I'm poor and couldn't afford to play/watch/read until there was a sale months later. You're trash if you think you have the right to spoil all those experiences for people just because you're too lazy to use spoiler tags or too stupid to post in the appropriate threads.
  • edited July 2013
    JuntMonkey wrote: »

    Maybe you shouldn't read random posts in a "The Last Game You FINISHED" thread if you don't want to know then end of a game. Ever thought about that?

    Also there was no spoiler. There was one thing that TTG could not do in that game without causing major outrage from all sides. No one is killing children in videogames. Nobody. If they did that you sure as hell would have heard about it.
  • edited July 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Maybe you shouldn't read random posts in a "The Last Game You FINISHED" thread if you don't want to know then end of a game. Ever thought about that?

    Also there was no spoiler. There was one thing that TTG could not do in that game without causing major outrage from all sides. No one is killing children in videogames. Nobody. If they did that you sure as hell would have heard about it.
    You can't say Telltale don't kill Kids...
    Just not very important ones...
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Last game I hopefully finished:

    Spoiler definitions with the Ketzer 0/10

    Seriously, that's not even a game. :)
    And, sure, no children were killed in The Walking Dead game. Aaaaabsolutely none. Not a single kid. Not even one that you could kill. Or make others kill. Noooo-ope. Nothing like that in the game. Telltale would never do that. They should write it on the packaging. "There are no 10 year olds or 17 year olds killed in this game". That would really boost sales.
  • edited July 2013
    Everyone knows the child they killed of that broke the hearts of every Telltale fan...
    It was a sad, sad episode when they killed off everyone's favourite character...
    We love you Timmy Two Teeth
  • edited July 2013
    Spoiler definitions with the Ketzer 0/10

    Seriously, that's not even a game. :)

    yeah. But the story was so good it was easily worth the 25$ for 5 episodes. I think you even cried at the end.
  • edited July 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Maybe you shouldn't read random posts in a "The Last Game You FINISHED" thread if you don't want to know then end of a game. Ever thought about that?

    So basically nobody can read this thread unless they've finished every game they've ever wanted to finish?
  • edited July 2013

  • edited July 2013
    JuntMonkey wrote: »
    So basically nobody can read this thread unless they've finished every game they've ever wanted to finish?
    I have to agree with this. Common courtesy is not an unreasonable expectation.

    Now, that being said, I do remember my having wrecked the series finale of Xena:Warrior Princess for someone when they said there should be a Xena movie (having not seen the latter part of the final season yet) and I spoiled why to do so wouldn't make sense.

    I suppose at the time I was annoyed at the way it ended and so didn't see why anyone should call for such a movie but that probably was still a jerk thing for me to do.
  • edited July 2013
    JuntMonkey wrote: »
    So basically nobody can read this thread unless they've finished every game they've ever wanted to finish?

    Well I can because I really don't care about spoilers. So I'm absolutely fine.
  • edited July 2013
    I'd say that spoilers are only really a bad thing if they totally change the entire outlook on the movie. Like Fight Club. Nobody should ever spoil Fight Club... no statute of limitations, whatever. Because if you know the ending, the rest of the movie becomes far less enjoyable... in fact, I'd go so far as to say that the ending more or less makes the movie memorable and unique.

    Other things, not so much. I knew the ending of Lord of the Rings going in, didn't ruin the enjoyment of it any. I mean, it's the type of story where you know what's going to happen. The good guys are going to win, knowing that for certain doesn't change the enjoyment of the journey there.

    Same thing with video games. The fun of a game is... playing the game. I knew how Portal was going to end up, I'd been online long enough to hear "the cake is a lie" spammed at me at every turn, but it still totally caught me off guard when it happened in game because of the interactive qualities that were absent in being casually informed of the ending. Games are a different experience, it's not just knowing... it's doing.
  • edited July 2013
    Same thing with video games. The fun of a game is... playing the game. I knew how Portal was going to end up, I'd been online long enough to hear "the cake is a lie" spammed at me at every turn, but it still totally caught me off guard when it happened in game because of the interactive qualities that were absent in being casually informed of the ending. Games are a different experience, it's not just knowing... it's doing.

    Thank you. My point exactly. I have enjoyed so many things that I knew how they end. The journey to the end is always more important than the end itself.

    Also spoiling the end might not even be the worst thing.
    I could tell you the end for "The Last Of Us". I could tell you about the whole break of character that happens there just to have a shitty and disappointing ending. But I would never tell you about the last 2-3 hours before that because they are what make this game great. just getting there is a pain in the ass. And then they ruin it completely.
  • edited July 2013

    Can we please not do this? It's a really stupid thing to get hung up on.

    When you're dealing with things that could be considered spoilers, the courteous thing to do is to put the appropriate text inside spoiler tags. Please bear this in mind - but also be aware that there is a 'statute of limitations', for lack of a better phrase. Long story short, if in doubt - tag it.

    Insulting other forum members is never cool - unless you're joking. And sometimes even then, too.

    And finally - can we get back on topic please? Thanks.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2013
    [noparse]TL;DR: use spoiler tags[/noparse]
  • edited July 2013
    I finished The Walking Dead, episode 1 today.

    Yeah, it's barely a game. I literally have no idea why it's so popular. Sure, the decision making is pretty cool ( I saved the kid and Doug), but there isn't really much more to the game then that.

    I won't be playing the rest of the series any time soon.

  • edited July 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    Sure, the decision making is pretty cool (
    I saved the kid and Doug

    There is no way
    to not save the kid. One of the game's many artificial decisions
  • edited July 2013
    Rogue Legacy

    I did it! I finally beat the game! :D
    17 hours, a shitton of characters, but I just beat the final boss.

    I really like this game.
    Probably the best rogue inspired game I've played since The Binding of Isaac.
    (But its a randomly generated platformer like Castlevania)

    Now there's New game+ to tackle. But I think for now at least I can focus on something else to play! :D

    Rating: 8/10
  • edited July 2013
    Friar wrote: »
    I finished The Walking Dead, episode 1 today.

    Yeah, it's barely a game. I literally have no idea why it's so popular. Sure, the decision making is pretty cool ( I saved the kid and Doug), but there isn't really much more to the game then that.

    I won't be playing the rest of the series any time soon.


    It's because the characters and plot are well written(well most of them), if you don't really care for that, then yeah Walking Dead is not something you'd enjoy. Which would bring up the question on why did you buy it in the first place? I thought it'd be pretty obvious by now that is what was popular and not the gameplay.
  • edited July 2013
    Because Friar never listens to me as he should.
  • edited July 2013
    Well that, and it was part of that humble bundle a while back.

    I thought I'd love a story-driven game. I used to love the chose your own adventure books. But I guess I forgot I hate zombie movies and such.
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