Just wondering, is/has anyone entering/entered the Exile/Vilify contest? The winning video becomes the official music video for the song, and they win a pretty darn big prize pack from Valve. My earlier plea on the "Whatever's on your Mind" thread looking for a skinny guy who doesn't mind getting covered in paint may have something to so with it. I don't want to spoil what we are doing, but it involves stop motion animation and a LOT of paint.
Yeah, I'm double posting. But I made Chell's jumpsuit. As a yukata (summer kimono worn at Japanese outdoor festivals) In about three hours. While doing my Econ homework.
I'm feeling pretty awesome right now. 'Specially since I got a full week ahead on my homework. Unfortunately, I still have real work this week.
EDIT: YES, It's reversed. I took this photo in a mirror.
I don't think there are enough internets to give you for this. I need to find a printer big enough to make myself a nice framed poster of this for my wall.
I don't think there are enough internets to give you for this. I need to find a printer big enough to make myself a nice framed poster of this for my wall.
Ummm... I used this chocolate cake and icing recipe, baked the cake in a round spring-form pan, cut the cake into two layers, filled the middle with crumbled Oreo and cherry pie filling, and topped with the ganache and more crushed Oreo. The white is white decorator frosting, and I saved eight cherries from the can of filling.
Ummm... I used this chocolate cake and icing recipe, baked the cake in a round spring-form pan, cut the cake into two layers, filled the middle with crumbled Oreo and cherry pie filling, and topped with the ganache and more crushed Oreo. The white is white decorator frosting, and I saved eight cherries from the can of filling.
No, I think she's going to add the optional ingredient, deadly neurotoxin.
You know, it's funny you should say that because I routinely work with a deadly neurotoxin in the lab. And every time I have to use it, I hear GLaDOS taunting me...
Don't forget garnishes such as:
Fish shaped crackers.
Fish shaped candies.
Fish shaped solid waste,
Fish shaped dirt.
Fish shaped ethyl benzene.
Pull and peel licorice..
Fish shaped volatile organic compounds
and sediment shaped sediment.
Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish.
Don't forget garnishes such as:
Fish shaped crackers.
Fish shaped candies.
Fish shaped solid waste,
Fish shaped dirt.
Fish shaped ethyl benzene.
Pull and peel licorice..
Fish shaped volatile organic compounds
and sediment shaped sediment.
Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish.
So... today we started setup for my group's entry in the Exile Vilify contest. I'm not going to show you everything (spoilers!) but I will show you our Doug Rattmann and a piece of his studio, one of our sets.
Noticed it's got a new achievement today as well. I probably would have finally got this if I hadn't have bought the 6 games over the past few days. But that's the way Steam sales happen.
So... today we started setup for my group's entry in the Exile Vilify contest. I'm not going to show you everything (spoilers!) but I will show you our Doug Rattmann and a piece of his studio, one of our sets.
Looks cool. I've been toying with the idea of doing a Doug Rattmann costume for Pax East. Not sure if I'll go through with it, though, since I basically already have more costumes than there are days of Pax.
Also, the achievement hit with only two days left in the event, one of which I was stuck with company all day, which unexpectedly turned into a sleepover when her car broke down.
yeah I heard of that.
Another wii/playstation move controller.
I kind of want to play the levels to see what all do I need motion control for.
And yes, I used the cover of Lab Rat as a guide, but this was all painted in gauche with linseed oil and a paper towel.
Nobody needs to MAKE you look bad.
Ouch. Dashing, I think you just got burned.
That is some consolation, I suppose. Go get your cake, Dashing. Get it now.
(We did find someone)
I'm feeling pretty awesome right now. 'Specially since I got a full week ahead on my homework. Unfortunately, I still have real work this week.
EDIT: YES, It's reversed. I took this photo in a mirror.
I listened to the entirety of Wheatley quotes on youtube, spoilers all over the place, but I did enjoy it very much.
I don't think there are enough internets to give you for this. I need to find a printer big enough to make myself a nice framed poster of this for my wall.
I regret this decision.
I have listened to them all as well, Stephen Merchant does such a nice job.
Do ittttttttt.
It's chocolate flavored with cherry Oreo filling.
...Can you post a recipe for this? Please?
Ummm... I used this chocolate cake and icing recipe, baked the cake in a round spring-form pan, cut the cake into two layers, filled the middle with crumbled Oreo and cherry pie filling, and topped with the ganache and more crushed Oreo. The white is white decorator frosting, and I saved eight cherries from the can of filling.
Thanks! I think I might try to bake this!
Be afraid, everyone...be very afraid...
...Why? Are you going to bake it Wheatley-style, with half a turret sticking out of the cake?
No, I think she's going to add the optional ingredient, deadly neurotoxin.
You know, it's funny you should say that because I routinely work with a deadly neurotoxin in the lab. And every time I have to use it, I hear GLaDOS taunting me...
Fish shaped crackers.
Fish shaped candies.
Fish shaped solid waste,
Fish shaped dirt.
Fish shaped ethyl benzene.
Pull and peel licorice..
Fish shaped volatile organic compounds
and sediment shaped sediment.
Candy coated peanut butter pieces, Shaped like fish.
Sounds fishy. I'll have to get a second opinion.
Looks cool. I've been toying with the idea of doing a Doug Rattmann costume for Pax East. Not sure if I'll go through with it, though, since I basically already have more costumes than there are days of Pax.
Too bad pinning down a co-op partner is the hard part.