I'm not sure if I'll buy another Telltale Game. If there's Puzzle Agent, I wanna see that through because I liked the first one. But, I'm sorta waning interest otherwise.
Out of interest is this based on BttF or even before that?
I don't recall anyone complaining about the quality of gameplay in The Devil's Playhouse other then the first episode's excessive future vision and TSMB's 3 puzzles solved the same way.
I'm going to hope that they snap out of it once they're done trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator of the Back to the Future audience, but I don't think I'll be sticking around if they deliver two in a row like this.
For me, The Devil's Playhouse was at my point where I wouldn't want "two in a row like this", and Back to the Future ended up coming out worse. I'm wading through $55 worth of stuff I hate and feel is insulting me, mostly because their first few projects were things that I loved. Not just the projects, but the company as a whole. Hell, more than half the reason I'm here in the first place is due to Emily's excellent customer support in the early days of Telltale, which was beyond amazing. I'm mostly holding on as a legacy concern, but there's a breaking point for that, and honestly I'm just about at mine. I'm probably just here for the people, but some of those hate me. So again, I'll probably wait out Back to the Future and leave, and talk to anybody that I might miss here over IM.
The only Telltale game I would definitely buy is Tales, I'd preorder that in a second. (though I'd probably do the same with more Sam & Max is announced) I'd like to see what they do with Fables, but if more Tales isn't on the cards then I'll most likely flounce off and sulk like a big girl and not buy anything except MOAR SIMS.
Well, if the leaks are true, then that's three games I have no interest in from TellTale , Back to the Future so far has been a bit of a let down and I don't really give a damn about the next three projects if they're being done in release order, so yeah .
For me, The Devil's Playhouse was at my point where I wouldn't want "two in a row like this", and Back to the Future ended up coming out worse. I'm wading through $55 worth of stuff I hate and feel is insulting me, mostly because their first few projects were things that I loved. Not just the projects, but the company as a whole. Hell, more than half the reason I'm here in the first place is due to Emily's excellent customer support in the early days of Telltale, which was beyond amazing. I'm mostly holding on as a legacy concern, but there's a breaking point for that, and honestly I'm just about at mine. I'm probably just here for the people, but some of those hate me. So again, I'll probably wait out Back to the Future and leave, and talk to anybody that I might miss here over IM.
That'll be a sad day. Even as much as I tend to bitch about and bicker with you, I recognize you as one of the voices of reason around here, and you probably have my respect more than anybody else on here, but there's no point in coming here if you've stopped enjoying yourself.
And I've been here a little over a year less than you have, and I feel the same way. When I first joined the forums, the Telltale presence was huge. Now even a post from the community director is a rare thing to see, much less any of the other Telltale staff, and the things we have to say feel more unheard than ever.
I also agree with dashing. I will still browse these forums as an adventure game fan but wont be buying another telltale game until they get their act together and rethink their strategy. Id rather not have tomi s2 if it follows the direction sam and max went. Wouldnt surpruse me if JP is a series of quick time events
Tales is the only game I'm interested in too and would pre order it on the spot.
If its not one of the games announced I'd be sorely disappointed and would probably just disapear into the ether.
I still don't get why people are so antsy about the change from 'HARDCORE ADVENTURE GAME LOL' to 'Interavtive Drama'. I never ever cared for the adventure gameplay, and enjoy these games for the stories they tell.
Because some of us enjoy exercising our brains in adventure games, Telltale was pretty much the only company still making good ones, and Back to the Future is masquerading as an adventure game but doesn't require you to think.
I just see BttF as different kind of story-driven adventure game, personally. I was aware before ordering that is would have a much more "directed" feel to it (self contained puzzles) and would be made with mass market in mind and I got exactly what i was expecting. I'm still thoroughly enjoying it for what it is though despite its simplicity and shortness.
I think its a touch premature if you consider abandoning TTG because they did something that wasn't to your tastes, but each to their own.
I'm going to say, I loved Tales and Sam and Max season 3. although there did seem to be too few of the normal puzzles in season 3. Too many things relied on Max's psychic powers.
why is everyone judging back to the future so harshly? sure the first episode wasn't all the great but with telltale first episodes aren't usually all the great.
Gibbon, the decline has been going on longer than Back to the Future, and it doesn't only involve the games themselves. Remember the Earl Boen Narwhal download and the PC Nutrispecs? Remember when we used to have these things called Telltale Tuesdays? Our Telltale Heart?
...it feels weird being bitter about less things than you. Maybe I could substitute the fact that I'm bitter about Curse of Monkey Island and Devil's Playhouse, but still, it's weird seeing you bitter about something that I've shrugged off.
I mostly have too, but that doesn't mean I don't remember when things were better. I've mostly let it go and accepted that we're not getting these things or getting them back, but I still see it as part of the decline.
So - what you guys are hoping for is that Telltale announce five things they *aren't* going to do?! Much as it was nice when they gave us freebies, and all, but I don't see that them concentrating on actual work is a bad thing, right?
(I concede that BTTF isn't very difficult. But, dammit, that means it's perfectly pitched at my level of patience and problem-solving ability! )
And I've been here a little over a year less than you have, and I feel the same way. When I first joined the forums, the Telltale presence was huge. Now even a post from the community director is a rare thing to see, much less any of the other Telltale staff, and the things we have to say feel more unheard than ever.
I have to admit that I've noticed this too, and I've only been here about a year. This place has gotten a lot more impersonal than it used to be, I do get the feeling that we're seen less as fans and more as customers, they don't care what we think as long as someone buys it.
OH GOD IT'S GAMES WORKSHOP IN THE 1990S ALL OVER AGAIN. Oh well, at least that got better... eventually. I'll just hope it won't take a decade this time.
I think its a touch premature if you consider abandoning TTG because they did something that wasn't to your tastes, but each to their own.
It's different to see one project out of the blue with all these problems (though admittedly kinda weird), but despite the fact that I didn't see tales as bad or season 3 as a total disaster, there were definitely signs that Telltale has been going down this slope for some time. I'd imagine a sudden drop in quality is a lot easier to fix than a gradual drop in quality.
why is everyone judging back to the future so harshly? sure the first episode wasn't all the great but with telltale first episodes aren't usually all the great.
...Because the second episode wasn't all that great either?
Fair enough GuruGuru, I did wonder when it started a few posts back. Yeah I remember Telltale Tuesdays etc and they were all good. They didn't have any influence on whether I like the games or not however.
If ALL TTG games were like BttF I probably wouldn't buy them all either but I don't think they will be. As for Fables and Walking Dead - I've not read or seen any source material for either but am very interested in what they come up with as I genuinely still really like what they do.
What I would say though is the increasing negativity around the place puts me off coming on here as much.
You know, somehow I get the feeling that releasing Get Tannen and doing this unveil at the same time was bad timing. I'm sure several of us are in worse moods about Telltale than we would've been if we hadn't just played that game, though perhaps the opinions about the state of things are more honest.
I never bought BTTF, I just didn't think it looked particularly good. Hearing the reports from people with similiar tastes to myself i'm in no rush to claim my free episode.
I was def dissapointed by TDP on the whole (bar episode 2 which I adored because of it's approach) High-drama in Sam & Max leaves a sour taste in my mouth to be quite frank, also the puzzles, which I don't need to say anything about as it's all that's been said for the last age.
I think Telltale should take a two-pronged approach as they have piles of material to work with right now. Casual for the masses on certain properties, and old-school for all us moaners on 'core' properties. There's money to be made from both i'm sure
I love the community here though, I wouldn't wanna be in a ghost town cos everyone I know legged it cos the properties didn't suit them anymore
So - what you guys are hoping for is that Telltale announce five things they *aren't* going to do?! Much as it was nice when they gave us freebies, and all, but I don't see that them concentrating on actual work is a bad thing, right?
It's not just about the freebies. It's about taking an interest in the community.
So BTTF may be a bit easy, that doesn't make it a bad game Telltale is free to branch out and do different things with their games. If they have five titles in the works, they don't all have to play like Sam and Max or TMI. Also, we can't get down on Telltale if they release one or two games that don't fit to our personal tastes. I don't know what to expect from Walking Dead or Fables, so I'm not going to judge either, and I'm exicited to see what they do with it. I think the concept for the JP game sounds like a lot of fun, and can't wait to try that one . Maybe I should read a comic for the first time and try Fables.....
I guess my tastes are opposite of everyone else. i thought Sam and Max season 2 was one of the best. I liked they tried new things with it. Plus it seems many of the general public also find it very enjoyable. Then again I found all the puzzles in all three seasons easy. I enjoyed the departure from the standards used in the first 2. If a few issues are enough to make you not want to buy future telltale games I'd have to say your not as much of a 'adventure' gamer as you thought you were. There really not a lot of companies putting out quality adventure games.
My only concern is TellTale may be branching out too much and this might hurt overall quality. My main attraction to TellTale was their resurrection of the old adventure games I loved so dearly. Mostly defined by old lucas arts titles.
If a few issues are enough to make you not want to buy future telltale games I'd have to say your not as much of a 'adventure' gamer as you thought you were. There really not a lot of companies putting out quality adventure games.
I don't want to play sub-standard games though, and Telltale have done better games in the past so it's not like they can't make quality games to my liking.
Take your time on the next few projects lads, no rush
Huh. Despite my feelings on Back to the Future, I have to say, it's no surprise this place has become cold and impersonal to you guys, or that Telltale staff rarely shows its face around here anymore, outside of Alan. They're probably busy, but I've been saying for a long time if this forum kept acting like a bunch of bitchy little bitchity bitch bitches that they'd just plain stop arguing with or listening to you bitchity bitch beeyotches. Wah, we don't like this, wah we hate that, wah, telltale eats babies. Yeah, there is a reason that joke exists. It's because of you. And it's no surprise to me that Telltale stopped producing nice little side-bonuses for you guys because you always bitch constantly about that too.
Hey, guys! We're Telltale! We have a nice Steve Purcell slipcover for you!
Hey, we're the fans! You ****sucking mother****ers! It's got ugly shitty cardboard cutouts of 3D models on the back! WAHHHH! WAHHH! WAHHHH! BABY EATERS! YOU SUCK! WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK!
Hey, it's us, Telltale, again. This time you'll really love our stuff! We've got some gorgeous exclusive Team Fortress 2 items for Team Fortress 2 players on Steam!
We're the fans on the forum! WAHHHHH! We bought the game tooooo! We don't use Team Fortress 2 or even play Sam and Max on Steam, but we want those exclusive items TOOOOOOOO because we're entitled to EVERY LITTLE THING you F**KING F**K F**KS!
Hey, guys, ha ha....um....erm...sniff...sniffle....we're Telltale. We've given PS3 owners an exclusive item-
Okay guys! HAHAHA! Uh...uh....we have a tasty treat for you....um....we're announcing six new games! HAHAHA good right? We've done good?
Good Lord, you people bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan. Sure, Telltale has had problems over time with bugs and glitches and long shipping times, problems that have been fixed. Meaning Telltale tries. I don't know if they've given up trying to please the little bitchy beeyotches here on the forums, but I'll put my money on yes, because they never can, and never will, and if I were them I would have stopped paying attention to you pissing in your little diapers and crying for mommy to come change a long time ago.
I have no idea what either of the two new licenses are and could care less about them. All I know of Fables is that it's a comic. Maybe it could be interesting....but not with the way TTG's latest games have been turning out. And if BTTF2 Ep2 is as bad as the first one I'm probably going to play through BTTF and then give up as well, unless I see a title I'm vaguely interested in. But it's saddening to see Telltale change like this....although really, their games weren't really THAT incredible, they just had a nice flow and were about characters and franchises I was interested in. They were kinda easy, but still a bit challenging at times.
Seeing the almost "sell-out" direction Telltale is going in lately, I can't help but shake my head one last time. I haven't even been here that much since Puzzle Agent and when BTTF was first announced so I can't say my future here is entirely solid. BTTF has an excellent plot but that's the only thing that's excellent about it and makes me want to play it through to the end. I am not enjoying the gameplay of the latest Telltale GAMES. And that's sad. I'll have to grab your IM from you, Dashing, and a few others here as well. Regulars like you made the forums fun.
So BTTF may be a bit easy, that doesn't make it a bad game
Easy games can be good games, yes. Kirby Super Star is a good example of this. BTTF isn't easy in a good way. Whereas an easy game can still provide eustress, BTTF provides very little and often times just plays itself.
also: hey fawful, i don't think you understand what's the problem
I think Telltale is smart enough to know they still have to cater to their long-term fans. I will be unbelievably disappointed if we don't get at least one sequel to a current Telltale franchise.
BTTF is supposed to be an adventure game. When adventure games are easy they're badly designed. I'd rather have impossible puzzles over super-easy gameplay.
I also have to admit that yeah, Secret Fawful makes a good point here. Particularly the wank about the slipcover for Tales, that made me facepalm a good few times. 'oh there are cut outs on the back THIS RUINS EVERYTHING' I do still miss the 'good old days' when the staff would interact more with the forums, but maybe it's our own fault that that's stopped.
Having said that, I'm still going to flounce off and sulk if more Tales isn't announced, but that's because hypocrisy is delicious.
I have no idea what either of the two new licenses are and could care less about them. All I know of Fables is that it's a comic. Maybe it could be interesting....but not with the way TTG's latest games have been turning out. And if BTTF2 Ep2 is as bad as the first one I'm probably going to play through BTTF and then give up as well, unless I see a title I'm vaguely interested in. But it's saddening to see Telltale change like this....although really, their games weren't really THAT incredible, they just had a nice flow and were about characters and franchises I was interested in. They were kinda easy, but still a bit challenging at times.
Seeing the almost "sell-out" direction Telltale is going in lately, I can't help but shake my head one last time. I haven't even been here that much since Puzzle Agent and when BTTF was first announced so I can't say my future here is entirely solid. BTTF has an excellent plot but that's the only thing that's excellent about it and makes me want to play it through to the end. I am not enjoying the gameplay of the latest Telltale GAMES. And that's sad. I'll have to grab your IM from you, Dashing, and a few others here as well. Regulars like you made the forums fun.
No disrespect, but I don't really see how Telltale is 'selling out' by daring to do anything a little different. Also, It isn't a bad thing that they don't just do franchises that everyone has a pre-built interest in. Maybe it's good be open to trying new things. Since we aren't familar with some of these franchises, that just means it's a new opportunity.
I wasn't as disappointed as I was completely baffled as to why Telltale would create a special slipcover with Steve Purcell artwork for Monkey Island (something they obviously know that we'd appreciate) and then actually expect us to proceeded to CUT IT UP WITH SCISSORS.
And yeah, if Telltale wants to garner a new audience more power to them. But I'm just saying I've lost interest. And their gameplay mechanics (while flawed to begin with) keep going downhill with each game. Their games aren't fun anymore. I want to have fun when I play. Not sit there and have everything done for me. I can watch a video playthrough for that.
And yes, I would totally rather have super difficult puzzles. At least I'd feel like I got something that I'll spend a lot of time on with the money I spent. I don't care how hard Monkey Island 2 was, I loved every minute of it. I don't care how infuriating King's Quest 5 was with its dead end puzzles, it's my favourite King's Quest.
Out of interest is this based on BttF or even before that?
I don't recall anyone complaining about the quality of gameplay in The Devil's Playhouse other then the first episode's excessive future vision and TSMB's 3 puzzles solved the same way.
That'll be a sad day. Even as much as I tend to bitch about and bicker with you, I recognize you as one of the voices of reason around here, and you probably have my respect more than anybody else on here, but there's no point in coming here if you've stopped enjoying yourself.
And I've been here a little over a year less than you have, and I feel the same way. When I first joined the forums, the Telltale presence was huge. Now even a post from the community director is a rare thing to see, much less any of the other Telltale staff, and the things we have to say feel more unheard than ever.
If its not one of the games announced I'd be sorely disappointed and would probably just disapear into the ether.
I think its a touch premature if you consider abandoning TTG because they did something that wasn't to your tastes, but each to their own.
(I concede that BTTF isn't very difficult. But, dammit, that means it's perfectly pitched at my level of patience and problem-solving ability!
I have to admit that I've noticed this too, and I've only been here about a year. This place has gotten a lot more impersonal than it used to be, I do get the feeling that we're seen less as fans and more as customers, they don't care what we think as long as someone buys it.
OH GOD IT'S GAMES WORKSHOP IN THE 1990S ALL OVER AGAIN. Oh well, at least that got better... eventually. I'll just hope it won't take a decade this time.
It's different to see one project out of the blue with all these problems (though admittedly kinda weird), but despite the fact that I didn't see tales as bad or season 3 as a total disaster, there were definitely signs that Telltale has been going down this slope for some time. I'd imagine a sudden drop in quality is a lot easier to fix than a gradual drop in quality.
...Because the second episode wasn't all that great either?
If ALL TTG games were like BttF I probably wouldn't buy them all either but I don't think they will be. As for Fables and Walking Dead - I've not read or seen any source material for either but am very interested in what they come up with as I genuinely still really like what they do.
What I would say though is the increasing negativity around the place puts me off coming on here as much.
I was def dissapointed by TDP on the whole (bar episode 2 which I adored because of it's approach) High-drama in Sam & Max leaves a sour taste in my mouth to be quite frank, also the puzzles, which I don't need to say anything about as it's all that's been said for the last age.
I think Telltale should take a two-pronged approach as they have piles of material to work with right now. Casual for the masses on certain properties, and old-school for all us moaners on 'core' properties. There's money to be made from both i'm sure
I love the community here though, I wouldn't wanna be in a ghost town cos everyone I know legged it cos the properties didn't suit them anymore
It's not just about the freebies. It's about taking an interest in the community.
My only concern is TellTale may be branching out too much and this might hurt overall quality. My main attraction to TellTale was their resurrection of the old adventure games I loved so dearly. Mostly defined by old lucas arts titles.
I don't want to play sub-standard games though, and Telltale have done better games in the past so it's not like they can't make quality games to my liking.
Take your time on the next few projects lads, no rush
Hey, guys! We're Telltale! We have a nice Steve Purcell slipcover for you!
Hey, we're the fans! You ****sucking mother****ers! It's got ugly shitty cardboard cutouts of 3D models on the back! WAHHHH! WAHHH! WAHHHH! BABY EATERS! YOU SUCK! WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK!
Hey, it's us, Telltale, again. This time you'll really love our stuff! We've got some gorgeous exclusive Team Fortress 2 items for Team Fortress 2 players on Steam!
We're the fans on the forum! WAHHHHH! We bought the game tooooo! We don't use Team Fortress 2 or even play Sam and Max on Steam, but we want those exclusive items TOOOOOOOO because we're entitled to EVERY LITTLE THING you F**KING F**K F**KS!
Hey, guys, ha ha....um....erm...sniff...sniffle....we're Telltale. We've given PS3 owners an exclusive item-
Okay guys! HAHAHA! Uh...uh....we have a tasty treat for you....um....we're announcing six new games! HAHAHA good right? We've done good?
Good Lord, you people bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan and bitch and whine and moan. Sure, Telltale has had problems over time with bugs and glitches and long shipping times, problems that have been fixed. Meaning Telltale tries. I don't know if they've given up trying to please the little bitchy beeyotches here on the forums, but I'll put my money on yes, because they never can, and never will, and if I were them I would have stopped paying attention to you pissing in your little diapers and crying for mommy to come change a long time ago.
Seeing the almost "sell-out" direction Telltale is going in lately, I can't help but shake my head one last time. I haven't even been here that much since Puzzle Agent and when BTTF was first announced so I can't say my future here is entirely solid. BTTF has an excellent plot but that's the only thing that's excellent about it and makes me want to play it through to the end. I am not enjoying the gameplay of the latest Telltale GAMES. And that's sad. I'll have to grab your IM from you, Dashing, and a few others here as well. Regulars like you made the forums fun.
Easy games can be good games, yes. Kirby Super Star is a good example of this. BTTF isn't easy in a good way. Whereas an easy game can still provide eustress, BTTF provides very little and often times just plays itself.
also: hey fawful, i don't think you understand what's the problem
I also have to admit that yeah, Secret Fawful makes a good point here. Particularly the wank about the slipcover for Tales, that made me facepalm a good few times. 'oh there are cut outs on the back THIS RUINS EVERYTHING' I do still miss the 'good old days' when the staff would interact more with the forums, but maybe it's our own fault that that's stopped.
Having said that, I'm still going to flounce off and sulk if more Tales isn't announced, but that's because hypocrisy is delicious.
What!? No!! you're a smart guy but that's just a ridonkulous thing to say. A good puzzle should always make sense in respect to the game world
No disrespect, but I don't really see how Telltale is 'selling out' by daring to do anything a little different. Also, It isn't a bad thing that they don't just do franchises that everyone has a pre-built interest in. Maybe it's good be open to trying new things. Since we aren't familar with some of these franchises, that just means it's a new opportunity.
And yeah, if Telltale wants to garner a new audience more power to them. But I'm just saying I've lost interest. And their gameplay mechanics (while flawed to begin with) keep going downhill with each game. Their games aren't fun anymore. I want to have fun when I play. Not sit there and have everything done for me. I can watch a video playthrough for that.
And yes, I would totally rather have super difficult puzzles. At least I'd feel like I got something that I'll spend a lot of time on with the money I spent. I don't care how hard Monkey Island 2 was, I loved every minute of it. I don't care how infuriating King's Quest 5 was with its dead end puzzles, it's my favourite King's Quest.