Personally I'm not really sure I see the benefit of staggering information like this, from a marketing perspective.
You don't see an advantage in gaming sites carrying 5 different Telltale stories over the course of a week or so, rather than one all-encompassing story?
I'm going for the outside shot. I say they save the Walking Dead (Or whatever) announcement for last to keep us interested, and drop a bomb later today. Let's say Grim Fandango. :^)
This thread exists, created by fans. Excitement/anticipation/speculation has been initiated.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm all over this thread like a donkey on a waffle, I just think you'd be better off just telling us all 5 (6 including JP?) titles in one media blowout!
(When I say better, I of course mean better for me as the suspense is killing me!)
Sorry for the nosy questions, but I think I should ask this: Will the information we get tonight be an announcement of a whole new game, or just the new Jurassic Park info? (Since that seems to be the main piece of this event.)
I hope not. Why on earth would Telltale say they were annoucing 5 new games when the one of them is one they annouced almost a year ago?
Ugh. Telltale is getting their hands on Image AND Vertigo? This is just awful. Why couldn't they have gotten these licenses back when they had something remotely resembling principles?
Ugh. Telltale is getting their hands on Image AND Vertigo? This is just awful. Why couldn't they have gotten these licenses back when they had something remotely resembling principles?
I'm not planning to. Their very existence creates an opportunity cost, though, where Telltale's game will replace any GOOD game that might have actually come out of a quality studio that actually makes video games. Considering these licenses were picked up by a company, the license holders were obviously not against signing deals to do video games. I can think of other companies that are at Telltale's size that could have put out something amazing with these, but now we'll just get barely interactive episodes of the Walking Dead TV series and who the hell knows what they'll do to Fables.
Ugh. Telltale is getting their hands on Image AND Vertigo? This is just awful. Why couldn't they have gotten these licenses back when they had something remotely resembling principles?
Seriously RD... if you're so down on TTG why are you still here?
If it's not Monkey Island, or something equally as amazing, then I'll be passing on these.
Anyway, that's 2 out of the 5, right? And a full Puzzle Agent season should be right around the corner. 2 more spots remaining...
Come oooooooooonnn Monkey Island!!!!!!!!
Fables is awesome. And that's coming from someone who really wanted to hate it because I don't like Willingham very much. But I can get over the DC-related wankery involving him because Fables is just that good.
Great question. In my experience it's actually a bit of professional courtesy combined with the fact that breaking an embargo could potentially get you removed from a company's review code lists, future press event invitations, coverage requests, etc. That's pretty standard across the board in the games industry.
Judging by these leaks (if genuine) I guess the answer to my own question then is, you can't.
I'm not planning to. Their very existence creates an opportunity cost, though, where Telltale's game will replace any GOOD game that might have actually come out of a quality studio that actually makes video games. Considering these licenses were picked up by a company, the license holders were obviously not against signing deals to do video games. I can think of other companies that are at Telltale's size that could have put out something amazing with these, but now we'll just get barely interactive episodes of the Walking Dead TV series and who the hell knows what they'll do to Fables.
Indeed, who the hell does know what they'll do to Fables? Not you, nor I. You shouldn't be so certain about your disliking when you don't even know anything about how they're going to approach the game.
Indeed, who the hell does know what they'll do to Fables? Not you, nor I. You shouldn't be so certain about your disliking when you don't even know anything about how they're going to approach the game.
Right, just like we should be optimistic if Zynga got a 10-year exclusive Monkey Island license.
Seriously RD... if you're so down on TTG why are you still here?
I ask myself that a lot lately. Honestly, I'll probably just ride out Back to the Future and be on my way out. This company has gone from the one I most love to the one that most sickens me in a surprising amount of time. I feel sorry for the few elements still working with this company whose work I continue to enjoy: Jake, Ryan Jones, Jared, and a few others.
Right, just like we should be optimistic if Zynga got a 10-year exclusive Monkey Island license.
Zynga is a company that runs exclusively on ripoffs of other games. They'd make their own monkey island game and call it Isle of Primates or something.
Zynga is a company that runs exclusively on ripoffs of other games. They'd make their own monkey island game and call it Isle of Primates or something.
They've grown too big. At this point, sources from inside the company say the leadership essentially said they're too big to continue with this policy in such an overt fashion.
I'm not planning to. Their very existence creates an opportunity cost, though, where Telltale's game will replace any GOOD game that might have actually come out of a quality studio that actually makes video games. Considering these licenses were picked up by a company, the license holders were obviously not against signing deals to do video games. I can think of other companies that are at Telltale's size that could have put out something amazing with these, but now we'll just get barely interactive episodes of the Walking Dead TV series and who the hell knows what they'll do to Fables.
Do you also frequent the forums of these other companies, spreading your unique brand of pompous, humourless, whining negativity, as you do here?
If so, do you come across to other members those communities as a bitter, angry and generally unlikeable human being too?
I feel sorry for the few elements still working with this company whose work I continue to enjoy: Jake, Ryan Jones, Jared, and a few others.
You liked Wallace & Gromit, right? I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who worked on that are still at Telltale. Either way, I don't see why you feel sorry for them just because the company is producing games you don't enjoy.
I'm with Dashing on this one. God, did I just say that? At this point, what Telltale's making isn't as much a game as an interactive movie. I can see where things might have been declining up to this point, but I was pretty okay with things through The Devil's Playhouse. Back to the Future has been an immense letdown on the gameplay side, and it just doesn't work when Telltale's only using half the equation that made their previous titles so good.
I'm going to hope that they snap out of it once they're done trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator of the Back to the Future audience, but I don't think I'll be sticking around if they deliver two in a row like this.
I'm with Dashing on this one. God, did I just say that? At this point, what Telltale's making isn't as much a game as an interactive movie. I can see where things might have been declining up to this point, but I was pretty okay with things through The Devil's Playhouse. Back to the Future has been an immense letdown on the gameplay side, and it just doesn't work when Telltale's only using half the equation that made their previous titles so good.
I'm going to hope that they snap out of it once they're done trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator of the Back to the Future audience, but I don't think I'll be sticking around if they deliver two in a row like this.
Yeah, put me into the "wait and see" category. Gone are the days when I could pre-order a TTG game and have absolute faith in its quality.
I'll raise and turn off my computer right now...
You don't see an advantage in gaming sites carrying 5 different Telltale stories over the course of a week or so, rather than one all-encompassing story?
This thread exists, created by fans. Excitement/anticipation/speculation has been initiated.
Yeah, it sure has lead to a lot of speculation which has generated more interest.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm all over this thread like a donkey on a waffle, I just think you'd be better off just telling us all 5 (6 including JP?) titles in one media blowout!
(When I say better, I of course mean better for me as the suspense is killing me!)
That, I do understand! Hopefully you'll be as excited about our announcements as we are to share them!
Wait?!? You don't know us at all, do you, Alan?
Let's hear it then!
I hope not. Why on earth would Telltale say they were annoucing 5 new games when the one of them is one they annouced almost a year ago?
Few, I didn't want to be the person to post those. Were those leaked?
I'm just the messenger!
Well, that's gonna be two strike-outs for me. Hopefully the next three will be things I'm actually interested it...
...still hoping for more Tales though, because I'd like that even better...
Well, the first leak happened pretty quickly, so I'm guessing about 1-3 hours till the next three are out.
Well, you can also not buy them...
Anyway, here's hoping for Monkey Island!
Seriously RD... if you're so down on TTG why are you still here?
Anyway, that's 2 out of the 5, right? And a full Puzzle Agent season should be right around the corner. 2 more spots remaining...
Come oooooooooonnn Monkey Island!!!!!!!!
Judging by these leaks (if genuine) I guess the answer to my own question then is, you can't.
Indeed, who the hell does know what they'll do to Fables? Not you, nor I. You shouldn't be so certain about your disliking when you don't even know anything about how they're going to approach the game.
Walking Dead? Not my cupa tea... Fables sound intriguing though, first I've heard of it.
I ask myself that a lot lately. Honestly, I'll probably just ride out Back to the Future and be on my way out. This company has gone from the one I most love to the one that most sickens me in a surprising amount of time. I feel sorry for the few elements still working with this company whose work I continue to enjoy: Jake, Ryan Jones, Jared, and a few others.
Shows badge of "Regular Fables Reader & Fan"
Waiting for details...
Zynga is a company that runs exclusively on ripoffs of other games. They'd make their own monkey island game and call it Isle of Primates or something.
Also, that was hardly the point.
Do you also frequent the forums of these other companies, spreading your unique brand of pompous, humourless, whining negativity, as you do here?
If so, do you come across to other members those communities as a bitter, angry and generally unlikeable human being too?
You liked Wallace & Gromit, right? I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who worked on that are still at Telltale. Either way, I don't see why you feel sorry for them just because the company is producing games you don't enjoy.
Why is it that when anybody accuses someone else to be bitter, angry, and generally unlikable, it makes themselves look twice as much so?
Great question, I have no idea.
I'm going to hope that they snap out of it once they're done trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator of the Back to the Future audience, but I don't think I'll be sticking around if they deliver two in a row like this.
Yeah, put me into the "wait and see" category. Gone are the days when I could pre-order a TTG game and have absolute faith in its quality.